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tv   The Chinese Letter  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2024 7:02am-8:01am CEST

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and how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking, these are modern men because if we do too much at one patio wrong mess, things up risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary, the dream of revolution dictates as the most uh, was full asset. that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara society. i imagined we would change the world. tens of thousands of messages from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream. it was simply a spirit of optimism where we encouraged each other so many things were suddenly
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imaginable. their idealism missed it and make it a dream of revolution. thoughts, july 20th w, the dear anonymous. i am a french journalist and filmmaker. let me tell you how we discovered your story. it's thanks to 2 women, 2 friends. without them, your voice might never have reached us. it was 2015 in paris. one of them had
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planned on taking a pregnancy test. they will never forget that day. that's only take the one that's cheapest to. ringback the case, what is that with the needs, right? so with the, the 2 of them entrusted me with your letter, your cry for help. you wrote it in prison in the chinese city of changing anonymously to protect yourself. your testimony offers a rare insight into chinese prisons and shows us that forced labor on a grand scale does not affect the week or is alone risk in your life. your right
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difference. are you aware of that while you leave your quiet lives, chinese prisoners and changing work 12 to 15 hours a day. the here we go hungry. we get only 5 to 6 hours sleep a day. people with different political opinions come late charges, criminals and magazine with prisoners. the police collude with solemn boxes in the minds of the officers, the using, able to control easily and violence, to control violence of a nail yours. i wanted to sign this letter, but in my life would be in danger or challenge. it would be good if i could die quickly to locate that whole head on this someone called you in a space. and roy, so you should never be published in china because they will tell us
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only to find out which person broke this the table. kenneth, you finish with the words you friends. thank you for your compassion and sympathy. please help me. thank you very much. signed from the prison into engine china. the are you still a life request? we have alluded to probably have traveled thousands of kilometers with your letter and met with former prisoners to understand your story. and your connection to us the this report is a response to your words, which must not go on. heard the,
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the 1st witness i met was imprisoned in 2014 like all prisoners in china. he suffered from in humane prison conditions and had to do forced labor well. unbelievable. when a conduct 1st arrives in a prison, the police tell you clearly that strictly speaking, you are no longer a human ad. so it's, it's, it's hard breaking it's heartbreaking to, to, to, to,
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to read, to read this letter. because having had that experience, i can, i can see it in my own eyes. i can see those, those, those moments of, of despair. the this footage shows mario's bound, it was returned to romania after 8 years in prison in china. his country campaign tirelessly for his release. mario's was convicted of fraudulent business practices in 2014. even though he's an english teacher. he has always denied the accusations the that was there exactly 8 years. and if you break it down, it is a is,
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comes down to 2022. so i came up with this idea that one's old one. so i'll go back, i'll go on coverage. i'll walk one kilometer for each day i spent there. this is main point of my pilgrimage. people find out about what china really is what they're doing to their own people, what they're doing to the foreigners, how they behave in prison with with prisoners, the forced labor, the tortures, the, the, the killings that are being perpetrated. there every single day of the i met peter humphrey who had put me in contact with maria's in the london southern bozeman had been sent to the same prison in shanghai. peter
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had been working in china on behalf of western companies and was suppose to carefully check the reliability of their partners on site. this is known as due diligence. during his investigations, peter became too curious about a member of the chinese communist party. the reaction was not long in coming. any time peter and his wife were arrested the trial and they're forced to confession with broadcast on television. the couple of were sentenced to 2 years in prison and released in 2015. like you, dear anonymous peter, has experienced prison firsthand and i was taken to a detention center and thrown into a south in the middle of the night. like a 3 a i'm in the morning was 12 prisoners sleeping on the floor of this. so i'm
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brought lights and it was, it was a shock. it was a tremendous shock control now. and so this very day. now, i often have a flash back of that particular moment when i arrived in the south because it was absolute horror, the test, the gross as it contains some documentation. and then here we have a i don't think this is supposed to be here. so this is a handwritten, lesser is a play to the world from a prisoner in jungle attends in today. that's china tends in prison. this is genuine. i can see it's genuine. i know that intends in there are about 10 or 12 cousins who is the other prisons
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intends and have more complicated names named off a district swear. this prison is a low cases. so i'm pretty certain that this is the tension municipal prison that he's referring to. thanks to peter. i have my 1st clue as to where and change in your prison is located. the engine is in northeastern china, around one from 1030 kilometers from beijing. the city has more than $10000000.00 inhabitants and is known for its pharmaceutical industry and its huge port which facilitates global trade. the
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11 prisons are set to be located here. it's unclear exactly how many presents there are across the country. many are kept secret, the we drove to change in the city. prison was once a well known building in the city center, the the only a watch tower and the outer walls. renee, the prison, was demolished, and the hospital was built in its place. the a memorial tack indicates that the prison was moved to another location. the new address is not listed in any registered. the finding the or not it was proving more
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difficult than we thought the yeah, i remember that. i remember that for sure. what do you see here? this square are the balance of the prison. these are the administrative offices in front of the secured area. is this and more than half this entire area here are factories these, this tiny little area here are the housing units. from monday to saturday, there were a truck after truck coming in, going into the factory area here,
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and truck after truck of going out. right, so it was sort of like a highway. we're joking with each other because being housed here, we can see old days, trucks coming in and all these trucks going out all the time. there were lines i was extremely disappointed to see for a, here's that most of the work that we would get. there were western companies. you know what mario's is talking about in your letter. you tell us that the police work hand in hand with the prison system. you write about the labor accounts, the allow guy, the true means reform through work and re education. the camps were set up at the beginning of the people's republic and had 2 goals brainwashing, enforced labor introduced under mount say don't allow guy were intended to silence
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anyone who was born in the side of the region. millions of men and women lost their lives. slave, laborers and mines, tories and farms. 70 years later, you, dear anonymous or proof that these camps still exist. and this even don't allow guy were officially abolished in 2013 the gym. she martin the out was a member of the level guy research foundation. the 1st us based engineer to find
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the local guy system the as an employee of the local guy research foundation. she collected the statements of former prisoners, like you, dear anonymous and published on she knows your story well. in the 10 years where i worked there, we published over 13 books. we collected lots of materials about the prison system in the eyes of the ponies prisoners a meal worth tools and money making machines. when our prisoners make
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mistakes apart from beatings and cursing, officers punished the prisoners with electric batons to give out electric shocks and the even stones and was electric buttons when they don't work hard enough of the i think is really very realistic in the present or it's just that it is not allowed to use torture. but this just on the paper. it's in the, in the reality of the prison office to use all kinds of torture. and he mentioned the electric baton. i know that there's one book here that it
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is said that they used to electronic electric baton to heat to as sometimes if they are really angry with one prison prisoner, they put the electric bad to in your mouth so you lose all your teeth. the dma, as he calls himself, makes no secret of his criminal past. in 2019, he was arrested in shanghai for credit card fraud and sentenced to 2 years in prison. he was in the same prison as mario's and peter, where he refused to do any forced labor. dina paid dearly for this. they have like
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special us band of port channels. so when you tie 2, they have special table. was a special wells. most like you will see in movie for, for chrysler, people small stronger, see a way on your own, you'll tell the stable special tables. and they tie to your thoughts or she are here. here is your hand to your legs. everything and you type labels without any moment. and file a, exist through this. i refused to take foot across the impossible to take for they, but they see to the future. and that if you're still in the, i say, i'd say why your, if your students, i said because i cannot use toilet this, why are few street because i know wants to be cumulative. so you can you imagine
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if of a truth me a live diesel? what can do is trying this. i am talking about the this european business man has not forgotten his experiences either. by now he has built a new life for himself in bangkok, back in 2011. he was convicted of commercial fraud and spent 8 years in chinese presents the like you dear anonymous, he won't reveal his name. he may be free, but he's still afraid it brings back memories. so all of that is true of people with different political opinions as completely charged as criminals. that
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could indicate that he is against a system that most people that wealthy people, most people in china right against the system, but that's the font size the he was subjected to forced labor for 8 years as he describes the production process in prison through the eyes of a business man, he would never actually building something from the thoughts of a fish. i mean, each job kind of lost a, a minimum of one month. and then once he was finished that i to continue with that opening something you i think the longest was the tax, the close tax for the companies i see. and i there's a lot of screening that i need to do before with companies. so you have the phone company and they belong to have to have an agent,
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sorry to have the middleware and kind of thing. but so we are using between the foreign company, the screening company and the prison type. it is very complicated. if you've got taken companies that are giving you the site or willing to a few $1.00 per unit, and then all of a sudden you've got another one that's a little pool that 50 you know, can investigate. the the serenity test is one of the cheapest pregnancy tests on the market, sold by almost 8000 pharmacies and friends and in 30 countries worldwide. the company name on the packaging is b. c t. system company limited. the test can be found on the official corporate website. the company distributes all types of tests worldwide, including cobra tests. b, c,
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cheese official address exemptions in the packaging in which you have hidden. your letter only says judge and the 2 cities are over. 1800 kilometers a part finding you is like looking for a needle in a stock. a b c t website list form or a house administer, which in john as the company patron. he was the official who introduced china is one child policy in the 19 eighties and ensured that millions of women were sterilized or forced to have abortions. she is the only politician named on the website despite being dead over 10 years. the
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i don't think it's a surprising our former minister will be somebody who is running our present enterprise, present laboring enterprise. because any business in china, it's a, it's only assessed by the grace of the political power. so obviously it's minister, we have close association with political power. so money really, you know, it's a, it's means nothing in china. political power trauma is everything else. my name's desmond shaw. i am complicate a live boy and shanghai grew up in hong kong educated united states and i spend 20 years in paging doing a investment at real estate development. we are very closely associated with the premier when job i was family, we are the business partner,
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essentially she's been paying is less friendly towards the private sector than his predecessors. he sees it as potential opposition under the pretext of fighting corruption. officials are stepping up in prison and doing away with chinese entrepreneurs. even westerners are no longer spared. she didn't paying has role that policies introduced by dang, job paying in the 1980s. shop, you know, framers you say, you know, getting well for this course. right? so for a long time and even today for a lot of people in china, it's like any way to get wealthy is glorious. and so i, i use my association,
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i close and as the political power for personal profiteering. and then in this case therapy, some people has a closer association with the present system of china. and now they use it as part of their personal property or in the law guy. survivors can be found all over the world. jenco khan slipped to the us in 1993 and was the 1st to expose the level guys work for foreign companies. as the leader of the democracy movement in shanghai, jenco khan was sent to prison and wrote a letter from their crony for help. like you, dear anonymous,
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he denounced, forced labor hunger and torture. thanks to an end you, his message reach the united states. the was part of myself to be the 1st one to expose the crime. we are forced to 2 weeks artificial flowers to plot a stand the official flowers, the going to china on. so this is a face i was spending there more than one half us. we have a total process. the time we move through is kyrie and more students to they both
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kind of go to the boat and it kind of move away on the evening. we do our vision, flowers, entries to 6 hours. now they've put us. i'm rushing here before i can see these questions, maybe after a party. so here's the change of assessing. but these look like the same or i almost lost my life. i still have an assumption. what else left in the library process like this though, and for them, and the same way that or someone beautiful this. i didn't lose my life as our web. so i would however, i found the even the products for export and was angry, not understanding. it was angry. i was determined to tools x, causing it to tow. prepare with the inside. i spend some of the day. why do we have to we know on the enjoy for the products, the
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us as a bigger home health issue. she helped explain to me what life less like and accounts the conditions are very similar to what we're hearing about today. and this is such a strong, how long this was about the with the sort of general con amelia hang published a book about forced labor in china in 2019. she went under cover in china housing as a business woman and establishing contact with several prison companies that's trying to the site and pretended to working with the manufacturers and, and wanted to source on this facilities. i talked to the guards and say, hey, i like to buy products for me. i work with a major global supplier. and they said this great, 1st of all,
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a lot of products here. please a welcome to take a look. while there's no hard numbers because the chinese government doesn't release reliable statistics limits and millions of people who landed this land per cans are largely political distance pro democracy activists for justice. it ends from has human rights lawyers. the may just have the i decided to follow a truck that looked at i have a chance to search supplier. the next truck name was the star city of the products that they made. the face can expect very wide range of
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products from artificial flowers that we may or may not need to buy to be from pharmaceutical products that were made in our lives. i mean, when i follow these trucks, i found that they were working with they were producing products that were being sold for major and global brands like apple, amazon. and i think if i can show these direct connections, then these, these brands have more resources than a single journalist eyes. and they can to the,
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it's striking to me about this letter is that this a pregnancy test is supposed to symbolize the beginning of life. you know, new life and here it was manufactured by someone who is in between life and death, just barely holding on and they're begging for a new life as well. a chance to live. yeah, that's terrible. uh, i can makes 3 basically judgment number way this person is that where educated as an a he went in to college. number one, number 2. this is a party for prisoner because a he said that even has a defendant's, a penny facing. and that can be treated as a claim their crime ser, uh a hi kind of say maybe to a certain impossibilities. he's a man but it was started possibly. so we met the crew to be a woman. is henry i'm wearing ties to buy this head
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and they quoted by all my memory came back to me. you know, so 2 years ago. well, i see to encompass the patients that are kind of, you mentioned over the 30 years, changes to people severe so from texas of the rulers, dear anonymous, i was able to send you a letter to a political prisoner who was recently released from the prison intention this brave man still lives in china, and on reading your letter, he gave us further insight into the prison conditions there
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the your letter gives me the impression that the prisoner works. and one of the last links in the chain of the pharmaceutical industry like packaging. there are many such factories in challenge and in the prison where i was, we had to pack disposable gloves for export to europe. this seemingly easy work is extremely laborious. as soon as a prisoner enters the prison becomes a kind of robots. in fact, there are 2 types of robots, soldiers, and prisoners. each prisoner is just a small link and a complex production chain. they're expected to behave like machines working at high speed. every day from morning to night. almost nonstop, the
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masks gloves, tests packaged up in prison. i followed the trail of these products from changing and came across the website of a chinese wholesaler showing the connection between b c. t. system mentions in and junction. it's a company called re care. one of the products is changing based company manufacturers is the serenity test according to its own dock, mentation. it uses b. c. t's patton's, $24.00 us cents per piece. that's the price for which prisoners work themselves to the left to meet you here. here is, did i come from and it's many promotional videos, re care promises unbeatable prices and delivery times on the company's website. pictures of the production hall and sales department are shown in an english
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re cares, address isn't changing. we wanted to verify that the we went to building number 13 dash 3. there's no sign and no logo. it's a residential area. there could be offices behind the store, but there's nothing to suggest that there's no production facility here. another indication that the test was packaged in prison. it's another clue. this product came from the allow guy, the
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dear anonymous. your story is also the story of trade relations between our countries. one full of contradictions. on the one hand, there's the e. u parliament, offering strong support for the wheat goes on the other. there's the e u commission negotiating an investment agreement with china, which has not yet been ratified. it's a double game, according to hind hot, pretty cool. the chair of the delegation for relations with the people's republic of china, a former australian prime minister was as to what has been moved to meeting australia's trying on policy. and he's at 2 words, greed and fear. and um
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i don't think that in the european case, fear has played such a prominent role. but the breed obviously pass the the letter reminds us that it is not sufficient. just to talk about the fate of the tibetans or the week worries or the way or the models we have to address a system that is, is built on the basis of this risk bank for the most fundamental human rights, the since 2021.
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the u. s has been trying to put trade with china on an ethical footing. the 2 countries are engaged in an open train or a law passed by congress age to prevent goods produced with forced labor inch in john the province at the we orders from reaching north america the we want those people to we garzon others repressed in chinese. you know that we do care about them, these like force labor and we said they shang, a clear message. this genocide must and now in china joined the wto 20 years ago. this week the world gave aging a blank check, and 2 days legislation will help right this
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rafael looks man was one of the 1st to stand up for the rights of the week was he's working on e. you draft legislation based on existing american laws for all products made with forced labor and for smoking. as soon as we need a simple trade instrument to ban products from the european market that originate from slavery or forced labor, lots of sampling services. as soon as its product is associated with forced labor, it's banned from the european markets here. it's not even a lot. it's
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a trade instrumentals for that's what we want to introduce our clinic down as soon as someone finds a letter like this and they should alerted the authorities who should pass the message on to the customs office in the country. this way, all shipments containing these tests can be confiscated by customs boxes. why do we want such an instrument? because we want to make sure we don't support criminal activity by buying such products. the slavery will only exist if it's financially profitable. yeah. okay. now if we support the system through our consumption, we're partly responsible for the existence of forest labor. that's all i can pay off the do not miss. i have been searching for your prison for months by comparing conversations with relatives on chinese social networks and satellite images. i finally find the
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coordinates of the prison. the when i see is shocking. a huge prison complex comprising at least 3 prisons. officially, there are 5 state own companies attached to it. the complex is partially surrounded by water. it's a fortress from which there was no escape. the you have an absence out here with a couple of entrance buildings. and those buildings would typically be the administration buildings of the prison. so these buildings and these buildings of
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somebody like cell blocks, every floor of every cell block would have this cool factory room where they perform this manufacturing labor that was assigned and my present shanghai. it was the same in my wife's prism to shanghai. i'm. it is the same in most prisons where the production label is working on rather low level products, such as packaging, or very small scale manual assembly of things. a prison like this could be holding a couple of 1000 prisoners. this is the 1st time that i've seen what seemed to be so many present campuses cost plus those together in $1.00 neighborhood. it is very clear to me that the time is prison system has grown exponentially, especially in the last 10 years. but a think before that, one of the 1st things that the season things that when he came to power, he spoke to his, his subordinates and said build more prisons. okay. and that's what he's been doing
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. security is much higher. the scale is bigger and the level of commercial economic activity bringing profits to the prisons has expanded exponentially. the we now know where you were being held and want to see the huge prism complex for ourselves. we drive to the south of lee, you in total, in the district. she change, we know we run a great risk of being arrested, but we drive on towards the prison. your prison, the security measures to main entrance are strict. we can stay there for
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the prison walls stretch for several kilometers. it looks even more expensive than on the satellite image. the we have never been as close to you as we are now. if you are still imprisoned, if you are still alive at all, the i just react to this and i'm a business fraud investigator who was to be to my clients, asked me to do things like checking on a potential business partner and fox identifying the people behind it and their background and their history. what do they seem to ensure that the risk of fraud is
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minimized? so it just through a representative. for some reason, i was happy to help because i'm interested in the welfare of chinese workers, chinese prisoners, and the wider population. it's being treated terribly by a regime that these people do not deserve to marry the daring on this. hopefully one day you will learn that this man's help was crucial. after 20 years of working in china, he emigrated to ireland because he no longer felt safe. he agreed to meet with me in dublin. your story touched him and he's looking for the chinese subcontractor, who is exploiting you. he is working in secret,
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supported by contacts in china, to showed us to very detailed reports with evidence of the links between the re care company and forced labor and your present point. gomez. is there a good grounds for suspecting fraud? none of the address is associated with re care in the commercial register and other official sources are industrial sites. they're just offices. this is the names of prison. employees are kept secret in china. but the investigator found out that a manager of the city prison and the commercial manager, a free care are one and the same person on the senate available in an old challenge and business directory. the contact person for re care is the same name as a female official of the city prison. a change, but her name position and cell phone number, or on a list of prison. officials compile by an independent source who i need to function
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. now the present engine was a partial sign to bundle the . our final leg takes us from one porch to another, from judge in 2 more se home to a company called as a t. the company has been having the serenity, pregnancy test manufactured in china for over 15 years to your letter during onto this passed through this warehouse at some point. it has now made its way back here to give you the amount. sure. no problem buddy to shy, speak, no chinese, but we have this letter. here's where it says,
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s o s on the back, don't use even though you have also sent me a translation of this document. this a document, i would like to point out that this is a medical product. it must not be produced in a prison getting by till february date that is strictly forbidden. so sick to my dad must come from a medical device factory. but certain manual tasks can be and are carried out in prison, c, r u z. those in please don't ask you so faithfully come on. like, want to talk to somebody else in the final packaging test. if i put you on the test is produced in the factory, i mean, however, packaging can take place outside the factory and that is possible. you could always and i cannot carry out an investigation in this case. the whole process is too complex is don't get, but it is possible with the packaging. yes, the safety up here on via and on. but actually not. we don't want just to the fact that products are packaged in a prison, dozen shots being sold,
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but that prisoners work 15 hours a day without anything to eat without pay. and that shocks nice physical. but what can we do about his name and name? i will carry out a more thorough investigation, but we can only produce these products in agencies which otherwise the price consumers pay would be $3.00 or 4 times higher and by that goal. in other words, the price justifies everything. one day companies will have to react, review their supply chains abroad, and commit to respecting human rights. this is what the supply chain act is all about. members of the european parliament have to days to debate and vote on the legislative text the your letter. dear anonymous could play a role in how things turn out the
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the consumption. we start with the committee on foreign affairs and a speech by, as i say, it looks month groups, month chef, could i do see the web, your colleagues that go with this letter was found in the box of this pregnancy test. let the lead dump a cry for help from attorney's prisoner who is scores to manufacturer products that are then sold in paris at by. this is what a world without has leads to where those are the most power bear the least responsibility. that'd be the fed please. that due diligence legislation is a major revolution. each don't throw, don't the weakening or rejecting. it is contrary to our principles. an interest we'll talk to you means we'll see. i know it's not the right shut down. everyone
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will have to answer for they're both informed of this whole, but the end of the amendment 8 who's in favor. there's a few who is against the key again, who upstage adopted on angels and 20 years after china joined the w t. o europe and the us are finally trying to put an end to something that may have caused you to turn on them. is your life or at least randi, a part of it? the vote is closed. the, the acceptance, the, this is the 1st historic step. we can only hope europe will take the next one.
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a trade down on all products made by forced labor. not just function, john, the 30 years live between your call for help during onto this amount of tempo con, 30 years in which a handful of women men like you risk their lives to denounce the chinese prison system. i hope one day you will find out that your courageous efforts were not in vain. the
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the, the
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good morning and welcome to my a parsons and i'm sort of meets the cosmo dutch 19 year old. and we'll see amsterdam go through his let's learn about how kinsey views life in this is mr. dennis, definitely my home. i feel very at home here. i don't want any young european amsterdam you are not in 30 minutes. dw mice was shaped by anti semitism and
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weiss journalist change or viewed, nelson mandela match robert and was friends with nobel laureates. nadine, the witness to a century of history. and then in 90 minutes on d. w. the get treaties really exciting. i didn't tell you to look surprised. hi, i'm chef now. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to the one that saw julie this awards. people described via olives from quarter key indians to keep close that even the local press vehicle. we've got a response to this process and the expected size of
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the, the coming 0 st, excel's 3 trans people stories off my right to the amount of size she didn't know if you need or dean leslie into here. and i wish i could list the kind of items are, feed us complex doors to have 5 each kind mean district supplies. and she does pull the offices from sense of the sofa to, to, to know. because as far as overboard to technical shows, 3 generations, one, jenny starts july 7th on dw, the some people don't care about me because they don't see my beauty. some people don't care about me because they think i have nothing to do but
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to be in people due to them. i am everything at home. they have food then livelihood that day by day i do so. and so does everything 92000000000 people care about me? me me. and now i mean the the
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this is dw news line from berlin, home funds ecstatic as germany advanced in the european championships. jeremy b, denmark in a dramatic gain interrupted by tending rain and lightning. we also have a match workforce. and so coming up in the program, polls open in the snap election code point france toward unchartered political territory. voters choose between a manual and my con centrists on the far right which could win a much.


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