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tv   Can I Hug You  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2024 10:15am-11:01am CEST

10:15 am
then i need to make your suggestion on this use social media chunk. it's very cute. okay, europe. today's coming up next are documentary series doc films. searching for that for me, for me on the team here in britain x, once you see again at the top, the next are the the the is it is someplace hiring key more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life. i suggested in cardboard, that's on the left side of the image and find out about bailey story. info, migraines. the of
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course, the, the ballpark that it won't cost that stuff. it's almost all gonna be fit tested. yeah. oh no, i didn't have, i saw i thought i'd be, i advise you about a year later we meet the value of each of the boss. i'm you know, say go daddy. oh, not to say that to go about the
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you will just wanted me to share unless i'm just about a change which has to be the show how to maybe get this out in the election. the whole clifton, she, me to, to finish and she will the best the home get is the full full time and you wanted us the home and also to for them to have to get extended us the home side of town i know owns. and if, if so, can you send me the dream with the city as my previous agent?
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the the the the, the, the, the the on the the
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the same to the shop is on your my goal was auction the, the, the, the it was i supposed to there any hard to dig up actually deal with this issue posted going to back to you there so certainly i think kathy should do to get to it. so mary,
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i have an invalid posted to my live i the mission which is another stability mercy. and when i highly doubt it will let me to and i suppose to contribute to our office hours on the table, sugar the society of a house or some corner will a storm the same information policy, the tennis outlet, a shoe size, uh national corner kitchen and the,
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[000:00:00;00] the
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me over amount of funding of title most chatted. that was on many of them from what that's for us. so here's what we owe them any time you shall have any quotes. you take it to then and i'm boot called to the whole shop. i knew that i spent the mattress on that side of to you called on the time more chat about the show here. give me i sent c d i g 9. how about it more than what you should need the you who you are though. i mean, you will do whatever you want, no matter how many ship 12 months, and then moving to come out of mission of i have have you shot knuckles,
10:24 am
the tombs of one document of stuff, when the mobile home showed immediate, i'm leaving an assumption. i'm going to email it was the hit that the meal the fake me, courtney. the issue that i wouldn't be enough to speak of equipment between the 2. are you 3 to assign, so you decided will scan under the name should i need? now how many notation we quoted chit a into full will start, you caught between a civic when you back into the shasky of math. but you know, then a 50 shift, right? you see that in mind, you know, close last time you kept your homework to. so 5, when i'm doing the most on the humble, gives you much track on how many are done one to 0, then i can get them out of that. i've the bush, she could between me as quantum. would that how to set it back to hug model good. that's plenty of, i mean i got i have to solicit for that. she was supposed to be going mad. 5, you needs the, a big man to hold on this hosting account until team man. my son betcha here
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is that if he has, i'm, i'm by to, you know, i'll go he, us, i to be default. you have um, by chance, ask whatever size, honest from canada to channel cause time, how many to filled out a month deals to man. how many? sure to data, wonderful down might have checked out of that. yeah. last that'd be s test in general. how should i have seen how many suits you would choose we it's in more than i've sent on to speed. stick it to him. i said, i mean, it has to hit the other ones that you functioning, told you as most flips the for dish with it, which has all the yacht. but here's the diagnostic. yeah. let me check a quick balance
10:26 am
. i'm sure you're comfortable the task. ready the all the office over the, the, when the and the nurse thing going to go off of i do me to on the bottom the night. yeah. actually over the yeah. all love with our give me one the mine. yeah. 10 of the system mentions of the get understood
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is do the for you. i'll be yours. yeah. your, you can just as a whole so that i may know might even go to fall on the full scale. the seem to convince, you know, travelers even during the funniest and there's nothing who you to have the 2 minds that you have to do with the other had visited me up to this, you know, but i just missed the phone on this last session in parcher control with a few man,
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i'm not sure how much the post isn't the all born. it has honestly said the half, so the mazda it was actually maps new. hey, i've. busy gone to the live going shout back the issue of our list of what else i got on one, those to speak to you for that would be only that they stay at home, share a tease me, the not as read me the that's the modeling jocks my he can now in the hall, what's the look of the surgery? and i have to on walter, i don't really, i don't see the the showing the booted w just wanted to see what the actual, the show of some past. due to number of jo,
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remember costing me the most do it to 0. that 0 the would i call them okay, that's the most of all we'll give you the solution that i've seen much had 9 will ship or the total was the big. what am i going to sell over to the baggage of hours? the student number 2 who was born, right? you have to do to go to my the number 2 was yours over budget. what you're the other the much. i'm a 100. yeah. i think i should have a sure trust case ready,
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because when i was left on the story, i'm tired by the way, and i slowly and the cast back the hush especially jamal mice will include that. you shall find the
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file manager and i sent you an address. then how satisfied on last friday the the, the
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the, the value of this with the cleaner. good. that's the comfortable one, the, the amount is for you. and so is your service as a loaner by your sister? oh, in sorry, send you the song, the new do you understand the? yeah, just some new the. 2 whole
10:34 am
typical reducing, so i'm assuming those are the, the, all the money the, the initial off i'm much, i'm, i, your, the for the, the, the 2 do started by chance. no, you're not, you're back to the wrong. but i should go to the status of one of them was one, was the amount back to the
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issue. the is that the most of what is that the best deal of the beginning with the interesting was the each that was the voltage of valuable much it pushed the v like who was the by chat about blood work, which is the time you want me to read it to you, joe. maybe what's viable. she came up, but i, you know, around about new york, the, during the past
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the, the, the, i get must move much. i get mary's vision given on the more this one best studies, all of the shadow at the germany. what was the that's what they asked me, that's automatically by total. who am i to should be the should, should because i, you know, that is that it's up to the job. one of our present has to be on your name. and then on the, on the, on the,
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on the, on the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the how to get the menu for 1018 by to whole by then as by tradition videos manage here. sorry. yeah.
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the then the choose that so initially they getting the same and then just as soon as they get this finished about my dish with the, with the show me to go by charge was option time should value by charge higher calling me corner level. but obviously to what they should by law guys, i shall know if i've got some corner
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the say national sunday school because i'm one of those origin. see, and i only get a jose nancy. so electrify me draft. i don't know how nice testing get us back out of the funnel with the short, typically darkish half is on the the
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one that ended up in the fix the situation with actually be ready or. yeah, yes. you with us. yeah, cool. yeah, i'll be, i'll be, i'll be honest. are you still by little little of getting enough of that for going the feed job the, the best thing to do is we give a little loose about what the
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the, i'm sorry, the fox. yeah. but she's just not home either, and he's consumer having the bag of the show. so i did. she only induced the there's default to do me shift and wrong fighters. it was the 1st time since it was not exactly sure what she was given for the sales force that you found was j. lead me to ask the mon only monday when i'm to blame you ask them janine, i just, i don't even use the restroom. don't worry so, but excuse me, can i have them do you, could you give me the keys to get it on the side? yes. so the notes, if that is the surface,
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the other 2 is that you not as yet guess not as yet to most of them. this is google moon and you know, i am when you guys. yeah, no, i visit, but because i know i find jean c as yet. okay. that's fine. you said you have to sun long. good to say, i mean joe, i'm just on the listing to retire name, so i'm pushing it. it was beautiful. not really know, but i mean just came out and get the bug more wanting to, to move to school. so a lot of us getting a lot of them to be the one that we have. we own the patient data bullshit and stuff. eastern catch. you cool?
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stone. k savish da da da da da is yes. so did you call in about noon? i'm assigned you really? no, no, no, no. i'd love to get on you sir. you will hear from me i was told last time, and then tell you that 5 of those whom i be off to your home was to go on. nothing be done. she will see you at least it seems that my son are you called advising me to i didn't, i told her about, you know, i didn't even call them you're doing all me. i'm you, i'm a hold of showing you the look in every each last visual young book more to he shows all the cool sensitivity
10:45 am
will hardly have one other. yes. how does it feel to the negro nissan service, the miracle deal as well. so those are 5 wanted your speed, you'd be looking at the latest one of them, some of them and via them. but my list i'm coming to has issues. it wasn't just the best blush. them also, i'm busy for them. i didn't name either. now, when i pushed the past to the service, you have the outside was there you go to the sheet to connect, but i can do a demo done. that means, yeah,
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you asked me to send it up to uh all the schools. i still have the triple spam business address. will this be with us as well? how long will it take to the piece of open up solution this reynando actually goes through additional insurance to the bed and then i've got to be sure you want me to ask them to have a car. but let me check a how many call, but let me check that was the what was the, what the ditch in for cheesy to how many it's and was that absolutely
10:47 am
no man as we move it about dish hold on how much patient care can when you're done with time home you by choosing a minimum to know something desk which you don't have to move it behind, you should have so i don't know for how you always have a time home this let's mechanical key movie a test that i'm working on. will you change it to the jets and kona costs on? have you ship? i to tell you what that to move us. that's what i'm telling. i'm driving here 7. by this time she was supposed to have it. okay. you a between the brand new you the tools and manage them. i mean, yeah, but you have all the more quoting actually i don't even just not from watching the whole last and most of this i will fish the motion to the arm to wish i'm with the numbers that ones over the houses. and then what about that of? well,
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i'm going to that too much kind of my home. she was fixing my mother. now. yes, i'm has decided she hasn't to wish me good sort of finish. at least, i mean, mona model when i move of some of my live am plus i goes, figure sure, the rule that this guy didn't months and i'm on can now the cdm says the new new data name got us in, i guess the boss of the house of the, of the month of those so needed just a little bit about on the list and the whole system was the one i was the last comment, the one that the quote team would give me. so i will be almost single hosted on your quotes agent on his sick time home who done
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a $100000000.00 store. the whole house was yes, we quoted to the town hall meeting, assuming leslie on her skin. some provided understand image of this to each of the features. i get the files and i guess the she was all she initially with the study guide you excuse me, by this piece of what you tell them, you call them equal to any month. each one of them was 0. click one on the fusion. i love that. i love about a kid that you know, they feed them with a mistake academy to teach english things with customers. i am
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a certain kind of move down because i'm tired of this thing going to and got soon as this is not plus, as i said,
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the show in the corner laws that me to the show that you know, that's why you according to sure there are 2, what was the civil huh. that's good. well, fed associated advisers here the
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the are
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the on the of
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the, the we again they need to what they have. so how to turn on that ask is eat about on the start as you know, hush. turn cannot turn on turn on, so he goes to the side of the and the shadow he to, to the
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10:58 am
or the the shift your god to life. and it did to, to you know, the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll be your guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really message to you shift in 15 minutes on the w. dangerous doesn't mean cake basing on sports is becoming more and more popular. for
10:59 am
many under estimate the risk that was messed up. i think diction. yeah. and we switched people how well generation full spacing, anything but a homeless game. the 77 percent in 30 minutes on d w. the do you know which should vc industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates? would you guess the concrete transforming business to live is onset, the bigger house, but the real new deal. it's just reimbursing
11:00 am
the watch now the, [000:00:00;00] the this is the, the news line from berlin, the snap election that could point friends toward on charter territory. voters today choose between emanuel and mike han, centrists and the far right parties, the national riley of montana the pen which could win a majority in the national assembly for the 1st time. also coming up the funds go wild after germany took their place in the


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