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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2024 5:15pm-5:30pm CEST

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as well, to get more news on our social media channels and our website dw dot com. i am totally online for many thanks for watching the i sorry. one on 6 time. so please come and see more people than ever on the worldwide in such an one. great timing is very hard to say. very difficult to find out about time on store in. so mike runs the arab world is outraged over the israel gaza war. said wait a 2nd. arab states also help to defend is really when you ron attacked to the
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surprise of many that was almost lim, i the nation took up arms to defend israel. can you imagine the domestic headache difficult? how does that come about? are and erik countries and israel and the nice they fight plenty of wars. well, yes, but sometimes even the greatest enemies become friends. so let's have a look at how they came to terms with each other. and what time us, tara, a tech, and to were in gaza, new for the unlikely friendship, the burning flags and slogans against israel has been coming on the streets of arab countries for decades. to understand what's going on today. we have to go way back from the get go. palestinians and arab states were against the creation of the state of israel as proposed. and the un partition plan in 1947,
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all eric member states of the u. n. and a few others marked right here voted against the plan. after the whole cost, many more jewish people came to settle in palestine. the formation of israel was supposed to serve as a safe haven for jews when vancouver young declared is really independence. in 1948, 5 arab countries invaded with the support of 2 more israel and one the war. the result was to knock the arabic for a catastrophe in which some 700000 palestinians were expelled or forced to flee. many went to arab states, such as jordan, lebanon, and syria. until today, the public opinion supplied is the stumbling block for peace in the region. for people in senator the tied to x that is a how much am i county as a journalist at the w. she is covering middle east politics,
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the memory of the i have people, it's like still stuck the pictures of other teams that are like the evacuated from their country and from their homes or like the cities everywhere in the countries. the war of 1948 was only the 1st of several armed conflicts between arab countries . and as far as the, the countries stopped by the policy of 3 knows no peace fields, no negotiations, and no recognition of israel as a state. so east, right. it wasn't even depicted on many official eric maps. it's all palestine here dealing with as far as the bus. i'm think of those for a rip, lead us today. things look a bit different. we get to that for most of the people, the sentiment piece of israel did not change over the us. there's still a lot of criticism and hatred towards this row and sometimes also and just
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submitted attitudes like these protestors calling for a curse upon the jewess as a whole. i mean, the receipts of williamsburg anonymous on this web has done and has done as an expert in foreign policy in the gulf region. he used to work for the crown prince of parade as an adviser on foreign policy and national security that sees um was very, very great deal of sympathy with boston and cos. it sees as well as the most significant threat as the most, as really the public enemy. number one in poll after poll, most arabs a post recognizing is ro, into normalizing relations with it. and this and the most of the is only getting bigger with tens of thousands of palestinians killed and displaced in the gauze and war. but that's not the full picture. of states often have the on domestic opinions, other congregations a place. so they're also worried about security and geo politics and their relation
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to the united states and house can fox the rock. and that's why today the map of the region is much more nuanced. these are the arab countries that have official relations with us ro, including the palestinian authority in the west bank. and these countries have been fordable, ties to as forever, or at least at some sort of ties before the latest gaza war. so how did we get from this to this? why did some eric countries decides to shift best dance with? let's start with 2 neighboring countries, egypt and jordan. they were the 1st to sign peace treaties with as ro, the specter history after the 1st erebus of 80 work egypt occupied the gaza strip. jordan gain control over the west bank nature annex thing it. but in 1967, israel drove them out. now occupied the west bank and gaza, the goal on heights and egypt sign i put in. so no sign i was important for egypt
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to stay in control of the suicide canal. one of the wells most important traits, routes, and then also egypt was suffering economically. and a lot of countries, problems, especially the u. s. promises set up to give him 8 and that he needed that because in that time he really wasn't a very bad situation. and egypt president on the west side that's got this out from the us for the price of making peace with as right. as we, as see throughout the story. this is not the only time the wes coulton, eric country and israel to one table. the camp david accords resulted in peace agreements between egypt and israel. israel and left sign i. egypt sent in the best of their to tell only after the treaty, egypt was excluded from the i repeat 4. yes. and egypt presidents adults was assassinated by fundamental this militant but even so camp
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david's set of process and motion. eric this for 80 normalization brokered by the united states. is rhodes most important ally? that was also the case for the agreement with jordan. the kingdom had long held back from england deal with israel, a head of a potential, the court between israel independent students more than 1000000 of them, then lift in jordan many in refugee camps. but when even the palestine liberation organization recognized as ro, jordan's king felt the road was open for ending the state of war with his role. his hopes, economic fruits, of trading with israel, and support from the u. s. there were peace treaties with districts us because those countries have actually been that's more with as well today. both countries and forecast that israel drills offshore. and jordan depends on water imports from israel. but the countries are far from being closely
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intertwined. now peace between the nations is at risk, especially for egypt, as is right, as we're in gaza, it's happening right edits, doorstep to approve the stress test floor of the arab countries to in 2022 more countries. the united arab emirates and the rain joined the club by signing the abram accord the roku and saddam followed suit. again, changing the map and attempting some to high hopes because this piece will eventually expand to include other arab states. and ultimately, it can, and the arab israeli conflict once and for all embassies opened direct flights to and from its right. and where is tablets? in 2022, almost 1000000 passengers flew between the united arab emirates until of these
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trade increased between the 2 countries. so economic benefits and the problem is to have us as an n i, the deals seem to work for all parties involved and that sparks the interest of another big player seemed by many as the leader of the muslim world in the last couple of years saw the industry, any politicians tightened connections is really media is reporting the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has made a secret visit to saudi arabia. 10 minutes. this visited also in public and not the agreement on the horizon again broke up by the us for the us. that would be a capstone to the a brand of the courts for israel, another milestone towards the new middle east, but no palestinian territories on this map. and facility arabia the crucial steps, not only closer to israel, but to the us. every day we get closer,
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it seems as for the 1st time read one serious. we're going to see how it goes. the chrome principal. i'm and then son. mine doesn't play the game of normalization for free. he wants a binding defense agreement with the us access to u. s. technology and the civil nuclear energy program. the sort of these uh, essentially a list of things that they want in return for an organizing relation to it as well . but at the same time, to solve these have once or twice very clearly, the condition that any move to ones normalization would have to include the reversible progress or under a reversible pathway toward state city states. but then on october 7th, 2023. how much the text is written east wrote invaded casa, and this put everything on hold peace and the solution for the palestinian question
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seem out of reach. so is that it's well not accept the. we need to talk about another play in the middle east contesting the ground. you run? yeah, yeah, because the leaders of the islamic republic have threatened 1st decades to erase israel from the map of the region. it's mendez's israel with it's drones, missiles, edits, nuclear enrichment program, that gift eric countries to they believe that the ron wants to dominate the middle east. is it support groups all over the region? this year brought some error countries and israel, closer to the motto, the enemy of my enemy, as my friends ended, made them look so strong. elyse such as the u. s, which has deployed more than 30000 troops in the middle east. on april 13th,
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iran attacked east ro to retail. the h one is for a strike on its embassy in syria. it launched more than 300 drones and missiles supported by its proxies in the region, but is really good help from several arab countries to bet night. jordan, the emirates and saudi arabia also got involved in countries such as bahrain katara into rock were as well because us forces used that basis there. some say it was the night when the mt. a rain in alliance took shape the exec data. it's about who did walked, remain unclear. it is certainly nothing that everybody does. would like to talk about they are walking a tightrope on the one side they condemn the war in gaza, in fear of backlash at home by being seen to side with israel and against palestinians. on the other side, the depend on israel's biggest l, i, c, u with normalization. first and foremost,
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beyond any potential a f, a gauge to be made in defense or economic cooperation with as well as 1st and foremost a political play that other countries do piece of the washington. okay, to get this right. normalization efforts between arab countries and israel have been going on for years, mostly for economic and security reasons. and to police washington, israel's biggest n i now after the october 7th attack on israel and either elsewhere and gaza. the big question is, eric countries will proceed with a part of normalization or not. it's now i think, politically, very difficult for many countries in the world to engage with as well. but at the same time, these countries that have established so this is a, this will have not suspended the, as a result of this one. everyone has, you know,
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watching and waiting to see how this conflict will turn not. no one is like, no talking about like finishing. is it a or like not accepting is a no, they're not is no, it's the phone is spoken about how to deal with this data to solve the problem that's for now, there's just hope that deposit can be found towards a sustainable solution. for golda piece rose and for the region was shaped by anti semitism and weiss, journalist awesome. she interviewed nelson, mandela mich robert and was friends with nobel laureates. nadine,
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witness to a century of history. one and the next on d. w. get to it is seen the nice thing and catch you. i get a malice me my input. i'm in the the call. yes. this is my form of storytelling. not only about myself but also about our cold. yeah. like this. all of the so you for the meal is also symbolizes mystical soul from the. ready ready


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