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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm CEST

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as friends with nobel laureates, nadine bore witness to a century of history and van next on d w. the gate to it is seen the nice thing in catch you, i get them out as me my input i'm in the the call. yes. this is my form of storytelling, not only about myself, but also about our cold. yeah. that this all of the so you, or just remind me of this also symbolizes mystical soul. some. ready the they wrapped for the rights of indigenous peoples
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and right against racism. they criticize the treatment of minorities with their art . they turn every day, life and authoritarian system into digital art arts on field visits for women from around the world with unique tales to tell. starting in peru, china post great game. so i took a post great game i could show in the middle of the pit rubin and days. this is where she lives. peruse, queen of catch your right. that's what we're not to. flores is now known as tetra is, the intention is saying which of her ancestors were not to flora's use? is it as an active as to in her music
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the bundle guns and get to it? it seemed the nice thing and catch you. i gave him malice me, my input, i'm in the end, it feels like many people are saying, hey, we're not hard at some point. so netscape that isn't that a woman don't see the switch out of my goodness and the most it makes us feel connected. let's get a come down the by singing it and let you all know language that has to be marginalized for a long time is i see that we resolve a we have finally wake up and then raise our voices together, o e, e, e. and some of the struggle says and go home to catch you. it's still considered a stigma for the ditch in this room. population in peru are now to need,
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learn to language as a teen ager. her grandmother's taught tough today. it is part of her out. ringback for me, which is comically need ups before the time on the phone. i mean, the parents made a conscious decision not to, to check to a yes. may this young game they were afraid that i would be discriminated against if i spoke to us and get what, what can we just call in it because many example who speak add to on including i mother a. so what i meant that me my mind, they feel the way they look at us. and we, i say the discrimination the nicole is to say that he's going to be messy on. and that is the one that i'm not the only one that means that there are many young people my age who are afraid to speak catch. why didn't you tell me
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a little bit available avenue? she makes is track records on and colombia with the traditional music of the peruvian and these lyrics deal with the climate crisis, corruption and again and again the rights of indigenous people. it's a fairly my experience discrimination, especially on social media. got to see me when i started or leasing my 1st phones that would look for racist comments under my videos that referred to me and my parents, i felt mean very bad about it. and the my dad is putting the guy in the impeachment, and the rest of president paid through castillo, at the end of 2022, plunged through into a deep crisis and triggered nationwide protests castillo was a beacon of hope, especially for the indigenous and poll rural population and were not as hometown of by a crew to the web protests for his release. the ministry and police responded with
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brutal force resulting in injuries and deaths on the light of mine when they killed the innocent brothers and sisters, i experienced it moves trust and it was terrible. and if way to see my mother and my grandmother's crying and to see that the price didn't report on it properly at a to this day, it's hardly ever discussed and loved them instead of just us being done with co terrorists and the guy and visited tassels based yeah, i wanted to capture that in the song. that's the gold in america you. discipline might is still in this to consume them really good. can see that even back in the 19 eighties and 199 to use the in ditching of inhabitants of i, a control were accused of being terrorist and belonging to an anti government
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gorilla organization. backs and civilians were tortured and murdered. listing for the i won't judge from yep, in my days, the smart way to file a loan, disappear the status on that soonest, the better, but he's on no thing out here and also to the most that it j. c will on mine definitely is behind china. spice that i need for new hi. most of the nick james, mama, compass, j. know we as how you with them is precisely what renata flores has set out to do with music and activism. now we're off to munich to meet a chinese multi media artist exploring the boundaries between virtual and real world. it's like being a guest in a strange world to of tokyo, a many place, one man, machine and other creatures into,
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into symbiosis. the works of chinese cell fe for the like motif of the octopus, named color changing unreal habits. there is areas smith surrounding the origin of the on campus. jerry, it's on hold, but it's not from this light but extra terrestrial. what are the so maybe up to us also symbolizes a mystical thoughts. some met so it meant 3 is the types of south phase exhibition. they are invitations to power level welts like here in the midst of the space to tokyo. seat belt is freed assessor on the 2nd life platform back in 2007. this is a digital alter ego china, tracy. and here is a home phone in the city roller blading with called mox probably for an examination of china's economic boom and crisis spoken to the public from 2
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a 1008 today is the future shown in a and b city. looks like it's due for some pick to rust. so what am i? so you can say a mass on sales and these media are in the future. they will serve as a kind of all key, a logical channel. it will allow us to understand what kind of media tools we used at what time. so you don't this amazing the phones the whole use. we don't understand how office 6 russell, so in order to or if you'd like to present in terms of social change and technological development on this. so we can say, well, not useful can go to taking the right box, cleaned up, fresh, the destroyed neighborhood. the officers document to environments by breaking up with fantastic elements full by documenting the fantastic the board, a town of men sooty, was supposed to have a new era of russian chinese relations. today, it resembles a does appetite to dogs. house pro is how so how is this your kind of as
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a child i was able to look at west and selling m c. for example, from hollywood. oh jesus, that naturally influenced my story telling to the center the publish it to sure you later in my studies. however i, i came into contact with surrealist from boucher to such as those by sending out and surrealism. and it symbolic language has helped me a lot in my search for my own to dramatic feelings on that. that was a great experience. i was gonna say that they don't 1000 or 4 how, how well fees on a seizure? why the about so function? and then even, you know, mind, let's say you became a utopia. so pay talks about the strict drop down and singapore and china joining the print demik in terms of strategies for coping. the office trying to talk to about a tropical haven that high above the city, the island of isolation became a beach vacation. and why not? the imagination is of to all the greatest of or many of us it was i saw the
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size saved on last on the show scenes as you phone say that during the terrifying look down as a mother, i wanted you to give out of doors and have some kind of alternative memory that was positive heights. so you can see jen, so i looked on this real whole size out. so we spent and looked down doing a kind of semi fuser video and buying process for right down the phone. so i'm going to go to you bunch, juan b o i o and my daughter grace also remembers the cause of time. so john, the usual think we'll see what that is when i did fear to wait. my mom sounds who lives on is it? sure going, looking 1st will be oh yes. it's the desire to play if that makes the works so accessible. like to spend mention field as accounts a point to digital overload as unapproachable. and i think magic as well as may often see, each one has an income in the here. and now you should have this all the way down
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one's own tune and ages, which is have no opportunity to interact with. works of all that sounds as with paintings, but you're not allowed to touch on them to as always a discipline to do the on a level i always a some distance to the visitors. so you could distance and my was you can fit another example playing with them high force. i hope that view is will end to my work. so i'm gonna swear you guys is a dialogue confidential to see you on when you perhaps some of them can even imagine living in my what. what as far as is it how cold you sounds on top? chevron motion was are usually driving. so phase work is always about the living space is real and factual utopias about the choices we leave behind when we've been checked into them. have met. that meant 3 is far more than a digital gimmick. it's an expert right?
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she wants. ready to denmark now to meet german author what size her life spends 2 continents and an entire century. ringback ready as a child, she had to flee nazi germany. she then experienced anti semitism 1st and again and 1930 south africa. she also witnessed a pos side. this is for me is unfortunately this was my experience from day one. so i knew what my attitude towards this country one interested in the some of them is who defies. became a journalist and an important voice. and the find the african independence. she interviewed nelson mandela metro. but to move gobby and was friends with rights and 19 go to my who received the nobel prize for literature in 1991 who device knew them. oh, she's a witness to
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a century of history. shortly before have 100. last day we visited in her new home in denmark. she needs through her or somebody over fee, which was published almost 30 years ago. the memories come flooding back beginning with her childhood in southern german franconia, with her parents. an older system ma got. this is m doff as as the only jewish child in the village school. i had a wonderful time with many friends, mostly girlfriend and, and, and, and jason, jason. this came to an abrupt end when the nazi ceased pallet in january 1933 for 9 just from one day to the next. i no longer existed for the teacher that he no longer called on me in class. when in the end, no one played with me during recess, please. oh, devices family live near him, the nazi stronghold, the jewish population faced increased discrimination here earlier than elsewhere.
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hitler chose near and bug is the city of the highest quality rallies. the nazis also ruled on the streets whose parents were aware of the danger. her father lost his job and as a jew couldn't find a new one unless it from a girl and unexpectedly provided a lifeline. this got the slice, i mean there were 2 families in south africa in johannesburg that we were related to. and one of these 2 families wrote to the head of my family that he had heard. there was a problem with jews in germany. and he said they were looking for white people in south africa. and he said he would vouch for us wanting to go through and so my father was able to emigrate and 1933 is. but right to book the on deck onto my thoughts out just one brand or i see those one the the situation in germany, deterioration rapidly, then you're in the grey slows. what proclaimed in 1935 in south africa to g.
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semitism was on the rise and the extreme right was strong. shortly before jewish immigration was made almost impossible who twice and her family received the necessary papers. the ships they sailed on was one of the last to take jews to south africa who lived in her system. i got soon realize those that they were not welcome in the new homeland is on this beautiful. i have to say that we went from one anti submitted country to another. i went to a very poor school in a poor district on was who i could feel that i wasn't accepted by my classmates except for one funding. and that was the same reason as in germany for the sofa and a just this, this, the said, the groomed law, the endorse them. how did people in the south africa find out what was happening in europe? the end is creek is during the war german jews were much closer to the war,
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knew what was happening creek, they wanted to know what was going on with this. so the bbc and other broad cost is, was sources of information about the war and the persecution of the jews. that the wells and who device and have family only found out the full extent of the horror. also the world, 6000000 mode of jews. many relatives among them. the 1st sadness is the town, but also anger and hate the us. her experience made it all the more difficult to accept the marginalization of people in south africa. a pos site was established by the states and 1948. it was the old story, terry and self declared domination. if the white population of european descent is on the groups via you know, do we have the right skin color? even if we have the wrong religion unit as who does after the war,
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the poor whites had at least one black employee eyes, despite their property for you, but they despised them in distance and they considered them on the 10th of us, there were creatures not for many people just landscape thoughts from the ships. unfortunately, i experienced that from day one, so i knew what my attitude to this country was like to leave. so this is sidney. my name, my understanding to be some loved is to hold vice apartheid was unacceptable. she started meeting out with like minded people in a cultural association here. she also met her husband and spice, a generalist. she travels and wrote under his name, rising senior opin media about the increasingly brute one person of black people. and then growing resistance. when her marriage broke down, who advice is real career? as a journalist began to me of the 19 sixty's, she met the young, nelson mandela,
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them freedom fighter, they said president, she interviewed him while he was in hiding the pa side regime reactant harshly. she was and also now to return to south africa from a trip room can you from i was excluded from south africa while i was in germany, it was a good story and then it goes from far and the don't know, it was only allowed to go back for one night to go to look in to say good bye to my parents. this is when my son was 2 and a half or 3 months old, hired time oriented, turbulent years followed. she lived in london and southern rendition today simply, they say getting expelled from this country to the african never let go. and her son, sasha, was always with as long as she was easy for me to go to a village with a child and get interviews to come. when, if i hadn't had a child with me, it wouldn't have been so easy as i have status. it is a woman without
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a child has nothing as doctors and pro or he can. this is an issue between 1975 and 78 who device lived in germany. once again working in the africa department of dodge, developed in cologne. as in africa. she was often the only woman in the job. for example, in this german t p program from 1976 in the country, but i understand about that. so let's go back to dusty this. thank you very to see a, a closer should clicked on dean button to the code and explain it to the section you on such help with the policy it is hold twice was only able to return to south africa again for the 1st time in the early 19 ninety's, following the end of a plus sign. in 1994, nelson mandela became south african president of to the countries fast free democratic collection. in the decades that followed, she wrote nonfiction books,
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novels, and 10 memoirs. she often talks to school classes about her life in 2005 who advice was considered for the nobel peace prize for head decades of commitment. she's also received germany's federal cross of america. and then finally, the country's most important to reward the south african order of the companions. on the, to conclude our interview, we all told vice way she sees how home today the split the front of the country. i never really fully left africa and i am but where is my home door where people walk in, step with me, mention people who aren't, how should i put it just focused on their career least, but who also look out for other people career on the dish oh oh man,
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i'm glad i got to know so many people who took sense seriously and give them that is my home dis, ends. this is, this is my 9 a month. the time to meet no go shot to america. in the south of poland, the source of her artistic inspiration is the world of the roman community. europe's largest minority. the subject matter of these images is from the realm of community scenes from their everyday lives and their clothes. people like the artist herself fargo's not that made good task, a polish room. the is part of the minority group through her portraits. she challenges widespread stereotypes about send t and roma in art items. uh then photograph. it's sort of when i think of portrayed certificates,
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created the right amount to pick to them in a stereotype of coal and exclusionary man. i can tell you my goal as an activity as to recruit, creating them for me and for us to give people back that dignity and the value of the big. oh, my gosh, i thought works together with women from her community in her workshop and southern colette. and before creating the tech style pictures she meets with the people she'll be depicting. the artist creates her motifs from photos, stories, and her own impressions. like the story of more than a member of the send to you from the netherlands, the present, or the 8th. i'm interested in her identity, her self discovery, and also her family here because what she told me about was her grandmother her grandfather had martha herself and the place she lives. yeah. oh, nice um i me so put in the menus caught it to fix the lives of roma,
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history of holding together and being excluded. and it tells the story of their person to some of the paramus, the nazis genocide of european roman my go shop. i mean, i got task became the 1st aroma artist to exhibit international pavilion at the 2022 and it's being our she shows her works internationally at the document and, and solo exhibitions. ready reaching an audience far beyond the roman community. i'm sure to ask. so also this find very moved by the responses of people from my community. i think it makes me happy that they like can't accept. what do i'm doing . it's also important to me how my office is received by the general public and the uses to education to convey some say consort will be, this is my form of storytelling. not totally about myself,
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but also about how culture my phone, my up of yours. typical somebody, all that this will all all take will sort of me following her art studies in crock of my goes out to return to her home town of china, go down in southern poland, the roma experience discrimination throughout europe, not just in poland, for artistic career, was not a matter of course, sometimes the, the, the simple fact was the time from the has made everything much more difficult. my impression of the otwell is that we will once i, the marginal long historical placed in the logical museum. and so that we weren't even considered to exhibitions until we simply spelt in working together with all the ro, my office up to $70.00. can you tell us the model is not that uses more than the physical material from her personal surroundings for her pictures. she
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also works with childhood memories and with stories from her own family the as every day and as personal as my gosh, how does motifs are they reflect the cross border experiences of a minority in europe, the cause of the knowledge and accessible it's much new use a, everyone should know when not some strange difference. great. sure thing mom is for you. so the mom we received them and as everyone else some was wellness for you and we have all history our identity are true and that to go full. we want is respect and dignity and good enough to that. and her art achieves this. it portrays roma as people not from an outside hers perspective,
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but through the eyes of a roaming that's in for this edition. we hope you enjoy the journey till next time the,
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the, the to you is my brother, friends, and this is my brother lying. where do you come from coming from the township? what do you do by fashion, originally and assemble and added comfortably on the got to home and directly to the wife wants to be off in 30 minutes on d. w. good morning and welcome to my apartments in amsterdam. meet cosmo dutch
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19 year old and we'll see amsterdam through his let's learn about how kenzie views life in the amsterdam and stuff and it's a my home. i feel very at home here. i don't want any young european, amsterdam, euro macs in 90 minutes on d w, the this shadows these costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed a scorched post tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here, the stories,
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shadows of german colonialism. extreme of revolution. it dictates as the most uh was supposed to have. that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara society candid, i imagine we would change the world tens of thousands of less to from all over the world, wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream. it was simply a spirit of optimism where we encouraged each other so many things were suddenly imaginable. there are the most efficient and make it a dream of revolution. thoughts, july 20th, d, w. the
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. this is the w use my from bell in election history in the making, in friends, 1st holding station as close as a member of my cos stakes his political future on seeing off of the populace challenge in the found right national rally for the president could a much significantly wake up until about officials joining un conference on the future of afghanistan's rights groups criticized the presence of the gathering in doha, accusing the taliban of widespread bryant's abuses. the .


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