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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2024 11:15pm-11:30pm CEST

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south georgia leaving the tournament as one of its stars having put in a sensational performance in spangled face hosts, germany and still god friday. that brings you up to date on all the international use and supports. i've been puzzled and we'll have more news for you. and we'll the headlines next hour here on the stage in the coming 0 stage itself, 3 trans people. stories is not kind items that feed us complex doors. sometimes some of the sort of additional chips possession of the 3 generations lunch, any thoughts? july 7th on dw, the chemicals have
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a reputation for being malcontents numbers to being grumpy. that alpaca is the best known for that high quality will codes all the most surprising that the expensive camilla di family, a spoke to a medical revolution. like so many medical revolutions, it began with a co, incidental discovery at the free university in brussels. the
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more precisely in the department of applied biological sciences. the search mon demands was part of the research team in 1989 headed by professor remo thomas. the modem is today, often recounts the historic discovery to students. i wouldn't give you the story of the practical sense we did. thursday, 35 years ago with the students. you all know, yvonne for the evening, frick. this did we did. bacteria are immune system. we generate antibodies against those bacteria. and so the anti bodies damien, bind to the bacteria and they're going to destroy the bacteria. the antibodies at key elements of the immune system
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that created specifically to detect and eliminate 4 and substances or antecedents, but got into our bodies. the, on the day of the discovery professor homeless students were to isolate and identify anti bodies in blood. but the cost didn't get tough to a very good stops. well, we have our students that refused to donate, blocked. and they were also afraid from the brought about that colleagues. because if mike, based on time in age of to read about dieties or h, i v, and they feel stuck in a boss for a stupid practical. so therefore, our said, well, you know, we have seen in our freezers some brought from a drum, with every blood from the one home campbell was used instead, the, the students got to walk,
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but they were in for a surprise along side the plastic antibodies. the experiment revealed of the anti bodies with the much lights am elect kid away and they have only the way teeth of 90000. and that was surprising because normally that's worse than ever seen before in human in rabbit, in most inc broker die. you name, we can, you always have agencies with the most of the weight of 160000 professor homeless students had stumbled upon a previously unknown anti body in a living creature. the anti body had just to poly peptide chains as opposed to the 4 in classic county bodies, giving it an unusually low molecular weight. the finding then has to be confirmed and repeat experiments. professor homeless used fresh blood samples from
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the brussels due to replicate the test but not just with the blood from camels, from lummus. and i'll pack as to the result showed that all the animals possessed. no, certainly the usual anti bodies. but also things really discovered many anti bodies scientist splendid with ease just the remains of a primitive immune system where they functioning antibodies to find out the research is needed not just mole blogs, but the whole campbell, they needed to vaccinate it. in other words, injected with an anti gen a piece of an in activated virus for example. then they have to wait and see if the animals immune system would produce a response. using these unusual many antibodies, the scientists had to improvise the zoo animals couldn't be tapped
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a 2nd time. we didn't have any money anymore. and there, for, we have to ask our technician that was brooklyn's to take a few outages in his luggage and to visit this only thing at the atlas mountain to immunize the drama there, for his own glee was a farm. but as long as it was immunized viewing drama, done summer holiday movies a few times. so we close at one year and a half before we have anyone for about how did the dromedary use immune system react? did it produce many anti bodies specifically targeting the intruder? scientists wherever, eventually able to test the animal's blood the message shown here used the color reaction to make the antibodies recognition of the anti gen visible
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the c or not. but there was no reaction that would have meant that chemical couldn't produce an immune response to the end of june to the vaccine, or they're going to the office and going through the next hour or a little. they'd be no point in continuing aria to the point, the movie the, the sample began to turn yellow, about half an hour into the experiment down. so it was clear, the mini antibodies worked antibodies attach themselves to an outage into trigger and immune response and eliminate the intruder . but sash moved to mind's made a crucial discovery when he looked at the very tip of the camel anti bodies. a variable pod can adapt to any kind of virus bacteria or on the on to gen and attach itself to it
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the modem and showed that the antibodies tip could be separated from the rest without homing. it's the minute school. antibody fragments prove can also need to be true resistance, but it's binding capabilities remained fully intact. the tip is what's known as a nano body, a structure that no you don't get access to the trigger and immune response, but to size resistance and binding properties make it an extremely promising tool. so medical science a demo officer. never forget something like that. it's like with both of your 1st child, but opinion if it gets it all the way, then his baby was soon ready to leave the university lab and into field research. but 1st session load demands and colleagues,
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remo from us and say see a custom on peyton to the discovery in 1993, giving them the so rights to commercial development for 20 years then they published the discovery in the science, general nature, the debut for the small calculate antibody with a detachable head for such as and to the birch trees around the world of responded among them aloud in most say from a structural biologist allow, who said begin studying the new antibody. as soon as he found out about it's the same way, they'll send you that form. yes. so to you at the end, it's here in march. see that the 1st and auto body structure was modeled in parallel with our colleagues in brussels, south carolina. we could see the sheets that gives them more to its properties. i don't need either precisely anything to them. or there were 3 large loops
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a bit like 3 fingers. so i thought that i could grasp the end of june key, so it didn't work. he's over new condo, i don't teach, and he knows even more now, thanks to progress in scientific modeling, but it's being confirmed. it's an atomic level that the know tips binding. paola is this precise and effective assess of a classic antibody. so nobody can book with the to 14, the english 9 o body like many protein 1st step is composed of various areas that are more or less flat, a hollow and bumpy, but these hollows and bumps. there are the bumps and hollows of the empty gen c. on the 2 molecules fit into one another and thanks to the perfectly complimentary shapes to their surface of, i'd like to know what that data. so 1st about the fact that they still hung on it to the fitness test that i've shown since that deal. and if we take a closer look at this interactions on that, if you look at this atomic structure, then we can see that the atoms really do touch each other of it as these relatively
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strong bonds between an oxygen that so a nitrogen after the binding, the entire antibodies onto the integer because of the surface complementarity is in nanometers. we're talking 10 to the power of minus 10 meters. don't quit. and that's the magic of natural biology. see for my mom to that. i'm not sure either that or given us either put in a to the tip is atomic high tech about a miniscule vehicle ready for use at any time of the stuff scientists dream of the discovery that required a large dose of free lock. the history of science is full of accidental breakthroughs over such that produced unexpected results from aspirin to dynamite, x rays, and the structure of dna. all these coincidental discoveries came from
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a mix of good luck and ingenuity, retiring phenomenon known as serendipity, the and the origin of this term is for this anti body. quite surprising. it refers to a 16th century passion fairytale, that recounts a journey made by the sweet princess of 7 dead and how they were able to precisely describe the characteristics of a camel the traveled to reach before them. the combination of count substations and insights resulted in serendipity. and now once again, the camel is the stuff, the cook,
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but the discovery of the cumberland. nun ability has also raised many questions. could they actually be used on humans work? therapeutic applications could be developed and marketed, says more demands prefer to lease the answers to others. your article here at the school. please get the to see what they think was too much of a scientist, a. and i didn't want to get involved in projects needed. it's a commercial product with with you. i wasn't interested them as yet. i stopped talking to me. i said, follow over. just you to stand on that with the academic movements has never looked back though he did keep to alpaca is from the adventure that really need you to now is to keep the gross and he's or should trend say, this is paco itself and that's a popular blackboard fabulous popular to call to target the 2 robots that are
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always escaping the bomb, the nice these to ruins, escaping from the middle of it found the night. the one is optic. i'm so it was in belgium. the nano bodies potential applications were 1st explode and semester machine capabilities came to lights. and then a few to the n t conducts research at the university whether or not their abilities with us discovered. in 2014, to begin to focus on the disease. that thread but still least still strikes it's caused by bacillus versus a complex and relatively on the study to bacterium. the, the 1st time we hear about um trucks is in the bible. it was the 1st flake of,
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as you just say, that it has been always there is, this is really affecting or warm blooded animals including us. so it spread everywhere in the words. and there are to be some ways to get things to infection by skiing, respect, sorry, and in the gulf. and that'll be in fiction, goes of systemic in the blog. and then it's really, really difficult to be treated. and strikes, infection via the respiratory system is particularly deadly, so deadly. in fact, the sit inspired biological weapons projects in the 2nd world war. it's nearly 2 weeks since the 1st contract tax in the united states. and circumstantial evidence is low, american is leading the authorities to investigate possible links between the anthrax and a solid. been loves, network 5 people in the us actually died from left to is laced with anthrax in 2001. so how can we protect ourselves for 75.


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