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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 1:15am-1:31am CEST

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i slight switzerland in the quarter finals into sort of next week. you're up to date here on the w this more on the w dot com. thanks so much of the my name is the polls. beck said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay, like good. everyone to king the healthy award winning called called the called back . why do humming does not get drunk. why do go to the tasteful waves, squeeze our bodies?
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how much do we need to put a stop hans? praying for help find beyond fis gets much on dw science and take time to handle the and so between the age of 17 to 23 are so 645 times a week by 6 it's, it's a shame they're good. they make money doing it. so you can't say much against it, and people up for it to go down. books should prostitution be allowed? sweden's answer to this question has been entirely different than germany's and
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which country is the situation better for the women involved. we explored this question in sweden and germany. the tim burks sounds poly neighborhood in germany, home to their vapor bond and its red light district. here, sex work is seen as business as usual, especially by man. i'm here it goes with the territory. yeah, i just, this literally screwed them. i wouldn't be able to stand that if my sister did the survey, then i'd say read somebody's this somebody shouldn't go too long ago and they make money doing it. so you can't say much against it. and people are up for it on books and sunk probably 6 is a tourist attraction that draws people from around the globe. there are even guided tour is of the so called most sinful mile as
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a 54 day posts here in san pablo. this prostitute sion and brothels, mainly over there on cool. so sky heights creates freedom street and the western part of the rape on strip clubs and sunk, probably also double as brothels. if you were to sit down for a beer, it wouldn't take long before someone offered you a room with a dance or a 10 2nd office in ocoee. in con prostitution is legal in germany. the goal of the country is the liberal legislation which has been in effect for over 2 decades. was to help the women involved legalizing sex work would give them access to services like health care and unemployment insurance. but it's had other consequences, too. many people from abroad now travel to germany to buy 6, including from women who don't sell 6 of their own free will. who like teresa, who comes from africa out of fear for her baby and her family. she wants to remain
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anonymous. she was brought to germany by smugglers. teresa tells us she owes these human traffickers, $60000.00 yours, and that she's supposed to earn the money on the streets as a prostitute. a traffic is to have a greedy nature and want more and more money. no matter what the goals go straight . have never imagined me on planet is doing such a job. if i have sexual intercourse with a man, it should be because of love. and not because of money, no cost. i want to pressure her. the human traffickers even separated her from her baby. not much that night they held my child from me. they pushed me and locks me on the veranda. they said, since i'm so stubborn and don't want to go to the straits. i have to be there. as a mother, i heard my child crying inside. she cried,
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cried and cried. and then she fell asleep. when i am not to open the door for me again to come back inside, theresa had been promised a regular job in europe. too afraid to turn to the authorities. she went underground instead, forcing women into sex work is a punishable offense. in germany. there are about 30000 officially registered sex workers in germany, but it's thought that the number of unregistered and illegal sex workers is around 10 times higher women's rights activist. nor a of us says germany has degenerated into europe's bravo. in her eyes, the german model has failed to do it for legislation, germany is simply supporting a system that's effectively employed since integrates women attends the men to commodities in one that gives sex bias and men the right to some combining sex with
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the woman around the corner so, so to yours. for eva's sweden is a role model when it comes to its approach on regulating prostitution. what's known as the nordic model is finding more and more supporters in germany has embark on sweden's south west coast. but he is on his way to an undercover assignment. he's a police officer responsible for tracking down people buying sex and his hometown people by 6, you know like 247. but we can also say in uh, an increase or a spike during, you know, non showers and, and just when people get off work, you know, between maybe 4 and 6. so the by 6 before the go home to the families. now
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we have the ip addresses, we're going to shift out in sweden. buying 6 is a criminal act to catch potential. buyers live, monitors, websites, sex workers used to offer their services there often from a broad is usually from the old. a states were mania and then south american africa for losing his colleagues. the sex workers are simply witnesses. only those buying 6 are prosecuted. in 2022, over 1000 people were caught in sweden. this is the 1st address on his list. this hoping to bus somebody today. so now it's just the waiting game. some crimes are easier to explain it to you. you've been wrong putting that fights and maybe you get something everyone can relate to that amongst them. but by and
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sex it's, uh, it's a shameful problem. in sweden's capital, stock home, there's no red light district anymore. that's partly due to z more text on the swedish police forces senior expert on prostitution 4 years. he's been campaigning for stricter laws across europe. laws like the ones in sweden, so when and we have to ask ourselves the question, what would the situation look like if it was allowed, if it was legal to actually buy 6 and to actually run the bravo, then we are most convinced that the situation here would be a tragedy because we didn't need to be so rich country, there's a lot of money to be be made from 1999 up until today and sweden. we have not had a single murder on a woman in prostitution. back in housing book station in various cars, mathias lube and his colleagues lie in wait the way of
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potential customer. i thought anyone calling, leaving a sex workers place faces a heavy fine based on their income. repeat offenders can end up in prison. the false apartments. so we're right on location while his colleagues bring the suspected customer to police headquarters, the woman is questioned as a witness. the man paid her the equivalent of a 130 years, which of later get to keep his jar. so let's go to take this where she was in this instance, the woman is not from abroad. the 50 year old swede was selling sex out of sheer desperation. she was trying to pay off tax debt for ex husband left behind.
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on the i own you trying to learn a bit of cash doing this now. and then during the day i would have to goals and on the clients often look around the apartment nervously. they know what they doing is illegal reciting to actually describe the customer for us. so we have the right guy. so it's a good, good best then a social worker who's been called to the scene offers the woman helped to get out of prostitution. that's also part of the swedish model. ever since she stopped selling sex finally day and has been trying to combat the idea that prostitution should be normalized. for boyfriend at the time, use violence to force or into selling sex. between the age of 17 to 23 are so 645 times a week
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a 3 to 8 man every day. she believes the swedish law is an important 1st step but says stronger enforcement is needed. but just because we have a lot of assess you, you're always allowed to buy 6. the problem doesn't go away. and all the politicians are doing is increasing the punishment from getting a fine to getting like a small prison sentence. um, but i don't the thing the men are afraid of getting cold back to sunk. probably in hamburg. we meet sex worker when dean de riviera. at a photo exhibition about sex work. the sweetest model would be her worst nightmare . it angers or that in germany more and more people once have been buying 6
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of these industries in places where the demand is prohibited, the customer structure changes. that means those who don't want to break the low might try to make do with buying less 6, or they'll go elsewhere. i don't need those who are okay with breaking the law will remain done. which means that effectively, you're only dealing with criminals. besides the homeless because lawmakers have made it that way, whether they put it because that's a good box thought. while in germany, sex workers themselves disagree over legislation in sweden, the majority of people support the ban on buying 6. but she has this back, it housing boards, police headquarters, the alleged client who's been arrested, it's still a waiting questioning. but in the meantime, they've finished collecting forensic samples of the sex workers rental department. i don't have any feelings. that's not, that's not what i'm working. but for them, the ones who buy sex, i don't feel very much actually available for the girls who is a put in
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a place where maybe she doesn't want to be. the suspect continues to deny all the accusations, but the dna sample would likely be enough to convict him in court. i believe tonight when me and my team, we go to bed and we look us else in the mirror. we think that we have done the different difference for someone today, and i think that's, that's a feeling we have to break down the game in small episodes and we want to win every small episode. then mathias lives ushers, the suspected client out. whether that was his last visit to a sex worker is on certain, even in the country with laws, as strict as sweden's, the bearing design and highly design. and on top of that,
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it's 100 percent electric. the new 2 products have a great out of folks marketing training ready to raise to the title of sports. he used to electric s u v road next on d. w. good morning and welcome to my a parsons in amsterdam home with me to meet the cosmo dodge 19 year old. and we'll see amsterdam through his let's learn about how kinsey views life in the amsterdam is definitely my home. i feel very at home here. i don't want any young european amsterdam, you're on that in 30 minutes on d, w. conflict crises. every
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single connection mapped out shows that you can disagree odyssey be on the board is what makes things to the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube, the we drivers made destruct with lots of love. so you could say it's our home and i simply am not i get a the, the few years ago the cobra bread emerged from the ashes of the seemingly.


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