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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from the lien for existing friends. propel the far right to a strong leading problem entry elections, jubilation, full, the national rally. it's projected to we in the 1st round lead to knowing the pin says prison in my cons. centrist camp is open, wiped out, she calls on voters to give her an absolute majority in the decisive final round next weekend. also coming up, taliban officials join you in conference on the future. all desk on this down, the rights groups criticize the president of the gathering in doha, accusing the taliban of widespread rights abuses
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the welcome to the program. i'm jared read projections show frances far right national riley has won the 1st round of snap parliamentary elections. the we informed the readings that pens potty equipped, may not president the manual. my crown has through shape halloween, the fall rise. the presidents, centrist coalition, was pushed into food place behind the lift, macro and cold divide off to the fall rights, crushing victory and recent european pmi elementary elections. the national riley is now sitting it sites on the 2nd round of version next weekend. or it's not totally the result the far right. we're hoping for. but one, they were sure they would get back to you, my dear,
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compact chance that the democracy had spoken and the friendship with the national rally and its allies in the lead and practically wiped out from the crumbs blog. looking in order to carry out the reforms that the country needs, we need an absolute majority. so that show down. but della is appointed prime minister by emanuel michel ard taylor, moving the pins process. he was all smiles as he welcome the results. i knew what the, what 3 weeks after the repeating elections, which led to the call for these early elections. the french people haven't gotten delivered of as sounding verdict and confirms that cleared desire for change or selling people from one end of the political spectrum to the other. a new, far less the lions in 2nd place. they see they are the only alternative re, gosh, was the,
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the country has to decide what country is it going to become more divided? you increase social inequalities based on religion, skin, color, social status, or where you come from your duties, you suppose young or is it going to pull together and be one people have somebody that is going to work for the common good unconditionally. no good. now, that is the choice you have the most according to the governing own solar or together piracy, frances prime minister issued his plea to the electorate, the public to declare our objective is clear enough to prevent the national valley from getting an absolute majority in the 2nd round from dominating parliament, and that's all some governing the country. but the savvy as plan it has in mind. i think i say this was all the force at this moment demands of each and every one of those has not
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a single vote must go to the national value and circumstances like these sounds you cannot afford to hesitate. i told me voters caspar your 2nd violets in a week and president my crone will be hoping for a different outcome and dw, easily civilian power. so use following these selections for us, we have to create a defeat for manual micron. i us to what, who takeaways, what as well as absolutely a crushing defeat for and my my call was hoping that we'd be snap election that he called just 3 weeks ago. and also the lack sense that was so happened to you in front of problems and across europe. and it, during which the far right made significant gains after that. the cool, the snack collection because he felt maybe because there was a surprise that he would be able to increase his majority. for now you had a simple, simple majority in parliament, but he needs an absolute majority to be able to govern. easy. now that really
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clearly has backfired. he has his policy and his allies has been crossed at the is the, you know, on, on place number 2 days the left wing allies that came together at lightning speed, really off to just a few days after and, and on my call had called the south relax and very unlikely lines between full parties who in the past had really difficulties to come together. but the found disagreement because they felt the rest of the fluoride was really great. so they came to go that came 2nd in the selection. and then obviously the fall, right, national radi one or they at least they seem to have well, on the way, at least to reading the most seats in parliament, of all the parties that are competing on this selection. now lisa, you were talking about an absolute majority there and that's something the file ride has this side says on in the 2nd round. next we can talk to us 3 by the likelihood and the implications of this particular scenario. well,
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as i said, they're really eating in the polls right now, but this is a highly complex election. it's not like, you know, this one, the 3 candidates over the, across the charges that territory, that 577 different voting districts. and it's like $577.00 local elections. that's what's happening here. so in each of these districts, they just have to decide which direct candidate we go to parliament for them. so the few candidates, if you doesn't come the days that has been based in the 1st round of faith and several dozens belong to the far right. national rally a few to the left wing, you know, last spring line. so the new will fall popular and then some from the majority from the, the presidential policy and the allies. but it's likely we're likely to see um in about 300 of these of aging districts that will be, you know, the 2nd rounds where you have at least 3 candidates. that's possible because as
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soon as you get to 12.5 percent of registered pages, you can go through to the 2nd john. and so that would be run else between these 3 or even full candidates in certain cases. then highly complex, it's really difficult to actually predict what's gonna happen. some parties have already said we're going to withdraw our candidate who came 3rd so that we can actually set about size of that course here in front of the crate this down against the fall, right? and, and so we would have to see what exactly happens which candidates will be withdrawn by the apology. and what that actually, what kind of like the results and outcome will create this situation in the 2nd round the facing next week. so that was the don't use least a lovely day dw, as far as the bird. totty is also in paris. that's where lodge crowds gathered off to the election results were announced. these are the scenes at last night to be in central paris after news broke at the far right. has come on top. in the 1st right,
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the front is parliamentary elections according to estimates. lots of people here say they feel hungry. i've been speaking to protest to receive say they want people to know that the far right national raleigh party does not represent them. most people here are young people, but i've also spoken to people of older ages to say they feel like they've been fight to the far right politically for decades. only to see them come out on top. in these poles here in front, no important to know. this is no way representative of the country as a whole. in fact, they are, we know the far right hand sports, essentially a what looks like it could be a historic weight. and so of course, this is just the 1st driving until the 7th of july, and the 2nd going back for me to find out whether, what really is a major political gamble for from the president, for that pays off or backfires politically. right, the budget. but it's out there in paris. he is
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a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines today on gary and prime minister victor old bond has announced a new alliance of populace european potties, the so called patriots the europe items to form a new firearm. group in new york pain parliament, austria's freedom party and the check i know group has also assigned a child to a few 100 people briefly till pod and the l g b t t plus and pride much in eastern bowl. despite the event being banned into a key since 2015, waiving rain by flags and singing slogans, protest as matched for about 10 minutes before dispersing when the police intervened. at least 15 people were arrested. at least i sang, people had been killed and several more wounded in suicide attacks. the northern nigeria, female suicide almost targeted a wedding, a funeral and a hospital. now group has yet claim responsibility. but the bombings happened in a region frequently attacked by the insurgent, group of buckeye, her um, sedans,
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rapids support forces side i have taken the key southwest and cd of cj um with this website, thousands of flayed department latrice, who battles sedans, regular army for more than a year, tens of thousands of been killed and millions displaced. and one of the wealth was humanitarian crises. as well, telephone officials have told delegates or the un conference to overlook the treatment of women and goals for the sake of improving foreign relations. the tools on the future of afghanistan and taking place in cash. all the rights groups have criticize the gathering for not putting ask and women at the table and ignoring the taliban severe restrictions on them. the taliban says women's rights in afghanistan are an internal issue. and it hasn't shown any signs yet that it's willing to drop it's hotline policies. he's more now along with the un and the taliban hope can be
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achieved during these talks. it wants to, to have a card signed for years ago between the us and the dollar bonds that hit that dollar bond to come to baldwin in august 2021 centers to the de boss. an assurance that i've gone this done would not become a safe haven, fucked editor. but according to the united nations, multiple militant groups including a guide to operate out. if i've gone this done and looked, have gone to sounds, naples that is feeling the most heat focused on with the bridge of gun this on shares a more than 2500 kilometer long border. save that risk attacks targeting its soldiers and civilians have increased since stuff gone down the bunk to control. we focused on claims. hundreds have been killed in these attacks. china, russia and others are also concerned by the threat of terrorism emanating from
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a gun. this done a dog in law school, this march guilty more than 130 people. the attack was claimed by the affiliate of the soul. quite slum next, the beast out of gone this done. but it's not only a tract of that it isn't that has the boy let it of gone live on of getting a practice like this, public executions them and continued to fist request. if laws not banned from public life goes older than 11 years, are still not allowed to study. and schools and colleges the un has promised that even though it engages with a solid on, there will be no compromises on women's rights. as the loop on me twice, officials many on hoping that the diplomacy may open new with for a more convincing dialogue with the dollar on just both now
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and football is 0. 2024 championships spanning not through to the round of ice. we the wind against georgia, the georgians got off to a good stock due to an iron goal by spans let no ma, but spain brought the match under control with country equalizing shortly before the break spine school 3, my goals in the 2nd half georgia leave the tournament as one of his styles having put in a sensational performance, spain will face hose, germany and stuff got on friday. and with this viable at stake, england have knock slovakia out of your eye. 2020 for yvonne, so on so scored for slovak year and the 25th minute. despite dominating most of the match, england only managed to come back in injury time with the help of g billing and how we kind of made it to one briefly into extra time. england will now play switzerland in the quarter finals and just hold off next week and mid field,
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the g billing, i'm who's go helping the and when the game spoke of his emotions off to the roller coaster match. and i think me adrenalin gets you, but it's a, it's a combination of a lot of things, you know, your timeframe that is an enjoyable feeling, but it's also a lot of pressure. you people to o'clock rubbish. and you know, it's nice to it when you deliver you can give them a little bit back, you know, easy. it's very difficult in press conferences and interviews and things like that too. um, the tool cause opened as football is wanted because they're always judged in um, from a football and being on the page score and goals celebrate. and his, my release. and he always may be a message to a few people but haven't very happy moment. and for the magenta, a. t billing a man. he is a reminder of our top story. maureen depends. national riley is on cost for an historic election victory and from the presidency manual microns centrist coalition has been pushed into the 3rd place. in the 1st round of forcing the pen sysmic, crohn's cab is old and wiped out in the cold on fire. it is to give her an absolute
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majority in the 2nd round. this more on that story, of course, on our website, dw, dot com. and on the social media channels at w, i'm jared rate info. and thanks so much the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on so really indeed, the snow on youtube. you'll see about the video that goes enabled, other data media, amiga, blah, google. i've got to be done by get, i will stop into that and i'll give you the order. would you, are you able to order that? i'm jo, media, dog or.


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