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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news coming to live from burly motors and france flocked to the far right supporters of the national rally celebrate their strong lead in the 1st round of stuff, parliamentary elections, party leader marine the pen says president mccullin's centrist campus all the way down she's urging voters to give the national valley an absolute majority and next sunday's funnel right. also coming out hundreds of ultra orthodox joyce band flash with police as they protest the court ruling. the entered their decades long exemptions from compulsory military service and rates used as
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a weapon of war, dw, meets with suit, and these refugees who say they were sexually attacked by members of the parent military, par, esa, and parts of europe clean up after deadly storms. scientists say it's another sign of health, climate change is making extreme weather more frequent and even more extreme. the hello and terry morris and good to have you with his friends and the rest of europe are coming to terms with the possibility of the far right. gaining power in one of the use most powerful members. marine the pens, national riley has taken the largest share of the boat with 33 percent in the 1st round of snap parliamentary elections in france. present amount of on that cons. centrist here in yellow trailed in 3rd with 20 percent behind the left wing
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alliance. it pulled 28 percent of both the call and his calling on voters to prevent the pol right from winning a governing majority. and next, sunday's decisive final brow of the it's no totally the result the far right. we're hoping for. but one they were sure they would get back to you. my dear, compact chance that the democracy had spoken in the friendship with the national rally and its allies in the lead and practically wiped out from the crumbs blog. looking in order to carry out the reforms that the country needs, we need an absolute majority. so that show down. but della is appointed prime minister by emanuel michel ard taylor, moving the pins, approaches. he was all smiles as he welcomed the results. i knew, look what 3 weeks after the pain elections, which led to the call for these early elections. the french people haven't gotten
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deliberative as sounding verdict and confirms that created desire. such change was showing symbol from one end of the political spectrum to the other. a new far less the lions in 2nd place. they see they are, the only alternative would be, gosh, was the country has to decide that the i covey. is it going to become more divided? you increase social any qualities based on religion, skin, color, social status, or where you come from your duties use was young or is it going to pull together and be one people have somebody that is going to work for the common good unconditionally high school. now, that is the choice you have the most according to the governing own solar. for together piracy, frances prime minister issued his plea to the electorate,
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the public to declare our objective can assume that to prevent the national valley from getting an absolute majority in the 2nd round from dominates in parliament. and that's also governing the country. but then the savvy as plan it has in mind, as i say, this was all the force that this moment demands of each and every one of the voters, not a single vote, must go to the national value in circumstances like these sounds. you cannot afford to hesitate. i told me voters casper, your 2nd violets, and a week on president my crone will be hoping for a different outcome. our correspondence, sonya fall in paris, told me more about the outcome of this 1st round of voting. i will tell you the big story here today in fonts was really those, those massive gainful default right, made in the 1st round to follow between elections, really improving on its historical school and recent geography connections as well . the french media here today, a calling it
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a shaw. they're going to get to the quick urging voters. do you know set up now a barrage against a against default, right. and for the person my call um, you know, he called the snap collection 3 weeks ago hoping that the recent trial of the far right and recent european elections and that would be just splitting that the opposite. this happened. his gambles is now threatening, not just to backfire, but is threatening to really offend the political orders. we know it's in front of rest. and my call yesterday me to meet a short speech and said, you know, that he was doing all the voters to now riley, behind a broad alliance. he said broad democratic republic in the lines to keep the found right out. but his interest alliance has not made it clear within this broader lines would also include the fall list, the funded funds on both poppy, which is part of the alliance parties on the left notice of popular from be made of the at us functioning yesterday. and this is because the spotty has been members of the spot has been accused of anti semitism. its leaders on the middle shall, is
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a very provocative device if they go, so that still remains unclear, of ease of use on the fall, like out there in paris. well, for more analysis, i spoke with daniel a schwann's. she's an expert on french politics. i asked her whether my colleagues plan to hold snap elections has back par as well. i suppose he was expecting a very strong result for the us alone, us united for the far right. because o opinion polls showed that this would be the case, and i don't think he had any contradictory information really. however, what was striking was the actual numbers of both cost. not so much the percentage of the 33 percent, but really the fact that over 11000000 and 500000 people voted for the national which is very strongly off from the last fall elementary elections. where the 1st round has a good 3000000 voters and also up from the european election. so this was surely
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a surprise and it's due to the very high vote. a mobilization. however, if his plan was not to the feats, uh that some of them on us are not in the 1st round, but to possibly bring them into a position where they are in the minority but in government. and really be the mystified because if they have to govern, they will have to take responsibility and it's far more difficult to uh, you know, spread that ideas about in a way propaganda with, without having any responsibility on the national level. that's with them. the result which is positive because what he eyes is the presidential elections 2027, where he wants to prevent my interest in the candidate who already arrive against him twice, often as somebody want us to not to actually win the presidential elections. but what he does need to avoid is, of course, is too strong result in the 2nd round. and that's why he and the other leaders have
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been calling on cabinets to withdrawal from the 2nd round. they came, is that so there's one republican democratic candidate against a fluoride cognitive in each constituency. so is that the plan that he has now the president back on has now for preventing the national riley from achieving all out victory and next weekend's run off because many see the momentum very much on their side as well. that seems to be definitely the plan after the 2nd round of the elections, a number of party leaders of both for i'm of the conservative side of the spectrum, but also from the left side of the spectrum. and mostly that i have said they asked the accountants to withdraw over some parties haven't done so. and that will be the question over the next 2 days, because it is, i'm to, july,
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2nd in the evening by parties need to decide who's done in the 2nd round and who does it. and so well, you know, a number of leaders already said. so last night, other parties have not expressed any plan yet. and so there is, of course, a danger that there will be 3 candidates and some constituencies and that caused them to nature. the benefit of that are some of them on us, you know, and we are very clearly heading for a strong result. but the main purpose at this point is to prevent an absolute majority for the fall, right? well the far right could still win again in next weekend's run off. if that happens, if, if they end up having to share power with president mccall, what kind of government would that be? to be a so called court be just you, which basically means that is why the president from a certain party as a prime minister from in the part to you who can then compose is government in this
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case, in your scenario with that also known as united coming out strong as possibly with an absolute majority, then it will very likely be a mr. bother now. who is a very young campaign? a potty chair who has led a successful european elections campaign and now at school a very well for his party in the 1st round of the elections and this party within the on many, many or story this government would then be on many, many issues in the outward contradiction with president my call exact. so there isn't likelihood that the political paralysis and fighting between president and government on key issues. the president has strong power on the for and, and security policies. so he was got that area for himself. but on many other issues, including some european questions which have an internal dimension, the prime minister has a strong role to play. so that would be conflict and possibly,
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morales is. and the french political leadership. daniella, thanks for taking time. talk with us today. that was political scientist, the new, less sponsor. thank you very much for having me now to israel and ultra orthodox jewish man clashed with his really police during protest in jerusalem on sunday. police 5 people arrested. they were demonstrating against a recent supreme court order to begin enlisting them for military service. the ultra orthodox community makes up around 13 percent of israel's population and has been exempt from service military service for religious reasons. the issue has been a source of tension for decades and has intensified since israel's more in gaza began of thousands about orthodox jewish men on the street. so give me some of that protesting of ruling by israel supreme court. the army must start drafting out to orthodox jews, otherwise known as harry dean,
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into the military. and it's vile. most jewish men are required to perform 3 years of compulsory military service. the powerful ultra orthodox parties have used that leverage to would exemptions for that follows. and i say it's necessary for her read the men to study the toner, which they see is crucial to preserving is why of jewish identity they say forced conscription will destroy that generations old way of their lives. so we have to find them because that we don't want to go to the army. so that's the only thing we have to do. so that's what we're doing. as much as we need to manage those. let me the i'm the people who the learning tara, they're doing a lot and we try and have them drop out. we need we need the car and the scuffles, lights and blackouts between protestors and police war to cabins,
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filter skunk sent to door to as well. as police, on foot and horseback, were used to dispatch the crowds, the issue could topple to administer benjamin netanyahu, whose government to parties in his coalition oppose the change. if they break ranks, the country could be sent to fresh elections and he could be out to the job. now to sudan in the war, there has resulted in the world's biggest humanitarian crisis, with thousands killed millions displaced and hundreds of thousands left on the verge of starvation. the paramilitary r. s. f. is fighting the sudanese army for control of the country and among the atrocities allegations of rate rights groups say are as of has been targeting one f necessity in particular the muscle lead of western dar for many most of the to flight across the border to neighboring chad where dw mario miller met with
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the survivors of sexual buy. it's since halima can remember, she has missed and can skip this case people. every time she thought she found safety, another attack happened. it was always the same perpetrators and their allies. she says, the full much angel we administer now known as rapid support forces or as of today and in june 2023, they attacked the area of age and nina, where she left a couple of cisco. i saw how to get people to the 1st day when they attacked the killed many and ago, and they fell down right in front of us. and then we'll go further with that. they felt like it would never end. you can imagine that we've got a lima whose name was changed to protect her. she was living with a family at the side for the space people. when she heard the militants arrived from the motor bikes for the style and mean my room. 4 of them charging me with
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guns, windshields minus the others left the room. the one who stayed raped me. i fucked him a lot. i didn't want him to raped me, but i was so scared of his gun. and then i only felt pain and see when it was over, she ran away, stepping over 20 bodies lying on the road. then she stopped counting. after crossing the border to tad, lima felt safe, but couldn't find any medical help. 3 days later, the pain subsided. the memory store keep her from sleeping. she says the hour of iris f melissa, talk to her because she belongs to the muscle, leads an african in mississippi. we. we spoke to more than a 1000 survivors of kings and sexual violence. all of them told us the attackers were specifically targeting muscle, each aiming to ethnic kitchens,
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african ethnic groups from the for his mouth. and he ask, what's your try? i didn't send him all his muscle lead. i said, i'm for trying. and you said if your muscle needs listed, your throat depends about next. some value that they said there won't be any land belonging to muscle anymore. this is there and they don't want muscle to own land. the survive of stories are backed up by human rights, which is documented numerous atrocities and want of a possible genocide against the muscle need people invoice the 4 hours of did not respond. our requests for comment however, whose name was also changed by a safety survived. similar attacks, she says and ours f i to enter to home on june 8th, 2023 and let us to law. he loaded his gun to shoot my mom and shopping for them and thought you a couple of things. i said, shooting me instead of the 2 said i won't kill you. i killed your brothers outside and he went and shot
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a 20 year old cousin. then she heard her mother and the reason i go to the good and he beat me to hold. or when i go with the, with the sticker on the wall to contain. i have seen this money on that i need to give, then threw me on the bed and started to write me. she bled heavily on days later, she was able to find a hospital where she needed stitches. she still sometimes feels pain when she walks . these women now and safety and shot at many here live in deplorable conditions in the camps. lacking medical support, food, water, and basic shelter. the un as cold as the largest displacement crisis in the world with more than 10000000 people forced to fee the homes almost 600000. so denise refugees now living and neighboring cat. but 8 organizations say massive funding
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shortages mean they are unable to cope with the needs in become a group of refugee women have created a safe space where survivors can talk openly and without stigma about what happened to them and the hopes for the future. and if they know communication, and my hope is to complete my studies and economics on their stuff, and i hope to work in a bank as an accountant or as a business administrator. oh great. that it's, i'm not going to look for the kind of the situation improves. i want to go to university, i'm advice, but i want to learn to be a doctor. they say all they want is to get their lives back. they're hoping for peace. so they can finally move on schedule on a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. at least 18 people
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have been killed and several more wounded in suicide attacks in northern nigeria, female suicide bombers, targeted wedding, a funeral at a hospital. no group is claimed responsibility. the bombings took place and a region frequently attacked by the islamic insurgent group broke over wrong. hundreds of people of marched in the canyon capital nairobi to pay tribute to those who died in antique government demonstrations last week. rights groups say at least 30 people were killed in classes with security forces during protest against an unpopular tax bill. a new crane, one person was killed and 9 injured after a russian missile struck a post office in the city. keep on sunday fragments of a rock, it also struck a residential building and the capital key and a separate attack. entering at least one person and hurricane barrel is picking up strength, says it sweeps across the eastern caribbean sea residence of several caribbean
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islands, including barbados, have boarded up homes and shops and preparation for destructive wins. the storm has reached the category for strength earlier in the hurricane season than any other storm on record. at least 7 people died in fear storms in parts of france, switzerland and italy, extreme weather and a torrential rain led to floods. and lance lies that were made worse by melting snow. from the alps scientist, a climate change driven by human activity is increasing the severity frequency and duration of extreme weather events. as this bridge proved no match for the torrents of war. so which tore through here the rain hammond, pots of switzerland melting snow compounded the deluge. the alpine town of task wound was particularly hard hit, rivers and streams, the sea of banks and land slides buried cars and cast off
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some hollins might alter the light on. yes, this is michael. unfortunately, everything is damaged, including the hotel, are the ones that we now have new accommodation, 200 meters further down to about 4. but anyway, we'll have to wait till tuesday for the road to be open. and then we'll have to see her. we'll get the car out, turned back to germany, to indulge on the open con, not also stop from. we had some problems before you go to 94 to 5 years ago. it's slightly flooded the bridge. but that was manageable, hard. it holds up on him to the extent of it this time so, so i've never seen this, so it's a huge amount to meet with us and get all the weight with a hips. northern is linked to causing rivers to boost the things, creating flooding, and more months. 5,
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hundreds of people were evacuated, rented on city, it's been a while i was on the phone. i noticed that a land sign was coming down behind the camp site, where we was staying my door. i realized it was time to leave as soon as possible. so i took all the kids and moved to safety. clean up if its began after the rain cleared but acts. these remains difficult to some affected areas. now, some sports and in the euro. 2024 championship spain, or through to the round of 8 for the wind against georgia. the georgians got off to a good start due to an own goal by spain's la norma. but spain brought the match under control with rotary equalizing shortly before the break, spain scored 3 more goals and the 2nd half georgia leave the tournament though as
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one of its stars having put in a sensational performance. spain will face hosts germany, instruct are on friday with their survival at stake, england to not slovakia out of euro 2024. even tron scored forced lavaca in the 25th minute, despite dominating most of the match, england only managed to come back in injury time with the help of jude bellingham. harry kane made it to one early into extra time. england who will now play switzerland in the quarter finals into sal door next week, as well from all rejoined just now in the studio by done you barcelona from dw sports study? i know you've been tracking all of this, attending lots of the games. well, let's start with england. another shaky performance there, but they did come out on top. yeah, definitely. so coming into the tournament, england where definitely one of the favorites there very much and
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a gold and generation of football. they have so much talent and this side that they have left for years at home, who would start on probably every other team. now that being said, they've been incredibly lack luster this tournament to say the least. there's been a lot of criticisms of the side, especially of manager, guess okay. that they've been to pragmatic. they're too slow in the build up. they're not able to find their most dangerous players between the lines. and that's very much what we saw the other day. and now they do have the individual qualities that have players like do billing and to ultimately did change the game with a fantastic moment of skill. a scissor kick at the very end of the game. harry can then obviously an extra time sending them forward, but really just not up to england standards, they set up a game against a strong switzerland side who was led by granite shaka, somebody, the english know very well. he's been world class for living, who's an ad, switzerland this season, so good that some people are saying he should get a shout at the barn door,
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so they're really gonna have to improve if they want to beat switzerland. spain knocked spunky georgia. no big surprise there. how strong are they? i mean, spain for me it has been one of the most impressive side so far in this tournament . we know, you know, coming up against georgia which was having a fairytale moment very much a david versus glass class and in the end span of course, just to strong. now, span have showed the typical spanish trades that we've come to love from spanish football. they're very good in possession. they are very patient in the breakdown. they take their time and then they strike now something that codes who is still a flint that has added to the spam side that has really gotten then to be more dangerous, is that he's additive element of verticality and directness to his team. whereas before they used to possess the ball lot and maybe not create those chances to score. and that's something that german is going to be very. they're gonna have to be very careful of because span has the quality to really hurt you. now that being
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said, they do get a lot of players forward, which leaves them open defensively, and germany has the quality to take advantage of that. again, spend because we saw georgia, they did score on a counter attack. so this is almost too bad that they have to meet each other so early in the tournament because germany and spent have been super impressive. we would obviously like to see this in the final, but it will be an amazing game. we still go for more matches in the final will in the 16 round of 16. what else do we have to look forward to? yes, sir. well, halfway through, we've not seen any crazy upsets now today. we see portugal take on sylvania. that should be relatively straightforward. but you never know in a tournament like this because portugal had been also very impressive. and you can never count out krishawna, rinaldo. then we also have friends against belgium. these are 2 sides who have also been pretty lackluster friends haven't showed what they can do, but we're in for a treat today. tanya, thank you so much looking forward to it. done a bunch alone from the the, the sports. if you're watching dw news. so after the break,
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our environmental magazine, eco africa looks at how working with nature benefits everyone. terry martin for me and all of us here at dw news. thanks for watching the
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eco after it time saving indigenous, some additional plugs from extinction. jeanette to kyra key on those goals. these plans have such a powerful effect that they can even fight to malaria or success story full of the agent code for the next on d w. i knew that what happened to me was that right? i just i didn't know where i could share and was who is going to believe
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me. this is greg was staring iced against her well in canada, as with thousands of indigenous women from the 1970s to present a global membrane in 60 minutes on dw, the dream of resolution in 1979. the hate to dictate is the most. i was forced out of nicaragua, the people hoped for sarah society and received international solidarity. i imagined tweet would change the world and for 1000 sullens had to help
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with reconstruction. but the end the dream of revolution, july 20th on d w. the if we humans work with, rather then it gives nature, we can help us selves our environment and our fellow creatures. welcome to eco africa. i'm christa lives, illegals, nigeria. well, every living creature has a role to play in each ecosystem. and sometimes they can do even more than we actually realize on the switch show will be looking at the many sizes that nature.


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