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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land frances, for rights inches closer to power national ronnie leda and the pen. uh just voters has to give her policy a governing majority of for it, strong, showing in the 1st round snap collections. all the policies are now weighing their options on how best to prevent the far right from coming to power. also on the program, more than a dozen people are killed in a suicide bombing in northern nigeria. and a region that is frequently attacked by boca wrong is the method hundreds of ultra orthodox jewish men, plastic clash with police as they protest. a court ruling that has ended their
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exemption from compulsory military service. the money keeps making thanks so much for joining us from the rest of europe coming to terms with the possibility of the far right scanning power. and one of the most powerful member states marine la penn national body policy has taken the largest share of the vote with the c 3 percent in the 1st round of snap parliamentary elections and fronts president emanuel mccall and centrist here in yellow trailed in fudge with just 20 percent. they came behind a left wing alliance. the pulled 28 percent of those. now my call is cooling and versus to prevent the fall right from winning a governing majority. and next,
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sunday's decisive final round of voting. it was a historically high voter turnout and a historic result from a re la pens far right party, which is now closer to power than ever before. but it's not yet clear whether the anti immigrant euro skeptic, national rally, will be able to form a government. it all depends on whether president emanuel, my cronan, his allies, together with politicians on the left, can head off and outright when by measuring the pins party through tactical voting, which is seen as a steve challenge. no matter what people are unfortunately fed up with politics, they no longer believe in it and are turning to the extremes. for me it's the same thing in both cases it's really like the plague or color. uh one isn't any better than the other. so here we are disappointed, and we don't know where we're going from the disgrace to see the national riley rise like this is the 1st time we've reached this level in france. but i don't know
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how to say it's horrifying to see such extremes based. so nazi parties, i'll say loud and clear, no, it's appalling about the results of the legislative elections is not very surprising because we have seen the rise of the file rights in our country. today. i'd like to say that's what a 3rd of french people think of it. so it's a democratic vote and we must respect it despite everything on the sale of what they will, types of people don't expect them, i presume. even if the far right does fail to win an absolute majority, france will likely have a hung parliament. this could lead to political paralysis and chaos. just as parents is preparing to host the olympic games this summer. mazda laura, laura, is it politics? electra todd of university in the u. k. i also how president my calls decision to cool not for elections will likely be judged given the 1st rounds results. as i
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don't think his decision is going to be judge very generously, as you correctly pointed out, the money back home did not have to call that election. he decided to do so because he felt the results of the elections suggested that he no longer has the trust of the french people. and probably because he was hoping that the results of the national election would be quite different from those of you election. and his gamble does not seem to have paid all if we looked as low as it turned out, it's been the highest in nearly 3 decades. i believe nearly 2 subs voted from either the fall rifle the fall left. so how should we see this? i mean, should this be seen as a votes for more radical policies, or rather as a votes against a and my new and maximum? here i think it is a mixture of both, but we really shouldn't underplay the fact that this was also a vote in favor of something,
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not just to vote against amendment. and i call so particularly if we look at the steady rise in the national riley. we, what we are observing is, in fact, a very strong ability on the part of the party to attract voters, attract new voters, and keep the ones that it has gained in previous elections. mm hm. do you still see any way? it also calls on the policy to stay in power given what we're seeing and not really um, it's not looking particularly good for his party at this moment. the options that we're looking at, or either the national riley gets the majority for you have an ungovernable, ungovernable part divided basically between 3 forces that are unlikely to want to work with each other. present mcclellan's close as being one of the most pro european pro ne, so voices and in recent years. so how will this election
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affect him? i mean, what will it force him to become more isolationist? i don't really know that it is going to force him to become more isolation is what it is going to make. a lot of harder is for him to actually pursue any kind of pro european agenda and keep supporting ukraine to the extent that he would want to. because particularly if he gets a national rally government, he will have a lot less the way in terms of health funding is use. okay. now, mine depends, national riley policy has turned down and some bits more extreme positions, so it's no longer threatening to pull out of the will. nay. so it has denounced russia's invasion of ukraine. so these warnings that we've been hearing ahead of the election about the national rally policy winning, would you say that they've been a bit alarmist?
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i wouldn't necessarily say that they have been alarm is because while it is true that the national riley has toned down some of the trust right. concerning russia in particular, there are still figures within the party that maintains fairly friendly relations with russia. and they are still not particularly enthusiastic about supporting ukraine to the extent that for example, someone like michael would like to. okay. and we have seen a search and supports us and national his policies across europe recently looking at the bigger picture. i mean, is this essentially the end of the europe that we have known for the last decades? it's certainly going to be a lot harder for the european union to pass any form of measures. so we have moved into an area era where not only does it have a european parliament, that is more, you're a skeptic that it was before. but we are increasingly seeing your skeptic forces
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getting into the council. and that is definitely going to shape the form of european integration going forward. not to thank you so much for your time. that's most alarm from the school as lauren politics. it called at the university. we appreciate it. thank you. now at least 18 people have been killed and several more wounded and suicide attacks and know the nigeria. local authorities said female suicide bomb is targeted a wedding, a funeral on the hospital. no group has yet claimed responsibility, but the buildings took place and the region frequently attacked by the islamist and such a group of okay, her on it will be use east africa correspondent, alyssa, trick wilma is following the story for us from lagos. i asked him for the latest on the suicide attacks in the northeast to well, the latest, why? having these dots about that to month, it seems from the series of bombings that happened to incense a day in goes that know if these 9 to rep on the states have died. uh this morning
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. uh, it will take lots of people about what's to be taken to the hospital since saturday evening when the bombings have been done this morning with the visits from state officials in the hospitals deck and somebody about some of the big students have dined, summit been discharged but at least mostly less than 42 people where we did for various injuries, considering the 3 by means that we had of such a date, which happened at the wedding uh at the hostage. and i also wanted to say why really sites and events has been happening address northeast has also had the statements from presidents and condemning tax on the balance. it gets there defiance against the search and see what's the yes, no group has claimed responsibility for the tax on the bonds. okay. is there any pass and that's being identifies in these attacks as well. uh, the strange the things about the uh, the latest that's nice uh,
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in uh goes that was that they do seem to have been coordinated by people that i suspect that a few minutes. so we side by months that i would go reports about the lady who had a baby on her back, who was in. so you did what instead of money before, that's nice and, and you know, causing chaos and then photos in the same area, not at the hospital. let him know that the funeral off of people go out. we've got guessing buried. so what is the coordination of these attacks happening in one basic one? we can that's basically shots, us good security uh, services. i know. so the country as so to speak uh throughout sunday, uh, sending shop where it's not that uh, these bombings have been sent. they've had to have happened before with uh, both items and the 2019 is not the 1st time they're not females suspected suicide bombings that they've been involved in attacks such as days. well that, that is, this will be the major ones that that's how it happens. in a long while and since it presents unable to power last year, alissa just tell us a little bit more about the security site situation in the bonus state.
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well, the situation has quite a bit. so as soon as prevention you move to go back to you about the to fight it securing c. i, which is one of these intercom paying out promises, uh the that they have the record in the waiting, especially during your last ministration we president will hiring at when a game. so comes to the private guys that will go around. uh so it, it seems the basis it'd be, but it's generally finding 3. i keep nothing that has been done with the last couple of years unless i checked with my in lake also. so thank so much for bringing us up today. the let's, let's take a quick look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world and hundreds of people have marched in the canyon capital nairobi to pay tribute to those who died in anti government demonstrations last week. rights groups say at least the sea people were killed in flashes with security forces during protests against an unpopular tax
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bill. hearkened barrel is picking up the strength of it. sweeps across the eastern caribbean sea residence of several caribbean islands, including barbados, a booted up homes and shops and preparation for powerful wins. the storm has reached catholic re full strength earlier in the hurricane season than any other stone on record. at least 7 people have died in storms. torrential rains and flooding across fronts, switzerland, and it's really easy. images from the a tale in town of new oscar font is a climate change driven by human activity is increasing the severity the frequency on the duration of extreme weather events. outro orthodox jewish men clashed with is ray, the police, during protests in jerusalem on sunday. at least 5 people were arrested. they were demonstrating against the recent is ready supreme court orders to begin enlisting them for military service. the ultra orthodox community makes up around 13 percent
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of israel's population and has been exempt from military service for religious reasons. the issue has been a source of tension for decades and has intensified since as rails war and goes up again of thousands of out of the adults jewish men on the street. so give use of them that protesting of ruling by isabel supreme court, the army must start drafting out to orthodox jews, otherwise known as harry dean, into the military. and as vile. most jewish men are required to perform 3 years of compulsory military service. the powerful out for all the adults parties have used that language to would exemptions for that follows. and i say it's necessary for her read the men to study the toner, which they see is crucial to preserving is why of jewish identity they say forced conscription will destroy that generations old way of life. so we have to find them
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that we don't want to go to the army. so that's the only thing we have to do. so that's what we're doing. i believe as much as we need to manage those. let me the i'm the people who the learning tara, they're doing a lot and we can have them drop out. we need we need the car and the scuffles lights and broke out between protestors and police war to cabins, filter skunk sent to door to as well as police on search and horseback. were used to dispatch the crowds, the issue could topple, to administer benjamin netanyahu. his government to policies in his coalition opposed to change. if they break ranks, the country could be sent to fresh elections and he could be out to the job. is a quick reminder about top story for e. maureen depends, national ronnie, policy is taking the largest share of the voters in the 1st round of frances mount
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parliament tree elections. the policy is hosting for an absolute majority and next sunday's decisive final round. and with that to you up to date. and you can switch them, thanks you for watching the the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime would probably be if the carriers by the time is helping subscribe to those channels. we've got new videos every friday. subscribe to plan, it's a the the, the mississippi river a mirror.


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