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tv   The Mississippi River  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 2:15pm-3:00pm CEST

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to the policy is hosting for an absolute majority and next sunday's decisive final round. and with that to you up to date. so i'm and you keeps making and thanks you for watching the, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed. if the care we subscribe to those channels. we've got new videos every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the of the mississippi river, america's life blood amongst the wars away that still holds many secrets.
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the settlements have cooled, the banks of the re, the homes of thousands of years. many different coaches live here, but they're all americans. the for men visit the jump to tribes to a group of unique cowboys. the delta he will right is the mississippi river, is intriguing from the land water and in the journey through the soul of america. the today is
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a special day for payton and jays members. of the jump to people. the tribe has lived along the banks of the mississippi river for centuries. they hated for a place that sacred to the jump to an ancient this work mount built by indigenous people around 400 c 8. the 2 young men will take part in it coming of age ritual at the site. this is the anyway, amount is a very special place to us. and we just decided to be here. they will perform a dunce, and the elder will say a few words. i'm glad you guys are here. your people that we can teach you and you guys learn the the are waiting to keep are the way he's going. i am very proud and honored that our mother mountain is still here and we
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can still keep the honor and tradition going behind the non the why alliance with the age of a sacred truck to sign theory or is characterized by water and swamps. the hot lines, the most sacred place, the 90. why a cage choked to legend has it that this is the best place of humanity with people 1st and most onto the surface of the other tribes, then migrate to the no directions. only the truck to remain choosing to stay close to the mother mound the
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yeah. go okay. i show a lot about him at the idea of good. nice. thank you. young people for coming i do . we carry a great spirit in us law. yeah. and it's up to us to pass it on. i will go, but i thank you for everything you've learned, but don't forget it. and i'll go wherever your feet touch the earth and never forget where you come from. me. i thank you. yeah, you know what the, what the uh what, what, what, what much is the coach? it was louis when the talk to was suppressed by european simple is or even the origin of the truck to name is on. so it's an assembly. it's derived from the woods to rid of people the truck to were driven
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of the land and the 19th century, and could only remain if they agreed to become american citizens. families within the last of the plots of land to work according to european knowns. peyton and his father demanded descendants from these shop to people there ending the special day by fishing together. the i am proud to be a talk to mr van and chuck danes. i am probably because we still learn about our cultures and traditions and oh, see what we came from. the jump to the ground to their own reservation in 1945. now they also have the right to sales governance chucked out is represented through our indian cultures. mississippi band of trump dot indians was
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recognized back in early 19 hundreds. i believe that the mississippi mississippi jumped out the volunteer from the dance and rabbit to god treated through the trails of tears. and um, i'm glad that our ancestors had evolved here. and um, i'm proud that we are still here and they know going anywhere in the mississippi. chuck to reservation covers about 140 square kilometers in 10 different rural areas . in the states, the mississippi river is nearly full 1000 kilometers loan. and while it's the country's most important river, it's not the longest. memphis, tennessee, in new orleans louisiana to key cities in the lower mississippi delta, which ends at the river's mouth. the minutes that sees the
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gateway to the southern course of the mississippi and is named us to the ancient egyptian city of memphis, once the gateway to the nile delta. the name led to the selection of a gloss pyramid as a new land mom. the but for most memphis still stands for blues and rock and roll the beale street is the hoss of its music scene. the careers of many stones began here, louis armstrong, joining cash. and of course, the king of rock and roll. elvis presley the senior night on the beach halo dreams of having a korea like this. she's performing in memphis for the very 1st time
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the there's a special spirit here, a just with arts, in general, all forms of art. music. visual are everything. there's this, i feel like there's a, it's in the air. the city sits high expectations on musicians. naomi road alone has good luck, john. good tom. this is my grandfather's guitar. he passed away this past year, but he was in a sibling vans where he traveled with his brothers and sisters and played together . and he's the only other musician in the family that really took it seriously and took it professionally. so he passed it down to me. i guess the carry on his legacy,
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which is really cool. not only is also playing in a bar on beale street the teen roof. will anyone come to watch her play? one of her dreams for the future. and 10 years i hope to hope to play so a lot of people hope to get my music out there and just travel and play music. that's all i want to do. the the,
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the teen roof. he's feeling up naomi's got a crowd the she survived the baptism by fire in memphis. the musicians performed through the 19 ponds on beale street. but doing these already breaking beckett the chuck to a reservation the, the state of mississippi is celebrating its native american peoples and a heritage with american indian day. it's also an important day for the morris family and the lake. his mother tells her to hurry up in chuck to make a mistake. he's taking part in the choke tools. annual
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highschool princess pageants is a little bit nervous too. and this is the 1st time they ever did on stage question. during the american indian princess pageant too. so i got prepared for that, so let's keep practice one more, but the mother dimitria is a full the princess. and now i'm a lake, a hoops to carry on the tradition the, the more his family, like most of the tribes have a good life on the reservation. having the right to operate to can see notes keeps the shop to some financial security the they also have their own police force coolant system and fire department. the lake is high school home to the seas. princess pageant benefits from the casino.
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the patrons who had, he's coming of age. they were moody, yesterday was last. he is prince. i like to ask symbolism, tips. honestly, just going out there, having fun in being yourself. so is been, it's more like has to mother has been months making the like is dress willow, the if it payoff who who the event starts at the sports field, the way most shocked or events do with traditional dances, the like her and her fellow contestants are being judged by the raining prince and princess as well as
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a jury each girl must give this speech the most important thing about being chalk. those are coach our culture and makes us who we are and talked on people who can tell plenty outside cooking, dish or color it may be word is a tradition that's been passed out for so many generations to your code. the last and i think it was the jury be impressed by my leg is use of jump to she was the only one to speaking anything but english american indian day high school. friends this that is going to be contest in number 11. miss lake up re morris they would maybe future contestants will be encouraged to use more truck to in their speech is
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the american indian day festivities of winding down after a day full of native american tradition, peyton and his friends celebrate with another american tradition, hamburgers and coke making states. we native americans are still american and we do have the american food burgers, pizzas, checked in, cries, and so, just as regular americans. personally, i enjoyed the native condition more. is that fryeburg may be payton's generation will take the best of these traditions and create new ones,
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unique to the young choctaws of mississippi, the land that would later become the state of mississippi was settled by europeans in the late 17th and 18th centuries. they built their own culture and customs with them and built european style houses the many of those living in the lower mississippi delta still take pride in preserving some of those traditions. julie bo check nick named mustang julie hopes to be part of a classic cars show today. but her cars breaks a jammed and it was stats the. the husband tom is lending a hand. i think guys,
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they think i'm kind of an anomaly because a lot of their wives don't just jump in and work on the car so they work on their own car. i know one gal who won't even pump wrong gas. julie needs to be on the road in 3 hours or risk missing the show. she and her husband done collects just any old cars. they see they're old and most of restoration as an active patriotism . the old cars are part of our heritage and it shows how far we've come. i mean, you say a t bucket roaster, clicking down the road, you know, or like change any bang, bang, or you say one of these. and, you know, it just brings back memories to people. the ford model a was part of if it's to bring mobility to the american methods in the late 19 twenties. but sixty's models hold a special place in this couple thoughts. and 1969. you'll notice we've got 69 corvette and 69 mustang. that was a year allowed and fast, you know, that was
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a year. we landed on the moon. that was the year that america was at. it's truly greatest. and i think america is going to be great. again, we're bringing back the muscle car. thank goodness show. here we go. julie hurts, they fix the problems. she's ready to roll, dressed as if it was still the sixty's. the last year we are $93.00 modeling and or 1930 model
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a. we ended up winning people's choice. so that was exciting. the julie could be on route to picking up another award this year, but then she smells trouble. we're have a little bit of a something might be burning, so we're going to stop and check it out. he's the kind of show us the julie before it's again, but i think we're making this show i'm going to pump the brakes a little bit on the way there and the all the good spots are already taken by the time she writes the
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it's a very patriotic, so it's a case layer for space for military. and so usually people display the american flag, american cons from the 1950s, sixties, and seventies. oh, and some things in common. the size and they love of gasoline. truly. first checks out the competition. the other mustangs look pretty cool to julie often stands out move in her account. does she have a shorter the price? noble $29.00. 69. 1969 a year. it's okay. you know, and it was
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a great so beautiful car was ever one coming out. that's okay. last year the lady serviced service. okay. julie knows that more and more women and becoming hobby mechanics and giving men run. so the money the mississippi was an important transport route even before cause and trains were invented. but the water level has full and steadily and recent is making inland navigation. honda, not only with goods transported on the river slaves, what is so once an important congo giving rise to the phrase sold down the river? still today over a 3rd of mississippi into black, making it one of the us states with the largest african american populations. a different kind of a quest reading club is about 250 kilometers south of memphis. the greenville the
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delta hill right is jesse brown boards, 3 horses here in larry pellet stable. i would say they'll ride tomorrow with just the door to jordan. taking pods for the 1st time the death here. 3 is a group african american cowboy, the real capital i learned from occurs and lot of history, real capital, no faith. now notes here. we're really right. it's important given to the kids on keys and pass it down and keep the door cuz of what all the technology going on. the horses know sometime be thing going to pay
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how does 10 year old jordan see you live out the 1st right. as a cow go, i'm very nervous. uh, but i feel like my dad will show me to a lot of stuff. so i'm excited to at the same time as we'll discover the new business he's will found it. the delta he'll right is hold the traditional barbecue the night before group rides. jim and lindale, poor to tell some interesting, if not entirely true legends about cowboys know, cowboy, a lot of black ro cows. now, i mean, a lot of blackboard ranchers back in the old days and hate to say it, but a lot of us who call boys a lot back in the days too. so. but if boys work and accounts who's the name
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originally came about, they were child mo, it'll tell you this. that's where they came from. you got some real famous blackout boys as well. and they, you know, that make moves and stuff. we know john wayne, the duke is one of the most famous white cowboys that ever lived. but he's not the original more z as in x. according to puerto hollywood tude, the rug, a tree name for african american count, hands into a monica of a white heroes who became the stuff of legend for the delta heal. right, is real cowboys? a blank wall to wall with oh, my oh bill. sit off tomorrow. morning and ride the horses all the way to the banks of the mississippi.
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the around $500.00 columbus is for the sale, environmental research here and photographer been deb. he's already on route to his destination. the miles of the monkey mississippi river on the gulf of mexico. fun to a huge river delta. the louisiana has sort of the fastest for roading coast in the world. and we're losing thousands of square miles of westland. and that's a combination of factors including sea level rise and natural subsidence for the same thing been has been monitoring changes to the delta
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c, use the built this small sail boat a few months ago. been in friend, richie a sailing to a remote highland in the delta. they want to temp, so the 9th and spend the following day exploring the i feel like slowing down taking half a day to get anywhere that process of slowing down kind of helps me see this landscape better and more clearly. growing up here was a good way to understand this landscape and i, i spend holidays and summer's on my dad shrimp, of learning these waters. i learned to swim right over there. and much of these areas have,
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have washed away into something unrecognizable. the bin is looking for a remote island to spend the night on because tomorrow he wants to do something out of the ordinary. go ahead and assemble my powered paraglider so that i'm ready to go early in the morning. i usually wake up an hour before sunrise and kind of set things up, but it takes a little longer to put the loader back together after sailing the mississippi river delta of the base. and it's a low lying area on the islands
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a flash. the best way to explode and is from the the dean's powered, powered lighter is perfect, but its range is limited. the been in richey enjoy evenings like these is trying to get a little fire started. we don't really need it this evening, but it's more for psychological reasons, right? a little warm that scares us any animals. there's a few priorities on the island. nothing to worry about that. i have seen cougar footprints just about 10 miles from here. the to spend a peaceful night where the mississippi meets the gulf of mexico. little do they know what tomorrow will bring the
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the delta hill right is get their horses ready. the next morning. 10 year old jordan is supposed to join them for the 1st time. no problem says stable. oh no larry the they got it back news a little more play. i didn't of white, you know, they have more fail when they rattle was they'd be one little a little more style. a get a good up to, you know, you know, so, and so is a, do it going to be easy. jordan's big moments. the well, well over larry is confident jordan can keep pace during the ride. others on convinced, including the father,
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jesse. oh oh it doesn't say yeah i'm a little bit afraid is that she can't do it. i really want to do it. i have a really long time though. i never put the rope on myself. yes, i always put the jordan close. it quits for now. joining it on the i know you're nervous right now, but you're gonna get try again. you're all right. ok. the details that he right is consider themselves america's true cowboys. it's the way that after the us civil war, one in every full campbell ways was black. but hollywood wrote them allison with history, the
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one bring the awareness to the cowboys in mississippi, delta, you know, let him know, blank capital is, is this, you know, we all, we be around, it is more and family and have coach. and so i, me, oh oh awesome eric, close always animal air. good. you too. will want to bring to the of other teams that we're here. we're here to stay. the details here right is, won't recognition for the enroll in history because black cowboy played an important part in building american, the environmental research here and photographer been den gets he's paraglider ready
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for take off early in the morning. he wants to explore parts of the mississippi delta, starting from the silent the very when the today. so it's a little bit i've been has been flying and documenting the last of islands in the delta for years. the hurricane ida came through this area last fall and came through just a little bit west of here and it really damaged a lot of islands, a little bit west of here. so i'm kind of also curious to see if hurricane ida damage came this far east pots of the delta has been cleared to make lanes for launch condo sheets and pipelines. the work helps the water sweep more
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and more little islands away. sounds like something just broke. the engine stopped and ben was making an emergency landing. it's good. he wasn't out over the was a yes. not exactly sure what it could have been uh spin tries to make the best of things. he patches up the propeller and other parts a belt, probably snapped time for a 2nd attempt. he doesn't want to make an emergency landing in these alligator infested waters. success, the most at risk of running smoothly been can stone to take pictures the
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. he quickly realizes that shoots waves of land, the gain being lost in recent months. more than 50 full square, columbus is a washed away each year. the new orleans, the cities deep water contain a port contributes to the last land ships need. if a deep and navigation channels, you will ins is known by many different names. the parents of the south queen of the south, the birthplace of jazz, and the big easy, the french cool,
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whatever is the city, easy story costs. the jump to trade in goods that it's french markets. and joe, nevada now stands here, a gift from france. the african american symbols lift them up, bringing jazz and flu due to new orleans. the. the french quarter is home to do pre stance. christina bought peace performing a love spell for one of our clients. the news the i've seen elders take one single candle like this and move mountains with it. so it's really all about sharon sanctions. we'll do. uh we're serving the la
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why. villa wow. spirit switch. so it is intermediaries between humans and the supreme creates a lot of people assume that a mambo, i'm a sideway. no, not yet. i'm still on my way up. so i work under my mom, but my bone, mambo. sally glassman today. christina is meeting with mom, both sally and for the match. she always performs the same rituals as part of the training to become a member of a subway. will find priestess. does this stop? the symmetry? christina drew strings here from her ancestors. she feels and especially strong connection to her deceased grandfather. what are uh, family transitions over there with us we they call it god speed for
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a reason. if we call the name their right. like my grandfather who i've been talking about is right behind me. you can feel what i do with my gifts. i listen to my body. i feel the changes in the energy mix stop condos. gwen slaves gathered here once a week in the 19th century. it was the only place they were permitted to dance and speak, then they took languages, but they still weren't allowed to practice voodoo here to do practitioners would instead bring this sacrifices to the trees, which also served as gallows. the fisheries were used to be able, they were used to hang, you know,
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my ancestors and many other ancestors here, actually vibrating right now. i have shows all over my body just speaking these words about them. i can hand them, i can fill them. christine is food still help is the temple of her member sally and the preparations are ready being made for the mess which the high priestess herself will love to see the felon who has been practicing. who do since 1977. christina hopes to follow in her footsteps. the that's been
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a lot of burden on her shoulders and i expect that christina is going to expect her to go all the way the say she will become a member of a subway. definitely. i want to go as far as the low. i want me to go. and as many people as i can bring awareness to and bring them sort of religion, i'm off of the rituals big enough to sun down who to is follow is no longer have to hide their religion. originally from when staff, i guess it was brought here by the slave trade from haiti once demonized, and suppressed respect for the religion is now growing. the and christina also has faith that one day she too will be a member a so great the
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vince is a small community nestled among swamps about 100 kilometers southeast of new orleans. the richie blinking co work a month load seedlings on to use narrow boats within the reno. no longer contains jones to help his friends been the paraglider study. the shrinking delta richie is actively combating is the today, what we're going to be doing is we're going to be planning from cypress trees out in the wetland areas. and i began doing this work around 2009 or so 2010. and i was working in the oil and gas industry and i was driving the boat's
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here in the harbor. right. and i was going back and forth between the harbor and the spots on the golf and noticing a lot of land loss over the years. and i wanted to be doing anything i could to, to be slowing that down and, and so planting trees was something that i could do within my own power. richie and mom could already planted several 1000 trees in the mississippi delta. the tree roots give the islands greatest ability. so the notice easily washed away, richie knows if it's a, just a drop in the bucket. but because it's better than doing nothing, the
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richie grows the seedlings and it's on god and receives no financial assistance from the governmental aid organizations. he used to work as a fisherman and later on an offshore oil rake. richey now has a job with the local township, but he's most devoted to his work in the delta. so you can see there's water in the ground here. very high water table. the saw island is it risk because it doesn't have a single tree. and the roots of the plans aren't more than a couple of centimeters deep mock has been planting trees along, so i'd richie for years. my family came here in early 1700 has been living here ever since. and if it goes away, we go way the humans that were living here before they built earth and mountains
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made on a one basket of money show of the time they pulled their efforts in labor together to live in these exceedingly productive places. and when the europeans got here, we built lobbies and we started controlling nature. and where we find the problems here is where we try to control nature too much. since the building of the levies and the 19 cities, the sea level here has risen by about 9 millimeters each year. and about 5000 square kilometers of land has been lost in mississippi river. it has provided for my family for generations. and the delta is in peril, right? and so we're, i'm doing what i can and others are to, to help restore this area because they don't take care of us and into the future. and the mississippi river brings all americans together in one way or another, right? it makes us who we are. scientists expects that most of the little islands will be gone for good in just 20 years. but richey and others who leased by the mississippi,
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refused to give up hope just yet. the dangerous doesn't mean take basing on sports is becoming more and more popular for many under estimate the risk that was the most uh i think said, sure, yeah. and we got so many people how well generation for spacing, anything but a homeless game. this 77 percent in 30 minutes on d. w. not very comfortable. i'm takes 3 expensive knox redesigns for hours of space working out fully does the space cross cuz it's very
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dangerous. afternoon. wouldn't volleys without the suit. the makes them those especially the tomorrow today. in 90 minutes on d w, the dw traveling besides the t food. well, let's go through. so when it comes to sustain dependency information and trend, this is alex texted on d. w. travel, you can have it. what about you? and what's your opinion feel free to write your thoughts and the comment the
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this is dw news live from by then francis right inches closer to power. national radi meta marine, the pedagogy as those has to give her policy a governing majority, offer it strong, showing in the 1st round of snuff collections of the policies. well now weighing their options on how best to prevent the far right from coming to power. also on the program, more than adults and people are killed and a suicide bombing in new open nigeria in a region that is frequently attacked by both cohort is the most.