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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from by then frances problem, right? inches closer to power, national radi, medium or in the pentode just those has to give her policy a governing majority. offer a strong showing in the 1st round of snuff selections of the policies. well now weighing their options on how best to prevent the fall right from coming to power. also on the program, more than a dozen people are killed and a suicide bombing in new open nigeria and a region that is frequently attacked type. both cars are wrong, its limits plus parts of europe clean off, often deadly storm. scientists say it is another sign of how climate change is
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making extreme weather more frequent, and most of the, the many cubes. mckinnon. welcome to the program fronts. i'm the rest of europe coming to terms with the possibility of the fall rights gaining power in one of the most powerful member states. our independence national raleigh policy has taken the largest share of the vote with 33 percent in the 1st round of snap parliamentary elections in front president, a money order. my call centrist here in yellow trailed in the with just 20 percent . they came behind a left when the lines, the pull, 28 percent of the vote. now my call is cooling on versus to prevent the fall right from winning a governing majority. and next,
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sunday's decisive final round of voting. it was a historically high voter turnout. and a historic result from irene la pens far right party, which is now closer to power than ever before. but it's not yet clear whether the anti immigrant euro skeptic, national rally, will be able to form a government. it all depends on whether president a manual ma cronan, his allies, together with politicians on the left can head off and outright when by measuring the pens party through tactical voting. which is seen as a steep challenge. no matter what people are unfortunately fed up with politics, they no longer believe in it and are turning to the extremes. for me it's the same thing in both cases it's really like the plague or color. uh one isn't any better than the other. so here we are disappointed, and we don't know where we're going from the disgrace to see the national riley rise like this is the 1st time we've reached this level in france. but i don't know
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how to say it's horrifying to see such extremes based. so nazi parties, i'll say loud and clear, no, it's appalling about the results of the legislative elections is not very surprising because we have seen the rise of the far right in our country. today. i'd like to say that's what a 3rd of french people think of it. so it's a democratic vote, and we must respect it. despite everything on the sound of what democratic people don't expect them, i presume. even if the far right does fail to win an absolute majority, france will likely have a hung parliament. this could lead to political paralysis and chaos. just as parents is preparing to host the olympic games this summer. mazda alarm, or is it politics? that's true at colleges university in the u. k. i also have president my clones decision to coal. small selections will likely be judged,
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given the 1st rounds results, or i don't think his decision is going to be judge very generously. as you correctly pointed out, the money back home did not have to call the election. he decided to do so because he felt the results of the elections suggested that he no longer has the trust of the french people. and probably because he was hoping that the results of the national election would be quite different from those of you election. and his gamble does not seem to have paid all if we look as low as to turn out, it's been the highest in nearly 3 decades. i believe nearly 2 subs versus the either the fall rifle the fall left. so how should we see this? i mean, should this be seen as a votes for more radical policies, or rather as a votes against a and my new and maximum? here i think it is a mixture of both, but we really shouldn't under play the fact that this was also a vote in favor of. so something, not just a vote against amendment,
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and i call so particularly if we look at the steady rise in the national riley. we, what we are observing is, in fact very strong ability on the part of the party to attract voters, attract new voters, and keep the ones that it has gained in previous elections. mm hm. do you still see any way? it also calls on some policy to stay in power given what we're seeing and not really um, it's not looking particularly good for his party at this moment. the options that we're looking at, or either the national riley gets the majority for you have an ungovernable, ungovernable part, the winter divided basically between 3 forces that are unlikely to want to work with each other. present mcclellan's pulse as being one of the most pro european pro ne, so voices in recent years. so how will this election affect
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him? i mean, what will it force him to become more isolation asked with this, i don't really know that it is going to force him to become more isolation. this what it is going to make a lot of harder is for him to actually pursue any kind of pro european agenda and keep supporting ukraine to the extent that he would one to. because particularly if he gets a national rally government, he will have a lot less through way in terms of how the funding is used. okay, now mine depends, national riley policy has turned down and some bits more extreme positions that it's no longer threatening to pull out of the will need. so it has denounce russia's invasion of ukraine. so these warnings that we've been hearing ahead of the election about the national raleigh policy winning, would you say that they've been a bit alarmist?
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i wouldn't necessarily say that they have been alarm is because while it is true that the national valley has tone down some of its rest right. concerning russia in particular, there are still figures within the party that maintains fairly friendly relations with russia. and they are still not particularly enthusiastic about supporting you crate to the extent that for example, someone like michael would like to. okay. and we have seen a search and supports us and national his policies across europe. recently, looking at the big picture, i mean, is this essentially the end of the europe that we have known for the last decades. and it's certainly going to be a lot harder for the european union to pass any form of measures. so we have moved into an area era where not only does it have a european parliament, that is more, you're a skeptic that it was before. but we are increasingly seeing your skeptic forces
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getting into the council. and that is definitely going to shape the form of european integration going forward. not so thank you so much for your time. that's most alarm from the school as lauren politics. it called at the university. we appreciate it. thank you. now at least 18 people have been killed and several more wounded and suicide attacks. and northern nigeria, local authorities said female suicide fullness. targeted a wedding, a funeral, and the hospital no group has yet claimed responsibility. the bombings took place though, in the region, frequently attacked by the, as well messed in such a group that kind of around you know, you correspondent, or lisa chip. wilma is following the story from lagos bureau. i asked him for the latest on the suicide attacks in the northeast of the country. well, the latest, why having these dots about is that 2 more big themes from the series of bombings
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that happened to incense a day in goes that ne, 92 at border states have died. uh this morning. uh, it will take lots of people about what's to be taken to the hospital since uh, saturday evening when the bombings have been done. uh this morning with the visits from state officials uh at the hospital is that can somebody about some of the big students have dined, summit been discharged, but at least mostly less than 42 people when we did for various injuries. considering the 3 bombings that we had of such a date, which happened at a wedding, you'd at the hostage. and i also wanted to say why really sites and events i see happening address northeast has also had the statements from presidents and condemning tax on the balance. it gets to defiance against a search and see what's the yes, no group has claimed responsibility for the tax on the bonds. okay. is there any pass and that's being identifies in these attacks as well. uh, these strange uh, things about uh, the latest that sites uh,
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in the goes that was, that they do seem to have been coordinated by, as well as suspect that the female suicide by months that i would go reports about the lady him had a baby on her back to wilson, so you did what instead of money before designates and, and, you know, causing k o sent um den photos in the same area, not at the hospital. let him know the funeral off of people to out we've got getting buried. so what is the coordination of these attacks happening in one basic one? we can, that's basically shopped us good security services and also in the country as so to speak uh throughout sunday, uh, sending shop ways that, that uh, these bombings, how big so they've had, they have happened before we book on since 2019 is not the 1st time they're not a female suspected suicide by myself. they've been involved in attacks such as days while that that is this will be the major ones that that's have happened in a long while on soon so presidents and able to power last year. alyssa,
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just tell us a little bit more about the security site situation in the bonus state. well, the situation has the quite a bit. so as soon as i mentioned it to uh, to go back to you about that to find it secure, easy. i would just on us using every time paying, you know, promises, uh the, the that you have the record in the waiting, especially during your last ministration we president will hiring uh when a game. so comes to the price of guys that book on our um uh so it, it seems on the basis it'd be but it's generally findings for young kids. nothing that has been the worst. and the last couple of years, alyssa chip with my in lake also. so thank so much for bringing us up today. the a quick look now, some of the of the story is making headlines around the world and then ukraine. one person was killed and 9 injured on sunday, after a rough missile struck a post office in the city of keese. fragments of a rocket also struck a residential building in the capital, keyed about
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a sack injured. at least one pass. a few 100 people briefly took pos and l g b t q plus pride, march and assembled. despite the event being banned into key since 2015 waiving rainbow flags and seeing slogans protests as much for about 10 minutes before dispersing when the police intervene. at least 15 people were arrested and hark and barrel is picking up the strength of the sweeps across the eastern caribbean sea residence of several caribbean islands, including barbados, have boarded up homes and shops and preparation for powerful wins. the storm is reached category full strength earlier in the hurricane season than any of the storm on record. at least 7 people have died and fist owns in front, switzerland, and it's really extreme weather and to run for rain, let the floods alarm slides. it was by melting snow from the outs. scientists say human driven climate change is increasing the severity frequency and the duration
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of extreme weather events. this bridge proved no match for the torrents of water which tore through here the rain. hammond pots of switzerland melting snow compounded the deluge. the alpine town of task wound was particularly hard hits, rivers and streams, the sea of banks and land slides buried cause and cost hoff some hawkins might alter the light on. yes, this is michael. unfortunately, everything is damaged, including the hotel. but the ones that we now have new accommodation, 200 meters further down to about 4. but anyway, we'll have to wait till tuesday for the road to be open. and then we'll have to see how will get the car out front, back to germany, to indulge on the open con, not also stop from we had some problems before you go to 94 to 5 years ago. it's
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slightly flooded the bridge, but that was manageable. hard, it holds up on him to the extent of it this time so, so i've never seen this, so it's a huge amount to meet with us and get all the weight with the hips. northern is linked to causing rivers to boost the things creating flooding, and more month 5, hundreds of people were evacuated, rented on city, it's been a while i was on the phone. i noticed that a land slide was coming down behind the camp side, where we was staying my door. i realized it was time to leave as soon as possible. so i took all the kids and move to safety. clean up if it's began after the rain cleared,
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but axes remain difficult to some affected areas. and with that you owe up to dates coming up option to break our environment. try plan today. that's it. some surprising things a we're getting a wrong about energy. money keeps making, and thanks for watching the dream of revolution. in 1979, the hated dictated somoza was forced out of nicaragua. the people hoped for cyrus society and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world and for 1000.


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