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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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on the business, dw, and use live from the land from says, fall right in choose closer to power. that's know, riley, me. the pin just most has to give her policy a governing majority officer at strong, showing in the 1st round of small selections on the policies. and that way, that options on how best to prevent the far right from coming to a pallet and from germany and france, there are special responsibility for our united here at germany's foreign minister sounds the alarm off the prompts is full right search will look at the full out from the front to vote here in germany. and right used as
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a weapon of the w meets with student needs. refugees. we say they with section may attacks by members of the power miller trade, our assets the menu campus making and welcome to the program fronts and the rest of your thought coming into tubs. with the possibility of the far right scanning power in one of the most powerful member states marine depends national raleigh policy in front has taken the largest chat of the votes with suzie, 3 percent in the 1st round, the front of snap parliamentary elections, presidents and menu and my call centrist, seen here in the yellow trails in foot with just 20 percent. they came behind a left. when the lines, the pull, 28 percent of the vote president my call is calling on site. it says to prevent the
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far right from winning a governing majority. and next, sunday's decisive final round of those thing. it was a historically high voter turnout and a historic result from a re la pens far right party, which is now closer to power than ever before. but it's not yet clear whether the anti immigrant euros skeptic, national rally, will be able to form a government. it all depends on whether president a manual ma cronan, his allies, together with politicians on the left can head off and outright when by moving the pens party through tactical voting, which is seen as a steve challenge. no matter what people are unfortunately fed up with politics, they no longer believe in it and returning to the extremes. for me it's the same thing in both cases it's really like the plague or color. uh one isn't any better than the other. so here we are disappointed, and we don't know where we're going from the disgrace to see the national riley
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rise like this is the 1st time we've reached this level in france. but i don't know how to say it's horrifying to see such extremes based on nazi parties, i'll say loud and clear. no, it's appalling about the results of the legislative elections is not very surprising because we have seen the rise of the file right in our country. today i'd like to say that's what a 3rd of french people think of it. so it's a democratic vote, and we must respect it despite everything on the sound of what they will try to do for the next victim i purchase. even if the far right does fail to win an absolute majority, france will likely have a hung parliament is could lead to political paralysis and chaos. just as parents is preparing to host the olympic games this summer. a dw horse bonnet lisa louis joins me now from paris. single. now lisa, the,
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the 2nd round of those thing is coming up next sunday and all lies now are on the political deal. making that's happening this week isn't say, i mean tell, tell us more about what's happening. and from this week a while actually, you know, you said what kind of, what shall divide each policy had one. but this is a highly complex election 5. and then $7.00 to $7.00 between districts, so $577.00, low collections. so to say only about a bit less than a 2 ton today it's got elected directly in the 1st round, if they think half of them from the fall rights national rally. and all the others are still up for grabs. of that being said that about 300 out of these 5 and 77 by 2 districts where there are more than 2 tons of dice and the 2nd round of agent and bashed as possible. because according to french rules, it as long as, as soon as you get 12.5 percent of registered voters in the 1st round of aging,
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you've got 3 for the 2nd round. and these so called younger that you know, tied to them less. so with 3 or 4 candidates and the 2nd round of aging, these are the districts that might be crucial in the 2nd round the fate, thanks. because some parties have already said they that they would with rolled up the candidate if that candidates had come. so that, so as to block the far right from getting to, to power north, all of the other parties of the powers policies except for the fall, right? nation riley over the has that they would do so those. and also the question is obviously will of h as follows, the advice with the really then go for the of the candidates, or would they prefer the nationality? we will know more next sunday. okay, so the policies trying to work together. so to say to still the far right from winning next sunday, but let's say the far right does when an absolute majority in sundays, ronald's selection. how would that change from well,
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if they've got to not in a to 9 of the seats in parliament together with the allies, they would have to know that the present, my call would have to name a prime minister from the not far right. national raleigh. that would mean that the government would be in the hands, you know, fonts has name to be a presidential system, but actually when you look at below, this is only because this, that's beside an agreement that the president actually gives the direction of national politics. but when you look at the legislation, it's actually the prime minister, who's the chief here in front of domestic policies. and that would mean that we a highly conflict. so a conflict written to him in power, at least for the coming next 3 years actually on to the next presidential election, 2027. and as we know the far right nationally have a national raleigh has a, a platform that is pushing full but measures to cub immigration. and also at the
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very center of it, this, the so called place the most not to not the national preference. so taking away rights, basic rights and those that are not friends and that would go obviously against the very principle of equality that is enshrined in befriends constitution. when the president mccomb was elected, he promised to overcome political divisions between left and right. quite frankly, those divisions now are the posen f us. so where does this essentially leave my home to your right. he was running on the left wing and writing platform when he was 1st elected in 2017 fingers. seems mostly, uh, actually read center writes right wing policies and many left wing vitus vapors felt less behind. all so many people felt that he was not really talking to them. they had perceived him as a lost, lost as arrogant. he was called jupiter. he is caught tube tesco and even that
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decision to, to solve the national assembly. it looked like he pretty much took it by himself thinking this was a genius id or over the past backfired. his government is less in chapters at he's well, you probably won't have his own government in, in the next, over the next coming the coming 3 years and will be very much limit to limited to a very small role here in foss. this is certainly not how he imagined the last last for years in power for him. and he said literally, reporting from paris lisa, thank you so much of a search of the fall rice and from this is being watched closely in other european countries, including here in germany, of course, which is one of the fonts as close as partners. the german foreign minister, i'm in a bad book, said she was concerned with the direction the fronts appears to be taking. let's take a lesson which london from germany and france, bear
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a special responsibility for our united europe. and it can't leave anyone in differences in our own country, for example, in the european elections or in the country that is our closest partner and best friend, a party that sees europe as a problem and not a solution is in the lead. because each the german foreign minister that we can get more now from date of use a chief political edited mikaela customer, who's here in belin. michelle, what do you make of the statement? we just heard that from melina, bab books, the foreign minister. while i was at that press conference with lot to us for him and the said i thought it was interesting as that and then, you know, babbled the dumb, informing us a didn't want to depart from her talking points. so cleaning was reading a casually script and statement, the talking about, nobody being left in different and it is true. nobody here in germany is in difference of to those initial election results in of funds. then i also follow up
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question as well what, what kind of implications as this high fidelity is leadership role in europe. and she simply does not want to comment on that. and that's think that's saying a lot. and there's a sense of sako. the polling in the head of these elections already indicated that that could be such a result. and, and this means that politicians say will have to reflect what that means in the future. her green of possibly to calling and get cool. this miscalculation that was talk of how are kiri train, this is all the rhetoric of feeling about amongst the green policy. but also authors are concerned that this will be a tough a time to get anything done in the u. s. and it might even be hard to just to keep what they have at the moment in terms of stability and a kind of bulwark towards the fall, right? okay, so what we'll see what, what happens this week?
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it's, nothing's guaranteed yet boss. um, there's a, a high level of trepidation here and job and he knows what you're saying based on the 1st round, the selection results in front. it's just absolutely. yeah. because the question is what's, what's next? uh, how much was it? can this get a gemini needs funds to get something done on this? germany and fonts agree on something, it simply won't get done in the european context. and this comes at the time as a you is under a lot of pressure, the war in ukraine and with a both my family pens, phone last and all, but also the forward a, if the who no longer c. i to i here in germany, both being against and continuing to support and cray with weapons deliveries in the se, perform as it is right now. so key strategic issues will become more difficult to navigate in funds, but also in the whole of europe. c, w as michelle customer. thanks so much mckayla. let's take
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a quick look mount some of the other stories making headlines around the world today and in ukraine. one person was killed and 9 were injured on sunday after a russian messiah struck a post office in the city of keith. fragments of the rocket also struck a residential building in the capital teeth that attacked injured at least one pass and a permanent fall right german politician has been convicted. i'm fined for a 2nd time for using a band nazi slogan. ben hooker said everything for germany during a raleigh and i have to is the lead candidates for the alternative germany policy in the state of to ring here, where his policy holds a clear lead in the polls. in a few 100 people briefly took pos and l g p t q plus pride. march is done both. this might be event actually being banned into a key since 2015 waiving rainbow flags and singing slogans. protest as march for about 10 minutes before dispersing when the police intervened. at least 15 people
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were arrested. a barrel is picking up strength as it sweeps across the eastern caribbean sea residence of several caribbean islands, including barbados, have boarded up homes and shops and preparation for powerful wins. the storm has reached category for strength earlier in the hurricane season than any other store on record. of the warranty dawn has been called the wells biggest humanitarian crisis, with thousands killed millions displaced and hundreds of thousands left on the verge of starvation. the power military recess is facing the sudanese army, the control of the country, among the atrocities, allegations of right rights groups. they are assessed as being targeting one ethnicity in particular. that's the muscle lead of west and off for many, many to fled across the border to neighboring chad. with d. w. 's,
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mario miller met with the volume of sexual violence. it seems highly mccain. remember, she has missed and kam studies case people. every time she thought she found safety, another attack happened. it was always the same perpetrators and their allies. she says, the full much angel we administer now known as rapid support forces or as us in june 2023. they attacked the area of age and nina, where she left the 55th uh, getting delegate. and the little one i've got, the 1st one was in the most in mobile and get in the mail. and i was washing the because i lima, whose name was changed to protect her. she was living with a family at the side for the space people. when she heard the militants arrived from the motor bikes. i don't understand the door of i'm going to doing
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a minor for that. the thing but by the light and the 2nd kind of what i like seen bethlehem wine, the whole style and everything done with the my wife and now that a lot of to see when it was over she ran away stepping over 20 bodies lying on the road then she stopped counting. after crossing the border to side, lima felt safe, but couldn't find any medical help. 3 days later, the pain subsided, but the memory store keep her from sleeping. she says the hour of iris f melissa attacked her because she belongs to the muscle, each and african in mississippi. a lot of physically move it to us at the spoke to more than a 1000 survivors of killings and sexual violence. all of them told us the attackers were specifically targeting muscle, each aiming to ethnic deacon's, african ethnic groups from the for his mouth. and that is
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a king aluminum for his coat and how you found nicholas to give infection a moderate below. what i again the most lovely, a guns about next symbol guy with animal cell in the line with the side of a man. i use more than one side of them are they adding the survive of stories are backed up by human rights watch. it is documented numerous atrocities and want of a possible genocide against the muscle. people in west the for hours of did not respond our requests for comment power whose name was also changed by a safety survived similar attack. she says and ours f i to into the home on june 8th, 2023. and let us to look a fuser for you if you will. hi, to kind of one for you to get into the applied to the high school. i was gonna go ahead and fill out the good service in the face of a 100 a month instead of going to wind and shot to a 20 year old cousin. then she heard her mother and
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a lot of the good in the store for when of course, the run down, all kinds of serious money on that i need to the city for the dominate the sub. and then she bled. having the days later, she was able to find a hospital where she needed stitches. she still sometimes feels pain when she walks . of these women now and safety in charge of many here live in deplorable conditions in the camps. lacking medical support, food for to and basic shelter. the u. n. has called this the largest displacement crisis in the world with more than 10000000 people forced to fee that homes almost 600000. so denise refugees now living and neighboring chat. but 8 organizations say
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massive funding shortages mean they are unable to cope with their needs and become a group of refugee women have created a safe space where survivors can talk openly and without stigma about what happened to them and the hopes for the future and have send how come in this to me yet? how do what close, close enough one, just the bunk. can you come? hi drunk, old guy that it's, i'm not for the color the language. i see that i can manage that and make it a democratic, but they say full day one is to get their lives back. they're hoping for peace. so they can finally move on. which one now bye up to him on lee. he's the suit on country direct to the n g, a can to national antigua, and so we now from 4th to down. welcome to the w. thank you for your time. can i
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start by asking you how wide spread the problem of sexual violence is in the sit on the full conflict and all the women who has been affected guessing any help a tool thank you for having me in this program. i do not have specific columbus, that's what we know is the, the increasing cases of getting the best value has been to put that across the particularly in bold area and kind of the on the active coverage beginning from godaddy. yes. to one does. you know, a lot of us this, that i kind of founded to be an active conflict. we are also aware that these gen, the balance is people out in the ip because he's still in this bed buttons. i'm also at home to the communities in those areas that are kind of beyond the active conflict. and are you able to tell us if there's any kind of support asshole for
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the women who are experiencing this kind of sexual violence in the area as well. but a couple blocks this we have provided us get a hold, we have providing emergency phone systems. gosh again, what i have, i need vision. however, um, based on the situation that, that kind of interfacing the access flag and provide assistance due to the ongoing conflict. says driving this also has pictures of the different academy does not allow us as a walk us to reach those people. let me continue to provide these assistance as to the present area that you have got to be access to us as can. i can imagine the challenges in guessing a must be extremely difficult and i'm positive. i mean, what you're describing is there is some food, some aids that's being provided in the area as possible. but obviously the women who are experiencing these, this kind of sexual violence,
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they would need maybe more emotional, psychological support. and i presume that something that's very hard to come by a design tab, you're gonna have to come by somebody there for one reason, because there are multiple displacements communities on display specialist. i'm moving from one location to the other multiple times. and this is supposed to be getting a liability to provide continuous support to this population. and the main trying to be continued to pace up at the moment. these access and the late appointments to reach a place that people are filled up specially had to be jealous. we also pacing dining just in row and moving to supplies. but you've got to go to my city license and have an addition across the border from china, people. so the most. so we leave the country where we are unable to move and between the states to the billing might be smart to be that paid supplies. and you can a very, very clear how difficult the situation is,
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how difficult it is to get any kind of aide in most is needed for this human rights situation in the region to improve just a little bit. and immediate thing is for the parties to the conflict, love hold their obligations under the law to protect civilian population, civilian stuff. jeff, i'm also a walk us by providing the assistance and in the, in the medium for a long time. there is a student necessity to bring this model going crazy. so i'm kind of friends, but thought there was need for the conflict to go to negotiation, tim and be sure that this public is brought to, to, to, to have it. it's, it's costing i told you myself, honey to the people so that i'd be romaneli speaking to us from port, sit down. thank you so much for your time and so bring us up to date. thank you so much for helping me. now at least 7 people have died in 5th
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storms in front, switzerland, and easily extreme weather intervention will rain lead to floods and lines. lance lights made west by melting snow from the outs. fond to say, schumann driven climate change is increasing the severity the frequency on the duration of extreme weather events. this bridge proved no match for the torrents of war, so which tore through here to be rein. hammond pots of switzerland melting snow confounded the deluge. the alpine town of task wound was particularly hard hit, rivers and streams, the sea of banks and land slides buried cause and cut off. some homes might alter the light on. yes, this is michael. unfortunate the everything's damaged, including the hotel. we now have new accommodation,
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200 meters for the down of office for but anyway, we'll have to wait till tuesday for the road to be open. and then we'll have to see how we'll get the car out, turned back to germany, to indulge on the goals and con, not also stop from. we had some problems before you go to 94 to 5 years ago. it slightly flooded the bridge. but that was manageable, hard hold on, and the extent of it this time. so, so i've never seen this, so it's a huge amount to meet with us and get all the weight with a hips. northern is linked to causing rivers to boost the things creating flooding, and more month 5, hundreds of people were evacuated, rented on city, it's been a while i was on the phone. i noticed that a land slide was coming down behind the camp site, where we were staying my door and i went up,
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i realized it was time to leave as soon as possible. so i took all the kids and moved to safety. clean up if it began after the rain cleared, but acts, these remain difficult to some affected areas and some sports news for you now. and in footballs. you're a 2020 full spain, all through to the round of 8 with a win against georgia. the georgians going off to a good still self or an own goal by spain's love norma. but spain brought the match from the control with rotary equalizing shortly before the break. spain score 3 mill goals and the 2nd tough georgia leave the tournament as one of it still as they put in a sensational performance. but spain will now face hosts, germany, instruct, gone on friday with england survival at stake in the years they managed to knock slovakia out of the tournament. ivan shrunk,
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scored for slovakia and the 25th minute. but despite dominating most of the match, england only managed to come back in injury time with the help of due to billing i'm hurricane then made it to one early into extra time. england will now play switzerland in the course of finals into slid off on saturday, now, mid field, the jude valley, and his go help england when the game describes his motions off to the roller coaster match. and i think me adrenalin gets you boy, it's a, it's a combination of a lot of things, you know, your timeframe and is an enjoyable feeling. but it's also a lot of pressure. you people to o'clock rubbish. and you know, it's nice to when you deliver you can give them a little bit back, you know, he's, he's very difficult in press conferences and interviews and things like that to the tool. because open a, as footboard is wandering because they're always judged. and i'm from a football, i'm being on the page score and goals celebrate and is more release. and he always may be a message to a few people, but i haven't very happy moment. i'm sort of trying to, to deli,
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a mess. and with that you are up to date. so after the break of science magazine tomorrow today looks how goes to be encouraged to consider korea's in physics. i'm you can try me again at the top of the hour. thanks for watching. the
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not very comfortable. i'm takes 3 expensive knox redesigns for alice's space working out the space cross very dangerous afternoon. wouldn't the volleys without the suit the makes them those especially the tomorrow today. next, on the news at what happened to me wasn't right. i just
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didn't know where i could sarah west who is going to believe me. this is greg was sterilized against her. well, in canada, as with thousands of indigenous women from the 1970s to present a global membrane in 60 minutes on d w. the looks of do you do the same to tenants? she survived our streets. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin the, the genuine 2 musicians under the swastika documentary about this sounds of power inspiring story about survival of the home.
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i go get the tennis. i was the only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary the out of the $225.00. the witness of the nobel prize in physics just fine. so women, in fact women are under represented generally in the subject in western countries in particular that were fond, few of female physics students and 3, such as the male. how do you get goals interested in physics? perhaps with an exciting experiment, the welcome to dw science shaped the
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