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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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the lies faces. this is the w news, live from bell in the us supreme court rules that donald trump is partially immune from prosecution. the quote says, former presidents have absolute immunity for official acts potentially offending a case, but alleged from tried to subvert the 2020 presidential election. also coming up front as far right inches closer to power, national riley leda, marine the pen, judges. votes has to give her policy a governing majority officer it strong, showing in the 1st round of snap elections, of the policies on that, weighing their options on how best to prevent the fall right from coming to a pallet. and parts of europe clean off up to the deadly storm. scientists say it's
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another sign of how climate change is making extreme was the most frequent and most of the, the i'm, i need to have you with us. we begin with breaking news from the united states. the supreme court has ruled the form of presidents are entitled to absolute immunity for actions taken in an official capacity. but no, it's the actions taken in an unofficial one. now that will extend the delay in the criminal case against donald from the high court has sent the case back to a lower court. earlier this year the court was the site was off to decide whether trump was immune from prosecution for his role in the generate $62021.00, right us us capital. when he was president of
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a timing of the ruling is important as the window for a trial to happen before the november election is narrowing. and we can get more on this from dw is washington correspondent correspondent janelle de lown, who is at the supreme court for us at. janelle, can you explain in simple language? well, this verdict actually means indeed on, you know, this was a widely anticipated ruling. just this new, of course, which i had of today called it a ruling for the ages, and indeed that's what it has turned out to be. now re wind before this ruling, there were 3 possible ways that the supreme court could have gone right. like it could have completely drunk trump's immunity claim number one, or number 2, it could have said that trump had absolute immunity. and number 3, it could have chosen some sort of middle road. now what we see today is that the supreme court has chosen to take that middle road,
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but that middle road is by any reading a road that really does favor donald trump. and if anything, it's throws up questions. what is official? what is, what is on official? what is absolute immunity versus what is presumptive immunity? now if we could, we, if you remember jack smith, i put forward a whole host of actions that donald trump is so to have done in related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. one of them, for example, was that he was trying to get the justice department to conduct the sham election probes. so with regard to that, for example, the court has said that trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving is discussions that with justice department officials, so absolute there. but if you take another one, which is that he tried to pressure vice president michael pens, then vice president mike pence not to certify the election results there. the court says that to him that he has a presumptive immunity for prosecution from that contract. and that this is
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something that the government is going to have to write, but that trump has presumptive presumptive immunity. in this case, that the burden is going to be on the government to prove that, that immunity should not apply. so if anything, this as a whole host of questions about the limits of presidential power, which at the moment seemed a know i thought limited a little donald trump has responded, i'm truth, social calling the supreme court opinion, a big win. so democracy. so given what you've just said, there are still quite a lot of questions here. what does this mean for trump going forward? well, like i already said, this is a decision that has been very advantages to trump, but to one of the key ways that this has already been advantages to him, even before the ruling was how long everything took. now,
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remember that the election is already in november and because of the time that the courts have taken, the chances are now vanishingly slim, that trump will face any kind of trial in this regard before that november election . and so that all have that has already helped him in this regard and what it will mean for his case going forward. well, that means that jack smith has a much harder job to do. what, what can you say? what can you now say in court that uh, that clears this very high, this very high bar of having to disprove, and unity in this case. so this is something that is legal team will have to spend, will have to spend weeks on. but it's also worth noting that if trump does when the election before a new trial can take place, then maybe all of this has moved any way. you can simply get to the department of justice, which would be under under his re met then to dismiss the case. and in which case
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he doesn't pay. so he doesn't face any consequences for this at all. he doesn't use washington correspondent janelle dom allowing. janelle, thank you so much. i of the now from the rest of europe coming to terms with the possibility of the full rights gaining power in one of the most powerful member states are in la pens, national radi policy and from says taking the largest share of the vote was 33 percent in the 1st round of front of snap solomon tre elections, president and money. on my call centrist switch, you can see here in yellow trailed in 3rd with just 20 percent. they came behind a left. when the lines, the pull, 28 percent of the vice president, my call is cooling on viruses to prevent the far right from winning a governing majority. and next, sunday's decisive final round as ocean it was a historically high voter turnout. and a historic result from irene la pens far right party,
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which is now closer to power than ever before. i was suppose to say, i think it's the people's revenge on the leads with light to the french people for over 40 years. i hope that we're reading the paint together with john and bob tyler, with linked friends up to the french volume, can finally return. and we can continue to hope for a better future. son in law has in my eyes. because i've been hoping for this for years. and i'm hoping technology is going to get the country back on its feet. we've got to do something small, but it's not yet clear whether the anti immigrant euro skeptic, national rally, will be able to form a government. it all depends on whether president emanuel, my crone and his allies, together with politicians on the left, can head off and outright when by marrying the pens party through tactical voting. which is seen as a steep challenge. no matter what people are unfortunately fed up with politics, they no longer believe in it and returning to the extremes. for me it's the same
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thing in both cases it's really like the plague or color. uh one isn't any better than the other. so here we are disappointed and we don't know where we're going from. the voltage is grace to see the national riley rise like this is the 1st time we've reached this level in france. but i don't know how to say it's horrifying to see such extremes based. so nazi parties, i'll say loud and clear, no, it's appalling about the results of the legislative elections is not very surprising because we have seen the rise of the file rights in our country. today i'd like to say that's what a 3rd of french people think of it. so it's a democratic vote, and we must respect it despite everything on the sale of what they will try to give . who do i pick them up or do? even if the far right does fail to win an absolute majority, france will likely have a hung parliament. this could lead to political paralysis and chaos. just as
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parents is preparing to host the olympic games this summer. on some of the w correspondent, lisa louis joins me now from paris. lisa, with the 2nd round of those thing coming up next sunday. all eyes are on the political build making, but it's now happening this week. tell us more about that. what absolutely. it's really about the alliances that will happen now. now, you know, we heard about the shares that each policy, one of the selection, but this is not a proportional election. it's a direct election. the $577.00 seats in the french parliament will be, you know, will be decided in local elections. and each district is really to exist a group, send one parliamentarians to parliament. it's a 2 round system, you know the, the parliamentary and can win a 1st round if they get more than 50 percent of the rights. but that's only the case for about a 2 districts. all the other states are still up for reps,
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hence the 2nd round to face to face sunday. now, because the french system is not that straightforward, there's the possibility that there more than 2 candidates in the 2nd round division . and these are really the districts where i could get really crucial what happens on sundays because they have 300 out of a 5 and 77 districts with them. more than 2 candidates on the 2nd round of facing and certain parties have already said that they would what the french course fair sounds about dodge. so try to block crate it down against the fall, right. by withdrawing that candidate became that in the 1st round to for 18, so that all of average 10 good to can go to the other candidate the non fall, right. national radi candidates in the 2nd time to say to now know all parties have said that they would do that. and obviously writers can still decide freely what they will do in the 2nd drawing the facing. so will the so called what they call
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them says republican party is the non fall right? policies be able to block the far right from getting to power from getting a an absolute majority in parliament. we will see this sunday. absolutely not. but let's say that in the fall, right, those when an absolute majority in sundays runoff selection give us a sense of how that would change fronts. the best really to have wide runs, arranging consequences. you know, funds is known to be a presidential system. but actually the case to the call so lie in the hands of the prime minister ended. the prime minister is from another posse, let's say the national riley, as a said, if they get a, a, an absolute majority, then the president has to add to name a prime minister from the far right cost in the far right policy. national already obviously has a different platform compact to, i'm not cost apart from my costs program and they are, you know,
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saying they're pro, put and see what measures to cut the rights for immigrants. so for example, they're focusing on the so called national preference. that means taking basic rights such as rights, you know, to social housing, away from non french people. they also said during these 3 weeks of contain running up to the 1st round of evaluating and the legislative elections that a certain jobs in what they call a strategic area such as security and defense woods and no longer be available for people that do a nationalities and that also includes people who are boner funds and fronds, but have another national have to be because of the, the pounds off from another country. so this would really be a class of 2 worlds based on different values. what the far right puts for what is a system that goes against the very principle of equality is only 2 that is enshrined in the french cause constitution. lisa,
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thank you so much for that of alicia louis. ever forcing from paris of the size of the size in front is being watched closely and i'll be your opin countries, including of course, here in germany, which is one of francis places partners with him. foreign minister and the bad book said she was concerned with the direction front appears to be taking. let's take a lesson which london from germany and france, bear a special responsibility for our united europe. and it can't leave anyone in differences in our own country. for example, in the european elections or in the country, that is our closest partner and best friend, a party that sees europe as a problem and not a solution is in the lead. ok. i off the w as chief political editor and michelle and alexis know what she made of the statement that we just had the from germany's for administer. while i was at that press conference with lot to me as for him and it said, i thought it was interesting as that. and then, you know babbled. the dumb,
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informed minister didn't want to depart from her talking points, including was reading a casually scripted statement that talking about nobody being left in different and it is true. nobody here in germany is indifferent to those initial election results in of funds. then i also follow up question as well what, what kind of implications of this? how fidelity is leadership role in europe? and she simply did not want to comment on that. and that's think that's saying a lot. and there's a sense of sako. the polling in the head of these elections already indicated that that could be such a result. and this means that politicians say will have to reflect what that means in the future, her green of possibly to a calling and get cool. this miscalculation that was talk of how are kiri train, this is all the rhetoric of feeling about amongst the green policy. but also all those are concerned that this will be a tough
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a time to get anything done in the you. and it might even be hard to just to keep what they have at the moment in terms of stability and a kind of bulwark towards the fall, right? okay, so what we'll see, what happens this week? it's, nothing's guaranteed yet boss. um, there's a, a high level of trepidation here and job and he knows what you're saying based on the 1st round of the selection results in front or just absolutely. yeah. because the question is what's, what's next? uh, how much was it? can this get a gemini needs funds to get something done on this? germany and fonts agree on something, it simply won't get done in the european context. and this comes at the time as the you is under a lot of pressure, the war in ukraine and with a both my family pens, phone last and all, but also the forward a, if the who no longer c. i to i here in germany, both being against and continuing to support and cray with weapons deliveries in
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the safe perform as it is right now. so key strategic issues will become more difficult to navigate in funds, but also in the whole of europe. c, w as michelle customer, thanks so much mckayla to israel now and ultra orthodox jewish men clashed with his randy police during protests in jerusalem on sunday. at least 5 people were arrested. they were demonstrating against a recent is ready supreme court orders to begin enlisting them from military service. the ultra orthodox community makes up around 13 percent of israel's population and is being exempt from military service for religious reasons. the issue has been a source of tension for decades though, and has intensified since israel's war and goals with again thousands of out of the adults jewish men on the street. so give you some of that for testing of ruling by israel supreme court. the army must start drafting out to orthodox jews,
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otherwise known as harry dean into the military. and is vile. most jewish men are required to perform 3 years of compulsory military service. but powerful outs also adults parties have used at leverage to would exemptions for that follows and i say it's necessary for her read the men to study the toner, which they see is crucial to preserving is why of jewish identity they say forced conscription will destroy that generations old way of who lives so we have to find them so that we don't want to go to the army. so that's the only thing we have to do. so that's what we're doing. i believe as much as we need to manage those. let me the people who the learning tara, they're doing a lot and we try and have them drop out. we need, we need the car and the scuffles like to play a couch between protesters and police. war to cottons,
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filter skunk sent to door to as well as police on foot and horseback were used to dispatch the crowds. the issue could topple to administer benjamin netanyahu, whose government to parties in is coalition, oppose the change. if they break ranks, the country could be sent to fresh elections and he could be out to the job. the warrant saddam has been called the wells biggest humanitarian crisis, with thousands killed millions displaced and hundreds of thousands left on the verge of starvation. the power miller treat recess is fighting the food and these on the so control of the country among the atrocities all allegations of rights rights groups say are assess, has been targeting one ethnicity in particular. that's the muscle, each of west and off for many muscle we'd have fled across the border to neighbor chad. but dw is money in the met with survivors of sexual violence. a
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sunbeam. i can remember, she has list, and cams for this case, pete. every time she thought she found safety, another attack happened. it was always the same perpetrators and their allies. she says, the full much engine treatment is now known as rapid support forces or as of today . and in june 2023, they attacked the area of age in nina, where she lived. i didn't was, i got the 55th and i was getting delegate. and the one i've got the fucking was in the most in my going to get in smelling of as much into because lima, whose name was changed to protect her. she was living with a family at the side for the space people. when she heard the militants arrived from the motor bikes, math, i don't understand what you're going to do and i'm going to doing
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a minor for that. that's the thing, but by the light and the 2nd kind of what i was seeing, bethlehem wine, the whole style and everything there with them always. and now that a lot of to see when it was over, she ran away stepping over 20 bodies lying on the road. then she stopped counting. after crossing the border to tried me, my felt safe but couldn't find any medical help. 3 days later, the pain subsided, but the memory store keep her from sleeping. she says the hour of iris f melissa, talk to her because she belongs to the muscle, lead an african in mississippi. typically we spoke to more than a 1000 survivors of killings and sexual violence. one of them told us the attack is, was specifically targeting muscle, each aiming to ethnic kitchens, african ethnic groups from the for,
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i shouldn't say is one of his mouth. and that is a thing that limit for his coat and how you found neglect to give instruction, to motivate the fellow for the most classic on the rough neck. similarly that i'm selling the line with that side of a man, i guess on that on the side of them are they doing the survive of stories are backed up by human rights much it is documented numerous atrocities and want of a possible genocide against them. isolated people in west the 4 hours of did not respond requests for comment however, whose name was also changed by a safety survived similar attack. she says in ours, f i to entity home on june 8th 2023. don't want us to confuse a food a few little hard to kind of one for you to give them the positive is a husky. them some go here to pull up the good service in the face of a 100 and he went and shot her 20 year old cousin. then she heard her mother
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and a little the good in the store for when of course the wrong that all kinds of serious money on that i need to the city for the dominate the sub. and then she bled. having the days later, she was able to find the hospital where she needed stitches. she still sometimes feels pain when she walks of these women now and safety in charge of many here live in deplorable conditions and that comes lacking medical support. food for to and basic shelter. the u. n. has called this the largest displacement crisis in the world with more than 10000000 people for us to see that homes almost 600000. so denise refugees now living and neighboring chat. but 8 organizations say massive
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funding shortages mean they are unable to cope with their needs and become a group of refugee women have created a safe space with survivors can talk openly and rebuild stigma about what happened to them and the hopes for the future. i'm gonna send, i'll come in this too. i'm gonna get have do what close, close enough one. they're still confused bunk. can you come high sierra trunk. old guy dot it's. i'm not going to look for the link. i see that i can manage that negative them and get to the bottom. they say all they want is to get their lives back. they're hoping for peace, so they can finally move on. let's take a quick look now has some of the other stories making headlines and ukraine. one person who's killed and 9 injured on sunday officer are russian missile struck
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a post office in the city of khaki, fragments of the rock. it also struck a residential building in the capital keys that attack injured, at least one person, and a permanent found right. kevin politician has been convicted and fined for a 2nd time. so using a band nazi slogan, can hooker said everything for germany during raleigh hookey is the lead candidates for the alternative germany policy and the state of to ring here, where his policy holds a clear lead in the polls. now only 7 people have died and fear storms in front, switzerland and it's really extreme weather and parental rain led to floods. i'm land flies made was by melting snow from the outs fund to say human driven climate change is increasing the severity the frequency on the duration of extreme weather events. this bridge proved no match for the tolerance of rules of which tore through. here he reign hammond pots of switzerland melting. snow confounded the
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deluge. the alpine town of task grew and was particularly hard hit. rivers and streams, the sea of banks and land slides buried cars and cast off some homes might alter the light on. yes, this is michael. unfortunately, everything is damaged, including the hotel. we now have new accommodation, 200 meters for the down of options for the anyway. we'll have to wait till tuesday for the road to be open. and then we'll have to see how we'll get the car out and back to germany. see, and don't you on the open con, not also stop from we had some problems before you go to 94 to 5 years ago. it's slightly flooded the bridge. but that was manageable, hard holds them on the extent of it this time. so, so i've never seen this. so it's
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a huge amount to meet with us and get them to get maybe the weight with the hips. northern is linked to causing rivers to boost the things creating flooding, and more month 5, hundreds of people were evacuated. man today or while i was on the phone, i noticed that a land sign was coming down behind the camp side where we was staying my door. i realized it was time to leave as soon as possible. so i took all the kids and moved to safety, clean up if it began after the rain cleared, but acts these remain difficult to some affected areas. is a quick reminder of our top story. marine depends national ronnie, policy is taking the largest share with the voters in the 1st round of francis snap
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solomon tre elections. the policy is hosting for an absolute majority and next sunday's decisive final round. and with that, you're up to date. feel gail will be here at the top for the next hour with more news for you. i mind you can just make it and thank you for watching the the the
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news at what happened to me was right. i just didn't know where i could share at was who is going to believe me this is greg was staring iced against her well in canada, as with thousands of indigenous women from the 1970s to present a big global membrane. next on
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d w. they carmela di family gave the world the secrets of shown discovery has helped in the fights against infectious diseases comes to therapy and all the time. the really like the not about is, are the key. i'm story cues by camel. none of the in 45 minutes on d w. the why does that mess? because now, i'm lisa, i'm on the new horse of the last night to
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join us for an exciting explanation now. and everything in between the most is a video and audio production by d w. i hope video will tune in the no money, some medical ok adult to in indonesia is paid in plastic recyclable. the 4th sterilization in canada, a legacy of systemic discrimination and contamination control. per se, germany's and result issue with radioactive waste, the .


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