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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  July 1, 2024 9:02pm-9:31pm CEST

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of the crate that promises millions, but instead deliveries dec i was because they messed up my heart. in fact, i know one day, they say when is know when to quit. but sports betting is taking over africa and leasing everyone they'll put me in rush or addiction. i don't know what you do with your money, but i'm a pretty frugal person. so i've only played the lottery ones and never done sports betting. sports betting is getting more and more popular on the continental, especially online. we have increasing internet connectivity, mobile payment options, and smartphones becoming more available. so all it takes is a few clicks and you're hooked. welcome to the 77 percent. the show for africa's majority be under $35.00, this time with me. your host, let's show here is what we have for you today.
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are lively as tracy bates income policy, as you've done the dispute. the pros and cons of online gambling our correspondence reveal how sports betting has exploded across africa and why regulation is a double edged sword. and finally, we find a champion and an unusual place. and for pro, a slips to has changed a lot across africa. many young people believe the sports betting is a quick fix to their money problems. in nigeria alone, there are over a 100 bidding companies making millions which will cool is, is just one of many nigerians draining the bank accounts in the hope of one day hitting project, but a 24 year old and a jew and get you cool. is it is addicted to, but he just can't help himself. even though
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i'm leaving not doing genius to come to school. get you cool was introduced, but team play a friend and do mind if i school. when i go, i suppose my school starts with 500 and better manager split. i mean less than $40.00 a month. as a housekeeper kit you who spends lavishly on betting each week in just 4 years, he has poured over a $1000.00 into his betting habit that will wins, but most do nothing. that'd be guess loss. you know almost what off to 1000. yeah. this was like, or i, i know get myself not. i mean i'll get myself like something was going on. like from the way my body's thoughts getting hold. so i would like was being always going, i'm going to like my mom was talking to me. i would like, what does that mean to me about? no, man, i am us. i, brittany says i would like to do it. i like 5 minutes. you know, to my wizard. she doesn't,
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i like do onto the pricing. the one on the license already. all set to myself. after leaving the veteran, she'll get you cool. immediately heads home to stop bitching online using his smartphone critics. in that julie, i have complained about the predictability practices of 15 companies and the level of supports for the. in that junior, it's estimated that over 60000000 people gamble, many are young that you and seeking to overcome a bottom, unemployment and poverty. and believe the betting is a quick fix solution to them money problems. what they don't know or more precisely don't want to know is that the game is fixed and they can never read the book as always. we as they also have others too, but the book you guys taking is on commission anyways. and every time you run, i've lost my, the bucks a few times when you, when you're just a small portion of that with the rest of the chunk of them, of those legal. so there's a dense or logical i'd be more worried about detect,
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expecting companies in that area used to attract customers to save these businesses often employ social media influence as to encourage company they present themselves as betting and sharpen use, claiming to have corrupt the coach to profitable dumpling and there's a guy called me all of it gets quite straight, is trending. and it has an awful lot of the people. i mean, the guy. so we're gonna be 1800000000 now. yes. wow. funding. you know the time maybe in couple of every month because the guy want a lot for the new goes on with that $165.00 me those on the come on man. how are you really one of those. i know the guy moses the those is there. okay, good no problem. but i believe it's less as being used so many police do use you one day you're told to just try one to 1000. there are you try are you when? wow. well, i think you're celebrated. i love you resolved off. you, you put all you want me then i do. i live in is gone. i got your duck,
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i no longer will just be your account for you all for a little man, i'm going through what i'm talking to the team is growing exponentially. we over a $115.00 companies operating in nigeria to may be profitable. the local regulation and taxation has increasing numbers of junk before throwing the hot on money into a for some less. now, here's the statistic that blew me away just in 2022. the global sports betting market was worth $83000000000.00 us dollars and the sector is projected to grow immensely. let's head to the venom, capital kampala to find out what's driving people to spend so much of their own money on a game of chance are calling it is kim. i need talk to young ugandans about their views on sports bidding. and let me tell you the street debate is on via
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the hello and welcome back to the 77 percent strict debate this week. we are in the bound to full capital of uganda compiler. now, just sitting as little with what people here called betting or gambling houses. so today we want to find out from the young people here is going to bring a net positive or negative for the society. and i want to begin with my friend chris here because i have, we were speaking. and despite the fact that here in composite of the legal age for betting is 25 probably the highest in the world. you 1st came into contact with gambling when he was the 17. do you remember that 1st? i was given a fusion? yeah. uh, base school fees at school. so i said, if i bought my 400000 shootings um with a good and maybe you know, i lost that for sure. i did it, but you know, with studies. well, yeah. so that's how i can stop on. and i was a little bit to go out, you know,
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how does it a little bit to go? i don't go back to badging. okay, so let me speak to rebecca here for a 2nd because you're not quite a season. but as, as chris is telling me a little bit about your relationship with sports betting and how you got introduced suite that was just influenced by afraid twain for basic because he's, i would beta actually, he's addicted, phased his phone, he just wrote the money to me off to then he told me that to me one sunday. okay, let me hear from the gentleman here. what's your experience be like, are you coming to the betting or you used to there is that spirit of i did sure. most of the big thing companies that begin at low wage, they use hub that you got in them. that's when i put this one so that i can, i can get like 20000000 within it. mean that to me not really. second, there is something about to that to candidates, to even the, the, the, each on monday. there is that's predicted to you. i need to get more. okay. so you're calling it a series the tells you have to do. you think that's addiction? i think said diction. yeah, yeah. all right, uh let me hear from you kathleen,
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because i know that you actually actively involved in the industry. you work for a betting agency and you what was the best thing. so what's your experience? i see people coming according to the online side be they're like, wow, why not to be know there yourself. one was used to explore on rage 202 days. then he won $100.00 and then the but the bad part of it. it's like when you get that money, you'll be like, let me put the book. then you double. i people that these are, did you end up losing him? so what catherine is describing is very familiar to about 50 percent of the youth in this country who will actually pulled by jewel pulling 2021. and that's the number of people who said that the active you, betsy, know, this number might come as a surprise to many people. but what do you say that these appropriate because best thing on its own, it's a past same, it's existed for millennia. but why are we talking about it? yeah, and you're going to hook you up. i think this debate does not happen in
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a vacuum. there is a little unemployment, but how did we get to a point where gambling is a reliable source of income? and i see that knowing it's very ironic it, it does become such indeed and the other was just to imply that if people don't know just bit because of course, what does they also pull but those just as the ones. but she has mentioned that someone can be able to inject the minimal amount of money and they can get the west exorbitant amount of money that the reason for them to get back. ok. so let me talk to somebody who said they would never actually better because they're still fearful they might fall into an addiction. patricia, talk to me in that societies because the betting us anymore, thing they see does a bad thing. they because it does, it poll bids to dispute substrate because most people, but they don't walk us through just big for someone to give you. like when can you go and invest people bits as soon as the mirroring displaying, they are unemployed. okay, let me,
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let me speak to the better. yeah. you've been called in disappoint unemployed. an ethical to some degree. is this through no expense, by the way, would you agree that the acceptability is really not that up to the i? i don't think they can use our crime and they don't see as the more because eliza societies we african up during the african parents if i explain, tries to she want enough time because she's used to the african they've style. okay . so does your mom know, you bet, for example, knows she doesn't know. hi, mom. what, why do you think you kept it from? how is it this sense of shame attached to your sense of moral. uh yeah, that's part of a thing also i bring to bring up. why don't you just save that money instead of trying to watch played on my beach, but the concept that's more might be interested in be we actually have a child therapist with us here today. linda, so perhaps you can explain to us what exactly is happening to our brains when
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you're betting we had from a gentleman. i think he was telling us exactly how he's using qualities something that takes him over on that he's going to dixon. i'll break it down as much as a con. i'm going to talk about. don't put me in depth. i mean, if feel good home one, it makes you feel good. and you won't be surprised that don't mean that just special nova we on even when you lose it still the same feeling each changes the chromebook visa of your mind. so the different mean system is rewarding. the anticipation not the winning or the losing. so play we not lose so long as you in that series you're getting the heat. exactly. what i really want young people to know is that these people have studied the human mind and how it works. and pretty much gets them giving you like those wins that he was talking about to hook you up and after you hooked, they took cold by your mind. he's like, it was style take over. that's all right. let me ask one of because he actively
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encourages people to 2 bets. you work with an agency. i think you do a lot of advertisement in the media. do you feel like it's your responsibility to do the same? do you actually do that? yeah, 1st of all, uh, i want to talk about the best side of bidding. we, and for me to these people know, lived and looked like you it, that a week we have someone who is over $100000.00 in uganda. that is that on the $800.00 out on $800.00 median, i agree, but this one or how many of course we cannot or be lucky, you would go to school $100.00 students and one or 2 with a bus. that is the most criminal unit, and i've done that. we kind of told the okay, if we're going to be a regional one, we'd work for the other one. so let's hear from the brian. do you think that the government needs to put the types of control so that young people, as we said earlier, not putting money down because of what to lose the government should, would those going to those of the people or the how we combined and then they are still in schools, so they need to be regulated the but the them cutting 3. you cannot open
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a bidding compound on an account or no, no, no. and without the national id id before the so that's why you will activate your account. your id shouldn't be starting you up above 50100. okay. what about online gaming and gum? that's what i'm talking about. i do uh the accounts having a company in a bidding company without one lane or not. you must be 25 guys. these people updating you, they are bidding below 25. yes, they are moving out of people's accounts, which is someone that the government cannot control, right? so there's been some level of regulation and that's what you were talking about. and then we come back to you as adults, because we're also not it's susceptible to addiction. what are the things that people can look out for? if you feel so compelled you lot control, there is that odds that you feel. then the 2nd step would be, can you control that i, that many bad consequences that are happening, but do you keep us going? it's time to understand that you need till one more thing. i find it very
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unfortunate that a young population like you've gone to where over 77 percent of the population is below 24 years old. the cost for you gone to would be creativity, you know, ration. and we us sweeping for a whole generation. we've uh, used the don't want to use the brain, they just want to go the easy way. it's really unfortunate. well, so this whole idea of gambling being that easy way out is really seriously being reinforced. the rain is threatening to pull this part to you. so let me get some concluding remarks from you. we need to understand that it is the luck and you cannot be left to $100.00 times midway easily. so it is not about how much of that . how much of sticking going to, how many tvs? what about sticking forbidding ways to do your research? ok. okay. uh let me hear from the 2 of you. ok, i know for, for much as the regulations are that we really have a big problem when it comes to implementation, regulate this sick to lift this the best example as puts the hosting order to ensure that you can continue subbing that website and ensuring that you can
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minimize on the adverse effects for their website. all right, so let me conclude with you because i think it's important to just to ground this back to reality. i think what one upset is, is right. so the best thing in this country is very much legal. the regulations about it, but these are risk, especially when it comes to addiction. so closing for some of these problems going to be solved from the realm of knowledge. we have seen cases where people are dying because of these. so you can still see that it's a good device. yes, we are losing us to be a surprise then your interest site in a different place. right. at the beginning of this debate, i asked, do you think that's dumpling a betting is a net positive or net negative before you've gone to? i want to see, is it good for the country? raise your hands. is it bad for the country? raise your hand. well it is i, i don't know, i don't know how to, how to call that, but the audience back home. i think you've seen the i have it with the nase heavy.
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i'm not sure which is rich, but you take your gamble. thank you all so much for watching the to thank you so much. it is and everybody who took part in that street debate. not then do you see how divided opinions are on whether a sports betting is beneficial or not? well, we're not quite done with you've done the ends in how gambling has a firm grip on some of them. we talk to 3 men who share their personal stories and what i admire about this is that they are not sugar coating anything. i no longer take this because new these as a month i did the bread but i know things like on me. i kind of still pause. i've lost a lot. it is it. don't know. i think i can get both of my money. but the my food thing, so i'm continuing to lose that. so my hot down there when they were
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not i'm a very bad experience. we rates what's that? i was because they messed up like i couldn't imagine now i could call my month to, to and i've lost the money. i didn't of i stay here for that. i was really depressed. i wouldn't say that things completely bad or wrong because it's so sort of income to some people. but if your risk in your mind the, let's say a business mind your country scale capital for betsy. no one put some money for you to read and definitely save up like that. yeah. so it's, uh, it's a business note that means your wage heavy to that. so i'm going to actually give you money for free. even government do. so if it gets out of money from those companies, it's small or big, you've got to really say that it's the budget and you'll get them. but things like, what would you go too much? does a psychological meet out to where they go? don't meet. so you look on major, do we do with the physical or do we,
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do they go to me? do we need the money? do we need do a mental health. so it's, you've got to strike a balance between those 2 because of you have to be in a data type mileage. was that money? well, i really appreciate how honest these people from your down to where, because i don't think it's easy to talk openly about a habit that has cost you lots and lots of money. now the last person we heard raised an important point. bedding is big business, a multi $1000000000.00 industry. so how relevant is the sports spitting sector for individual countries and how quinn is the business, any way of correspondence from south africa and gonna end? can you have some answers? how much do i bet and where do i even start? i have no idea. i'm sure there must be some experience that has around because i'm like me. kenyans are parents, the advocates, i think experts, or at least according to the survey by the research from beautiful they are the african countries that's been the most national statistics don't deny it. according
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to the latest data, about 13 percent of kenyan say that they doubling gambling in 2023 alone, kenyon spent $67000000.00 us dollars, and the most likely people to that's a man between the ages of 18 to 36. whether come in government, it's ray can text money, but i think those usually controversial $1.00 because it picks up it's gonna have on one financial stability and family income. and then that's the government. he said that specifically online banking companies might be used for money laundry or tax evasion, which is why it can you haven't really just clamped down and wants to implement from the laws to regulate the industry. many. but then companies have sprung up across the country, offering young people the chance to cross country and gauge, invest in all year round the free balance of vision. as living force the government . we introduced a tax on revenues accrued from vaccine march to the displeasure of patrons. but i've been many instances of bits of scandal, if, as well in 2021 for example,
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that was in mid your scandal in gonna win football lesson officials for football clubs, we investigated by the police for fixing and much robust squarespace in some of these plans will officials web bond, but the phenomenon press phase. now with changes in technology, almost every sport is fair game for book make it in 2013 casino is accounted for the vast majority of gambling revenue in south africa. sports basing was just 7 percent of that total. 10 years later the picture looks completely different. sports betting accounts for more than 50 percent of the old gambling revenue. events like last year's rugby world cup and the english premier league a major money spent is for sports between agencies. but they're not only interested in the big leaks, many lower division games also end up on the radar. interesting insights from
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across africa. thank you so much, dan, isaac and philip. now i think that everyone needs to make their own decision on whether they want to spend their money on sports betting or not. but i also believe that we should have the courage to bet on ourselves. being the superstars, the other is look up to and that's exactly why true key and i go from you've done that. she's a world class 1000000000 player and an inspiration for so many others. did you note on one of the continents best clues to may? is this a woman some of the gun down? some stories is done out of the testament to the part of the termination on scale is in a, again, my name is rocky and i the i my becoming a champion and i knew that i would become one attempt to you and ricky and i goes join you from a small town beloved play of to offer desktop female outlets in the game is nothing short of extraordinary. or, you know, part of what it takes
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a journey of self discovery. it's no money down to offering it to the scene that's coming from a homeless background and with little education at this coverage. cool. as a life change that would provide everything i needed to change. i've got a of the 25 year old poor play, a boost, a cup to beat him story, month by trials, challenges on, on web and passion for the game. had to be done in 2016 when she entered a wealth of competitive pool. plain setting distasteful on out inspiring adventure . well, you know, make it is that when you made a note and i knew the 1st one has got to be patient out individually and even when losing the one line. you know, the ones who we mostly got on well trained, you don't have to lose hope. you've got to keep training or show you mean on. so i would love it. i'm on a free at that time for you to sean will come all waiting us to get up. and when i was in 2017 with you,
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i received the invitation to join. you con this national 14. it came us a surprise us. this was a tough us. yeah. and what's the last 2 attempt dealerships? i say that they're always negative people. ignore them, and stay focused on your goals using you know. but what's the last hope is said she made a come back the following year and catapult that had team to new heights and then it so that you're wrong, we don't loans. at one time i left many games and those 2 years of losses, i thought about giving on know who i was at one tournament, i convinced myself that if i lost, i would create to funding, i'm going to and i'm going to invite you for on. obviously you, why don't you instead of got answered my prayers. i wanted to throw in a minute. we jumped to a ship, we're kind example, raquel was people totally secure and you've done this 1st off. it got some to and ship. man, i'm waiting for you much to rise and attempt don't lose a championship and give up much of the challenge. find a way of moving forward. and yeah, this year rookie
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a went onto showcase the skills by went into holly cop doubles inside or pick up with us. this is the victory was not just a personal child, but also contributed to teams. you've done this overall success the plugin as in my target is not doing to watch at the junction she's off. she sets the sites on the welcome to a ship. rookie continues, teens by young. ok needs to dream big. yes, you go, girl. i'm not into sports betting, but my bet is a 100 percent on you rich for the world championship. all right, i'm sad to say that our time together is already up. thank you so much for watching . and if you're addicted to our content, remember there is more of our stuff on social media. go check us out on tick tock, instagram and youtube. i'll give you what's the music that has been stuck in my
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head for months now? king promised, picturing young john. yeah, they are with tammy. need to be the news at what happened to me was right. i just didn't know where i could share at
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