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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, the state that we news long from berlin, the u. s. supreme court ruled that donald trump is partially immune from prosecution. the court assigned that former presidents have absolute immunity for official acts potentially disrupting a case that a legit trump trying to support the 2020 presidential election. also on the program . hurricane barrel rips through the south eastern caribbean and bringing a life threatening wins and storm surges. officials report extensive damage on several islands in the region. the
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fairly it's good to have you with us. we begin with a landmark rolling in the united states, where the supreme court has granted former president donald trump some degree of immunity. they say former presidents cannot be prosecuted for any actions that were within their constitutional powers. but can, for private acts, the justices overturn a lower court's decision that have rejected drums claim of immunity from federal criminal charges. earlier this year, the court was asked to decide whether trump was immune from prosecution for his rule. in the january 6th 2021 ride at the us capital when he was still president. the timing of this rolling is important because the window for a trial to happen before the election in november is narrowing. now the former
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president is currently facing 3 criminal charges. let's look at them. the 1st, as i mentioned, is for his role in the january 6 capital ryans, prosecutors claim donald trump decides to explore the protest to delete the certification of president vitus rightful victory. now to him, 2nd case concerns the classified winehouse documents found in his florida home, lar, alonzo. and finally, the former president in 18 others face criminal charges in georgia where he is accused of conspiring to overturn his narrow defeats in the states. one of the justices who objected to the ruling was sonya. so to why your, she cried as a mockery, saying the court's ruling effectively. many presidents are above the law and a statement outlining her objections. she wrote the relationship between the president and the people he serves has shifted era vocally,
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and every use of official power. the president is now a king above the law. she says with fear for our democracy. i just sent you as president joe biden slammed the decision by the supreme court saying it meant there were virtually no limits on a president's action. today, supreme court decision, president community that's fundamentally changed for all, for all practical purposes. today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits or the president can do this a fundamentally new principle. and it's a dangerous pressure because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law, even including the supreme court of united states. only then this will be self imposed by the president of law. to baron mcdonald is a professor of law at the pepper dine caruso school law in california. and i asked
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him how he felt about the supreme court's decision. well, a little bit of disappointment because i think the ruling was necessarily broad. the court went into sort of areas of immunity for the president that it just didn't need to do with it created and sort of 3 categories. one was car constitutional responsibilities for which the president is absolutely noon from being prosecuted for criminal acts that he took while in office. the 2nd is sort of qualified immunity or presumptive immunity for actions that don't fall in that core area where the president actually shares power with congress. but even there, the president, again, is sort of a presumptive william, you are being prosecuted. so the only area that is clear where the president enjoys no immunity is for unofficial or private criminal acts conducted while in office. a
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lot of people are asking where that line between official acts and private acts can be drawn. how can an objective distinction be made here? it is very difficult and even the majority opinion written by chief justice roberts acknowledge that it can be very a very fuzzy line. so the court essentially said by any action taken by the president, that is arguably within the president's constitutional or statutory authority. arguably within it would cost of tutoring, official acts, subject to these immunity protections, which is a, you can imagine is a very vast swap of the president's actions while in office, i mean, a purely private act, you know, might be the personal things you do while you're going to bad or getting up or something, but most of the things that the president does during the day or,
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you know, while he's on duty at night, are uh, you know, arguably within his official sphere responsibilities that was professor very mcdonald from the pepper diverse as school of long and a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world. long time donald trump allies steve bad and has been taken into custody of the u. s. federal prison to begin a form on sentence for contempt of congress. a jury found him guilty 2 years ago of defining a subpoena to testify before the congressional panel investigating the january 6th attack on the us capital. in germany. far right, politician, be on how good has been convicted and fined for a 2nd time for using a band not say slogan during a rally. echo a former history teacher is believed candidate for the alternative for germany and the state of to ring you or his party holds a clear lead in the polls. the french president,
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the call centrist camp and a left wing alliance or a scrambling to find a way to prevent the far away from taking control of parliament and next weekend. the far right national riley party of marine will pen one. it was sounding victory and the 1st round of the voting on sunday. and even as projections show the national riley, falling short of winning an absolute majority, many in france are deeply concerned. our correspondence sonya found the car send us this report from paris. there's only one thing the french media are talking about today. i'm back about this man. is all done by the law office of the shock blocks the far right of this one. the far right at the gates, the power button is the president of the far right and actually randy and she could become the vix. i've been to sort of from is faulty one absolute majority in parliament, something that was considered unthinkable once in france. but today is
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a distinct possibility. it's a scenario of the dispute, some here in paris, where the policy doesn't find much the pulse. please tell me what. so the far right national valley and the allies are really skating for friends. on a vote for the president of the future is all is totally forgotten. history. move you to the most depressive. just trying to get us to cuz i'm really worried because it's been national. riley comes to a power, they have no competence in terms of ministers in order to govern fonts properly. they built a program for the allies to be the full time. so the muscles to see them on the solid and bundle a witness, you will show his incompetence. finally, people will realize it's not enough to just have rhetoric on immigration. that's true. that's not an economic or political program. the outcome of the election, however, is far from such a policy is a drawing of strategies to block the far right in this we can run off there is
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a chance that no policy obtains majority in front of parliament. some fee that could charade even more political tales. must beth, could you much push on? the risk is that france will become ungovernable, although i may say on ground boots dreams won't have the majority. it is exciting. and we might have to vote again because the apartment could be dissolved yet again, ultimately with it. meanwhile, vote is already mobilizing against the fall rights. this demonstration in pirates was held right after the results of the 1st round elections, which the national valley would. for the 1st time. many he worried about how friends could change it the far right comes to power. it's mostly due to be the we need to mobilize and realize that the national riley is putting hatred and putting people against each other. mostly it's really dangerous to build those with just young. i'm angry, like all the young people here, and just like a whole parts of the population by the french will head back to the polls on sunday
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. in the 2nd round of these nail biting parliamentary election, hurricane barrow has been a wreaking havoc as it makes its way through the south eastern caribbean, heading towards the coast of mexico. pharaoh head barbados on monday morning, leaving streets flooded and strewn with debris is the earliest category for hurricane on record scientist for alarmed by and strength, which has been boosted by of normally warm ocean temperatures spring and matthew food chains and media urologist and the atlas ferric scientists following barrows, developments from the us east coast math in good to see you again. exactly how dangerous is this hurricane all this thing, beryl threw a grenade earlier on with a confirmed wind gusts to a 194 kilometers per hour at the airport. and a 2 to 3 meters storm surge. now winds are close to 255 kilometers per hour. in reality, it's only about 2 or 3 columbus per hour away from being
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a category 5 hurricane, which has no precedent at this time of year. it is the most quickly intensive wind storm on record in the atlantic ever before september, our records state back to 1851. it is the farthest south category for storm on record at any time of year. and it's also the strongest stormy scenes or early in the season, simply in stated it's off the chart and so many different areas and geographically as well. now it's in the caribbean, it's learn with category 5 string. it won't really bother anyone these next 36 to 48 hours, but by mid wednesday it will likely sideswipe jamaica and eventually could threaten mexico's, you could tell me peninsula and you called off the charts and many different ways. is this a one off origin receive this as part of the wider trend? so it's a really good question. this fits into the overall trends that does bear this fingerprint of climate change. now it takes me to the logical factors to get a hurricane like this going. you need come upper level wind, so as to not to restore the part, you need favorable rise and motion. any kind of spreading
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a lot to sort of vacuum air upwards. we had all those things and those are sort of coincidences that happened with the weather. but that will make a hurricane that won't make a top to your hurricane like this. the fact that water temperatures are near record here and for this time of year they really are reminiscent of light september peak season. certainly not late, june, early july. and they're running $2.00 to $3.00 degrees celsius above average. that is something that we can closely linked to climate change and we know the answer for jennifer made climate change is expected to continue to have an increasing role in a stronger storms, more rapidly intensifying storms and storms. that sort of happened earlier in the cities and then they otherwise would this one is kind of the dry tech to me barrow when from a tropical depression to a major hurricane in less than 2 days. then can you explain how exactly a storm like barrel gather strength that way and that quickly? yeah, so we define rapid intensification is any storm the dates that the season increase
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and maximise the teen winds about 35 miles per hour in 24 hours. so something like 5055 kilometers per hour. this thing jump from a tropical depression to a category for in 48 hours and to get this, you need very warm, see surface temperatures all that fuel. but you also need really cold winds the law . if the winds are a little bit too harsh to hostile upstairs, it'll tear apart a fledgling storm like ones you can't have changing winds with heights. so ironically, you need an abundance of calm to get one of the most ferocious storms on or the other thing that i think really helped. we had a clockwise spinning high pressure off to the north and east and a comfort clockwise spinning low to the north. and west, and essentially those free like a little, i'm just like to if you're walking gears and a filaments of air that was moving away from the storm. and that meant we could evacuate more exhaust air at the upper levels, which allowed us to suck in more warm moist air from below. it's almost like if you put a leaf blower or fan at the top of the chimney,
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the more air you blow out the top, the more air can rushing and fuel to fire from below. and that's exactly what happened with barrow these past few days. the one and only matthew could prove to breaking it down like only he can. thank you so much for all those insights. thank you. as far as before we go, it is still the euro. 2024 here in germany. friends are through to the corner finals after defeating belgium, one now both teams or scoreless until the 1st minute when a shot by a french substitute calling, one was deflected off in belgium defender into the net. france now go on to face portable in the quarter finals on friday, and 4th of all secured their spot in that quarter. final with a shoot out win against the lenient after 120 scoreless minutes under dogs, slovenia pulled up an impressive find. but it wasn't enough to observe the experience, portuguese sides, portugal skipper cassandra, rinaldo, mister penalty an extra time with a score at mill mills. but he made up for it a few minutes later and converted from the spot in the penalty. should i don't that
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you're all up to date from all of us here in berlin. thank you so much for a company by the the coming 0 stage itself, 3 trans people. stories is not kind items that feed us complex doors inside. so he sort of addition chip in search of the 3 generations. one journey starts july 7th on d, w the day many have long warned about would begin with terrify.


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