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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 7:30am-8:01am CEST

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its finest hours until the days i'm nearly done. the stuff to lie 18 o d w the no but not as our mind goes for breakfast, nor tomato was for solid. no one year ends. i know morning coffee. what is the pro do is that we love and rely on just disappeared. hello and welcome. i'm finally got the body and you're watching equal into wireless, filling out for whatever you want on the planet. food shortages are really appropriate in today is episode. let's take a look at the fact us causing this. i'm what can be done to save our food. climate
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change is a major threat to our food projections say that by 2050 it could cause a 50 percent drop in the global coffee production. another is industrial saw me, which has taken i, you would stories on, on environment. let's have to a dry mouth extra where a woman is trying to be the change that she wants to see in the was she's left heart well being job in the us and now on the farm here. it's a bounty for farm. that's not only benefits. the land, but also the people who work it as the, the needs of paradigm shift in the way we are living with separate from nature. so at not having planned it, findings quoted me, the guides the
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the rope in bombay into school and run the college in the us or as a consultant in the us the work i did was a analyzing toxic emissions into a waterland, and my director was to analyze the data when you look at so much data it's, it's a bit daunting also because then, you know, the question is, where do i as an individual as well and we can, i make that change? that's when i come back to the phone because they've always had this phones since picking young king with knowing too much and i wanted to get people everybody. what i knew that will be one in the same partly because i am, i was in on king which strong city background. i didn't speak the language of the
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didn't have the speech or for from i'm in a good society over my time, like community so that i'm not going any list. so they started to now pay attention to what i have to see the i think what our needs right now is as being harmonious with nature, not speaking. then you need the modified practices, the student going to small shortage tonight using the photos to have that teacher to, to mimic that environment, to, to extra agree that this when both meet your needs ms. human intervention. and that's something that the, the harvest once a week, the heaviest,
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fresh produce, close to sundown, so that it's as fresh as possible on package and leaves as best as possible it up into the launch of bank. and then transport it early morning via 1st bus and then train those from the 5 was starting to become a waiter for a lot of waste food waste at the, from me, nor destroy know from cuba, spring then cubes and gives it a lot. and very often, producers are not able to get that lot and consume why that lot just in the life we do to start preserving food and extending the life of the food. but that for preservation also allowed for another source of income. the so much conversation about the,
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the wood and climate change and be the experience be as pharmacy. quite that actually hope things are changing with nature. and also that is a good. i need a few for us to redefine how we live our life. the wanting to share knowledge with try to touch base most of tomorrow has made us to what we host now. it's quite funds for the 1st one and the goal is to strip each then agriculture. so that 50 years from now when there's so much change in placement, if you don't have to deal with learning to skip the whole over the us create a curriculum, bring it into schools and it's definitely started with the right intentions. the
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so the how follow up sources of we mean off i'm in and something that's i find very unique to the city as a, to this farm except the lumina heavy, to see system. and they can fit to the table to invoice the thoughts and over the years, activity instructor voice much more than the every wednesday there's we may not invite you to fall and we share space and just talk about everything. and what i've seen that's done is communities for women to work on this man. it's you need the most solidified in themselves. it's giving them a voice in a village that they're financially secure.
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with separate from nature, the piece i have to say advice, someone i would say if try to find that the closest it's that it's, it's within all of us away from the country side and in the cities. ford and security remains a huge challenge with the forest households. shot in dahlia. so there's reviewed the 77 percent of the population living in slums faces. 7 of the challenges was securing nutritious food and then joe has stepped into head. what are the most while little groups living in the city slums to help them grow nutritious food in the small spaces because home of the every day, most of the times impose file on city the 60 need to hide trashy is one of the biggest in delhi murphy, i is looking for objects that she might be able to sell for extra income josh,
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because own around $300.00 rupees would be the equivalent of just over 3 years. is barely enough to people. if you have family of 6 above water, a healthy diet has been beyond that means. but that is changing. we'll see, i know growth hubs and vegetables both for own families use and had boost her modest income somebody was in is, is um, let me wear that by own some money selling. would you please when they come back from the lansing i sometimes and vegetables for 150 to 202 piece in the market. jacob spinach goes up to $250.00 to a piece book. you know that many own more, and when it's cheap, i called the motor tool and distributed for free in the neighborhood, the manual at the, at the way that they work with the other youngsters. private vegetable gardens, the unusual around you. lucy, all lives in an informal settlement next to the dumb space is extremely limited,
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but the non profit organization to them has had to make it a v. i left the despite the difficulties done, launch the kitchen garden project to provide more healthy foods to people who live at the margins of indian society. yeah. why can we involve women? what really for and who don't have too much. um, you know, economic of empowerment to eat better. we found that very few women would ever eat any kind of green vegetables. it was quite re maximum once a week. and the other problem is that nutrition is going to be, it already is a huge crisis in, in the coming years with climate change because obviously they're going to be golf fios, you've gotten, you know, the prices of food might raise. that's why the n g o holds workshops in the supplement supported by local farmers
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a lot. today they explained to the residents how best because of a different plants and help them thrive for more fia, creating space for how god and wasn't the only challenge. she wasn't the only challenge. she also didn't have the right tools at 1st. all the right so in front of time. but let me pull up the some of these, but then there was a lot of trash here. it took me 2025 days to clean this piece. after that i planted the seats the tooth and gave me cut up and so much thing. i like, i go sorry from the landfill, but it was bad, quite adopting. so i found by to, sorry for the delay cannot be enjoyed sitting here in cooper for the so far away a 2010 then gave us a shopping and menu or and would they have i just, i knew creek spinach code yonder i'm and i'm more it's cheaper than buying market, which i don't need to get the market anymore. and since i grow them
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a tool that clean, i use clean water the out up, know gotta get you to stop up on the deal. is this the women here don't just learn about going vegetables. they're also workshops that teach them how to cook their produce and explain it's nutritional importance. despite in the us, fostering economy, malnutrition remains a big problem. especially among the poor mafia know, knows that she has to eat fresh vegetables regularly. if a body is to get enough victims and minerals a lot of good, his optical wal mad gum automated that many people become physically inactive by the age of fund. i'm 40 for years old and they claim at least 6 or 7 levels of the line from because i eat greenwich to both. i have this kind of image of the god there. the said he had done it, but he told me he picks a lot of effort to gaddy, particularly woods on your head. if i didn't have any energy, how would i manage to make out?
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i bought the the setting i've done, they'll get the kids are getting it done says it's work is already provided some 30000 people with the means to improve the diets. so women, like most the is the assistance has given the more control over their own lives as they navigate the hardships of living at the base of a landfill. odd and associated with desire for natural resources isn't other fact stuff driving the loss of land. and let's have to in an easy uh, where the foss expansion of one industry is. depriving the cost of the indigenous population. often another thing stable that they have relied on 4 generations home, a hair on a remote in the nation island. it's almost a full day's journey from the capital of jakarta, by airplane, boat and car. the island was once a bastion of serene coastal and farming communities. now it's the center of
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indonesia is blooming nickel industry. nicol is a critical component for lithium ion batteries used and renewable energy technologies and electric vehicles. but the global demand, a severely changing people's lives here, coming here to the nature is our life. but now clean water is scarce. abigail br, nama belongs to the, so i tried. the nickel industry is expanding into her district around when of a many residents have been forced to sell their land due to financial problems. abigail is raising awareness about the dire situation of her community. well, the little room was that on that's less than a 100. do see people could still be in these waters and collection fish. there was, was the visa on been a got on got and me. so physically now they can't do that anymore because of the
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money. don't go to the ongoing expansion of nickel mining has land to water pollution, deforestation, and disruption of local eco systems. active as most re, armoire, is documenting the destruction cost by indonesia is way to be industrial park or i, w i p. the coastline used to be covered with carl reeks regarding about the kevin rece, the good because of sending it and demand rough course with the easy for people to go fishing and come back with a good catch the move them about since the company i w. i p started reclaiming again from the columbus. people are struggling to find that. and so when it comes to the islanders are finding it increasingly difficult and to provide for themselves. hardly anyone here still owns land to grow their own crops. so i'll be gone for now mom decided to take matters into her own hands with the land becoming
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increasingly degraded. it's now difficult to get foods that were once staples here . so she borrowed money from the bank to build this market, allowing residents to purchase traditional food stuffs, some things that were once plentiful, even have to be imported from other islands. to send them out of the city for the company came in some way and sweet potatoes and cassava lab. somehow. besides this, cassandra is mad and processed into casala sancho, which was our main stable because as a piece, a got an established. but since the company came, i found rarely either it's gone one. so if i want to eat sancho, i have to buy it from outside and things are likely to get worse. the mining site is set to grow 3 fold in the coming years with international companies looking to invest the german chemicals john b. a. s of was part of the joint investment project,
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but has now decided to cease all activities here, after assessing the risks to the environment and the community. in some areas likes talking, a village in central home. i hear of activists and local tribes are raising their voices against the industrial expansion. this small coffee has become a discussion center for young people who care about the village. they also created a library where presidents can learned about the environment the so as long as there are still new mining permits being issued, you will keep putting up resistance and reject lowry's plans. but of course, you see the north moment provincial government did temporarily suspend activities at a number of mining sites in the sucking air area. thanks to earlier protests. but the local authority said the revenue from mining will ultimately benefit the community . and it goes up to what we call it will eventually run out look,
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and then we have to develop all the sites to improve people's quantitative thoughts on quality customer to them. and so using that profit from nickel, they must be a bigger budget for the education sector and got a young lady the satellite did the dump into the can. i'm not, i'm not the children in our area. i was must receive them. but you cation libby bite, but the islanders fear they have more to lose and the degradation of the land on which they depend. they are determined to keep up their protest against the expansion of nickel mind. as we said earlier, there is enough food to feed the entire planet, but much of it is wasted. once hugs to be precise, it is nor defended in the lack of proper storage. john sport in high heat mix better should move his watch. foster bought a stock based out of jen, i have come up with a quick on handy solution to this problem. the. ready we all know that fruit can
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run within one or 2 days, but this white sashay could change that. and so lots of food waste problems that come with it. and the problem is a huge, according to a 2021 un report household food waste in india is estimated to amount to around 50 kilos per person per year. almost $17000000.00 tons in total. on consumer food increases waste management problems and accounts for up to 10 percent of worldwide comp and emissions. indian agri, biotech company greenfield labs says it can extend the lifespan of fruits and vegetables by simply adding such change to the transport box. a solution inspired by nature, simple or filtering, that's when a fruitful vegetable is kept at room temperature. there's more than 3 times to chance of spoilage when compared to cold storage compared to that makes the lots of preferable in one sense, that's
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a little bit close to the cold storage is an expensive infrastructure that includes high capital and operational costs. so important, that's the disadvantage of cold storage operation. you cost it. so a lot of the now all of our products worked well in temperatures from 10 degrees to 45 or 50 degrees. 45 degrees, 15 degree. so the sasha could actually replace cold storage on the quote stories, quotes up lessons. we please one i'm going into these small sashes slow down the fruits ripening process. by harnessing natural plants, extracts, dental, or branding is generally old. plants and trees have that right in defense mechanisms to fight to infections. which regards to the now we have the strategy in our product and the follow tile compounds and to split defense mechanism and help to the long shelf fly. by 2 more days, somebody induced me, so that's actually not true. extension on the gone earlier. so really not you of
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the company as embrace the un sustainable development goals of drastically reducing food waste by 2030. a lot of damage happens during transports. the green plug labs is done in experiments with freshly office grapes. this is what they look like of the 10 days at 32 degrees celsius. some are already bad and this is a sample with a company such chase we used able to for when transporting fruit and vegetables at the center space. economic loss on 2 levels. one on the 1st, the sportage drive of say they carry a 100 kilos around 20 kilos, a spoiled or input. and then the a t t lows can be solved will be, this is one type of why search on the input. and secondly, even the remaining a 2 kilos, deteriorating quantity and therefore lose value. so the seller would only get a to
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a 90 repairs and instead of a 100 to be that ended, when we sold both these problems with green part, it reduces the overall percentage of fruit and vegetable spoiled from 20 percent to one percent or under the company on the end, it brings financial benefit to our customers, customers, but the value so to can you avoid wasting food as a consumer by purchasing only as much food as you really need for excel, and sharing or distributing any food that you and your family con, teach among friends, co work as a neighbors. ready oh, by giving it to the need a by doing a thing left of a food to food banks. that's another way to deal with full waste that ensure that your delta and father contribute to slowness, warming image show this solution was, is all very common item that you and i have been guilty of throwing away at some point. the stale bread. let's have to bottle in to find out how come this on wanted
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bread be made better. spirit is a real hit. the world over usually contains mult, tops, walter empties. but there's a more adventurous option. spread thier beer out of stale bread. one, berlin bass producer knows how to do just that. please tell him. k uses baked goods meant for the dumpster to non alcoholic beer. come via came up with the idea for bread beer because food waste and sustainability are huge topics. of course, a lot of it and there's a lot of brand in particular being produced that ends up being said to pigs or put in a bio gas plant. and that's the saw to and that's a pity. so we decided to turn bread into beer and build awareness about the topic, all of these tables and breweries that make bread beer in to cut down resource consumption and to avoid waste. it takes about 75 kilos of bread to
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make 27000 bottles of bread, beer, berlin based master baker. tail costa carefully plans how much to produce for the always leftovers. but not just any bread can be proved into beard. this most of you can find what it has to be a bread without any other ingredients. besides grain, meaning no raisins no nots, no oil seeds, because they want firm and reliably and make this good tasting. beer should be of when done mississippi somewhere that could be a few. people have been making bread into beer for centuries, like bows out from egypt and mesopotamia for cost for medieval eastern europe. in recent years, bread beer has been seeing a renaissance and given craft beer brewers like michelle lampkin and new ideas. the 1st crow symbols the old bread into little pieces and adds it to the mash at
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the start of the brewing process. of the mice about a mr. me about this. so here in the mash bad we mix water with multi brian, pete and enzymes are activated that turn the starch into sugar that takes about an hour. the special thing about this be here is that we add 5 percent bread to the mash mixture and then pump the mash into the purifying that where we separate the liquid from the solid. about these 10 nit on this liquid is called your word. hm. and that's what we make near out of your blood. so leave it on speed that when he had ceased, if would normally convert the sugar into alcohol, but not with bread, beer the i've worth probably a beam, it would make this non alcoholic bread beer. we use a special use that can only for meant one type of sugar again, and the rest of the sugar stays in a mere meaning. not much. alcohol is created without again sydney, silver, like one drinks containing up to 0.5 percent. alcohol considered non
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alcoholic in germany. once the beer is finished brewing, it just has to be put into bottles and it's ready for sale. a lie. and it's very trudy with us being very zone in the acidic. the bread beer trend helps prevent waste and save resources and shows how more sustainable brewing doesn't mean sacrificing taste. i would really like to try this eco f. any deal opposite any tricks or hacks that you will use to prevent food with. do let us know you can email us or reach out to me directly on this social media handle. i will see you next week until then take care bye. and the
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mice was shaped by anti semitism. and a part time wise journalist reviewed nelson mandela match robert and was friends with nobel laureates. nadine, the witness to a century of history was on vain in 30 minutes. w ice cold be at the end of the
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plastic, underneath an expedition ventures on 2 places. but no one has good explosion. why is the ice melting more rapidly than in the ice fields and pass the in 90 minutes on dw, the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital give them an idea of what you said. we had power, we should have, our power is being taken away from us and by any means necessary, we can get a thousands of people to talk among them. some of these manipulative voices, our former high ranking military leaders. why did us veterans turn their backs on
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democracy and what does this mean for the upcoming next? the enemy within thought to lie 12 on the w. 7 manyels and doing the you belong to the 77 percent to come to i just got on 65 last last those top 5 years, 31115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so talk to you from campbell talk, fixed a new culture, and in 15 minutes, let's say together parts of our community life on the service of this research is now on the top.
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the . this is the, the news coming july from berlin, president by the slams. the u. s. supreme court provide and says, the landmark ruling that gives presidents far reaching immunity for official act, sets a dangerous precedent. the court's decision is likely to disrupt efforts to prosecute donald trump for attempting to overturn the 2020 election. also coming up francis political parties jockey for position the head of sundays final round of parliamentary elections monitor. it sends a central left or trying to block the far right. national riley from winning a governing majority.