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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news coming july from berlin president by the slams. the u. s. supreme court provide and says, the landmark ruling that gives presidents far reaching immunity for official acts such a dangerous precedent. the court's decision is likely to disrupt efforts to prosecute donald trump for attempting to overturn the 2020 election. also coming up, francis political parties jockey for position the head of sunday's final round of parliamentary elections. margaret sends a central left or trying to block the far right national riley from winning
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a governing majority and hurricane barrel rips through the southeastern caribbean, bringing life threatening winds and storm surges. officials report extensive damage on several islands and they've reached the hello. i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. we begin with a landmark ruling in the united states, where the supreme court has ruled at donald trump has broad immunity for alleged crimes committed. while president, they wrote, the former president's cannot be prosecuted for any actions that were within their constitutional powers. but 10 b for unofficial cause of shipping, the justices overturn a lower course decision that rejected trumps claim of federal immunity. the court was asked to decide whether he could be prosecuted for his role in the january 6th
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2021, riots as the us capital, that pays bus. now the reassessed by the lower court judge. the process makes it unlikely that the trial will take place before his november election. well, one justice who objected to the ruling was sonya such a may or she has decried it as a mockery, saying the court's ruling effectively means presidents or above the law. in the statement outlining her objections, she wrote the relationship between the president and the people he serves, it has shifted irrevocably and every use of official power. the president is now a king above the law with fear for our democracy. i dissent well, us present, joe biden slammed the decision to by the supreme court saying it meant there were virtually no limits on the president's actions. today, supreme court decision,
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president community that fundamentally changed for all, for all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits or the president can do this a fundamentally new principle. and it's a dangerous pressure because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law, even including the supreme court of united states. feeling the limits will be self imposed by the president of law. barry mcdonald is a professor of law at the pep of dine caruso school of law in california. earlier he gave us his assessment of the supreme court's decision. a well, a little bit of disappointment because i think the ruling was necessarily broad. the court went into sort of areas of immunity for the president that it just didn't need to do with it created and sort of 3 categories. one was car constitutional
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responsibilities for which the president is absolutely noon from being prosecuted for criminal acts that he took while in office. the 2nd is sort of qualified immunity or presumptive immunity for actions that don't fall in that core area where the president actually shares power with congress. but even their, their president, again, is sort of presumptive fully immune for being prosecuted. so the only area that is clear where the president enjoys no immunity is for unofficial or private criminal ass conducted while in office. as professor berry mcdonald there from the pepper, the increase of school law in california. now, french president and manuel my cons, centrist camp and the left wing alliance are scrambling to find a way to prevent the par right from taking control of parliament next weekend. the tuesday evening is the deadline for candidates to declare whether they will pull out ahead of sundays run
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a boat. rival parties are weighing whether to drop 3rd place candidates and a bid block, the fall rights chances. many of frances european partners are watching the election nervously aware of the par, right. when could have huge implications for the u. i. france's national rally honor roll from strong showings and european elections and the 1st round of parliamentary voting and france party leaders all down by the law and rarely in the pen promise of france that is more french, less european, that cuts across multiple areas from foreign and military policy to welfare spending and cooperation with its neighbors. the national riley has long been skeptical of europe and nato until earlier this year it's party program officially called for deepening diplomatic ties with russia. party received a major loan from a russian bank in recent years. it wants to halt military cooperation projects with germany,
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including jointly developed next generation tanks and fighter jets. the party platform also mentioned leaving and nato's command structure. however, the party removed all that language from its website in the run up to reason to elections. and leaders have denounced russia's invasion of ukraine. the question is why they're moderating its image means that the party has fundamentally changed its staff. the national riley has promised to stand for french financial and economic interests above those of europe. it wants to negotiate exceptions to some of the rules and to institute a national preference for french businesses in agriculture, against a use common market rules. a national rally tri of code kill off e u, borrowing to fund defense, and transitioning to a green economy. critics of warranted the parties economic plans which include cutting taxes and raising wages will fuel inflation and brake
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e u deficit rules classes with the code week and the euro and to stabilize the whole continents finances. the party also wants to withhold part of francis contribution to the budget of the party has long had a strong anti immigrant stats. it's pledge to prioritize french born citizens for welfare benefits and housing, which is also against the rules. critics say it would formalize discrimination against immigrants at a time when the continent is struggling to come up with a common emigration policy. whatever happens in the 2nd round a voting manual and my call will still be president likely have to share power pointing a prime minister from another party. the presidency are radically directs foreign policy. the cabinet and the national assembly must sign off and pay the bills. setting the stage for in fighting and paralysis, and one of the use founding countries are correspond, rosie birch. out in brussels, is covering the story rosy, frances centrist,
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and left. his party say they will cooperate in the run off though during the effort to prevent the far right from winning an absolute majority. is that likely to work or yeah, i think the questions for parties on the rest of the political spectrum outside the far right is not know how to when these elections, the 2nd button coming off on sunday, but really hard to keep the far right. and francis to arrive in the system for its legislative elections means that in the 1st round, any candidate who scores over 12.5 percent has the right to get through to the 2nd, right. which in theory is a blank slate, so voters can choose whoever they want when it comes to the secondary, they don't need to choose the same candidates as 1st time runs. no 2nd learned is coming up on sunday. and that really begs the question of whether, how these other parties come as they usually target and build a barge against the far right, by strategically dropping out of certain races to avoid splitting the votes and the
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to try and kind of keep the far right out of power, no, some west wing parties, side really from the outside, even before these alexis that they would be willing to back out of races. francis centrist pro business party, if it's a party, if a manual macro, and i said they're willing to do that in cases with for the candidates shares, republican values. but that is looking but vague and leaves out the far left. probably although it's probably deliberately vague in order to not necessarily specify which parties, but that's one of the big questions, especially for today tuesday because 6 pm front's time is the deadline for putting forward candidates for the 2nd run. so it will become clear exactly who's going to be on the ticket, went around $500.00 constituencies. go to vote on sunday. let's say the far right does win an absolute majority and sundays run off election. rosie, what kind of changes should we expect in france as well the far right has long had a clear anti and the grant stance on these put that into is policy platform. it
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wants to roll back migrants rates and prioritize french systems for things like hosting social welfare, which of course, would not necessarily be easy to get forward in terms of legal challenges, not least from the e u a. let's not forget cold. of course, the national riley before right party to front has a history of being described as extremely as on the phobic, i remind you that in 2020, to marine the pen, the leader of that party. in her presidential manifesto, she wanted to bon women from wearing a stomach headscarf in all public places. course they deny that accusation of as long as the phobia. however, in order to kind of put any of these policy plans in action, they would need a real absolute majority of the national assembly. i'm with these elections still a few days away. and with all of this political strategizing going on behind the scenes, it's really not clear yet whether or not they'll get everything like a numbers in order to put that into action. we may say to end up with a hung parliament which will lead to series of political uncertainty and friends and really kind of uncharted territory. rosie,
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thank you very much for now. that was our correspond in brussels, rosie for chunk, no hurricane barrel, his bathroom, the south eastern caribbean is it makes its way towards jamaica and the mexican coast. some islands have reported massive destruction from the storm with at least one death being reported. beryl has now could strength into a category 5, hurricane ha, retain barrels barely its way through the caribbean. what's taught to it as a tropical depression became an unstoppable force in less than 2 days. with winds up to 240 kilometers per hour. to these such a lot images show the hurricane as it was rapidly intensified. it's all right,
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right in the middle come area surrounded by the so called i will and ring of devastating done to stops. you are in the i do not go out in the i, it's not safe. the storm is moving very quickly in the backside of the i will, will move in on over you very, very fast. and you did not want to be outside in those conditions. here in barbados, the hurricane left a trail of devastation. the damage is right now. i real hard work on because this is a lot of work. this is more than a week to work here. we have sign also. i'm not on the outside or on the inside of the shop or there's lots of sign in the shop. you're not a brill everyting fires news a show. i'm square all the sun, all dental walks, you know barrow is expected to grow even stronger as it moves through the caribbean, setting
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a dangerous tone for what's expected to be an extraordinary hurricane season. earlier we spoke about this with major ologist and atmospheric sciences, matthew computing. we asked him how exactly how dangerous this hurricane was. all this thing barrels you're gonna need earlier on with the confirmed when gets to a 194 kilometers per hour at the airport. and a 2 to 3 meters storm surge. now winds are close to 255 kilometers per hour. and in reality, it's only about 2 or 3 columbus per hour away from being a category 5 hurricane, which has no precedent at this time of year. it is the most quickly intensifying storm on record in the atlantic ever before september our record state back to 1851 . it is the farthest south category for storm on record at any time of year. and it's also the strongest stormy scenes or early in the season, simply in stated it's off the chart and so many different areas and geographically as well. now it's in the caribbean, it's florida with category 5 string. it won't really bother anyone these next 36 to 48 hours,
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but by mid wednesday it will likely sideswipe jamaica and eventually could threaten mexico's, you could tell me peninsula urologist matthew can put you there sports in his now and in football. 02024 friends are through to the quarter finals after defeating belgium. one neil both teams were a scoreless until the 85th minutes when a shot by french substitute colo money was deflected off of belgium defender into the net. france now go on to face portugal in the quarter finals on friday. and portugal secured their spots in that quarter. final, with the shoot help when it goes slovenia after 120 scoreless minutes under dogs, slovenia, put up an impressive fight. but it wasn't enough to upset the experienced portuguese side. portugal skipper castiano, rinaldo. mister penalty. an extra time with the score at neil neil. but he made up for it a few minutes later and converted from the spot in the penalty shootout. start
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watching the w news after the break planet a lays out the huge role wasted energy plays in the fight against climate change course and get all the ladies news information anytime you want. and a website, a t w dot com. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the the coming 0 sent excels 3 trans people. stories out for me, i did say she didn't know flu need routine message into here, which i kind items are,
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