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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 10:00am-10:30am CEST

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the, the state of the news coming to live from berlin, germany and poland, loved to strengthen ties, transfer old off sholtes as in warsaw and for talks with prime minister don't tell us. it's the 1st official consultation since opponents new you government pro you government came to power defense and ukraine a or hide on the edge. and also coming up francis political parties jockey for position the head of sundays. final round of parliamentary elections. border in san southern left are trying to block the fluoride national riley from winning a governing majority and apply to back down to standards marginalized women and girls living under the color. that's the focus of
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a meeting taking place in comp uh between you in representatives and ask in civil society the blow of terry martin. welcome to the program. german chancellor schultz as in warsaw for talks with publish prime minister donald trust. it will be the 1st inter governmental consultations between the 2 countries since 2018 ties have warmed since test pro european coalition came to power last december. holden's previous nationalist government often portrayed germany as a hostile force. high on the agenda, the talks will be ukraine, security, and other geo political challenges. a short while ago i spoke with our chief political editor, make it a customer i asked, or how chancellors sholtes and prime minister to us are planning to improve
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cooperation between germany and poet. well, 1st of all, by sending that very signal of cooperation again. since donald tusk, who is the former head of the european council, so it of the most pro european you can get as opposed as leader since he came to power the 2 of also revise divine my triangle together with friends, clearly determined to make some headway in european corporation in these very testing times as the war in ukraine, it continues to rage on thought. having said that, that is a poet is public, which is still skeptical towards germany and often those. and there's almost a decade of the peace government, which didn't really want cooperation, which was euro skeptic, and which had warned of russia for a very long time. indeed, warnings that wasn't hud here in germany and against fact backdrop. these 2 lead as
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a meeting, although a mot sort of thing could have been expected just for comparison. in the recent government consultations with friends present the minor my call here near berlin. the 2 took over 24 hours to half days. these consultations a just a bit more than half a day that will warn you, credit will obviously cube be a key point in discussions between the german and polish leaders. what can we expect from schultz and tusk on that subject as well? they've been holding the notes very close to the test, but we do expect some kind of announcement because these, this eastern flank of nato, the direct potential confrontation with ross. so that's something poland has been wanting no matter who was in government for very, very long time. that's something particular the social democrats, the policy determine chances from always so is not quite as acute. and of course
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ross is attack on ukraine, proves the government government line also at the code as it was under the macro completely wrong. they've completely under estimated the very real threat of russia . currently, germany is building a brigade in lithuania. the question now is whether we will see will commitments that towards poland to would strengthening that particular eastern flank of nature, historical grievances between germany and polar run deep michela, as you know, particularly relating to the 2nd world war, poland just demanding germany pay more war, reparations are sold some toast likely to address this issue as well. the just government itself is actually agreed that legally dominique doesn't owe anything, but morally, it does of tool. there's been 8 years of wanting, current misquoted anti german propaganda saying that germany hadn't paid its dues.
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we do expect announcement of the german polis house. so a pace of remembrance and a high 3 figure 1000000 sum for compensation support victims of the nazi regime. so that is more than symbolic, but the fundamental issue of reparations legally is result from both sides. although it's a much tougher step, so for don't know tufts of woods, his, it's his own population. because i thank you very much. that's are a cheap political indigent mckayla. now they're all standing with ukraine. you keys . battlefield position has been largely static for months. now in the coming weeks, ukraine's nato partners are due to begin delivering up 16 fighter just the president belonged to me as a landscape has been requesting since rushes invasion. the 16th are among the sophisticated weaponry being supplied ukraine,
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but they're unlikely to be an immediate game changer. and they are sleek, super, sonic, and loud at 16 fighting falcons are by no means the most advanced fighter jets. in fact, the 1st were deliberate in 1976. they now cost upwards of $60000000.00 euros each, and there among the most versatile aerial weapons available to any military power, useful for ukraine, defensively. and often simply, we have agreed new, more ambitious depends bounds. laws are delivering more forces higher than this, a investing and high end capabilities. a stumbling block for the f sixteens is that they require extensive training training that some ukrainian pilots have been getting on a fast track basis for many months. here in france and other locations, they probably are already meant to be prepared. they're all between 21 and 23 of
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them, but they're already warranty as a ties on. i mean, in the coming months ukraine could have about a dozen pilots ready to fly up sixteen's, probably about 20 in total by year's end. meaning, ukraine's air force will likely have more happ sixteens, then qualified pilots to fly them. meantime, russia now knows full well that the f sixteens are coming to see on the should. yeah, russia is striking. all airfield is always potential at 16 bases every day, right? including attempts to damage air strips and infrastructure or the theme for us to, to rush as president well in north korea noted that have 16 jets can strike from ukraine into russian territory if through the group window showing you that the late and the violates the international responsibilities that the western countries to as mission of one of the analysts see the f sixteens with their
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modern radar systems, emissions, and jamming capabilities as an important upgrade of ukraine's arsenal. they'll support ground troops and be able to intercept russian attacks in a way far superior to ukraine's soviet era. mig 29. the. the jets will also require parts and maintenance and diverted defense capabilities while on the ground. whether they're a game changer against russia, it may be, as some experts have indicated that by putting enough game changers into the mix, ukraine may eventually be able to change the game. christopher morris is a member of the piece conflict and security research group at the university of portsmouth in england. i asked him how useful the f sixteens will be for your grades, military and what kind of missions they'll be used for are useful absolutely. game changes, unfortunately, not so much. so one of the things that are going to be absolutely in
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a central forest plugging into effectively, the defense system that ukraine has. so they're going to be very capable in that role. and also that going to be good at pushing back some of the russian jets. now, we're not, we're going to be seeing some very interesting missions from you that succeeds things like, you know, long range strikes and supporting troops on the front line. they're probably not going to be used in that way. combat as they're probably not going to be used for, you know, things like place ground supports in proximity to the front line. but yeah, they're going to be very helpful. the radars, with the real quick where they're going to be very useful in kind of pushing back the expression just depending on what, what the systems they kind of a packaged with they could make a tangible change to the bathroom. it is unfolding. but in terms of fundamentally shifting the balance of the conflict, well, that's unfortunately unlikely. ukraine's partners have so far agree to supply just over easy f sixteens is not enough and can they be deployed fast enough to make a real difference? and so what we're talking about here is effectively providing
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a country that is previously operates it aging service at craft with, you know, relatively modern we're talking ninety's era west in nato kids. now, usually this would be a generational project tasting in excess of the decade. full pilots and grand crews to build up the aggregates experience in the immune structure required to operate these just effectively. what's being accomplished in ukraine is incredible. but if ends, this would be an immensely costly kind of process for russia to seriously engage with ya. on the one hand, they can absolutely strike these bases with long range ground type weapon systems. but you know, they really want to take them out. they're going to have to engage in some kind of salty into ukraine and, you know, they don't want to be risking that raffle is either. so yes was that is a type take, but we can predict the restroom is going to be employed in terms of carrying itself . you know, it's going to be difficult for them as well. or you crenza is considering
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stationing some of the new f sixteens in other eastern european countries, such as poland. how might russia respond to that christopher? well, now in terms of what is going to be station in poland is going to be necessary. now, in terms of establishing like serious maintenance kind of deputy style maintenance in ukraine, that's difficult. again, they used truck rates and also beats acro, they run ways, and i know i deal on the ground based and the structure was not sold that we might desire as well permanent, already operates, that succeeds and it would make an ideal location to serious maintenance as well, as training now, in terms of how russia might react best of that, and you don't get into like that. and i, poland is already kind of be think of is that defense? and in a preparing for russian, i suppose miss chief and incursions. of course you've also got to balance that against the fact that where she was kind of already doing everything it really has to do in terms of interfering with nature. members. so you know, that was easy. that's cause for concern,
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but i wouldn't be too worried that it's christopher. thank you very much for talking with us. that was christopher morris. they're from the university of portsmouth. thank you so much. now to friends and friends, president amount a while i call and the centrist temp and a left wing alliance are scrambling to find a way to prevent the far right from taking control of parliament. next weekend, tuesday evening is the deadline for candidates to declare whether they will pull out ahead of sundays. rental boat bible parties are weighing whether to draw a 3rd place candidates in a bid to block the far right chances. so many of frances european partners are watching the election nervously aware that a par, right. when could have huge implications for the france as national rally on the role from strong showings in european elections and the 1st round of parliamentary voting and france party leaders all down by the law and merely in the pen promise of france that is more french,
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less european that cuts across multiple areas from foreign and military policy to welfare spending and cooperation with its neighbors. the national riley has long been skeptical of europe and nato until earlier this year, its party program officially called for deepening diplomatic ties with russia. party received a major loan from a russian bank in recent years. it wants to halt military cooperation projects with germany, including jointly developed next generation tanks and fighter jets. the party platform also mentioned the leaving and nato's command structure. however, the party removed all of that language from its web site and the run up to reason collections and leaders have denounced rushes invasion of ukraine. the question is whether moderating its image means that the party has fundamentally changed. it stands with of the national rally has promised to stand for french, financial and economic interests above those of europe. it wants to negotiate
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exceptions to some of the rules and to institute a national preference for french businesses and agriculture against a use common market rules. a national rally triumph could kill off e u, borrowing to fund defense and transitioning to a green economy. critics of warrant that the parties economic plans, which include cutting taxes and raising wages will fuel inflation and brake e u deficit. rules. classes with the you could weaken the euro and to stabilize the whole continence finances. the party also wants to withhold part of francis contribution to the budget. the party has long had a strong anti immigrant stats. it's pledge to prioritize french born citizens for welfare benefits and housing, which is also against the rules. critics say it would formalize discrimination against immigrants at a time when the continent is struggling to come up with a common emigration policy. whatever happens in the 2nd round
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a voting manual and my call will still be president likely have to share power pointing a prime minister from another party. the presidency are radically directs foreign policy. the cabinet and the national assembly must sign off and pay the bills. setting the stage for in fighting and paralysis, and one of the use founding countries. so francis centrist and left his party say they will cooperate in the rental boat next sunday and an effort to prevent the far right from winning an absolute majority. i asked dw, correspond, rosie burge on, if this is likely to work. yeah, i think the questions for parties on the rest of the political spectrum outside the far right is not know how to when these elections, the 2nd button coming up on sunday. but really, how to keep the far right and francis to arrive in the system for its legislative elections means that in the 1st round, any candidate who scores over 12.5 percent has the right to get through to the 2nd,
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right. which in theory is a blank slate, so voters can choose whoever they want when it comes to the secondary, they don't need to choose the same candidates as 1st time right now. second learned is coming up on sunday. and that really begs the question of whether, how these other parties come as they usually target and build a barge against the far right, by strategically dropping out of certain races to avoid splitting the votes and the to try and kind of keep the far right out of power, no, some left wing parts, east side really from the outside even before these alexis that they would be willing to back out of races. francis centrist pro business party, if it's a party, if a manual macro, and i've said they're willing to do that in cases with for the candidates. shares, republican values, but not is it little bit vague and leaves out the far left. probably although it's probably deliberately vague in order to not necessarily specify which parties, but that's one of the big questions, especially for today tuesday because 6 pm front's time is the deadline for putting
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forward candidates for the 2nd. right. so it will become clear exactly who's going to be on the ticket, went around $500.00 constituencies. go to vote on sunday. let's say the far right does win an absolute majority and sundays run off election. rosie, what kind of changes should we expect in france? well the far right has long had a clear anti and the great stance on these put that into is policy platform. it wants to roll back migrants rates and prioritize french sixpence for things like housing, social welfare, which of course, would not necessarily be easy to get forward in terms of legal challenges, not least from the e. u and let's not forget cold. of course, the national riley before right party to france have a history of being described as extremely as on the phobic, i remind you that in 2020, to marine the pen, the leader of the party in her presidential manifesto, she wanted to bonn, women from wearing a stomach headscarf in all public places. course they deny that accusation of as
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long as the phobia. however, in order to kind of put any of these policy plans in action, they would need a real absolute majority and the national assembly and with these elections still a few days away. and with all of this political strategize and going on behind the scenes, it's really not clear that whether or not they'll get anything like a numbers in order to put that into action. we may say to end up with a hung parliament which will lead to series of political uncertainty and friends and really kind of uncharted territory. rosie, thank you very much for now. that was our corresponded in brussels, rosie virtual to sketch up on some of the stories making headlines around the world . today, the us supreme court has ruled donald trump can not be prosecuted for actions done within his constitutional powers. during his time as president, the justices wrote that he can be tried for unofficial. the personal immunity ruling further delays trump trial over his attempts to block the transition of power following the 2020 election created. israel's military has ordered
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palestinians to evacuate parts of con eunice in southern guys. of the move put me in the return of ground troops to the area several weeks after they pulled out israel's military service. the militant group islamic jihad recently fired buckets from a site nearby. hurricane barrel hose, bob heard the south eastern caribbean quickly moving towards jamaica and mexico's, you could time peninsula barrel has now been upgraded to a potentially catastrophic category 5 hurricane. it's caused flooding and storm searches in barbados and the wind for the islands. the winds. political chief has said the taliban cannot be part of the international community until they do more for women and girls in afghanistan. rosemary decarlo delivered that message following un led meeting on afghanistan held indic atari capital. though ha, telephone leaders were invited to attend for the 1st time since their return to
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power. in 2021 government they formed has cracked down on women's freedoms, leading to a situation that human rights groups have described as gender a party. there was a day in the spring of 2022 when older ask in girls and young women felt the rush of the 1st day of classes, greeting their friends, laughing and thinking about the future. the ban on girls and secondary and higher education had been lifted and some girls actually made it into classrooms where teachers actually talked a couple of hours of learning for some a couple of minutes. for others, it ended in a dream crushing blow when taliban leaders changed their minds. i don't know why all of on the. i don't want to go to go to university,
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go to school. i don't know. but i is changing about that. all of these small but vocal protests followed women risking arrest. but to tell a band said higher education for boys was okay. not for girls. how does any action the things type in whether it's economic, social, cultural, educational or minutes have a will be under the influence of serial rules according international pressure on the tell a band to alter it, stands has fallen on deaf ears. the you the on the side to the future for the future, the un rep or tour and you n o official say is bleak, the band and girls, education stealing an increase in child marriage and early child bearing with dire physical, emotional,
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and economic consequences. reports of attempted suicide among women and girls are also increasing or un funded report says oppression now goes far, far beyond the education band and possibly amongst, and crimes against humanity, prosperity. but it's sites. the ingenuity of ask in women and girls like those girls at this secret school risk in captivity or worse for the sake of a dream and life after the taliban. more on this i'm joined now by and doesn't mean while the from a dw direct impact to service in bong. so the you and the representatives have told the tell about at the conference and know how the women must be included in public life. do you expect this to have any impact? thank you for having me. actually yesterday they said that the rosemary, the color said that it is the beginning of a process and also the spokes person for telephone and head of the delegation off
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telephones a deal on which i had. he claimed that they need time for us. so it's taking all that into consideration, it looks like it's going to be a long process and the effects, of course it would have an effect on often people and woman. and i've got a sense um, i've got a son in general, but in what a 3 with off time and how would that affect his across from right now? um, most of the people which we talked to are not very optimistic in terms of the effects and positive effect effects on human rights on the rights of women in afghanistan. but let's see how it would proceed. actually us now even representatives and international delegations. i understand we'll meet with ask in women's rights groups today in doe hall. what can we expect actually today of the meeting with the a civil society and representatives of women has started. but unfortunately,
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the media did not have the allowance and permission to take part in this meeting or have anything as an information yet. we do know that some woman like hobby bestardo be who was the deputy of the hi, please call me t in farmer deputy. and also the other woman likes to buy the bar, which was one of the women's rights activist, and also a deputy minister of woman's ministry. and mrs. mislaid it all rejected the invitation off you and for joining this meeting. but as we have hairs from don't have from our clicks, of some people have come from afghanistan and also some other woman activists and civil society members might join online. but we are not sure who they are yet. and this is very sick pretty well. so actually we don't know who they are, who are going to decide on the situation on that's going to start right now. but as
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a rosemary decarlo said yesterday, they're going to have a meeting today about the with the civil society and some representatives of women . now improving women's rights and providing girls with access to education. those are among the key demands. we've heard from western leaders since the tell about return to power. what has that is on this group been saying about these demands to i was re harris before the me think, all still how from the paid off the top on delegation. so be along with our head. he said that these are the internal affairs of, i'll scan a son. and yesterday he actually repeated again that this topics are internal affairs of data sunday, acknowledge the problems, their problems and also the demands of the people. but they need time for at and i brought several ask in woman writing, that's how much more time do we need to give?
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because it's already more than a 1000 days to ask. and women do not have like a nose and a higher than the 6th grade. do not have the access to education. i'm afraid we're going to have to leave it there. in the meanwhile, the from dw diary and pastors service. thank you very much. i this is the w news. thanks for watching the
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bundled restaurants and so the sofa chip, no. because as far as overboard to technical shows, 3 generations, one, jenny starts july 7th on dw, the if we humans work with rather then it gives nature, we can help us selves our environment and our fellow creatures. welcome to eco africa. i'm christa lives, illegals. nigeria? well, every living creature has a role to play in each ecosystem, and sometimes they can do even more than we actually realize on the switch show, we'll be looking at the many sizes that need to provides. i am sandra co homes.


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