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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from the lead and thousands of killed in a stem, pete in northern india. the panic strikes the hindu religious a gathering in the state of this. i protest holding a 150 people rushed to hospital and officials of saying the desk told could rise full. so coming up on the program, europe space pro russian lead a just ukraine to consider a ceasefire on his 1st visit to keith. since the russians invasion behind garrett prime minister, fix the old on tells president low demand zalinski, that a truce could speed up peace talks. the lensky says, what you cried needs isn't just peace. supplies of us got
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a sounds marginalized women. i'm go living on the tell about that the purpose of amazing taking place and could talk between you and representatives and ask us civil society the and then you can just mckinnon. great to have you with us. around 100 people are dead and schools injured off to a stump heated. a hindu religious gathering in india is northern states that lucifer dash medical officials, a saying more than a 150 people were hospitalized off of the crush in a village and the high trust district, the sum paid happened as worship, as rush to leave the overcrowded event initial report suggests that more than 15000 people had gathered that that's about 3 times. the number officially allowed. the death toll is expected to rise. or we can get more now from
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d. w 's. i know about 2 drugs, us from delhi agile, many dead with the death toll rising. what's the latest on your right now. we hear that 87 people look into and, and hundreds into it in a static deed. the incident happened in the town of congress in the northern state of with the police and looking to talk to you said that the number of casualties i'm lucky to increase and the locals all to see that the event was full crowded, and the way of narrow exits which basically the distracted d. they see that the stop, it happened as soon as it ended and everyone was rushed to leave. so there was, uh no, we, uh, people started to call and each other, the tardies also say the majority of the dentist would cause with suffocation. and most of the people who died are children and women now uh, distracted. he has raised questions on the management and was
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a bit bitterness for such big events, many weeks, or a call it. it's a man, me tragedy. and if you would could, nbc that would have a better plan, an cheap minister uh, and brand new singles, the legal golf which are all gone deep, all have expressed condiments to the families of the seas. and it gives you some background about this incident. this particular religious gathering was done in the local soap style, got man, and he has been holding such go in a for 2 decades now. and also he had what he has got a huge following in the bought of the country. and remove stems also that the government is not ever squandering because she had taken permission for a small number only, but the crowd and then finally turned up for the event was so big to be comm, digit, and displays. so this is obviously a huge crush. we're talking about here, how are m authorities responding to the situation?
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so or the court do the investigation into the incident and they are also planning that they will be finding key sexiness organized to us. and they're helping instructions from the state government. and they've been getting to the consumed office, just going to refund rescue operations and provide fee for the insured. but the local administration is able to set that the medical college cannot accommodate this large number of patients. and that's why private hospitals have an office just to be of beds for the victims of this tragedy and call me there's also announced compensation for the people who have been killed stump. it's all fairly common in india on the i do yes, i mean the site stand basic on india, especially in a chewing, but it is gatherings in the boss there having multiple stampede happened in different states across the country in know, right. remember like 2013 around 150 people with children more than
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a 100 were injured at dumpling central india. same you're out of the staff did happen in with a probation. same state. what 366 can do. blooms were killed. so select destiny accidents or could you really just get things when large crowds gathering small leave you with the beacon prospector and also a few safety meters. del, thank you so much for the update. dusty w use idle about reporting from delhi a don garron prime minister. victor obama has cooled on the ukrainian president. one of them is lensky to consider a ceasefire with russia. well then, was speaking during a surprised trip to keith. this fuss, since russia's full scale invasion, and one that comes a day off to hungry assumed the use of rotating presidency. the landscape of his pot said ukraine needed a just peace and cold for europe to keep up military age to his country. now,
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oberon has been one of europe, most pro russia leaders and has opposed more aid for keith keith. he had this advice that his host trust. yes. some of the i asked the ukranian president to think about whether we could reverse the order number and a half man. so it would be funny to speed up piece talks about by making a ceasefire for 6 and 12 hours a ceasefire connected to a deadline for me, it would create an opportunity to speed up the stocks because that's how i explored this possibility with the president and i am grateful for his honest answers and negotiations that now so correspondent in ukraine connelly, how old bonds, ceaseless suggestion went down in case you can imagine i have the system went down like a lead balloon with his host. it was to be expected. this is anita,
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is that you credit is have very different relations with his 1st visit to ukraine for more than a decade. not only has the notes visited steering a full scale invasion, 672, but he wasn't there before. the last, the premium present. he met with ferguson leaders who fled to russia as the result of protest, ukraine. and as the notes of what i refuse about the hon, gary, minority and credit, what seems to be done? he said lots things that really people have not liked and ukraine thing. ukraine is basically no assumptions states name of it's basically a puppet of the western side of the country. supposing this company, the military and its finances, he has said that nato shouldn't look to see ukraine when, but that is just not going to happen. so this was a visit that was expected with a lot of reputation. and now you could see holdings and see basically focusing on the fact that hungry had been behind those ukrainian efforts in the swiss summit to kind of ukrainian piece plan. i basically try to ignore as much as he could. all those woods from that goal by and that idea of a quick fix fire just basically door lines and where those troops all right now and
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then see where it goes. that is not something that's uh, building zaleski has ever raised and place you could raise, give them a, got a political situation. so i think this is aggressive having to accept victoria, but now his current, his country with the rotate the presidency, it's a visit of courtesy and trying to basically limit the damage that is as best as the buildings that you could hope to achieve from the city. today okay, what about ordinary ukrainians? i mean, would they accept a ceasefire on on these terms of the people here? they will admit that they're tired. they will admit that lots of people all stead in committee or have known people who've been wounded or killed. but when you often are you willing to organize c 5 to basically just let it stay as it is, they'll tell you as soon as that sci fi comes into effect, western countries will think, ok, this is now if we don't have support ukraine militarily, financially,
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i will basically forget about ukraine or drill down on this boat, such a level that in a year to 3, russia having rebuilt this moves, you can come back again and get the remains of the country. there is a deep conviction. most people have it. let me put in is not intent on just leaving it as things i'll take you off a few regents and he wants control this country and its entirety. and so they do not believe that by giving research all 3 bills on the west, the shots to distract itself, that that would actually achieve anything and give them long term security net. thanks so much for that, that's the w's nick connelly. leaders of germany and poland have agreed on an action plan to strengthen one of your it's most important partnerships relations between violin and will also have been strange for the past 6 years when the polish right when the nationalist flew over. and just as policy was in power, its leaders regularly painted germany as a hostile force. but a recent change in government in warsaw has now raised hopes to place a corporation. the german chancellor,
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all of charged back in warsaw. he and his ministers, guests of honor were in the polish capital, given a well come that set the tone for a new chapter in the german totally shall lyons names to healed the rich that have growing in recent years. their mind is if we have a very clear message of germany and poland are good neighbors, close apartments and reliable friends. not always the last time, beheld into governmental meetings like this one was in 2018 when i angle america was an office. that's because ties solar dr. poland nationalist law and justice party won re election in 2019 on the back of increasingly on tgm in rhetoric. warsaw then stepped up, demands for world war 2, reparations. but the liberal leader donald, to return to office in december, offered a chance for a fresh start starting to be with a promise that will see germany build
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a memorial to polish victims of the nazis. and schultz pledge to compensate victims, but would not offer exact details. but from vice germany recognizes the gravity of its gilton is responsibility for the millions of victims of the german occupation and the mission that arises from its gem. and you will therefore also endeavor to take measures to support the surviving victims of the drum and the tech and occupation between $39.45. but you're asking about that. do you see just due to that there are no just just that will be really satisfying for the polish a lot. goof. your mind. like you said, there's nothing that could compensate for what's happened and well, well to look so. so stop or shift us, you the volume issue out, the polish and german defense ministers also may send the greet to boost military cooperation and light of rushes on going waldron ukraine to squelch, come. germany's move to commit more support to its neighbor security. i mean,
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in just a little bit of a germany is prepared to take on more responsibility for the security of the continents, that there will be no law here and then you're over. these are all steps in the right direction of good stuff. i was just go to the key thing over the little stuff before they called the to the, the to cabinet smiled for the traditional family photo. and will not be hoping. it's not another 6 years before the next one. to can you now police of fi to gas at demonstrations in the capital by roby as to government rallies, fled up again to this step, felt the campaign for the resignation of the president william bruce. so last week he withdrew a tax hike. bill triggered violent flashes, but protest is refused to back down kenyan national commission on human rights as the c 9 people have been killed in the violence so far. the w is, edith tamani, joins us now from nairobi at edith. describe to us what's happening out on the
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streets in the capital today. well, the situation has played out much like you to is where we are, where police have been engaging, protest as in running baffled the strategy to do from the police. officers have been learned from the protest last week was to come into the low income, densely populated areas where a lot of young people, uh, keep them in the neighborhoods to keep them from going into the 6th sense of whether what you hold these large demonstrations and so this is a situation where we're at, the police officers seem to be leaving, but t augusta still ringing in the air. we can smell it all around us. and what we're seeing is a major highway that's supposed to be connecting. they will be 2 major cities and towns, but at the moment, temporarily closed as police try to figure out how to contain the young protest as who, by the way on around to be, you know, kind of civic, a kind of a civic, mid point. not able to participate, but also not wanting to be left behind. now the president withdrew the bill,
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didn't he? but initially broke protest his house on to the street. so what is it that's bringing people back home to the streets now? well people are saying that the rejects finance, no protests, what just the beginning. and it gave them a framework and an opportunity to really air out the grievances that they've been holding onto tea among them there. once the president named the security office has to take responsibility for those who have died during this protest, and they want to see head roles. they also want to see restructuring in the kind of governance as in this country. the kind of exaggerated spending that we've been fee, they want that to stop. and finally, they definitely want to see president to, to step down. so how dangerous is the situation? so the president, really, i mean all these protests, an actual threats to his government if you as president williams roots, so he will say no. in fact, us, in a recent interview, the last of the 2 hours,
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the solid rather as an opportunity to extend an olive branch to the young people and have collaborative talk of you saying, what will the young people, they're saying that there is no. this is no time for talks and the key and the entire 2 of us government must have, don't know of cost. the constitution of kenya is very categorical, about how and even what we've that could happen. and so it's highly unlikely the vince, that they're going to get what they want. dw correspondent, edith kamani, and i wrote b, dest. thank you so much for bringing us up to date the of the you and the political chief a said the tell a bond cannot be a pos of the international community until they do more for women and girls. and i've kind of stone rosemary decarlo to live at that message following to you and let me sing on ask on a stone which was held in the guitar e capital though ha, telecom leaders were invited to attend for the 1st time since their return to palate. in 2021 of the government they formed has cracked down on women's freedoms,
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leading to a situation that human rights groups have described as gender pos, side that there was a day in the spring of 2022. when older ask in girls and young women felt the rush of the 1st day of classes, greeting their friends, laughing and thinking about the future. the ban on girls and secondary and higher education had been lifted and some girls actually made it into classrooms where teachers actually talked a couple of hours of learning for some a couple of minutes. for others, it ended in a dream crushing blow when taliban leaders changed their minds. i don't know why all of on the i'm going to want to catch them. go to university, go to school. i don't know. but i can think about that at all of these
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small but vocal protests followed women risking arrest. but the tell a band said higher education for boys was okay. not for girls. how do i dump any action to things type in whether it's economic, social, cultural, educational, or minutes heavy will be under the influence of sylvia and rose suddenly onto the coil. international pressure on the tell a band to alter it. stands has fallen on deaf ears. this is the, on the side to the future for the future, the un rep or tour and un no fish will say is bleak, the band and girls education stealing an increase in child marriage and early child bearing with dire physical, emotional, and economic consequences. reports of attempted suicide among women and girls are also increasing. our un funded report says oppression now goes far,
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far beyond the education band and possibly amongst, and crimes against humanity, prosperity. but it's sites. the ingenuity of ask in women and girls like those girls at this secret school risk in captivity, or worse for the sake of a dream and life after the taliban. my room sassy leads the organization to policy, research and development studies. let's say a women lead independent and g o. the works to strength and influence of a c and ask on a stone. i also how the organization improves. i've gone women's lives, especially now with the taliban empower as well. we try to make sure that we continue our various training programs for act on women across the country. we also conduct surveys regularly with thousands of opt in women across the country. and we channel those voices to policy makers and key capitals. the un, the european union,
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and we try to ensure that they hear those of voices and incorporate those voices and their decision making processes. so we try to ensure that we include arc and women in all processes of decision making. despite the, the really severe restrictions imposed on women and goals by the taliban. can you give us some examples of how i've got women defying those restrictions we saw in our report, the secret clos rooms and lessons and you mentioned just now training programs. can you, can you tell us a little bit more about that to well, there are several civil society organizations that have continued their operations inside of the country. so some of them in the dark. and while others perhaps registered with the defacto authorities. but in those programs that are offered, you have online education programs,
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you got training programs that are taking place predominantly online. but you also have a young women getting together an opening up book clubs or other types of spaces where they can engage with one another in private and give themselves. and i would like to be able to express how they're feeling. also, conversations that they have on social media expressing themselves on social media has also been a very helpful platform. um, so there are pockets of resistance, but that those pockets are quite small beyond these pockets. there is no other space for asking women to be able to express themselves. and that obviously has consequences. could you talk to us a little bit about both the social, the economic consequences of excluding women from society in this way. if you don't have women's perspectives, their solutions on, on,
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on whether it's economic issues or counter narcotics or security, then those solutions are unsustainable. not having women at the table, not having women engaging in these discussions means sidelining half of the population of a country. and so you have to hear from those that are being affected directly by these issues in order to be in order to propose sustainable solutions. and that simply does not take place if you don't have women at the table and are not engaging directly with atkin women. and when you don't that can be incredibly dangerous and cancel. what about the, the psychological effect on women themselves? i mean, you were talking just now about the effects on society. what about the individuals? i mean, how a women being affected by the fact that they kennel in many ways,
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participation society to well, our research has found that a lot of a lot of young women and of dentists on our right now suffering from, from severe depression and severe anxiety. the suicide rate among american women is also steadily increasing. they are finding no way out of this darkness. and a survey that we conducted not too long ago, showed us that a large majority of women, either themselves, are going to depression or anxiety and sufferings from this. but also know someone else who is and this is something we have schedule the scene increase and mention in several other reports. so the, the scenario for asking women is that such that they are feeling quite desperate now and um and, and as it be being confined to your home especially we've got 20 seconds left. do
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you remain hopeful that taliban will some day loosen some of the restrictions that they've imposed? absolutely not so far they haven't been held accountable for any of the edicts that they have announced, restricting women and girls. so if there is no accountability measures, their international community is not pressure, it putting pressure on them to, to, to, to remove the sanctions. the, no, we will not see the color changed our stance. mary, i'm stuff the executive direct to the organization of policy research and development studies. and i've done this done. thank you so much for your time. i, a parking barrel has a bass of the se entire band, as it makes its way towards jamaica. and the mexican coast and some islands have reported massive destruction from the stone, with at least one dest, reported pharaoh has now strengthened to a category 5 hurricane. this is what burial has left behind in
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the french territory of mount to meek. in the caribbean, it damaged many houses in the roads, threatening and livelihoods at the beginning of the holiday season. we were more or less anticipating it because 5 meter waves were expected. but never the last one. this is the 1st time even during a psych loan that we've seen the sea is rough as this we expect in some damage, but not as much as this. look, the whole, the front is wrecked. burial has become the seasons early. it's hurricane on record to form in the atlantic arriving 2 weeks earlier, then killer storm emily in 2005 in barbados and other islands across the region affected by the storm. people began assessing the damage. is right now,
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i will have brought them because this is a lot of work. this is more than a week's weren't here. burial became an unstoppable force in less than 2 days. with winds up to 260 kilometers per hour. these satellite images show the hurricane as it was rapidly intensifying its i right in the middle, a comm area surrounded by the so called i will the reading of devastating wind and rain. a few are in the i do not go out in the i is not safe. the storm is moving very quickly in the backside of the i will, will move in on over you very, very fast and you did not want to be outside in those conditions. burial is expected to grow even stronger, or is it lives through the caribbean, setting a dangerous tone of what's expected to be an extra ordinary hurricane season.
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i finally, one of britain's most fabled prophecies is opening to the public for the very 1st time belle moral causal in scotland is where the british royals have traditionally spent the summer holidays since queen victoria is right. it's now allowing 40 visits of the day to tool the causal. now before king charles and queen camilla arrived for the annual holiday in august tickets sold out within 24 hours when they went on sale back in april. despite costing a 100 pounds per person or a $150.00 pounds. if you feel like off sending t included in the tickets is a quick reminder about top story for you. at least 87 people have been killed and school is more injured in a stampede in northern india that happened to the hindu religious gathering and the high trust district and the state of the for th, the next death toll is expected to rise. that's what we have time for coming up next, the environment magazine,
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eco africa highlights the benefits of working with nature from the cheapest, in uganda to up in 4 inches in length. so gale will be here for you at the top of the next hour, and you can see mckinnon. thanks so much for being with us. the
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on the eco africa saving indigenous medicinal plum from extinction, jeanette to kyra key on those goals. these plum, searching power from the fact that they can even fight to malaria a success story full of the agents. eco africa. next on dw romance scans, marie learned the hard way. her online dream was running a scale and robbed her over 100000 years. marie
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channel for and finding the courage to travel all the way to 9 teary teams. search of the man who had the train close up in 45 minutes on d, w, the, the coming 0. same 6 o 3 trans people have a stories off my right minus i. she didn't a few napartine message into here which i kind of items are, feed us conflict doors to have 5 describe main district supplies. and she is pulling up the contents of the sofa chits. no, because they're instructional,
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the numbers you pick because there's only 4 to technical turns 3 generations. one jenny starts july 7th on dw, the if we humans work with, rather than it gives nature, we can help us selves our environment and our fellow creatures. welcome to eco africa. i'm chris 11th, illegals, nigeria. well, every living creature has a role to play in each ecosystem, and sometimes they can do even more than we actually realize on the switch show will be looking at the many sizes that nature provides. i am sandra co homes.


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