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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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and the, this is dw news license on it more than a 100 people killed in a stampede. in northern india. panic strikes the crowded hen. do religious gods ring in the state of georgia for a dash dozens attacking the hospital official safe it's death told is likely to rise also on the program. leaders of poland. i'm jeremy. i am for a relationship reset. after years of tension under the previous governments in warsaw on francis the political proxies junky proposition ahead of sunday's final round of parliamentary elections. moderate send a sense of laptop to block the far right natural riley from winning
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a governing the jobs. the phil guy, a welcome to the program, more than a 100 people at that in schools in just following this down, paid as a hindu really just gathering in, in just north, in the state of georgia for dash, the official site we crush happened in a village and a half of the district has wash crestwood trying to lead the overcrowded event. initial report suggest molten 16000 people for java. it's about 3 times the number officially allowed. the vessel is expected to increase is indian prime minister there and remote to mess up the dialogue. do i wish a speedy recovery to all the injured teeth? the administration, under the supervision of the state government is carrying out rescue and relief operations ra apartments outside or machine error. officials of the central
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government team are in continuous communication with these, with the state governments. but up the top production i thought somebody through this house, i assure everyone that the victims will be provided all helps keep result, the heart of the mother, the guy straight to the indian capital event and we can join i dw correspondent, either a back welcome. i will bring this up tonight. so here, right now we have that actually 100 people of debt and the numbers are still rising . and stopping. the incident happened at a religious gathering in the town of hospice in the state of with a pretty which the northern side and lucas said that this tragedies happen because the event was what crowd did. and there was not enough room for do with the do a t 's to exit the place based save that staff deed happened sooner to the event
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was for and everyone started to rush towards the exit. and soon as it was a narrow exit space, people began to pull on each other. and the tardies said that the majority of the debts that took place that women and children were costs of suffocation. now, what is happening on social media and explained out that this project has raised questions on the management for organizing such a big events. many are already calling that it's a matter the tragedy. and that the wind was all about the land and the cheapest or the state you'll be able to to not find mr. mo, data and the leader of the office or, or the all have expressed condolences to the families of the disease. to give you some background about was instant bill this particular really just gathering was done in the on about the look go south style, go on man. and a he has been holding for 2 ends for decades now. and he put it like a huge following in spite of the country. and it would tell us that this gotten man
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is now squandering in surely she had taken the persian person model number only, but the crowd that finally turned up well, but the event was too big to beat accommodated the place. right. and how all thoughts as responding, we had the 5 minutes the saying that the victims will be provided or help. a tardies have acute instructions to the op shows to conduct the relief operation and rescue operations. and they happy also in the spot to provide feedback. they enjoyed and there was also an investigation that happened or do anything to the incident and the see piece will be also fine and again is organized so so pursue it . and there are help line numbers that have been announced for the general public so that they can seek assistance. no government hospitals and private hospitals have have been opened for the insured as,
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as the initially the government costs those who didn't accommodate this large number of patients. now the last private cost goes to comment. and also the state government and central government have, now's compensation, around $2200.00 euros for each family. so to be seized, the facts that, that i wrote, i wrote back in debbie i believe is of germany and potent have agreed in action planned to strengthen cooperation between the 2 countries. relations between valley and also have been strained of the past 6 years when the polish right wing nationalist law and justice policy was in power insulators, regularly painting germany as a hostile force. the recent change in government in warsaw has raised hopes for close that corporation. the german chancellor, all of charles, back in warsaw. he and his ministers guest of honor in the polish capital. given
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a well come that set the tone for a new chapter in the drum and toner, shall lyons names to healed the rich that have growing in recent years. their mind is if we have a very clear message of germany and poland are good neighbors, close partners and reliable friends. not always the last time beheld inter governmental meetings like this one wasn't 2018 when i angle america was an office . that's because ties solar. dr. poland nationalist law and just as party one re election in 20. 19 on the back of increasingly on tgm and rhetoric, warsaw then stepped up, demands for world war 2. reparations bought the liberal liter donald to return to office in december, offered a chance for a fresh start starting today with a promise that will see germany build a memorial to polish victims of the nazis and schultz flights to compensate victims would not offer exact details. but from the vice germany recognizes the gravity of
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its skills and it's responsibility for the millions of victims of the german occupation and the mission that arises from its job. and you will therefore also endeavor to take measures to support the surviving victims of the drum and the tech and occupation between $139.45. but the rest of them, i've talked to you through just due to the there are no just just that will be really satisfying for the polish a lot goof. you might like the so there's nothing that could compensate for what's happened and what will to look. so, so stop or shift as you the volume issue out, the polish and german defense ministers also may some degree to boost military cooperation in light of rushes on going water in ukraine to squelch, come, germany's move to commit more support to its neighbors security. i mean, in just a little bit of a drum and he is prepared to take on more responsibility for the security of the continents. that there will be no wall here. and then you're of these are all the
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steps in the right direction of stuff. i was just going to the key thing over the bottle still before the cold. it's a day the to cabinet smiled for the traditional family photo and will know that the whole thing. it's north another 6 years before the next one is what gets of all the stores making headlines around the world. the obama has us do crating and present blogging. me is what i'm asking you to consider a quick ceasefire to speed up. peace talks with russia. mister o'brien, whose country currently holds the e use rotating presidency, is on his 1st visit. the key since rushes full scale invasion. leasing academia have clashed with demonstrates as anti government protest. florida in the capital nairobi unrest that was supposed tax increases has been continued across the country, despite the government withdrawing the contentious legislation. can national commission on human rights as 39 people have been killed a like
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a barrel of his backs of the south eastern kind of being quickly moving towards jamaica and mexico's, you have time. financial petals not been upgraded to a potentially catastrophic category. 5 hardly can. it's caused flooding and storm, such as in bob vegas on the winter forest by chief dick scafa has been sworn in us. the dutch prime minister, more than 7 months after the victory of right when popular escape villas in front of parliamentary elections, outgoing prime minister, moscow set will become secretary general of nato in october. to france, where centrist and lecturing parties of scrambling to prevent the far right from taking power in parliament after it came out on top in the 1st round directions as president emanuel macro, centrist came in, sundays voted behind the coalition of left wing process. now those political blocks away whether to drop best place candidates to avoid splitting the votes against the
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far right. and the right when a national valley part is marine dependent, has been celebrating. i applied to the strong showing in the 1st round, but says they want government unless they get an absolute majority. it, if you don't, of course we could not accept going into the government. if we cannot act, i see of what our voters ask is to change the policies that were put in place. if we cannot change them. and if we accept going into the government just to sit down and administer as chair. if we cannot act, that would be for me, the worst betrayal we can do towards our vote or scale to tell you. thank you for your a family garden is that it just came off my correspondent, rosy, but jot in brussels. welcome rose 8. so i have my pen and paper ready to walk us through the mass. how will withdrawing candidates help to prevent the fall right from winning an absolute majority or?
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well, 1st of all, they just all died. a big question for all those parties outside the far right in front, which is not how to win the 2nd round of these legislative elections, but how to keep the far right from winning. and to do that, they are looking at essentially pulling out a search and races in order to split the vote. that is because fronts has a, in order to, to avoid switching to vote. that is because front has 8 to road political system for its legislative elections. so in the 1st round, many candidates can come forward and multiple candidates can qualify to move forward to the 2nd, right. but they are not obliged to stand. and what we're seeing know is a least the right $200.00 candidates that came in 3rd place deciding to drop out of the race in order to essentially as they say, build a bar hours against the far right. and some of them are doing it really having to kind of hold their nose because it means in some cases, stepping out to the favor of a candidate which might be from an entirely different part of the political spectrum. for example,
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center left candidates. some of them for microns comp dropping out in favor in the end of a, for a candidate from the far left. so with these strange political bedfellows, there are many have been say, no, the fact time dropping out doesn't necessarily mean an endorsement there. but of course, but we'll see no is come some the there will still be, it looks like some 3 way races and those will be the ones to really watch. if the vote vote does indeed end up splitting and lead to an increase in the likelihood of the far right taking power, but the more candidates dropped out, the less likely to is at the far right secure that absolute majority. and so how is he looking, do you think, do you see any way for president micros ensemble pocket to actually stay in power in pilot as i'm having some problems with my settings here. but i will tell you a bit about what we're expect to to kind of come moving forwards here. it looks like french president macro on centrist grouping is,
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is almost completely certain to lose influence if not lose power directly there. couple of scenarios that could play out, so we could see the far right securing the absolute majority that it's taking. we could also in the end, see a home parliament for no. comp has an absolute majority. and we've seen, for example, the french prime minister w, locked out talking about the possibility of plural parliament. so kind of coalition building, which of course, is actually totally normal in some european countries like germany. but it is not a toll into play, but a french political parties that will be something new for them. there could also be the case of a technocratic government where the french president ends up naming officials non elected bureaucrats, essentially to take over government roles. all of those scenarios are uncharted territory for funds, and we could end up seeing some we'll kind of political cirrhosis in power as, depending on the outcome of sundays, seconds runs on the right side strategy mostly but chop in brussels
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is reminder of our top story is uh theres uh a falls and 100 people have been killed in schools more danger than a stump. a northern indians happen to have been into religious gathering and they have to ask the district the state of georgia for dash, the desktop is expected to rise. the german chancellor electrolysis holding tanks in the soul with his po discount on the task listing defense spending and backing ukraine at the top of the agenda and that trust official consultations and poems. new pro a you government's took off the reading, defends national, not atrocities. taking the larger share of the most efficient and offensive snapped fundamental elections of policy smoking for the absolute majority in sundays, decisive final meal, for in just a moment close up, finds out one more and more scandalously using romance 54 people online. i'll have more. i will here's at the top. yeah. good.
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the good news. innovation? green the green revolution global. so listen to whole lot of crime would probably be secure. subscribed to this channel. every friday. subscribe to plan. it's a the
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this is marie.


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