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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:29pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie from that more than a 100 people killed and this time paid in northern india panic strikes, a crowd had him do religious gathering. and let's say to go to print that doesn't take him to hospital official site. the death though is likely to rise also on the program, fresh on to the government protest and violence in kansas capital and i robi young people, angry about sort of driving costs probably to demand as the router's resignation. person federal trips through the se, in category and bringing life threatening wins. installed searches, officials report extensive damage on several items and at least 6 steps
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from the plaza of afghanistan's much in their lives. the women and girls on the how they found role is the focus of amazing taking place and could talk between you and representatives and ask on civil society organizations the . i'm feel good a welcome to the program, at least 116 people at that. and schools in just following the stampede of the hindu religious guthrie in india's northern states of order for dash, officials at the crush happened to the village and the half draft district as worship, as were trying to leave the cottage event. that most of the dead women and children, it shall report suggests more than 15000 people have got that. that's about 3 times the number officially a lot. the desktop is expected to increase is a prime minister there under moody to mess up the dialogue. dave, i wish
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a speedy recovery to all the injured teeth. the administration under the supervision of the state government is carrying out rescue and relief operations. but i thought it was outside m a c. narrow officials of the central government team and it's are in continuous communication with these with the state governments, the top production, i thought somebody through this house, i assure everyone that the victims will be provided all helps keep result. the heart of the mother died last correspondence i, they bought in debbie to bring this up to date. lucas said that this tragedies happen because the event was well crafted and there was not enough room for do with the keys to exit the place. they said that staff deed happened sooner to the event was for and everyone started to rush towards the exit. and soon as it was
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a narrow exit space, people began to fall on each other. and the tardies said that the majority of the debts that took place, that women and children were costs of suffocation. now what is happening on social media and it's blink out that this project has raised questions on the management for organizing such a big events. many are already calling that it's a matter to be tractor deep and that the wind was all about land and achievements throughout the state. you'll be up to, to not find mr. mo, data and the leader of the officer of gaudy, all hell. expressed condolences to the families of the disease. to give you some background about was instant fill. this particular bridge just gathering was done in the on the look go. so style go on man. and a she has been holding for 2 ends for decades now. and he put it like a huge following in spite of the country. and it will tell us that this government is now squandering in surely she had taken the persian person model number only,
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but the crowd that finally turned up well, but the event was too big to beat accommodated the place. right. and how all thoughts as responding, we had the 5 minutes the saying that the victims will be provided or how as a tardies have acute instructions to the op shows to conduct the relief operation and rescue operations. and they happy also in the spot to provide feedback to they enjoyed and there was also an investigation that had been pointing to the incident . and the c d. 's will be also fine. and again his dog and i so so, so pursue it. and there are help line numbers that have been announced for the general public so that they can seek assistance. no government hospitals and private hospitals have been opened for the insured as, as the initially the government cost, those who didn't accommodate this large number of patients. now the last private
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cost goes to come in and also the state government and central government have, now's compensation, all around $2200.00 euros for each family. so to be seized, the facts that, that i will, i will back in debbie thank you. i to kenya where police are 5 t a gas that demonstrates is in the capital nairobi as anti government rallies flared up again. i took this of steps up that campaign for the resignation. as in william router. last week he withdrew a tax increase a bill, but triggered violence classes. the protesters have refused to back the canyon national commission on human rights. there's 39 people have been killed in the finance well given that the president's roots or withdrew the bill that jacob, the initial demonstrations asked correspondent edith kamani in nairobi. why the protest is return to the streets or? well,
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they say that the fights has only just begun. they are seeking justice for those who were killed during the protest that is top on the agenda. and secondly, they want an oval, whole of the entire cabinet saying that those were attached next to the president as a, just us and just of comfortable the state of the economy today. and of course, that'd be frame that we've been hearing all week that over to must cool. and then the, and all these protests likely to threaten president router's position or indeed his government president for to secondly, doesn't fix that in an interview. but he conducted on choose day, he actually describes this as an opportunity to extend his hand to the young people and have a more collaborative kind of governance. the young people, however, not buying this. and they say that they do wanting gone no matter what they might. however, be disappointed because the kind of close dictation is very care entering. pete had to state an act of parliament must be passed into law and of course, present to will to at the moment enjoys the majority and parliament. so that's very
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unlikely to happen. a part of the reason for the mass of extension of taxes was to a service. the country is a huge debts. what's the plan? now? how is present roots are going to do that novices a withdrawal and those tax increases as well. also has already announced a raft of us to reach the measures that he is hoping to implement. he, among them is scrapping this excess, expending in a government who wants to take out the office of the, of the firstly the, the office of the secondly, the, among other things. but as i mentioned, the protest does not buying it. you know, the thing that they woke up this morning to news of members of parliament and other companies, ministers will be guessing a pay increase as it's a that's happening. teachers are announcing that for the month of july, they might not have any money to pay themselves. and so they have a big disconnect between what he's saying and what his government is actually doing . okay, thanks, bob. 80 dw correspondent,
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if kamani in nairobi will take a quick look at some most doors making headlines around the world. and get it in 5 minutes. if it's an old bond, as ukrainian peasant volume is, allows you to consider a quick cx, 5 to speed up towards with russia, is the old bond whose country currently holds. a huge rotating presidency is on his 1st visit. the key since rush is full scale information format of new york city, julian has been despised by the states after court finds. he repeatedly may false statements about donald trump's election loss in 2020. as trumps legal adviser julia on a spear headed efforts to overturn the election to st. a little makeup. lloyd douglas has become the 1st, the democrats republicans and calls us president joe biden to step down as a parties nominator present in the election. us house representative cited that mister 5 is for debating performance against donald trump spied besides,
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he'll be making in the rice. hardy can barrow is heading towards jamaica and mexico after battering the se academy in some islands that reported massive damage with at least 6 steps on monday, federal became the earliest stone to develop into a category 5, but has not been downgraded to catch it before it's expected to bring life threatening winds and storm. so just to jamaica, us, president joe biden on washington said washington was ready to help address it on the article. right now we're all subtracted hurricane bout which is past due to car b. c. earlier as time ever. a dangerous category 5 hurricane. as we may recorded american history, people in practice, the islands and communities are in our prayers, and we standby to provide assistance in the spring, a magic approach a he's and these are all just on most fedex. scientists has been following the barrels development from the us east coast. welcome back to i think
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w matthew to explain to us the significance of a, of a category 5. how to go as a present. just mention that all right, we've got a few technical problems. uh, so we're gonna have to leave out. i think it's the computer testing 12, all right, well, you're right. you're back with us now. all right, your silence for most of that. but you will have the, the letter to explain to us the significance of an of a category 5. how are you going? yeah, most definitely. so we don't really see storms like this, this early in the season when we talk by storms already. olympics main development region or m d r, the imaginary box between south america and africa, they tend to go in and like august to september. ordinarily this time of year the upper level of wins are 2 hostile and they tear storms apart. in this case,
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we had weak upper level wind, very warm water. temperature is catalyzed by climate change and enough upward moving air and spreading at the upper levels. it kind of backing more air upwards that we blocked the storm forming. it is the earliest forming category 5 in atlanta case, reading back to at least 1851 when bookkeeping began the other early as the previous record was emily, back in 2005 as became a category 5. on the 17th of july. it is the farthest south category for plus on record. it is the fastest intensifying storm on record for any time before september. simply stated, this is a very high end storm and one that beat, so many records. right, and as it closes in on joe, on jamaica battles just been downgraded to a category full. but jamaica is a bigger island with a bigger population and a 10 spot dense of population census, then some of the areas barrels already had. so how bad could this get? so there are 2 things i'm really concerned about right now. winds around 240 miles kilometers per hour in the corner of the storm. but the storm is likely to pass
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near or just a south of jamaica, meaning either jamaica gets the car with the worst wins, or if it stays just off shore, they'll see it on shore. winds essentially piling water against the coastline, leading to a one to 3 meter storm surge in addition to about $15.00 to $25.00 centimeters worth of rain fall, which would cause flooding and much lights inland. then this thing hits towards that to happen is by thursday into friday, causing damage there. and eventually it might wind up in the gulf of mexico becoming a threat to the mainland us. and this the far, the battles been downgraded from category 5 to 4. mean that by the time it hits a mexico, it will be even less possible or couldn't grow in strength. so think over the next, like 36 to 48 hours of sundays coming right off. now french presidency. manual maxwell hopes the full actual block, the found right from winning power. after his centers came 1st in the 1st round and the coalition aflac green parties of the far right, natural valley. the national valley is late in the reading. the pavement celebrated
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its strong showing, but says a policy what govern. unless it gets an absolute majority. if you don't, of course we cannot accept going into the government. if we cannot act, i see of what our voters ask is to change the policies that were put in place. if we cannot change them. and if we accept going into the government, just to sit down and administer is chair. if we cannot act, that would be for me, the worst betrayal we can do towards our voters. you know, they tell you thank you for your family garden. is that a cold stand goal? as dogma is a freelance that just based in my site and the soft in front, asked him for his take on what we just heard from her in the past. no, i mean, i think she certainly wants to, to mobilize her base. you know, as we're getting close to that to that 2nd round. so that's part of it. you know? but another interesting thing that i'm reading the pen said today is that there to potentially look to other partners to be part of the governing coalition. that is
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very much a kind of gesture that's, that's, that's being made towards almost certainly the, the start the mainstream right when party to see if they don't get an absolute majority, which is looking less and less likely, given those withdrawals. you just mentioned the other candidates that are in potentially govern with the support of the main stream. right. the right wing. part of it could be account. i think in any case they would absolutely want to have a far right prime minister and it would be would be on the other. there's no doubt about that. that's what they're pushing for. so how is it looking to the center unless potters have enough supports to to block the fall? right. it's yeah, it's quite remarkable here. i just really, in the last couple of days i'm after this is very vicious campaign rhetoric that we saw from a large part of the macro list and government. and also the left criticizing one another. this degree decided if it's quite remarkable right now in a scenario in which you have fewer choices of, of, of,
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of the are and actually waiting absolute majority. we're gonna have to see some polling given those those, those new at the new realignment. but i think at this point is unlikely the are and we'll get an absolute majority. we had, could i have to say a relative majority because they probably got or something with another party. or can you potentially have some type of, uh, technocratic caretaker government at no majorities farms maybe the least likely scenario is the left, the part of the nation. right. and the my cronus still unanswered questions but, but i think certainly that scenario in the far right opposite majority is looking less and less likely after those withdrawals with all right. i, it's interesting what you say about a, perhaps a, a coalition on the right, the, the, the right we applied to here in just very much same as i arrive and other policies, a site that they will not work with them not sounds like that's not the case about in friends as well. historically, it hasn't been the case. absolutely. we can remember is actually locked in 2002
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annually defeating or in a minor 10. historically, this has been the case, but we've entered a new era or french politics. we're already, we've seen the head of the hey to the time we can start, right. we can party say he wants to do an alliance with the far right, has been expelled from his party and he's doing not alliance. but even today let, it could be con, notably, did not call for withdrawing candidates against the far right. so in that respect, they had different lines and then my cronus a different line than the law. and this is consistent what we've seen, the fact that the medium right is getting more and more pushed to the far right. and i won't point, will it, you know, what will it, will it cease to exist? a lot of people are asking that person. okay, thanks for talking, mr. cole, starting the freelance journalist and also to the us political safest set. the tale of bond cannot be a part of the international community until they do most of the women and guns. and i've gotten this down and the secretary general rosemary decala delivered that message following to you in the meeting on afghanistan held in. we could target
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capital though, ha, talking about the latest invited to attend for the 1st time since every tentative power in 2021. the government they formed has cracked down women's freedom. so leading to a situation that human rights groups of described as gender apartheid. there was a day in the spring of 2022 when older ask in girls and young women felt the rush of the 1st day of classes, greeting their friends, laughing and thinking about the future. the ban on girls and secondary and higher education had been lifted and some girls actually made it into classrooms where teachers actually talked a couple of hours of learning for some a couple of minutes. for others, it ended in a dream crushing blow when taliban leaders changed their minds. i don't know why
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all of on the. i don't want to catch them go to university goes to school. i don't know. but i can think about that at all. it is small, but vocal protests followed women risking arrest. but the tell a band said higher education for boys was okay. not for girls. i don't know any action that says type in whether it's speaker nomic, social, cultural, educational or minutes. heavy will be under the influence of serial rules and do the coin international pressure on the tell a band to halt through it. stance has fallen on deaf ears. are you the on the side to the future for the future? the un repre tour and u. n. o official say is bleak. the band and girls education is feeling an increase in child marriage and early child bearing with dire physical, emotional,
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and economic consequences. reports of attempted suicide among women and girls are also increasing or un funded report says oppression now goes far, far beyond the education band and possibly amongst, and crimes against humanity, prosperity. but it's sites. the ingenuity of ask in women and girls like those girls at this secret school risk in captivity or worse for the sake of a dream and life after the taliban. past of the dirani is found to i'm the executive director of lun ask and that's a non profit organization. promising education, central healthcare and female empowerment in afghanistan as to what she saw when she heard that the you and had agreed to meet the tyler. i'm to discuss the status of women in the country, amongst other things, without any women in the room. honestly, the whole world is talking about upon we're going with our one we may be present in
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those meetings. it's disappointing thing and it's disgraceful on many levels, but that's word on the yours that 1st and now the word is wanting their past where yeah. and easy to back to, to talk to the toddler, bottom about women without women pressings. and so not to control. let me ask you this question, what are they talking to the fall event apart from me and i would follow up on, on women, certainly not. right? also. the 2nd question is, what have they been in the past 3 years for upon women that mix them and the kids to talk on app on women, right? nothing right. what are their solutions, dreamworks that they have worked on for the past 3 years that has made it possible or even in the past 3 decades. but i've made it possible for us to think that'd be good. do something when it comes to women. nice. how come talking to them is gonna give us any of those those you can go to minister of education, you can go to administer every kind of me. there's no feeling work. there is no
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future plan there. the health care is right now in palaces. but, but the one thing that the tal about to have answers to the problems of appointments, i'm especially when it comes to the uses of women, right? so you think there is no point to talking to them. i told you have to walk the cock, how are you talking to them if they don't have anything to present for what has to be done that makes them, you know, useful to talk about all of this. that's what i'm using for you. okay. so let me, let me see if i can put the counter, i'll give it to to you, which would be that the taliban is in shops. they are running things and you don't, we've tried isolating them that hasn't worked or it certainly isn't working. so maybe talking to them might bring about some sort of change or are they? are they in charge? that's the question. because right now the country also is running featured schools
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. you just showed one, i don't 5, there are schools that are being done in hospitals that are schools that are being run even guess as it's so are being charged because if they were in charge, their band would go in those spaces. right? there are some women who work in hiding, so i don't think we are in charge. it's a sham. yes, sure. there is a power struggle that is happening. sure. they are physically holding the capitol on the spaces. but it doesn't mean that they're holding the rice of upon women and also it's, it doesn't make it right to talk to them. so the color band could be present in those talks, but the, it shouldn't be. well, there in the excess of off on women in the absence of, of, on civil society at all. how much more event about that pause of your mission of learn, ask transmission which is to empower women. how do you empower women in a country that deliberately 6 to disempower the as the sign has
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a long history of empowering outline women. we have been long known for ensuring that women stayed in leadership and politics. we have our 3000 year old history off women stay new power starting from go her shot, the gum up until so. right? yeah. so i'm pretty sure that we have a history there. but apart from that, i do think that right now i don't want to claim that i am empowering women and we just do our part. we insure the school stay open. we ensure that there is able to exist education that women are able to teach and we may not able to get some sort of employment in today's disappointing situation. and i think that's some part in thing inputting them. yeah. you're very different quotes that you think about. certainly the, the west efforts in this regard. i want to do think that the west has to bet it share of the blame for the country is terrible situation. having excluded the government, the taliban government from the world unfrozen billions of dollars in ask on assets
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in us bank's i see, i'm going to be honest. i'm not made here to say that right now. the confusing shambles because of one group, many were involved in that of course the restaurant countries were in was because they never to either the of on combination to use the end when they were discussions. and they were talking to the follow up on the even then even care about the fund population back then the or their uh, contracts have left and then comes with all of them who have been burning schools during assets and have always been against education. certainly you cannot expect them to change or, or night because the foot soldiers definitely don't expect that. and the kind of government in the past few decades. we never thought that apart from taking money in stealing money they, they could been to continue on at least leaving their space so all of them are to be placed into the into go around the okay. all right,
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thank you so much for outlining that. so clearly for us, thank you for your time. push time to do it on a from the ask i think with a lot of sports levels your pin championships, the netherlands, the 3rd of the quarter finals after defeating the remain yet 3 new cody jack, post gordon of need. but then the dutch missed several chances. don't you know, mile and secured success with 2 goals in the last minutes of the game that will play, i have a turkey or austria in the last 8. finally, one of britain's most famous properties is opening to the public for the 1st time. oh morrow castle in scotland is rather fetish royals have spent this summer holidays since queen victoria is right. it's now allowing 40 visitors a day to tour the castle before king charles and queen camilla arrived for the annual. how was i in august ticket so that within 24 hours when they went on the same back in april, despite costing a 100 pounds of person or a 150, including afternoon tea. the top story,
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this our walls and 100 people has been killed in school is more injured in this town, paid in northern india and having to the head and do village just gathering in the half of the district in the state of what's a projection dental is expected to rise and set you up to date a state, you know, cuz in the day, in just a few moments, we'll take a closer look at what's going on and, and yet what people are back out on the streets as in just a moment to get on the definitely the
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romance scan. marie learned the hard way. her online dream was running a scale and rob for over 100000 years. marie channels for and finding the courage to travel all the way to 9 teary teams searching for a man who had the train stopped in 45 minutes on d w. the
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the get training for an exciting hobbin. tell you to look surprised. hi, i'm sure i'm ready to dive into the hands of jumping through to the q one. we have you as a one does comport package card via included us deposits from quarter key indians to drama. keep puzzles that even local crash vehicle. we've got a response to this problem, the expected size of the, the coming 0 sent excels 3 trans people. stories off my right. so i see general flu need routine message into here which kind items are feed us complex doors to have 5, each kind of main district supplies should is pulled offices from sense of the sort of additional chips. no. because as far as overboard to check the cooking
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shows 3 generations. one jenny starts july 7th on d. w. the process of broken ounce across county. for the 2nd time it has many weeks please. 5 to, i guess it was a cabinet of chanting crowds of most of the young people, a clear assignment, public and go over. last week's classes hasn't died down. and that was when people took to the streets of a president router's plans to raise taxes. since drop those plans of the po for dialogue with the protest, the site, they don't want the tool they want router out. i'm feel go invalid and this is the day the.