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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the leaders live from berlin. more than a 100 people killed in a stampede. in northern india, panic strikes a crown and hinder religious gathering. in the state of old, her for dash, dozens are taken to hospital officials say the death toll is likely to rise to also on the program. democratic lawmakers go public with their concerns about joe barnes ability to win the us presidency again after his poor performance. in the debate against donald trump and hurricane barrow, a rips through the south eastern caribbean, bringing life threatening wins and storm searches. officials report extensive damage on several islands and at least 6 steps
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the welcome to the show on the call for at least at least a 116 people have died in a crush at a hindu religious gathering. and india scores more were injured. and the incident which took place in the northern interpret dash state. officials say most of the victims were women and children. initial reports indicate organizers had permission to host about 5000 people, but more than 15000 came to the events it was here at a religious gathering and we talked about this, but the hora unfolded. it's not yet clear what close the crush. the witnesses say that the storm caused a panic among the worshippers and chaos ensued as the crowds,
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right to lease it. uh, i imagine a religious event was organized for the hindu gods, chief of in the village among them and told them just when the event was about to end. there was a sudden commotion due to over crowding up uh, an excessive humidity which caused the stampede. now, to you, if any, both the top of the following over a child, the one on top of the other guy, those who across died, people, the pulled them out, ambulances rushed to hospital with stuff quickly became overwhelmed. while trucks and private vehicles brought bodies to the morgue indian prime minister and the ranger modi, offered his condolences to those who were killed in the crush. i have just received sad news. we are getting reports of many deaths in a stampede, and we'll talk for dishes hop dresser your button. i offer my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and the tragic incident to cut the order.
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the people search through piles of belongings, possible signs of missing loved ones, as others wept for they relatives who never made it out alive. there have been fresh, galoshes, in kenya, as capital nairobi is anti government. protesters returned to the streets to demand the resignation of president william rudo. the protest come despite the president's decision to withdraw a controversial finance bill that critics argued would have raised the cost of living in the country. dozens of people have been killed in weeks of unrest. the streets of kenya's capital have turned into a public battle ground demonstrations here smaller than those of recent weeks. but the seems a no less kale. take the young people across the country, angry to
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a government, they say doesn't understand the struggles because uh, but at the end of the line, he has flight, the many things he, i told him that he was about 10, find jobs for them. there's no job now. we had a, that's a very the street. we want him to go. a few must called for include cvt in the decision making process is we are already having and seeing the president making moves, cutting down budget, saying this would not happen. that you're not happy with the who's consultation? of the president william rooter was false to buck truck on a new finance bill. that's initially spot the protests. the low would have increased the taxes in every day items, including bright and cooking oil, canyon opposition. leaders have spoken out in some parts of the demonstrates is that demands we go see the
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beginning of last best jobs there. you have given the country one last, this starts, we pay the season and swim waves. by implementing all the months or week lloyd n sync the country or to get in on tuesday, october misplaced coffins in the streets of nairobi to draw attention to be excessive. false used by police the state funded kenya national commission on human rights fed as well as those killed hundreds of being seriously injured. and they have been dozens of cases of being false or invalid trait disappearances is always easiest. kimani nairobi explained to us why the protesters had returned to the streets even after kenya's brother then withdrew the controversial bill that triggered the initial demonstration as well. they say that the fights has only just
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begun. they are seeking justice for those who were killed during the protest that is top on the agenda. and secondly, they want an oval, whole of the entire cabinet saying that those were attached next to the president and just a, just of comfortable the state of the economy today. and of course, that'd be frame that we've been hearing all week that over to must cool kamani a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world or attaining as president has won a 2nd term with more than 56 percent of the vote mohammed olga's one east of porters, credited him with establishing security in the country, which is located in the politically turbulent style region president guys won. he has also been chair of the african union since february and gary and prime minister victor oregon has urged ukrainian president will let him use the landscape to consider a quick ceasefire to speed up. peace talks with russia or van whose country
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currently holds the ease. rotating presidency is on his 1st visit to keys since rushes full scale invasion. former spite, chief dix cove has been sworn in as the prime minister more than 7 months after the victory of right wing popular scared builders and parliamentary elections. outgoing prime minister margaretta will become secretary general of nato and october things . together. the former mayor of new york city, rudy giuliani has been this far as find the state after a court found he repeatedly made false statements about donald trump's election loss in 2020. as trumps legal advisor, juliani spearheaded efforts to overturn the election defeat. so, united states now where the 1st democratic member of congress has openly called on president joe biden to not run for re election following his week performance. and last week's debate against donald trump. representative lloyd doggett of texas
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became the 1st house democrat to publicly ask 5 and to step down this design for parents to meet with democratic leaders in washington this week to shore up support a poll take and finally the news agency. reuters after the debate against trump, show that one and 3 democrats think 5 and should withdraw from the race. another prominent democrats, former house speaker, nancy pelosi, called questions about vines, condition legitimate, the white house. meanwhile, reject suggestions. that's the president undergo cognitive testing. let's hear a white house press secretary, korean junky. his team has said, the medical team said it is not warranted. in this case. we have put forward a thorough, transparent annual report on his health. so they have said that is not warranted. it is not necessary. again, we understand, we understand we're not taking away from what you all saw or what the american people saw. we understand it was a bad light. let's take
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a closer look with christopher divine. he's an associate professor of political science at the university of david christopher, welcome to the w, and one in 3. democrats. think 5, you should quit the race. now. the 1st law makers are coming forward to ask for him to step aside. do you see something bigger brewing here? you told me to call it's important story. so it's hard to tell is going to happen. this is really unprecedented. we don't have anything. we can compare this to in recent memory to say, you know, what's the playbook here? but we do see growing concerned about joe biden. it didn't start last week. this, there was already a concern among americans, including democrats, independence about you by an agent is ability to handle 4 more years in office. and i think after seeing some confirmation of some of those worst fears about his abilities last week, you know, you're gonna see those concerns grow. we're seeing that reflectance, i'm a point numbers now, but by haven't lost ground among voters as instead of bait. now that you mentioned
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pulling numbers that are democrats blowing this to be performance out of proportion? i don't think so. it was a very poor performance. and again, it is that a confirmed the narrative that was already there and it's only seen in the past. the base you on the base usually don't matter a whole lot of people kind of route on their, their, their preferred candidate. but for the most part. but when you see a concern about a certain candidate doesn't play out throughout the campaign, seemingly confirmed by somebody other seeing that the day, that's when things can take full and it doesn't always happen immediately. it's as a consensus developed over the subsequent days that this was the take away from the debate. there's a lot that happens 90 minutes, right? but often it gets boils down to a few key points and one so, so, and then you see more of an effect. we're not totally there. you're right, there are some pulls that show at least not much movement. yeah, some polls are, are in conflict with others. on this, there were some more that came out today that showed some swing state polls that look pretty bad for joe biden. it's too soon to say what the outcome of,
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of that is going to be. but it's the fact that it's, it's, it's uh, reinforcing an error and that was already there. and really the biggest concern about job i that that's what you already has campaign. democratic donors especially are not happy about the situation at all. and many say they're not convinced by the white house's attempts at damage control. tell us how important the financial component is in this discussion and ultimately the race and it's possible outcomes or no money can't buy elections. we've seen cases before where the candidate who spent more money did not win. so there's nothing automatic about that. but to get the message out, you need a lot of money to, to run ads to do for outreach, to hire, you know, body sat for the whole campaign events, all, all that kinda stuff. so it is important to raise money. and that's something we're, we're jeremiah has actually been pretty strong so far, even admitted some of these concerns that are played out throughout the race. and for most the race he's been ahead of donald trump. trump s closed the gap somewhat
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recently. you know, we'll see how that shift from here, especially if donors are concerned about finding some are going to double down. they're going to be, perhaps, if they're welder by transfer forms and at the base are going to be that much more energetic about supporting buying or at least whatever the democratic candidate would be. but others, i think, may be scared off as customer divine associate professor of political science at the university of dayton, ohio. thank you so much. google. hurricane barrel is heading toward jamaica and mexico offer battering the se, caribbean some islands have reported massive damage with at least 6 steps on monday pharaoh became the early storm to develop into the category 5 storm. but it's now been downgraded again to a category for is expected to bring life threatening wins and storm searches to jamaica. and you, as president joe binds at, washington was ready to help areas hit by the hurricane. right now we're all subtract the hurricane barrow. we just passed through the car
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b. c. earlier it's time ever a dangerous category 5 hurricane. as we may recorded american history, the people in practice, the islands and communities are in our prayers. and we stand by to provide assistance. i mean urologist now he can for which he told us more about the significance of an early category 5 hurricane. we don't really see storms like this, this early in the season when we talk about storms early, atlantic's main development region, or m d, or the imaginary box between south america and africa. they tend to go in and like august to september. ordinarily this time of year the upper level of wins are 2 hostile and they tear storms apart. in this case, we had weak upper level wind, very warm water temperatures capitalized by climate change and enough upward moving air and spreading at the upper levels. a kind of vacuum more air upwards. then we go out the storm forming. it is the earliest forming category 5 in atlanta case, reading back to at least 1851 when bookkeeping began the other early as the previous record was emily, back in 2005 as became
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a category 5. on the 17th of july. it is the farthest south category for plus on record. it is the fastest intensifying storm on record for any time before september. simply stated, this is a very high end storm and one that beat so many records that he can put cheap. and finally, one of britain's most famous properties is opening to the public for the very 1st time bow moral castle and scotland is where the british royals have spent their summer holidays since queen victoria's room is now alone for the visitors a day to tour the castle before king charles and queen camilla arrived for their annual holiday in august tickets sold out within 24 hours when they went on sale back in april, despite costing a 100 pounds per person or a $150.00 pounds, including afternoon tea. and a reminder of our top story today for the hundreds of people have been killed in scores were injured in a stampede. in northern india, it happened that
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a hand of religious gathering and the hosp, the rest district and the state of the wood or for dash deductible, is expected to rise with that you're all up to date and we'll have more headlines for you at the top. the next hour by the pricing strategies for thought see what the, the the is it is someplace.


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