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tv   Transforming Business  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 1:15am-1:31am CEST

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for the hundreds of people have been killed and scores were injured and a stampede in northern india, it happened that a hand of religious gathering in the hosp, the rest district and the state of odor for dash, the death toll is expected to rise without you're all up to date and we'll have more headlines for you at the top, the next hour by the questions category, issues or thoughts say who the, the, the is. it is someplace. power and key,
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more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life. critics, i suggested in cardboard, back on the left side of the image and find out about bailey story. info migrants the have you ever had the fear that your car's battery will run out before you reach your destination? if so, then you are like many people around the world range, anxiety is real. but maybe soon we can have electric highways that charge our cars as we traveled in this episode of transforming business, we ask is infrastructure for eaves developing to slope and why is germany falling behind and developing charging infrastructure? well, we're the german state of north ryan was fall. yeah, which is home to popular german cities like cologne, document and us of door. it's also home to the highest number of ease in the
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country. and not too far from cologne, is one of the largest foss charging parks. it has over 60 ultra fast charging points from tesla, and companies fos. net. it also has a battery swap station from chinese automaker neil. we asked the driver as bossing through about their charging experience. it says no problem, and can you give me a call just to find in the customer for let's click the problem is the money sign. it tells us about charlotte and then i've been talking so i seen a lot of companies and. busy about the times or the price of us to numerous personnel, but that's just us $61.00 volts of both on. so based on being and like rest and you would open up lesson, you know, things like that. is that, but then if i have to go for long but definitely to get this out to view it up on the police and you know, i think that my face sort of started just many people talk to me off camera as well . the shed frustrating deals of broken charges and long waiting times. so is the
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charging infrastructure in germany, you know, 2 and a half and the pricing points will the number of areas we have at the moment. this is rebecca heck, my wife's president of the lex on a german company that makes charging points for other companies and public spaces. i think it is not only about the option, infrastructure itself xbox or so about the hotel are creating so many the electricity grid worldwide needs an update, and this has a fetched price tag for the u. 584000000000 euros are needed to upgrade the current system and digital lies the credits by 2030, making them smart. they will use software to about supply and demand. but consumer patterns also play a huge role in deciding the future of tvs. i'm sure you know how the germans loved their gas guzzlers, and that's because the modern combustion engine was born here. legacy automakers like mercy, eighty's, volkswagen, and b,
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m w r. a huge part of the german economy. letting go and adopting a new kind of personal car is a challenge in its own way. but it's happening slowly but surely from 2019 to 2021 . the numbers increased by the effect of 10 from 3 percent to 30 percent of the registrations. so in a way, once it happened, it happened very quickly. um, but if you compare the number of new registrations with our climate goals, then we are not fast enough by far we would need to sell a lot more electric vehicles per month. then we're currently selling, but would you buy it easy if the infrastructure threatens to slow you down. and what about charging and the rest of the world? how about the industry leaders like china or the us? you're probably surprised by who's on the top spot. south korea leads with the most amount of charging stations for 1000 eaves in 2022. the netherlands is accelerating
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and comes in 2nd. china is that number 3, the in fewer numbers. more than half of all slow charging stations in the world or in china. it's not a surprise seeing that the industry leader has been working on tvs for more than 2 decades. chinese technology is credited for making a lot of the, the infrastructure possible, be a battery swap stations or manufacturing those batteries. the and china, the biggest drive, all the u. s. is coming close with new innovative technology. forget charging stations. we're talking about developing fully electrified roads and highways. here's what companies like the rate and the us are working on. imagine the highways in which power electronics are fitted to inches below the road surface. and this is connected to the electricity grid installed and roadside. it would be able to
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generate up to $200.00 kilowatt insurance submitted to your car. there must be a receiver underneath the car for it to receive the electricity while traveling. so basically this technology in an ideal scenario gives you infinity range and eliminates brains anxiety. because as soon as you are on our old way that is electrified, you can move further or until you fall asleep on the, on the we've. also, we're not talking about electrifying every single meet there of the road. it's clear that it suffices to electrify just a small fraction of all that can go met. there's also the old ways of that out there and more specifically zeros that are, you know, more heavily used. currently, efforts like these are underway in michigan apply that project is going to be completed soon and will cost the state $1900000.00. but before we lean towards cutting edge technology, we must test out existing infrastructure. let's turn to latin america where brazil
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and mexico are seeing a pool in the market. the situation is developing slowly, but the results is big. the, as you're looking at many kind of more years as the newly yeah g o connect the i'm, we didn't have to get into it. any part of your level of reality was as easy to make a visual. yes. it's the, the, the, the, the, you got a stomach in paperless elected. you're ready to play this through the place because i'd like you normally send them bake when they take a look at the and it will not replace those this dns got down to make the compound plus get all of those a little bit with kind of got to wait, does that come wash that lead up, which comes out of them by yellow, through a, in a make related such developments joint efforts, governments in the region come together with organizations supporting electric mobility in the region. half of this route was already launched in 2022. this model, it can serve as a great example for regions all over the world. and you are traveling across
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countries is easy, but can be tough because the infrastructure is different wherever you go. here's what drivers in germany said about the ranging gaiety in long distance traveling the device. i'd like to just give you a call to 5 on your vanya, it's for the bug out in the midst of oklahoma. i'm a mailed a video to the quote number, the item puts in the loudest, that's what i'm to call them, is biased. the federal not from popularly atomic move. what's the ultimate and seen of the end give to the nor did you talk to some, what was today's pub? i'm starting to despise itself, does not one do the most one for have done so it gives you a bit of anxiety, especially driving through germany because most of the times this summer door to walk happening and exit, that you're supposed to take his clothes and then you have to take like a, the kilometer due to just to get to the charging station. busy many people in germany pointed out the problems like these came to them from switching to eaves customer arise. the trust point is not working. this is not acceptable. so we need to ensure charge points up looking,
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especially the 1st ones are working everywhere every time. that's the 1st one to make it to like make it easy to use. miriam has a ph, d and electric vehicles. she says that in the future, all of these will be charged at home over night with the private charger in your garage, for example. and the nights there's less pressure on the grid and you can avoid beating lines of charging stations. but in the day, this is when you mimic the existing uh, fueling stations. when you go you club and you're charged in 1015 minutes. so in the future, the dominant to you charge at home and you come to a month to buy a network of foss, chargers along the traffic cut of doors, maybe also something that helps incidents on average, people in germany drive 37 kilometers per day by car now if you have any v with 300 kilometers range,
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then you're good. you don't need to worry about charging every day. but what is the closest charging station is far your driving distance increases significantly. to avoid this, countries need to be faster with developing infrastructure. but let's talk about who handles this development. the charging infrastructure is obviously an interaction between private invest of the and the market and government, both on the national as well as on local and regional levels. so it is a complex mix of players in germany. one of these players is the car into ruling coalition, which includes the green body the previously set. they want to have 15000000 electric vehicles on the roads by 2030, but with subsidies based out and major comedy goes rolling backwards. the government's dream feels far. we need more policies on the national level to speed up the uptake of electric costs. it doesn't help that we just caught the generous
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purchase subsidies that were in place until the end of last year. we argued for a reform of the context ation scheme and of basically making fossil fuels cause more expensive. this model has seen success in norway where you kind of shift consumer patterns by taxing one commodity more than the other. but this model isn't in place in germany. the government had set aside money for charging stations, but it was under utilized last year, the amount close to $2000000000.00 euros for charging infrastructure, but only ended up spending less than a quarter of that money. some of the bottlenecks include issues with acquiring raw material and general slow expansion of the electricity grid. building a charging station is more work than you think. the installation of the shops and
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stations reprice everit's services. so i think 1st of all, and there's the electrical connection for many a 6 option stations. this takes place in the local subscript. so this is then less work. however, it's also reprice that there's no power to be provided by the distribution scripts, upper right. so um we have back at the bottom says mcneese with the, with the power suppliers. at the start of the episode, we us, it's charging infrastructure. it's being developed too slowly in germany, for example, the issues with charging our complex is the question of good capacity subsidies and investment. and the rest of the world is progressing slowly but making great strides. and add to all this, the range anxiety that people have. this shows that the car and infrastructure industries have their work cut out with all this information. the question is, would you buy an easy
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the news that what happened to me was right? i just didn't know where i could share at was who is going to believe me this is greg was staring iced against her well in canada, as with thousands of indigenous women from the 1970s to present a global us next on d. w. through many visitors is screening communities and the environment, the c o. 2 emissions by cruise ships are a major problem. can tourism be current without economic loss is
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made in germany in 60 minutes on d, w, the, the coming 0 streams excels st. john's paper base stories is kind items that feed us complex stores $0.10 on a sofa, chip, possession, charge 3 generations. one, jenny starts july 7th on d, w. you're kind of always in signature style. of the sized
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run. see with is always where it's 09 on double the no money, some medical ok. adult to in indonesia is paid in plastic recyclable. the 4th sterilization in canada, a legacy of systemic discrimination and contamination control per se. germany's and result issue with radioactive waste. the
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