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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the, the, this is data, the news coming to live from berlin, political maneuvering theme, to prevent the far right from taking power in france. french president emanuel that clause hoping the withdrawal of more than $200.00 candidates from parliamentary run off elections will belong the impact of the searching. all right, national riley, also coming more than a 100 people killed in a stampede. in the northern indian state of boot up or the officials say the death toll is likely to rise. the danish government, under pressure to stop the flow of russian oil aboard and regulated ships that posed a potential trust to the environment. the
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hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. more than $200.00 centrist and left wing candidates pulled out of france's parliamentary runoff election. the tactic is a given voters, just 2 choices in their contest. french president amend walmack on hopes to pull out from sundays. contests will block the far right from winning power. is centrists came 3rd in the 1st round behind a coalition of left wing parties and the far right national routing so many 3rd place candidates in france had pulled out in order to strengthen the prospect of 2nd place candidates beating the far right. but is that strategy likely to work as coal spangler a freelance journalist based in marci as well, it certainly makes the chances of an absolute majority for the national rally,
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much less likely that there's really no doubt about that. that the magic number is 289 because of all these withdrawals, it's more likely they won't hit that number. um, but they could also potentially come close to an absolute majority. what would happen then? so i think, you know, makes it less likely, but nothing is, you know, nothing is for certain. well i have to see what happens on sunday their, their base is very me otherwise. also, how common is it for parties and friends from across the political spectrum to team up like this? well, we have a tradition of a parties creating life is all the time on the municipal level, even on the legislative level, on the national legislative level and national certainly you look at the, the goes, you only have a plural left for 1997 to 2002 left when the lines um, even on the right, nicholas are close. these majority also was made up of the lines. my comments majority is actually an alliance and multiple parties. and you also have this tradition of candidates withdrawing from the 2nd round races in parliamentary races
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in order to boost the chances of another candidate. none of that is really new. so what is new is we haven't seen these, this type of withdrawals happening on this kind of scale. i mean it's because the r n has never had a chance of winning a majority like like it does right now. so again, the answer is really just, we haven't seen on this scale. that's what's new. and that's what we're seeing today. no more say the city where you live, coal is famous for its large immigrants, communities. what are people they're saying about next? sundays run all. it really depends on where you are in the city. uh so i, i live in central america. and when you walk around here you see all kinds of n t, r n graffiti. you see posters that are current encouraging people to vote for the last against the r n. if you go to the northern parts of the city that are more impoverished, you also have a lot of support for the less. but you know, martha is the city where you also have a lot of support for the are and it's not just kind of
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a big happy melting pot. if you have people that live in a walk through neighborhoods that are getting more for the r n based on kind of conservative values, and you have to kind of backlash to, to the, to the question of crime and insecurity. a lot of those people are also voting for the r n. so it's actually quite quite more of a mix and you might think cool, thanks very much for that. that was freelance journalist, coal stangler in more sense. thank you. now to the netherlands and 7 months after elections there, the country finally has its new coalition government in place. the right leading coalition is seeking to implement several measures to limit immigration. the policies are not popular with everyone. and as you're about to see, they put the country on a collision course with the broader policies of the european union. new prime minister dickens scoff signing the royal decrees that officially put him in office. the man selected after $223.00 days of negotiations on affiliated with
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any of the parties. assign of how many disagreements there are among the ruling coalition, which only came together when the far right freedom party leader, fayetteville. there's dave of his bid to become prime minister despite the party winning the most votes. that coalition brings together the freedom party with the center, right? people's party for freedom and democracy. the populace farmer, citizen movement and the centrist new social contract party of their coalition agreement titled hope, courage and pride calls for strict measures on asylum seekers, scraps family, reunification for refugees seeks to reduce the number of international students studying in the country. and once exemptions from e u environmental rules, the netherlands is a small country, but as a major trading partner for germany among others, some of the new governments priority is clash with the european union. another blow
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to the block, which has seen right wing and t e u, governments take power and multiple member countries. the wild card is head builders. the netherlands longest serving m p and leader of the far right freedom party which caught the most votes. he selected hardliners from his party to the new cabinet. it's unclear how he'll effect the government, but he's a vocal and visible presence with wide public influence. because of all, there are obstacles. however, even before the swearing in youth groups including from 2 of the coalition party is we're already pushing to limit the new governments asylum plants. the government is expected to release detailed plans in september. i correspond to jack petrik has been covering the story and joined just now from brussels. john, how much could the netherlands change now that this anti immigration government has taken office or what i think is going to be a huge change terry,
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there's going to be 1st the a new prime minister. margareta, his pre assessor, been in power for 14 years seen of many of the big politicians in the european union as being an ever present saker. and there is this sense that there is this new government, a new set of ministers for the 1st time ministers from the fall rights, p v. polity of could have builders. and the question is, what will the netherlands look like? we know that they've got this coalition deal in place. they've said dig scopus said that they will bring in the strictest, this strictest of a immigration policy. that basically going to time the coalition deal that they've agreed between these 4 political factions, into some kind of governing public policy, some sort of governing. i look over the next few months, we expect by the end of the summer, we'll have a clear picture specifically. and we'll, everyone will be looking at is how do they try to reduce emigration, which is this big concern, especially for a full have built as
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a man who has been convicted of being is on the food bank, for instance, to some of his campaign rhetoric. what's interesting is within the context of it sort of asylum applications, in your opinion, in 2023, according to the use asylum agency, the netherlands receive just about 40000 asylum applications, tend of what germany did, for instance. so the question is, how are they going to try and reduce that number, which is actually on the grand scheme of things when it comes to the rest of your not, not particularly high number the old, this puts the netherlands at odds with the european union in many ways, how could this impact european union migration and decide on policy jack? so yeah, this will be the big question just before the spring we so the european union sign of finally managing to over a whole is asylum. and a refugee is the application pro sex and how they do it. and the 1st thing that
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they changed was the 1st country that migrant arrives and they no longer off to disagreement have to apply for asylum in that country. so the idea is that countries, the web, people arriving 1st, which is predominantly grease intensity, could share the burden and send people up into northern countries like the netherlands. or they, those countries could choose to pay into the ports to protect those asylum seekers in the of the e. u countries. what we expect from this new anti immigration does, the government says that they will refuse to accept people, but will probably fight back against the agreements to pay financially for the e. u. countries to support. busy the and they may even have villages is not going to be administered in this government, but he's going to be in the shutters and trying to put a lot of strings in this. he may try to come to brussels and push against disagreement that was made earlier this year and changed the way that you asylum
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deal was, especially as we have a new european commission coming in to place a new york p and parliament's as well. so he'll, he'll perhaps, obviously, as tom says, on being able to tinker with that the policy. now this, right, when government that's taking office in the netherlands reflects a general trend with in europe. we saw that in the european parliamentary elections . tell us a little more jack about the the way the far right is searching ahead at european union level a deadlock assigned to that terry. but i think, i think the, what i did here in the 1st question was it was, it was about the sort of rise and fall, right? governments across the european union, and specifically in france as well. yeah, it's interesting to see what's happening at the moment. then evidence, for instance, uh, yeah, there's been on the fringes, have villages for decades has been sort of pushing for power. and now we're seeing mount power actually come to fruition without him being prime minister,
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who he was considered to fall right. full of the other dots coalition partners, but as you say in front says novice tons of a potential for a fall rides, a prime minister that would completely small up french politics would great me. we can a manual my con, here in him, in brussels, in, in your opinion is but it's also about how do these fall right. paula, sit and politicians decide to sort of work together in new york city in union have villages and marine depend of the national raleigh and frauds have had a long standing friendship and i live ships. so there are actually 2 big leaders this done together. whereas a lot of the of the far right need is especially some of the sort of research and ones like we see georgia maloney and it to the she tries to stare away from some of the other leaders. so the question is how will they own phone? and if they do, if they are able to form a sort of agreements and groups within your pin politics, how would they be able to exercise that power going forward?
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jack, thank you very much. that was our correspondent jack parents are in brussels now to india and at least a $120.00 people have died in a crush. the india really just gathering in who to for the state, scores more injured in the incident which took place in northern would for the state. officials say most of the victims were women and children. initial reports indicate organizers had permission to host about 5000 people, but more than 15000 came to the event as it was here at a religious gathering in utah, a dish that the hora unfolded. it's not yet clear what close the crush, but witnesses say that the storm caused a panic among the worshippers. and chaos ensued, as the crowds tried to leave it. uh, i was in a religious event, was organized for the hindu gods,
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chief of in the village. and told them just when the event was about to end, there was a sudden commotion due to over crowding up uh, an excessive humidity which caused the stampede body to you at the post office, the following overcharged the one on top of the other guy. those who across died, people, the pulled them out, ambulances rushed to hospital with stuff quickly became overwhelmed while trucks and private vehicles brought the bodies to the morgue indian prime minister. and the ranger modi offered his condolences to those who were killed in the crush. i have just received sad news. we are getting reports of many deaths in a stampede and we'll talk for dishes, half dresser does not offer my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives. and the tragic incident to cut the money order, the people search through piles of belongings for possible signs of
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missing loved ones as others width for their relatives who never made it out alive. so you look now to some other stories making headlines. round the world. malaysia's ex prime minister, not even rosa, has lost his bids or about the last 4 years of his prison term. under house arrest is claimed that the former king had granted him a special order was rejected by the like board rouse, i was convicted in a multi $1000000000.00 corruption. lloyd delegate has become the 1st democrats in congress to publicly call for us present, joe biden, to step down as the parties nominated for president in november's election. the congressman from texas bivens, poor debate performance against donald trump, disqualified him from running. again. fighting says he will remain in the rex
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now to the warrant, garza and israel's military has given in the back you ation order effecting about $250000.00 palestinians and the 3rd of the total area of the territory. the effected region includes much of the city of from eunice, where many anticipate a large scale is really ground to solve against a moss, which is considered a terror organization by multiple countries. the u. s. spokesperson said the evacuation will only heightened the suffering of civilians. israel's evacuation order leaves tens of thousands of thousands facing a difficult decision where to next, the wrong move could have drastic even deadly consequences. is that good place took down my tens, all my belongings side of the street and i don't know where to go. i don't know if anywhere safe where my children i can go, they'll say in areas say, but it turns out that it's most save at all, but keep getting pushed from one area to another. one group relocated from han units to this house and 2 year old bala located in one of israel's so called safe
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zones for evacuated. but the next day in his really air strike hit the building, killing at least 12 people inside, including several children. 9 of the victims were from the same family. israel's military did not immediately comment on the air strike, but it's not the 1st time palestinians have been killed by strikes. indeed save stones. the author display scoggins have sought shelter in seemingly unlivable conditions such as this open. they are done for quite a sea when fighting cut off their route to the main thompson eastern cause, a municipal waste crews began bringing their loads here near the 10 camps. the risk of disease is high if we don't get sick, who's dying from the bombing, and if we don't die from the plumbing, we'll die from the destruction and devastation. 7 the un says nearly 2000000
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gallons, 80 percent of the population are displaced. and the new evacuation order suggests another result on han eunice might come soon. despite a raft of sanctions, russia has continued shipping and selling it's crude oil to the world. the danish straits are a popular transit point for this russian oil, which helps fund most goes more efforts in ukraine. stopping the flow of money depends on stopping the ships. and now the danish government is facing pressure to take more aggressive action. a shadow, sleet, dark fleet, ghost fleet, sinister. synonyms, for decrepit, vessels with questionable ownership and an adequate accident insurance, which environmental is say or carrying sanctioned russian oil way too close for comfort in the danish straits. it is extremely serious and it is extremely risky.
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the sort of thing gets a caring over a 100000 tons of crude oil, that is toxic to humans, into the environment, and will put waste 2 of coastlines for that case. if a, if a big accident happens, a small accident did happen here in march. when the 15 year old then panama flag, andromeda star collided with another ship. luckily it was empty, but the crew reported late could not prove the vessel had proper insurance. typical of shadow flew ships. so we're left with the bill. we left with the clean up right, since the dean or streets are international waters, russia is allowed to use them even though most of its crude oil cannot be sold directly to european buyers because of sanctions. but that free passage is coming under scrutiny. this countries, relatively narrow waterways, are a strategic gateway between russia's ports and it's major markets. but the growing number of these completely unregulated ships and growing public awareness about the
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dangers they posed are putting pressure on the danish government to do something about them. investigative journalist y'all computer for has been exposing the fleets murphy, business practices. they have flags, states and countries like the bon, which is a military dictatorship, and recently had a cool, some experts say the shadow fleet. now kerry's 4th 5th of all russians exports of crude oil under the regulatory radar. you have these some vessels that don't exist on paper, but they're right here in front of my eyes. the shoot fleet of oil tankers just working at the mock every day, but nobody knows what's control thing. that's very interesting and i think i, we need to get to the by i must, who is controlling. now the danish government pleasures an international coalition will try to force better practices on the fleet. but how sanctions experts at the keeps school of economics institute believe the key is to more aggressively target ships known to be flooding their obligation to have credible oil spill insurance.
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the vessel would be identified as a property of a sanctioned entity. but most importantly, anyone, anyone interacting with a special for the cargo that it carries a could face enforcement action themselves. that recommendation goes further than the european union's new sanctions on some shadow fleet vessels, banning them for the 1st time from european ports and services. but that doesn't block the ships from sailing through international waters like the danish straits weather and how to do that is highly controversial. we willing to go out and intercept and stop the ship because if we uh, then we uh, in the, in the cross hairs of moscow saying, okay, denmark just dropped the ship. so we'll just like the next ship, going to make sure that it has an accident. and so that they have a huge pollution in dang, is waters. and then then my can do that a bad teen up. and good luck with that. moscow has already threatened to denmark
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with retaliation just for considering a response to the dark fleet. but without one billions of dollars in the legal oil, revenue will continue flowing through european waterways to the kremlin war chest so that we can talk more about this now with ben, you mean who can stop who we met in that report? he's an associate fellow with the german council on foreign relations and also a senior economist. it keeps school of economics. thanks for being with us. benjamin. these ghost fleet, oil tankers pose a double threat 1st. they undermine sanctions on russia, selling oil to fund his war against ukraine in seconds. they could cause an environmental catastrophe with no accountability. what's the most pressing concern in your view for most of the mental risk? so it was outlined in, in your reporting a for sale suite,
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which is estimated to say something around $430.00 plus. and i thought of this point carrying national oil. these are largely papers at the end of their lives and they're older than 15 years. um they are under maintains they are flags and coffee, so do not have proper regulatory oversight and requirements in terms of maintenance and inspections. and most importantly, these levels are not uh, not properly insured earlier, entirely uninsured. which means that in case some accident happens, which as you pointed out, has already been the case a couple of times in the last 12 months or so. it's very unlikely that any one would actually be able to pay out and pay for the damages on the car. now this oil that is being shipped through the danny straits, it's being bought by various countries. is it clear who exactly is buying the
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sanction oil? it's of so they are not very many buyers for us and all these days as long as we are in the. busy time and for the end of august and. busy then a couple of other places for the ones that i mentioned to make up the largest share . busy you are right, that this is the same scenario. it sounds like, uh, russia can no longer, so it's a situational export markets con, merrily in europe. but what i want to point out is that the, that sense for russian oil, an oil products, the coffee site i mentioned on the side of the vessel that does not really. ready any sizes virus, this is the innovation strategy to get around the cost for us to be able to sell it for. busy higher prices from the $60.00 for their own, the price to have mandate for crude off. but it's not really a violation, so not this is a legal expert. what can be done?
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do you think the stop these goes plates and to reduce the risk of environmental disaster? so the 1st step is to create more transferring. so you, when it comes to the insurance of the 1st of we know very little about this. so you are insured with a reputable wester and uh, insurance company. uh, specifically when it comes to with insurance, also called protection and the insurance issue, it was a restaurant company and we know that there are publicly available data faces. the 5 provide this information or not. i think we know very little about the insurance and discovery in the some cases where we had incidents or near incidents on the site and the last 12 to 18 months or so. in both cases, it can clear of not have any uh,
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any final insurance to see talk with him. he already exists on paper and it means that the insurance companies are not properly capitalized to pay out in the face of denmark, of course, would prefer not to have to deal with this alone. should you be doing more to help address this problem? anyway, i believe we have lost the line to you. okay. oh sorry . that even though we lost you there for just a moment. we just wanted to ask you whether you think your opinion should be doing more to help denmark with the situation. so yes, so this should be done by the entire surface close and otherwise there is a serious risk of breakfast, usually for the coffee for undertakes certain stuff. as you mention your reporting
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the, the key question that's really important. so if we want to generate more transparency around, insurance insider if we also want to be able to exclude. busy offer insurance from. busy these wires like today's phase to go and the oversight and so forth. then we need to find an enforcement. and the 1st one is probably not the actual interdiction with muscles because it creates the legal issues. but. busy to the right of profits to these waters, but it also creates a huge opportunity for a shot for some kind of bring my ship and certain things as was outlined. finally, expert in your report, it was a part of the biggest one we use that. then we thank you very much for a we're gonna have to leave it. there were out of time that was benjamin who is talk of the german council on foreign relations. michael,
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you are watching the news from berlin. coming up next, we've got close up for you looking at one woman's fight against a romance scammer. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the
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romance scan. marie learned the hard way. her online dream was running the scale and robbed her over 100000 years. marie channels her and finding the courage to travel all the way to nigeria. teams search of the man who had the train close out the next on d. w is indeed a healthy touch of degree and in a grave wasteland. the kitchen gardens project just female
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trash pickers, how to grow their own vegetables. we empower women to eat better in proving their diet and income in the process. eco, india. in 60 minutes on dw, the dream of resolution in 1979, the hate to dictate is the most i was forced out of nicaragua the people hoped for service society and received international solidarity. i imagine tweet would change the world and the 1000 islands had to help with reconstruction.
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but the end the dream of revolution starts july 20th on dw, the this is marie, a german woman who lost 130000 euros in an online romance scam. she's come to a court in nigeria seeking justice in 2018. marie fell in love online with a man using a fake identity. it was a typical romance scam, sometimes called cat fishing. fraudsters make victims believe they've found true love, then sheet them out of their money.


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