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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news live from by the end of the month wrangling, south africa has its new governments. the 1st time in 3 decades. south africa will swear in cabinet ministers representing i coalition government as the ruling i n c policy is forced to share. also coming up french president the call hopes the withdrawal of more than 200 candidates from problem entry. ronald elections will blunt the impact of the searching file, right? national riley punch plus star keys,
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goals scoring. here we use this is free to put us nation into the euro. 24 for the final small using is comes to stuck on the god is welcome to the program. south africa is wherever again, it's new cabinet ministers and the 1st chap power government since the end of pods 30 years ago, president. so around a pose that from the ruling african national congress policy was full so full of coalition with rival parties of the finally to get to know, tried majority and elections for the 1st on the central democratic alliance, which has led by wide south africans, has been the main opposition policy and will now run 6 industries of the. now let's close open to correspondent enter on this bug privilege, most of an area privilege it took days of negotiations to get here. how stable will
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this new government be submitted to depend on how the parties are going to commit to what they agreed in terms of the negotiations that they had to form this quality and government. if you look at how much you too. yes, it was a diesel fight negotiations, but on face value, they look as you file everything is simple, but behind the scenes things loops to check you because i'm an example is all for the program. so how to hang in jordan's big, where they asked to, i'm debating, and that's due in disagreement in terms of how they're going to form the provincial government. the democratic alliance, which is one of the core partners by choose the last 2 or 3 tending to walk away
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because there was saying that the african national congress spots is negotiating in bed faith. so it is evident that the punch is to need to warm up and beauty, trust me, it tubs of policy. what are the most divisive issues that to when it comes to policies, the democratic alliance is viewed as a pro business and the african national congress. you'll some of the partners if you look at the leading live uh movements the leg cost side to the view and the d a is pro white minority which they say that they are controlling the corner me. so you find that the n c is also, uh, is good pressure behind it from the putnam, like the post side to who still view the putnam da da as the people who are not
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pro live. but so these are some of the divisive issues that in, so you will need to navigate going forward. and that's look at foreign policy. in december 2023 south africa opened the case alleging is read is committing a genocide against protestant, isn't garza to the international court of justice, and the quote is still due to rule on this. how united other parties in the coalition on this issue to in the previous slide restrictions um it what the base that would go on impala man to be able to tread. uh, defend views um where you find that the d q as the n c, all fi wanting to gain fully to go mileage by taking that is right up to the i c j . but generally they all agree that the conflict should come to an end, and that bloodshed should be so stopped. but when they now add,
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they are now in the quantities in the now, in the unit, the government, any decision that is going to be a med from now on want you to be a product of negotiation. and they have to come up with one of strong view on this conflict if they have to make any decisions b, w, corresponding privilege, much money or the thank you very much. well than $200.00 centrist and less pointing candidates have pulled out of francis parliamentary run of elections. the tactic is aimed at giving votes as 2 choices on the valid pipe french president given away them. i call hopes the pull out from sunday's contests. will block the fall, right from winning power is sent was came said in the 1st round behind a coalition of left wing process and the far right national riley so many so it plays candidates in front of pulled out in order to strengthen the prospect. so 2nd
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place candidates beating the far right. but is that strategy likely to work? we off coal spangler a freelance journalist based in law say as well. it certainly makes the chances of an absolute majority for the national riley. i'm much less likely that there's really no doubt about that. the magic number is 289 because of all these withdrawals, it's more likely they will hit that number. and i think could also potentially come close to an absolute majority. what would happen then? so i think, you know, makes it less likely, but nothing is, you know, nothing is for certain. well, obviously what happens on sunday their, their base is very mobilize also. how common is it for parties and friends from across the political spectrum to team up like this? well, we have a tradition of a parties creating live is all the time on the municipal level, even on the legislative level, on the national legislative level and national certainly you look at the,
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the ghost, you'll have the plural left for 1997 to 2002 left when the lines um, even on the right of nicholas, are close. these majority also was made up of the lines. maximum of majority is actually an alliance or multiple parties. and you also have this tradition of candidates withdrawing from 2nd round races in parliamentary races in order to boost the chances of another candidate. none of that is really new of what is new is we haven't seen these, this type of withdrawals happening on this kind of scale. i mean it's because the r m has never had a chance of winning a majority like like it does right now. so again, the answer is really just, we haven't seen on this scale. that's what's new. and that's what we're seeing today. no more say the city where you live, coal is famous for its large immigrants, communities where people, they're saying about next sundays run all. it really depends on where you are in the city. so i, i live in central america. and when you walk around here, you see all kinds of i, n, t, r,
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n graffiti. you see posters that are current encouraging people to vote for the last against the r n. if you go to the northern parts of the city that are more impoverished, you also have a lot of support for the last. but, you know, martha is the city where you also have a lot of support for the are. and if not just kind of a big, happy melting pot, if you have people that live in a walk through neighborhoods that the, that are getting more for the are end based on kind of conservative values. and you had to kind of backlash to, to the, to the question of crime and insecurity. a lot of those people are also voting for the r n. so it's actually quite, quite more of a mix. and you might think cool, thanks very much that that was freelance journalist, coal stangler, in more se, i think you're speaking to my colleague attorney mountain earlier today. now at least 120 people may have died in a cross at a hindu religious gathering. in india's, northern or it was up for dish state schools more but ended officials say most of
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the victims were women and children. initial reports indicate organizers had permission to host about 5000 people. but more than $15000.00 came to that event. it was here at a really just gathering and we talked about this, but the horror unfolded. it's not yet clear what close the crush, but witnesses say that the storm caused a panic among the worshippers and chaos ensued, as the crowds tried to leave it. uh, i was in a religious event, was organized for the hindu gods chief of in the village and told them just when the event was about to end. there was a sudden commotion due to overcrowding of uh, an excessive humidity, which caused the stand page to you if any post hostage following over a child that one on top of the other guy, those who across died people, the pulled them out, ambulances rushed to hospital with stuff quickly became overwhelmed by trucks and
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private vehicles brought the bodies to the morgue indian prime minister. and the ranger modi offered his condolences to those who were killed in the crush. i have just received sad news. we are getting reports of many debts in a stand peed and we'll talk for dishes. how thrust the go button. i offer my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives. and the tragic incident to cut the key people search through piles of belongings for possible signs of missing loved ones as others width for their relatives who never made it out alive. companion is raising the alarm on behalf of the nearly 1000000 children who live in poverty in the u. k. rising inflation has driven the growing number of families to the brink of the last couple of years. and now with national elections on the rise in the
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next government as being or just to make the costs of living crisis. that number one priority behind london glittering facade, there is a lot of hidden hardship, pool and rich lives side by side. greenwich is located in south london and is one of the poor is communities in england, many a fee of that, the surroundings, the entire country are in this state of crisis. i'm a single mom and i work 2 jobs. and i'm just trying to pay nursery fees as well as school fees and then keep them private ran like everything is so expensive, staple. i worry them the counting the pennies on the it's very hard so everyone know people to spend so much time in asset trying to pay rent and things to live. they actually keep quite often lose sights of their, the reo goes and what they really want to be doing charities of wanting,
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the prices for food, energy and drugs have increased dramatically what income is, has not. but it's not just those on the red line to the feeding. the pinch with inflation just coming down from a 41 year high. britain's cost of living crisis is also hitting the middle clauses . many people are now dependent on food, but families with children. how often especially vulnerable we seen a really steep size in the number of people being forced to tend to see things just to survive. so over the last 5 years, the number of emergency food pulses we provided has nearly doubled last year. it was a reco 3100000 emergency food parcels. so that's an incredibly worrying runs in the number of people who just haven't gotten enough money to afford the essentials. poverty can affect everyone. that's what valmont key wants to draw attention to.
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also, husband died. the freelance management consultant lost her apartments and became dependent on food. thanks so much in the middle. the cost is hidden and that will be an awful lot of people struggling today. so who like myself, going to ask for health is just almost like the worst possible thing that you do. it's about what it does to. so it is emotionally and psychologically that because it's very scary. it's a very scary and shameful place to be. many you feel abandoned by politicians. it seems like leaving a decent well they don't see what's going on on to nice. they hear it but don't see it. they hear it, but then no, no quotes like, i think they get their lunch in the, in the house of, of, of when palliser voice moves. i think they have plenty of expenses that they can
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same. i don't think they advocate the people in greenwich few left alone with that every day problems. hardly anyone here seems to have any hope that the upcoming election would change anything. now let's bring in stewart lands the as an economist journalist, i'm currently a visiting fellow at the university of bristol's school of policy and joins us from london. stewart, you have written that the top tens of britain's now holds nearly half of the you case private wealth. the poor is tough. sad, meanwhile, has never exceeded one tense. how did it get this bad as well? brit brook is, has been a high poverty high in the close the country for centuries. and the only time that that is being broken was in the past 4 years when we had a sort of it got to terry and policies when the wealth and income got narrowed and
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the property like the property rights. so uh brittany today, uh it's roughly 30 percent of children. that's 4300000 children are in poverty in britain on the official definition. this is more than double the rate in the 19 seventy's and is significantly higher than most of the rich nations. um, yeah, i mean these are very big issues as you, as you've presented in your cold, but the general election campaign and the few weeks has barely mentioned many issues of inequality and poverty. i'm, i'm, we don't really have any indication as to whether this is going to be a major political issue in government. it that leads me straight to my next question that in the elections turn out is expected to be low. has any quality also refer him back to what you just said? has any quality becomes sewing grains in britain's dna if you will,
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that it's lost all power to mobilize? votes is, or companion is really yes i, i think there is something in that it's such a big problem that i think, you know, governments find it very well. i think there are 2 reasons why it's not really a political issue. i mean, the 1st is, the problem is so big, the solutions of complex, but most significantly, i think we've, we've tended over the how to very rich, powerful groups in society that really don't want any change. is there any way we're going to tackle poverty in this country is not by little bit of tweaking a little bit of sort of edging off of the benefits and so on. is by a whole scale transformation in the way the economy works. we, we essentially have an economy that is very, very biased to in the quotation and trying to reverse that. what,
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of course have to challenge a lot of the big vested interest, the big financial companies, the big corporations, the billy and act losses and politicians sort of shy a little bit away from that. yeah, you can say that labor has already ruled out raising taxes in including all the wealthy and rachel reeves has inspected to the complex sean slot. as the finance minister has said, she doesn't see quote, the way to prosperity as being through taxation. now. house labor planning to close the gap between the haves and the have nots then well, i mean, is it the honest that is that we, we don't know that's very literally labels manifesto. i mean, the, the, the estate side to program, to, to, to pop over to you and reduce the level of in a policy. this is the, the labor policy has a tradition, of course being a policy, a policy will be quality. it was born to find in the policy and in the, in the turn of the last century,
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i mean from 194 to 5. it made a number of progressive social report and something similar reforms happening across europe as well. and that may present and much more be cool country. but since then, we've had this sort of transformation in governing philosophy. this being and price by all parties, that a certain degree of inequality is necessary for economic progress. and we shouldn't interfere too much with market mechanisms. but those policies that strategy that was meant to deliver foster economic growth is basically filed. it hasn't delivered . griggs is just made britain and much more on a cool country. and it's basically meant that the living standards of, you know, the bottom 3rd in britain have a pretty, pretty well stagnated, over the last 2 to 3 decades. well, is it, that the gap between talking boston has widened?
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if we, if we are going to tackle it we, we need some, a very transformative policy is that, unfortunately doesn't seem to be on the agenda at the moment. 5, we have to leave a desk to a last day of that. thank you very much. thank you. so let's have a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. south korea and has resumed tillery drills near the boat. it was north korean for the 1st time in 6 years. exercises took place 5 kilometers from the demilitarized zone south korea holt at frontline military tensions in a 2018 pact within those 2 russian warships of duct and venezuela for a stop all the men to highlight the close ties between the nations. moscow is a key ally of venezuela's leftist regime. the russian naval vessel also took part and exercises in the atlantic ocean and stuff over in communist
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chinese presidents sheets and pena has arrived in kazakhstan for the regional summits. russian president vladimir putin is also attending the shanghai corporation organization. is a security and defense club scene as a counsel whites to the west. the leaders of turkey pockets done it as a by john the also at the to day summit. taiwan is urging china to release the fishing crew and the boat. it says was seized by beijing. china says the vessel violates a fishing band. it was me, a taiwan administrator. i administered islands, but sailing and chinese water dispatching claims so full time on as a chinese territory organ as to the well of sports now and will be joined by tom gunner to talk about was to come into your 20 full quarter finals in just a moment for us, that's a look back on how we go see the 2 is the joy, the fence, the frustration as they round of 16 gave us the find light.
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there's been everything from shares to tiers and the euro is knock out stage definitive beings. italy never lived up to expectations during the tournament. surprisingly the swift score 2 goals to reach the quarter finals for only the 2nd time ever. instead of back to back titles, it's back home for the italians. germany continues to garner emit support or the home soil did mark the cross has been magnificent in his last tournament in germany's golden boy jamal. most jala knitted his 3rd goal of the tournament, topping the gold score insurance. england had been booed by their own fans for supp are showing split. ju bellingham overhead kicks, said england from humiliation exit harry came, added another to lift the 3 winds over slovakia in
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a handful of matches. there were no surprises. spain survive, debris scare. but nico williams and lou medium all led the way over georgia to france, not the best form so far needed and assist urban own goals to advance pass belgium porch, it goes christiano. rinaldo was left in tears after missing a chance to score the goalkeeper deal. go kosta, played the hero in the shoot out victory. the netherlands had no trouble with romania, austria beside whom top therapy for the 1st time were stunned by a you full turkey, supported by the largest fan base president. aside from germany, here's a look at the quarter final match ups, which feature to final re matches. portugal faces print, a repeat of the 2016 year olds, fine on both sides, are coming off, lackluster games in host germany. meet spain in a highly anticipated fixture in 2008 germany. last,
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the euro is vital to spain making, mismatched germany's chance at retribution. i think the defense and also the expectation of, of our fans is a big push for us. there is english switzerland we're history heavily favors english. however, and neither side has ever won the title and turkey takes on the netherlands aside. they've met multiple times and that's pretty hand to him, get dw sports, and let's start with a turkey austria game you've been following. the truck is team for the w. how important is this victory for cherokee fans? keeping in mind what i heard last night, the cars going around miles pretty important. yeah, absolutely. i mean is massive and was it talk is opened into men against georgia. and the support inside the ground was just deafening. was in it that final group stage game against check you and have a book. i mean was the same thing that was just this rule is splitting noise. you
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know, that was going to send a brace into like, you know, selling that assignment hamburger the same. and goldman the same and so many so he's right across gemini, when tuck you in a match because it's such a massive talk is community here in germany and the funds have been cooling. this home told them and now for tacky. it was a massive success to get out of the group stage and the knocking out austria in the amount of 16 last night. that's another huge scouts for them really because ralph, i makes team what it to go very far in this tournament is such great funds works that keep try as well because, i mean, this is the kindest way possible that capable of any k or at any time they might score an amazing go and they school plan say they might end up getting books getting booked, or getting yet a called. and that happens plenty of times as well. and, but they're really grand attainment value for the tournament. there was some controversy in that match off of that magic is also the hero of the game. jamie, are all threw up a hand sign a couple other people talking. he did. yes. so the sign,
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the just do that he made was the symbol of the gray was which is a turkish alternation. this group is considered by the office for the protection of the constitution here in germany to be the largest fall right group here in germany . that symbol that he made could get you find or put persecuted by the police. if you made it in austria at the group is banned in, in front. and, and i think the role might, of course, his team some trouble last night because already at the tournament we've seen you ready for coming down hard on, you know, political just as like this, the i banyan play in midland. stuckey was giving it too much band for inside thing, nationalist johns off the, his team's role with tech a. we've had christ, you're part of me. and so i imagine that it's quite likely that all might be serving a suspension for the next game that took you tighter against the netherlands. now what's up next? what matches are you most interested in? well, i mean there are just 4 in the next round. the cool find those things really starting
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to get and one of your interesting is because i will be watching all of the same and then on 4 days because i really like to go to one of them that would be like robots and stuff is germany against spain, which is, you know, such a massive tide. gemini, obviously the highest and spain have been so great at this point and it's, i fall and that's the target really would be fit for a final. instead. that's the one that gets us on the way in the quarter finals, and then we've got portugal and phones as we had 2 teams with mostly stalls and who's slightly been under performing so far. this wouldn't. so be interesting to say which one is able to take the edge and book a semi final price in that $1.00 in england have been so disappointing for that support sci fi, but still managed to get to where they are. and they faced the toughest tests yet in switzerland, and then obviously netherlands against hard cable that is going to be back to them here in by the end of the talk is simple, is coming out to support that same. so lots have nothing to be. absolutely right, it's uh they have all these matches are going to be very interesting talk. i know that these are useful. it's thank you very much for being a bringing us up to date and that's it from me in and
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the new steam stay with us though made in germany is coming up next, looking at the environmental damage in cities caused by over the tourist got of his input in from tom me and everybody else here. the
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to many visitors is screening communities and the environment. the c o 2 emissions by cruise ships are a major problem. can tourism be curb without economic loss is made in germany on d w. the camella dia family gave the world the secret
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a sean discovery has helped in the fights against infectious diseases comes to therapy and all the time. the really like. 1 are the key i'm story cues by camel, none of the in 45 minutes on d w the each my story of the people who planned me built a good case have been nice to me. i am not to dom depending on my secrets. i have month to my cities, days for centuries,
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and accompanied my country through its finest hours until the day i nearly vanished . not the stuff to lie 18 on d. w. the low speeches on 2 restraints old subbing increasingly overwhelmed with visited a situation that needs local is running out of space and set up with the crowds. authorities up to strike a balance between the social impact of the tourism and the revenues that helped to keep the local economy suff liked also on this edition of made a huge cruise line is bringing thousands of terrace to already over crowded destinations . could ammonia via clean alternative to the to.


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