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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:29pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from ballad north to match wrangling, south africa as its new governments. for the 1st time in the 30 years south africa has sworn in cabinet ministers, representing a coalition government. as the routing and c policy is forced to ship all of the 1st time, also coming up in northern israel, relentless rock and fire from has the militants across the board, and lebanon is igniting danger, as well as far as the danish government is on the pressure to stop the flow of russian oil aboard unregulated ships that poses
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a threat to the environment. the guy that was welcome to the program, south africa swearing in its new cabinet ministers in the 1st ship, paul government since the end of a pond side. 30 years ago, president federal run my poster from the ruling african national congress potty was forced to form a coalition with rival pontus officer failing to get an hour drive majority and elections for the 1st time. the centrist democratic alliance, which is led by white south africans, has been the main opposition party, and will now run 6 ministry area. i asked the w, as correspondence, and a johannesburg privilege, most venire how stable this new government will be. stability to depend on how the parties are going to commit to what they
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agreed in terms of the negotiations that they had to form this quality and government. if you look at how much you too. yes, it was a diesel fight negotiations, but on face value, they look as if everything is simple, but behind the scenes things loops to check you because the example is all for the program. so how to hang in jordan's big, where they ask to, i'm debating, and they're still in disagreement in terms of how they're going to perform the provincial government, the democratic guidelines, which is one of the core partners by choose the last 2 or 3 tending to walk away because they was saying that the african national congress by to is negotiating in bed faith. so it is evident that the part is to need to warm up and
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beauty. trust me, in terms of policy, what are the most divisive issues then? when it comes to policies, the democratic alliance is viewed as a pro business and the african national congress. you some of the partners if you look at the leading live uh, move means the leg cause side to the view and the d a is a pro white minority which they say that they are controlling the corner me. so you find that the n c is also, uh, is good pressure behind it from the putnam, like the post side to will still view the putnam. uh, the da is uh, people who are not pro live but so these are some of the devices issues that in so you will need to navigate going forward. it has,
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the law says in his early strike is kills one off its senior columbus and a drone strike in southern lebanon. the group is supported by iran, and it's the 2nd such casualty in, in recent weeks. let's go straight over to our correspondents. well, how much right in baby mama tell us more about the latest news coming through them . what the situation remains very tense and we've all a title and the needs is really border despite the fact that this week has been relatively called, i'm a confessed of the past few weeks and i witnessed an unprecedented intensity of fire trading between has blind is by any or me very dangerous escalation over the past few weeks, especially following the coming of a has blocked up minute to the figure, the toilet of the law. he's among the top leadership. and here's the last on we know this afternoon and it's really drawn to talked a call on the cost of the tone of the tire and self live. and i'm getting another
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blas senior commander mohammed and also that also known as a aboard. now me, this incident usually provokes strong retaliation from, has below. but with this dramatically escalate the situation again, we will have to wait and see is hezbollah trying to provoke an over reaction? currently with all the wrong 5 going backwards and forwards. similar to what, how my stage on the october 7th. mm. well, that's not what has the law is stating, in fact, has belies repeatedly saying that it does not wall, it does not want and all toward with is right. and even though it's signal readiness for the bigger confrontation, in fact, both sides of signal randomness for the confrontation. but at the same time, both sides said that they would defend the to magic solution to the store,
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call on this phone and bring back the 10s of thousands of refugees to reflect their homes and 89 months ago. so basically for hezbollah, this confrontation, what's the good by the war in gaza? and it will only settle down after the situation settled again and got so many fear that a visit escalation, visited for tab could escalate and leads to a wider war in the region. how does that become more likely the well, it has in, in indeed, i mean, you know, a, has, the law is a, have on the, on group with a political party and is almost fully financed by a, you're on, and logistically, politically supported by it on. so it is unlikely that a confrontation, a bigger confrontation between has blah and the is why any army states a local. in fact, we've seen, we've seen and heard statements by iran and allies,
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meaning the political mobilization and the rock to help these in, in your mind. and they all said that they want to just watch a israel talking, a little bit of interest, bella and, and stay still w barry, beer cheese. well, how much tre, to thank you, very much, mama. it is right and has blah have been exchanging what could find as strikes daily, leading to fields of a wider walk in the mid lease. and the number of missiles 5 bags belies unprecedented setting of logs files that have consumed hundreds of factors in northern israel. tens of thousands have already fled the area w corresponding ton ex, grama. interviewed 5 fighters, whose job is to protect those who have chosen not to leave the service area defense system shoots. don't rockets in southern living on the ground and
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northern israel firefighters. the busy extinguishing fires caused by cross border strikes between israel and nobody's militant group. has one guy d as early as managing a bigger team than usually the addition of my size to the wi fi is season means he needs all the help he can get somebody to go for. i was lucky by minute before this, a one and the last month here, you know, bid them, i see the adobe has been much a very good, but somewhat accurate shooting, familiar with the image and as a result of this rock and send it to sections the the find the fire is going to start to be got a guy. so we got like, yeah, and because of the dryness and strong, we in the moment to look into, you'll see a large burned area here, but i've seen the thought get the, i me, you with the infinity lim a. this is the often most of
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a fire sparkman is as ever the defense system shut down incoming miss of the last few days have been quieter than usual says of july. but his team is preparing for all scenarios, including a full scale of or who this is the on the come. we know it will be much more severe . this is why we're getting ready for receiving forces in equip around the name freshening up or something. we're now at a stage when we're waiting for the next way. i know, but i hope it doesn't come a few kilometers away. another fire has spread and recent, reeks to the outskirts of keyboards, shamia. we had a few, a 10 of your round show at the across the border area here and the boss of drones. overhead. this for the area is relatively calm today. but people here have been living on the side for more than 8 months now. and they fear can get much worse, is about it, and hospital will end to a full scale war gala to you who died
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just family, a worried about the fires as well as the potential more the places he says, fee is like an additional weapon used against them here in the upper got any and all around the board or if they've been on there is an extra war. okay. there, there was a real war and missiles, jones fires, alarms all the times, a lot of noise. it's also from the he's rarely side. um, at the airplanes in the sky all the time. and it's been changed from 3 alarms a day to 3 days without in any of the basically we know that he's but i have the ability to hurt us to injure us in any given moment. and we are just, you know, hoping that we would, that, you know, that idea of who would be able to defensive to the home is just outside the
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officially recreation zone, which stretches 5 kilometers into israel from the border. that means they are like tens of thousands of others have not been told to leave, but fearing war and fire. he and just how many of left twice since october 7, last year. each time they came back, but the suitcases are packed. let's have a quick look now at some of the other stores making headlines around the world. today. taiwan is urging china to release a fishing crew into the boat that was seized by beijing, china as, as the vessel violated. the fishing bo was near taiwan administered islands, but sailing and chinese waters badging claims. so for little taiwan as its own territory of south korea, as resumed artillery drills near the border with north korea. for the 1st time in 6 years, the exercises took place 5 kilometers from the demilitarized zone. south korea had
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halted frontline military tensions in a packed with north korea. ukraine says russian miss allan droned, strikes in may pro, have killed at least 5 people, and wounded thousands, the garage hit the city on wednesday morning. your cries, president reloaded him. is the landscape again, appeals to its allies, to supply more ad defense systems, and long range weapons just by the raft of sanctions. russia has continued shipping and selling it's crude oil to the world. the danish straits are a popular transit point for russian oil which helps fund most cars war effort. the new frame, stopping the flow of money depends on stopping these ships. and all the danish government is facing pressure up to take a more decisive action. a shadow, sleet, dark, sleep, ghost fleets, sinister. synonyms, for decrepit,
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vessels with questionable ownership and an adequate accident insurance, which environmental is say or carrying sanctioned russian oil way too close for comfort in the danish straits. it is extremely serious and it is extremely risky. besides think it's a carrying over a $100000.00 tons of crude oil, that is toxic to humans into the environment, and will put the ways to el coastlines for that case, if a, if a big accident happens, a small accident did happen here in march. when the 15 year old then panama flag, andromeda star collided with another ship. luckily it was empty, but the crew reported late could not prove the vessel had proper insurance. typical of shadow flew ships. so we're left for the bill. we left with the clean upright since the dean or streets are international waters. russia is allowed to use them even though most of its crude oil cannot be sold directly to european buyers because of sanctions. but that free passage is coming under scrutiny. this
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countries, relatively narrow waterways, are a strategic gateway between russia's ports and its major markets. but the growing number of these completely unregulated ships and growing public awareness about the dangers they posed are putting pressure on the danish government to do something about them. investigative journalist, you all can kicks for has been exposing the fleets mercy business practices. they have flags states in countries like the bon, which is a military dictatorship, and recently had a cool, some experts say the shadow fleet. now kerry's 4th 5th of all russians exports of crude oil under the regulatory radar. you have these some vessels that don't exist on paper, but they're right here in front of my eyes that show which fleet of oil tankers just working at the mock every day. but nobody knows what's controlling, i'm thing that's very interesting and i think, i mean when you get to the back i must forest control. even now, the danish government pleasures an international coalition will try to force better
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practices on the fleet. but how sanctions experts at the keep school of economics institute believe the key is to more aggressively target ships known to be flooding their obligation to have credible oil spill insurance. the vessel would be identified as a property of a sanctioned entity. but most importantly, anyone, anyone interacting with a special for the cargo that it carries a could face enforcement action themselves. that recommendation goes further than the european union's new sanctions on some shadow fleet vessels, banning them for the 1st time from european ports and services. but that doesn't block the ships from sailing through international waters like the danish straits weather and how to do that is highly controversial. we willing to go out and intercept and stop the ship because if we uh, then we uh, in the, in the cross hairs of moscow saying, okay, denmark just dropped the ship. so we'll just like the next ship going through,
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make sure that it has an accident and so that they have a huge pollution in dang, is waters. and then then my can do that a bad teen up and good luck with that. moscow has already threatened to denmark with retaliation, but as the experts in life he's pointed out, if there were to be a weak, accidental or otherwise, from one of the ships carrying a 100000 tons of oil, there would really be no way to clean it up and certainly no money coming from the shipping company itself, some of which fairly exist legally to help these countries along the border. so that's why they're really looking for more support at the moment. but there's even another concern, and that is a kind of tricky one in somewhat of a dirty little secret. there is some acquiescence to this oil being shipped chiefly like this because it goes to india and it is reprocessed. and while the european countries can't buy the russian oil, think can buy the oil from india after is processed and even heard of european
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ships traveling to india to pick up oil that was known to have been transported by these go sweets. so it's very, very complicated indeed, a complicated situation. now, denmark would not like to deal with these threats alone should and could you be doing multiple addressed this problem? there is no way one country can deal with with this by itself because of course, yes, the ships passed closest to denmark passed through through the danish straits. but they also go on, you know, passing sweden, finland because into the baltic countries. so those countries are, i would say, the most concerned about the potential environmental damage. but any country should be worried about russia earning all of these billions of euro is of dollars that are and regulated and, and of course, posing threats with the ships that shouldn't be on the water in the 1st place. so the e u has just taken the 1st step to put some of the ships on a sanctions list and, and that's a step in the right direction. but the experts like, like those in my piece,
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talked about how the u. s. really has a stronger set of sanctions barring any company that would be known to buy this oil from doing business with the ships and with these shipping companies. now that's something that exists on paper but hasn't been enforced so strongly yet. so that's something that denmark leading this, this effort to do something about the shift would really be looking at, because that's a lot safer than sending your people out to board or russian ships. so what else can be done to stop that goes please. so these secondary sanctions are on the company's doing business with the shipping companies are really i think, the best hope that's what i heard time. and again when i was speaking to people about how you would not be putting humans in danger. and, and also wouldn't be pegs to any one country. so as i pointed out, moscow has already worn denmark. if you try to do something about the ships we're going to get you. and so this would, would sort of thing, denmark out of the i of,
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of the bull's eye and, and spread spread the blame. but there really needs to be a lot more regulatory efforts. and those i talk to really hope that these concerns now are high enough that there's really going to be more effort put in put into stopping this transport. the w correspondent, terry shows that in brussels. thank you very much. terry. us and britain campaign is raising the alarm on behalf of nearly 1000000 children who live in poverty and the u. k. rising inflation has driven a growing number of families to the brink in the last couple of years. and now with national elections on the horizon, the next government as being urge to make the cost of living crisis, the number one priority. behind london glittering facade, there is a lot of hidden hardship, pool and rich lives side by side. greenwich is located in south london and is one of the poor is communities in england. many
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a few of the surroundings. the entire country are in this state of crisis. i'm a single mom and i work 2 jobs. and i'm just trying to pay nursery fees as well as school fees and then keep them private ran like everything is so expensive, staple. i worry them the counting the pennies on the it's very hard so everyone know people spend so much time and effort trying to pay rent and things to live that they actually keep quite often lose sights of their the reo goes and what they really want to be doing charities of warning, the prices for food energy and drugs have increased dramatically. what incomes has not, but it's not just those on the red line to the feeding. the pinch with inflation just coming down from 41 year high. britain's cost of living crisis is also hitting the middle process. many people are now dependent on food,
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but families with children. how often especially vulnerable we seen a really steep size in the number of people being forced to turn to see things just to survive. so over the last 5 years, the number of emergency food pulses we provided has nearly doubled last year. it was a reco 3 point one, really an emergency, se parcels. that's an increase of the worrying runs in the number of people who just haven't gotten enough money to afford the essentials. poverty can affect everyone. that's what valmont key wants to draw attention to. also, husband died, the freelance management consultant lost her apartments and became dependent on food. thanks so much in the middle. the cost is hidden and that will be an awful lot of people struggling today. so who like myself going to ask for help? it's just almost like the worst possible thing that you think do. it's about what
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it does to sort of emotionally and psychologically that because it's very scary. it's a very scary and shameful place to be. many here feel abandoned by politicians. i think they live in a different well. they don't see what's going on on denise, they hear it but not see it. they hear it, but then no, no. quoting like, i think they get their luncheon in the house of uh, of, of in pallets of voice moves. i think they have plenty of expenses that they can same. i don't see. we advocate the people in greenwich, few left alone with that every day. problems. hardly anyone here seems to have any hope that the upcoming election would change anything the codes of finals or football's euro 2024 are all set. here in germany, people are bouncing about that blockbuster class again, spain,
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the set for this friday. but that's not the only highlight to look forward to is a recap of the tournaments sofa as there's been everything from tiers to tiers and the euro knock out stage defending champions. italy never lived up to expectations during the tournament. surprisingly the swift score 2 goals to reach the quarter finals for only the 2nd time ever. instead of back to back titles, each back home for the italians, germany continues to garner emit support or the home soil did mark were left his struck by the host losing 20. toni cross has been magnificent in his last tournament, and germany's golden boy jamal. most jala knitted his 3rd goal of the tournaments, topping the gold score insurance. england had been booed by their own fans. first the par showing split 2000000000 hands overhead kicks said england from a humiliating exit. harry came, added another to lift the 3 winds over slovakia in
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a handful of matches, there were no surprises. spain survive, debris scare. but nico williams and lin medium all led the way over georgia or france. not the best form so far needed and assist urban own goals to advance past belgium. porch it goes christiano. rinaldo was left in tears after missing a chance to score the goalkeeper deal go. kosta played the hero in the shoot out victory. the netherlands had no trouble with romania, austria. besides who taught their b for the 1st time, were stunned by a youthful turkey supported by the largest fan based president. aside from germany, here's a look at the quarter final match ups, which feature to final re matches. portugal faces france, a repeat of a 2016 year old spinal. both sides are coming off blacklist, or games, and hosts germany needs spain in
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a highly anticipated fixture in 2008 germany. last, the euro is vital to spain making, mismatched germany's chance at retribution. i think the defense and most of the expectation of, of our fans is a big push for us. there's english, switzerland, where history heavily favors english. however, neither side has everyone the title and turkey takes the one the netherlands aside . they've met multiple times and to remind them of the top story with the following for use of the maps. rambling south africa has a new governor or the 1st time in 3 decades. some advocate has sworn in cabinet ministers. we're presenting a coalition government as the ruling and c policy is forced to shift policy for the 1st that's it from me and that is the for now i'll have an update for you at the
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top of the hour. stay with us, made in germany is next come with a look at a mouse tourism and the effect it has on the got office and buildings on me and the whole east and the
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through many visitors is screening communities and the environment a c o 2 emissions by cruise ships are a major problem. can tourism be current without economic loss is made in germany. on d, w. eco, india, a healthy touch of green in the grave wasteland.
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the kitchen gardens project female trash pickers, how to grow their own vegetables. all women to eat better, improving their diet and income in the process. eco indian. in 60 minutes on d. w, the dream of resolution in 1979, the hated dictators somoza was forced out of nicaragua. the people hoped for cyrus society and received international solidarity. i imagined we would change the world and for 1000 collins had to help with reconstruction. but the end
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the dream of revolution, july 20th on d. w. the. the well speeches on 2 restraints old subbing increasingly overwhelmed with visited a situation that needs low cost of running out of space and fed up with the crowds authorities up to strike a balance between this social impact of the terrorism on the revenues that helped to keep the local economy, so flanked also on this edition of made, the huge cruise line is bringing thousands of terrace to already over crowded destinations. could ammonia be a clean alternative to the density engine fuels pollution.


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