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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from violent medicine group has been lost as one of its top commands . this has been killed and is really attacked to try and strike in southern level problemswith. retaliation from has blocks as fee as growth, as hospitalizations could spiral into life. also on the program as the u. k. proposed to vote in parliamentary elections tomorrow, activists say the fight against policy must be a priority for whoever with south africa's whereas. and i'd coalition government for the 1st time in 13 years, that's the building and the policy is forced to share the
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info. go welcome to the program 11. these militant group has ballasa is one of it. senior commanders has been killed and is writing drug and striking 711. all of these pictures posted on social media aside to show the aftermath of the incident as being near a day, the cross border fighting between israel and the militant since the status of the war. in gaza, this is the 2nd time in recent weeks and these rang, the strike is killed, has block, combined with the deputies, bailey to bureau chief. is mohammed straight to welcome mohammed. a took us through the significance of this strike to what the situation is, escalating again on the the news is right in the front as well on lunched return the to the tax on its way of following the coming off. it's seen the amenities to
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go home a lawsuit also known as a bu, now me and this is the, this was quite expected, this a retaliation. and this intensity given the significance and importance and higher rank of the killed military commander. and also it is the 3rd military figure senior military figure killed by his while since the beginning of this confrontation 1st, we saw almost to lean back in january and then toddler, abdullah, in mid june. and now, mohammed, not a sudden, every assassination was followed by a big environment escalation that lasted for weeks and seemed to reach the point of an all out war between the adversities. this has been from think diplomatic efforts, particularly from us, friends and in germany. you have been so far successful in pressuring all parties to avoid the large scale war. so now we are anticipating the large and
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a in the intensity. and the a skate of this round of escalation between has bland. this way i could talk with you. thank you for that. i'm gonna try to invite route not to be okay with poverty campaign, is a raising the alarm on behalf of nearly a 1000000 children rising. inflation has driven a growing number of families to the bank and the last couple of years with national elections, tomato britain is next. government is being asked to make the cost of living crisis . it's number one priority. the hind london's glittering facade. there was a lot of hidden hardship pool and rich live side by side. greenwich is located in south london and is one of the poor is communities in england, many a fee of that the surroundings, the entire country are in this state of crisis. i'm a single mom and i work 2 jobs and i'm just trying to pay nursery fees as well as
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school fees and then keep them private ran like everything is so expensive, staple. i worry them the counting the pennies on the it's very hard so everyone know people to spend so much time and asset trying to pay rent and things to live that they actually keep quite often lose sights of their the reo goes and what they really want to be doing charities of warning, the prices for food energy and drugs have increased dramatically. what incomes has not, but it's not just those on the bread line to the feeding. the pinch with inflation just coming down from a 41 year high. britain's cost of living crisis is also hitting the middle clauses . many people are now dependent on food, but families with children. how often especially vulnerable we seen a really c buys in the number of people being forced to turn to see things just to
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survive. so over the last 5 years, the number of emergency food pulses we provided has nearly doubled last year. it was a reco 3100000 emergency food parcels. so that's an incredibly worrying runs in the number of people who just haven't gotten enough money to afford the essentials. poverty can affect everyone. that's what valmont key wants to draw attention to. also, husband died. the freelance management consultant lost her apartments and became dependent on food. thanks so much in the middle. the cost is hidden and that will be an awful lot of people struggling today. so who like myself going to ask for help? it's just almost like the worst possible thing that you do. it's about what it does to sort of emotionally and psychologically because it's very scary. it's a very scary and shameful place to be. many here feel abandoned by politicians.
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i think they live in a different well. they don't see what's going on on denise, they hear it but not see it. they hear it. but then no, i single quotes like, i think they get their luncheon in the house of uh, of uh, pallets of voice move. so i think they have plenty of expenses that they can same. i don't think we advocate the people in greenwich few left alone with that every day problems. hardly anyone here seems to have any hope that the upcoming election would change anything or clinton pale is an associate feller with a your a program at chatham has the think tank. he joins us from a london welcome back to the dw. we report that focused on poverty and the u. k. has this affection strongly in the election campaigning? well, there's no doubt that the cost of living right across the board has been
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a major part of the election campaign. the truth is that the poor is people and, and the estimate now is that there are 6000000 people living in poverty. so that's nearly one intent of the population. but they are probably people who are not going to vote. so what is actually changing this selection is the other thing that big it mentioned in her report the that actually people in look a really feeling the pinch and if you like it, it's as much the skilled working josh isn't the level of middle classes who have switched off from 13 conservative and of switch over very much to writing labor. and as you say, labor positive and lead to kids. tom is widely expected to become the countries next prime minister. what's his policies planned to tackle poverty and the cost of living crisis? where he's being desperately cautious because the one thing that he's trying to
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prove is this, he's not going to raise taxes and he's not going to rush into office with a huge spending plan. he's going to be very responsible. that's a certainly paid off for him in the opinion bose where he's lead of 20 percentage points over the conservatives has been absolutely study ever since the selection was cold. on the other hand, i think there's real disappointment, particularly on the left of his own body, that he is not prepared to make more radical promises to deal, particularly with child poverty. i mean, there's a very particular measure that people wanted to take, which is up as a to child limit on families getting help from the government. and he's you, the pressure is for him to lift that limit sofa. he's made absolutely no promises. so i think that the fact is that labor is being very cautious in what it's
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promising to do. and you mentioned that to try and take a point a um, imagine between the pots is a, in the opinion polls. i also hate to that this is, this is less about the country suddenly looking to the left and more about what but more about giving 14 years of that, this conservative governments. i'm a bit of a spanking it's, it's an absolute, it's west of this banking. it's a total collapse and confidence in the conservative body. it's absolutely dramatic . i think we'd like you to see the biggest government the, the jersey for the labor apache in living in moving and living memory. and the conservatives on the other hand, who just had an extraordinary victory, less than 5 years ago when bar it's johnson, with the slogan, get brakes, it done led them to a big victory. they've absolutely collapse the nice thing once he's behind that is
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a loss of trust and the loss of confidence that they are competent to run the economy. that's very dramatic because the conservative policy was always regarded as a safe pair of hands. and i think the blame for that goes particularly to burst johnson who was seen as unreliable and i'm trustworthy. and his immediate success and his trust who produced the most magically. um finance budget allows the dudley 49 days in power. so that is really destroyed the reputation of the ruling party, a dramatic destruction of that reputation, of a sense of rights policy. that is famously around the world. one of the most election, winning a pos is in the world. why couldn't really soon up turn things around as well as this, the damage had been done before, which you sooner came to power. the truth is that the economic price of the country
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is one that is very much stuff. it didn't come and rise across europe, for example, with inflation, the cost of living, the high energy prices of sluggish economy, very slow growth, and particularly in britain and i think we're suffering too, from a lack of growth in productivity. all those things are written the but what had happened before originally soon, it became prime minister, was that people had really loves faith in his product to okay. there is one element not been seriously discussed throughout the selection. and that is the damage that has been done precisely by what bodies driven on some use language selection. as a great psych was a feed clicked it was 5 years. okay, so that's a question. peo from that chapter has invented. thank you so much. thank you. thank you. quick look now in a couple of stores basically headlines around the world. russian president vladimir foods in his toads,
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chinese leda is huge and paying that the relationship between the 2 countries is stronger than that. i met on the sidelines of the to day shanghai co operation organization summit in the catholic capital last, donna tuckers, president, legit times oh do i am told mister fulton that's incorrect, could help both sides of reach a fast face in the world and you cry when you cry and says, rushing, mist file and drug and strikes and to meet process killed at least 5 people and wounded thousands. the borrowers hit the city on wednesday morning. the credits president flooded me as well as can you repeat it? his appealed allies for more air defense systems and long range weapons of the 13000 people in northern california have floods that homes because of a rapidly spreading wild 555 is from across the us. states have been deployed to the blaze which has been fueled by wins and dry conditions of south africa's new government has been sworn in and the country's 1st coalition government since
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the end of a pop type, 30 years ago, president sit will run the posen from the african national congress was supposed to join with 5 rival pockets, fighting to a chief and i'll try to majority following elections inmate. so that essentially is the democratic alliance lead by wide south africans has been the main opposition policy will not run 6 ministration directly. any secret meant to entrust, why correspondent, a correspondent privilege most on harry and john, as beth told us, no stability to depend on how the parties are going to commit to what they agreed in terms of the negotiations that they had to form this quality and government if you look at uh how much it took, yes, it was a days of negotiations, but uh, um, on face value, they look as if everything is table, but um,
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behind the scenes things looks too shaky because, um, an example is of the provenance of coating. in johns big where they asked to, i'm debating, and that's due in disagreement in terms of how they're going to form the provincial government. the democratic alliance, which is one of the core partners by choose the west to pretending to walk away because they was saying that the african national congress by to is negotiating in bed faith. so it is evident that the punch is to need to warm up and beauty trust stuff which was on here in your hands box is remind about top story is this as the law says on these very drone strikers killed one of his senior commands in $711.00 on the cubic feet is of a wide, a war in the middle east. and south africa has a new government for the 1st time in 3 decades. i. c. s. south africa swimming
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a cabinet ministers representing a coalition government. as the ruling amc is forced to ship a fed show up today, it's real world news for the term for the the, the coming 0 stage itself, 3 trans people. stories is kind items that feed us complex stores and some, some sort of additional chip in search of the settlement for 3 generations. one journey starts july 7th on d w the day many have long warned about would begin with terry.