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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from above and lebanese and militant group has been lost as one of its top come on. this has been killed and is ready to attack the drug and striking southern economic problems as swift retaliation that made growing fee is a tough fillasy could spiral into all out also on the program. south africa swears in its 1st coalition government for 13. yes, that's the moving i n c is forced to share the pallet with 5 of the pockets on that for you. k for past the vote and complimentary elections tomorrow, active is say the fights against politics must be a prior safe for whoever. with the
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i'm feel good. hello, welcome to the program. has the law says $85.00 more than a 100 rockets of each baby positions on wednesday? the 9th and these mills in groups as the sold was retaliation for i'm is writing drug and strike the killed one of its senior commanders in 711 on a no reports of casualties of these pictures posted on social media asset to show the aftermath of the attack has been cross border fighting between israel and the military and since the stomach of in gaza. this is the 2nd time of recent makes that on his radio as dry as killed a has block combined with the w. b root to bureau j mohammed tray to talk me through the significance of the strike to what the situation is. escalating again on the the news is right. any front desk has belong, lunged at vitalia to the tax on its way of following the coming off. it's senior
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military figure mohammad lawsuit also known as a bu, now me and this is the, this was quite expected this a retaliation. and this intensity given the significance and importance and higher rank of the killed military commander. and also it is the 3rd military figure senior military figure killed by his royal since the beginning of this confrontation 1st, we saw almost a week back in january and the toddler of delight in mid june. and now mohammed law, sudden every estimation was followed by a big and violent escalation that lasted for weeks and seemed to reach the point of an all out war between the adversities. this has been from think diplomatic efforts, particularly from an u. s. friends and, and germany have been so far successful in pressuring all parties to avoid the
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large scale war. so now we are anticipating the large and a in the intensity. and d as kate, off this round of escalation between has bland. this was good talking to you. thank you for that. i'm gonna try to in beirut, in recent weeks of same daily exchange is a 5 between age island has belong and the number of missiles, 5 by his beloved is unprecedented. the marseilles spot wildfires that have consumed hundreds effective of northern israel, causing tens of thousands of people to flee. the w correspondent, tonya kramer has been meeting the firefighters protecting people who have chosen to stay the service area defense system shoots. don't rockets in southern living on the ground in northern israel firefighters are busy extinguishing fires. close by across the board and strikes between is around a newborn. you submit a 10 group, has one not got
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a as early as managing a bigger team. then usually the addition of midsize to the wi fi is season means he needs all the help, he can get somebody to go far as the by minute, before the stuff i was in the last month. you know, but i'm assuming you told me it has been much a very good but some more accurate shooting, familiar with them, and as a result of this rocket sidney deceptions, the sandy fire is getting started to be got guides and because of the dryness and strong wind the name of the login, so you'll see a large burned area here of option the adults get the i me, you would the infinity name. some of this is the often most of a fire sparkman is us ever defense system shut down incoming miss of the last few days have been quieter than usual says of july. but his team is preparing for all
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scenarios, including a full scale war. who this is the symbol, we know it will be much more severe. this is why we're getting ready for receiving forces in equip brown and name freshening up or something. we're now at a stage when we're waiting for the next way. i know, but i hope it doesn't come a few kilometers away. another fire has spread in recent weeks to the outskirts of keyboards, shamia. we had a few a til around show us across the border area here and the boss of drones overhead. this border area is relatively calm today. but people here have been living on the side for more than 8 months now. and they fear 10 get much worse is about it, and hospital will enter a full scale war the launch you who died just family, a worried about the fires as well as the potential more the places he says, fee is like an additional weapon used against them. here in the upper got any and
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all around the board or if they've been on there is an extra war. okay. there, there was a real war missiles, jones fires, alarms all the times, a lot of noise. it's also from the ease, riley side, um, at the airplanes in the sky all the time. and it can change from 3 alarms a day to 3 days without in any of the basically we know that she's but i have the ability to hurt us to interest in any given moment. and we are just, you know, hoping that within the, you know, that idea of who would be able to defensive to the home is just outside the officially recreation zone, which stretches 5 kilometers, inter israel from the border. that means they are like tens of thousands of others have not been told to leave, but fearing war and fire. he and just how many if left twice since october 7,
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last year, each time they came back. but the suitcases packed to south africa. well, a new government has been sworn in the country's 1st coalition cabinet. since the end of the pa side, the 30 years ago, president sooner run the poses african national congress has been forced to govern with 5 rival parties of to fighting to achieve an outright majority. in may's elections. the centrist of democratic alliance, led by wind, south africans, had been the main opposition party, and will not run 6 ministers in dory. while the democratic alliance has often been categorized as the party of south africa's of rich white minority. so what's likely to problems the biggest clashes between them and the i n. c, who sprung from the country's black liberation is movement. i key level a j latonya is professor of african politics of the university of south africa in pretoria to degree. this points of friction mostly in some aspects of
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domestic policy, as well as foreign policy looking at domestic policy. it would be um, obviously the issues around blake and base and broad base to protect you couldn't be, can paul meant often which eviction which had the african national congress and even deposited us as well from being pushing as one of the so oh, some of these policies for the dress of many years of a pop age and result discrimination. so that in lines one of the default lines whereby the 2 parties might flush. but there's also this issue around corruption and the opposition people for multiple position one should say, the democratic airlines. and it has often been very vocal around, you know, stage corruption, corruption, probably in the governments like things on. now the dreamy, you know, the african national congress in the government of national unity. i'm expecting the spots to fly in the departments because now they will be inside, you know,
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those government departments and ministries with the ask and this not congress. the other part, the way the when i think they're quite likely to collections, especially in terms of funding policy, is those things way by the ethic and it's not investing mostly left east m potty for that because you know, party an organization a has awesome being line to watch those things that the democratic guidelines, you know, uh, not normally they support the, you know, things like it whereby they would like to go mostly softly to up to what stage such as in bob ways based such as cuba based such as a rush. you guys or, and then, you know, we can look at that more, but those are the main one, right? yeah, i see. okay. the way that you put these might have issues. yeah. starting domestically is that is going to suggest that diverging b. i n c's grip on power by adding another 5 passes to the governing mix will help the country deal with the fundamental problems like unemployment and literally
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keeping the lights on and even watering the tops or is some kind of answer from the snow. because most of these issues have gotten legacy or many decades, not even fit to us things daisy to bali and 1994 so well they were bringing these parties together in the, you know, government doesn't, that's not you need your quantities, you know, sort these all these issues, my simple, honestly, that is know, we still have it very, very big mountain decline with these parties, we will see went up as well. you know, and not up the steps because you know, the government of national unity but they, in life it was the one we're big may not mean a forward lines or this quite isn't government. right. that was able to again, in the future find out. i thank you so much for guiding us through that. so clearly, professor caleb. okay. james, pulling you from the university of south africa? look no, that's the most doors making headlines around the taiwan is urging china to release the fishing crew. and the boat was seized by beijing, china says they, vassal,
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violate to the fishing band. it was near taiwan administered islands with saving in chinese waters raising claims. so ruled taiwan as chinese territory. jamaica is bracing for the arrival of how to can battle which has killed at least 6 people them caused widespread damage. and the se, kind of being because of before storm damaged around 90 percent of the infrastructure on union islands, which is part of st. vincent and the grenadines russian president vladimir fruits and has told the chinese leaders asians trading. the relationship between the 2 countries is stronger than the have a mass on the sidelines of a 2 day shanghai co operation organization summit and the conduct capital s dawn to his present friendship type. the one told mister fulton and collected health, both sides of reach of feet affect fees in the war in new cray. what do you crime says, rushing miss 1000 drug strikes anthony pro. i've killed at least 5 people and wounded
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dozens of the battleship. the city on wednesday morning ukraine's president loved him. is that excuse me, painted his appeal to allies for more ad defend systems, a long range weapons. despite the raft of sanctions, russia has continued to shipping and selling its crude oil to the world. the danish straits are popular transit points to russian oil, which helps fun most goes away. efforts in ukraine, stopping the flow of money depends on stopping the ships and navigators. government is facing pressure to take more decisive action shadow fleet. dark fleet. ghost fleet, sinister. synonyms for decrepit, vessels with questionable ownership, and an adequate accident insurance, which environmental is say or carrying sanctioned russian oil way too close for comfort in the danish straits. it is extremely serious and it is extremely risky. the sort of thing gets a caring over a 100000 tons of crude oil,
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that is toxic to humans, into the environment, and will put waste 2 of coastlines for that case. if a, if a big accident happens, a small accident did happen here in march. when the 15 year old then panama flag and drama to star collided with another ship. luckily it was empty, but the crew reportedly could not prove the vessel had proper insurance. typical of shadow fleet ships. so we're left with the bill. we left with the clean up right, since the dean or streets are international waters, russia is allowed to use them even though most of its crude oil cannot be sold directly to europe and buyers because of sanctions. but that free passage is coming under scrutiny. so this country is relatively narrow. waterways are a strategic gateway between russia's ports and it's major markets. but the growing number of these completely unregulated ships and growing public awareness about the dangers they posed are putting pressure on the danish government to do something
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about them. investigative journalist, do you all can kicks for, has been exposing the fleets mercury business practices. they have flags states in countries like the bon, which is a military dictatorship, at least medical. some experts say the shadow fleet. now kerry's 4th 5th of all russians exports of crude oil under the regulatory radar. you have these some vessels that don't exist on paper, but they're right here in front of my eyes that show which fleet of oil tank is just working denmark every day. but nobody knows what's controlling him. i think that's very interesting and i think i, we need to get to the bottom of who is controlling him. now, the danish government pleasures an international coalition will try to force better practices on the fleet. but how sanctions experts at the keep school of economics institute believe the key is to more aggressively target ships known to be flooding their obligation to have credible oil spill insurance. the vessel would be
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identified as a property of a sanction to entity. but most importantly, anyone, anyone interacting with a special for the cargo that it carries a could face enforcement action themselves. that recommendation goes further than the european union's new sanctions on some shadow fleet vessels, banning them for the 1st time from european ports and services. but that doesn't block the ships from sailing through international waters like the danish straits weather and how to do that is highly controversial. we willing to go out and intercept and stuff to ship because if we uh, then we uh, in the, in the cross hairs of moscow saying okay, then like just start the ship. so we'll just like the next ship going through, make sure that it has an accident, and so that they have a huge pollution in de ms. waters. and then then law can do that a teen up. and good luck with that. moscow has already threatened to denmark with retaliation just for considering a response to the dark fleet,
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but without one billions of dollars in the legal oil revenue will continue flowing through european waterways to the kremlin war chest. a poverty campaign is in the u . k. a raising the alarm on behalf of nearly a 1000000 children rising. inflation has driven a growing number of families to bring in the last couple of years with national elections tomorrow. buttons next government is being uh, just to make the cost of living crisis. it's number one priority. behind london's glittering facade. there is a lot of hidden hardship, pool and rich lives side by side. greenwich is located in south london, and is one of the poorest communities in england. many a few of the surroundings. the entire country are in this state of crisis. i'm a single mom and i work 2 jobs, and i'm just trying to pay nursery fees as well as school fees and then keep them private ran like everything is so expensive,
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staple. i worry them the counting the pennies on the it's very hard so everyone know people spend so much time and effort trying to pay rent and things to live. they actually can quite often lose sights of their, their real goals and what they really want to be doing. charities of warning, the prices for food energy and drugs have increased dramatically. what incomes has not, but it's not just those on the bread line to the feeding the pins with inflation just coming down from a 41 year high. britain's cost of living crisis is also hitting the middle clauses . many people are now dependent on food, but families with children. how often especially vulnerable we seen a really c vice in the number of people being forced to turn to see things just to survive. so over the last 5 years, the number of emergency food pulses we provided has nearly doubled last year. it
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was a reco 3400000 emergency food parcels. so that's an incredibly worrying runs in the number of people who just haven't gotten enough money to afford the essentials. poverty can affect everyone. that's what val mckee wants to draw attention to. also, husband died. the freelance management consultant lost her apartments and became dependent on food. thanks. so much in the middle of cost is hidden and that will be an awful lot of people struggling today. so who like myself, going to ask for help is just almost like the worst possible thing that you do. it's about what it does to. so it is emotionally and psychologically because it's very scary. it's a very scary and shameful place to be. many here feel abandoned by politicians. things like leaving a different well they don't see what's going on on to nice. they hear it,
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but i don't see it. they hear it, but then no, no quotes like, i think they get their lunch in the, in the house of, of, of when palliser voice moves to. i think they have plenty of expenses that they can same. i don't seem to advocate the people in greenwich few left alone with that every day problems. hardly anyone here seems to have any hope that the upcoming election would change anything. or clinton p. o is an associate feller with the europe program at the chatham house thing time. i asked him if the funds against poverty is featured in the u. k. election in u k. election campaign. well, there's no doubt that the cost of living right across the board has been a, a major part of the election campaign. the truth is that the poor is people and, and the estimate now is that there are 6000000 people living in poverty. so that's
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nearly one intent of the population, but they are probably people who are not going to vote. so what is actually changing this selection is the other thing that big it mentioned in her report that, that actually people in the look a really feeling the pinch. and if you like it, it's as much the skilled working josh is on the level of middle classes who have switched off from 13 conservative and of switch over very much to writing labor. and as you say, live approximately and lead keeps thomas wiley, expect you to become the countries next prime minister. what's his policies planned to tackle poverty and the cost of living crisis, where he's being desperately cautious because the one thing that he's trying to prove is this, he's not going to raise taxes and he's not going to rush into office with a huge spending plan. he's going to be very responsible. that's
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a certainly pedro for him in the opinion. bose where he's lead of 20 percentage points over the conservatives has been absolutely steady ever since the selection was cold. on the other hand, i think there's real disappointment, particularly on the left of his own body, that he is not prepared to make more radical promises to deal, particularly with child poverty. i mean, there's a very particular measure that people wanted to take, which is up as a to child limit on families getting help from the government. and he's you, the pressure is for him to lift that limit sofa. he's made absolutely no promises. so i think that the fact is that labor is being very cautious in what it's promising to do. and you mentioned that to try and take a point, a imagine between the pots is in the opinion polls. and you also are heading to
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that. this is, this is less about the country suddenly low, it seemed to the last and more about what but more about giving 14 years of that, this conservative governments. i'm a bit of a spanking, it's an absolute, it's west of this banking. it's a total collapse and confidence in the conservative body. it's absolutely dramatic . i think we'd like you to see the biggest government, the majority for the labor apache in living in moving and living memory. and the conservatives, on the other hand, who just had an extraordinary victory, less than 5 years ago. when bar is johnson, with the slogan, get brakes, it done led them to a big victory. they've absolutely collapsed. and i think once he's behind that is a loss of trust and the loss of confidence that they are competent to run the economy. that's very dramatic because the conservative policy was always regarded
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as a safe pair of hands. and i think the blame for that goes particularly to voters. johnson who was seen as unreliable and non trustworthy. and his immediate success at least truss who produced the most magically um finance budget and lasted only $49.00 days in power. so that is really destroyed the reputation of the ruling party, a dramatic destruction of that reputation, of a sense of rights policy. that is famously around the world. one of the most election, winning a pos is in the world. why couldn't really soon up turn things around as well as this does the damage had been done before, which you sooner came to power. the truth is that the economic price of the country is one that is very much stuff. it didn't come in right across europe. for example, with inflation, the cost of living, the high energy prices of sluggish economy,
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very slow growth, and particularly in britain and i think we're suffering too, from a lack of growth and productivity. all those things are in the but what had happened before, really soon, it became prime minister. was that people had really lost faith in his pup. ok, there is one element not been seriously discussed throughout the selection. and that is the damage that has been done precisely by what bodies dropped on some use language selection rises, great site was inflicted wounds 5 years. okay, so that's a question. pale from that child that has invented. thank you so much. thank southern europe has long been a top destination for tourist, but reco it's summer temperatures. i'm needing many homes. they make us to rethink that travel plans, seminar swapping mediterranean beaches for northern fields. so here's a look at some of the cool location instead of become travel, hotspots,
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rocky ice capped mountains on 12th 1st comes to mind when planning a summer holiday. but more and more tourists are choosing to avoid the sweltering temperatures in southern europe this summer. and the heading no, since the reader got out, we're here to escape the heat. norway caught our attention a long time ago. if it's green landscapes, mountains, and ice side. yeah. head on up as you put the you to protect our planet. and that also has consequences on tourism. destination is that i would perhaps have like much more like america or other places. and i'm only is is what it is too hot that but no way, it's wonderful, really not hard to do it for this. and that's suite and then way have seen an uptick, intourist seeking a cool cation, an alternative to heart of a crowded beaches. it is
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a boon for the local economy, but also poses a new challenge for small remote nordic villages w. as opposed to a mess. we have most worried about is that too many people come here at once? the ship behind us has 6000 passengers in 2000 crew on board. this is a small village. around 300 people live here in winter. i mean, have you sent them all hands inside of the window? is that the man this guy meant them as some a temperatures across europe, rise here on? yes, the cool cation trend looks set to continue. as remind about top story at this hour has bloss as a nice writing chart and strikers killed. one of his senior commanders in southern lebanon, lebanese medicine group said it responded by firing more than a 100 rockets as his writing physicians on wednesday. of next on dw dumped film
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takes us to pack and go use remote ice fields in search of new texas for climate research. that's next part of the w. i'll be back to the top of the the
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ice cold be seen at the end of the plastic. i knew an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has good explosion. why is the ice melting more rapidly than in the ice fields? unknown? patagonia, the next dw,
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the own health advocates by turning into your own ex best with your country. without any fiction, and with no surprise, be active, the way in good shape. in 30 minutes, d w. the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital, thousands of people took pods and among them some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking military leaders. wanted us veterans to turn their backs on
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democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming and next the enemy within start to lie. 12 on d, w. the on the ice fields in the past to go in on these unknown valley discovered terrain. a team of mounts and e as in scientists time to explore these almost a memorable regions where global climate change is multiple than almost anywhere else in the world. the gym and scientist is leading the expedition in the hosp like.


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