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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, the, the news line from berlin, joe biden vows to stay in the race for the white house. the us president goes on the offensive attempting to reassure top democrats. he is, in fact fit for re election. this as white house as the white house, the nice reports he's even considered dropping out. also coming up for it in the center last labor party, if you're said for a landslide victory and tomorrow's parliamentary elections after 14 years of conservative and hurricane barrow lashes,
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jamaica with spears wins and heavy rain. the record breaking storm is now on its way to the cayman islands, where people are preparing for the one the welcome to the program. nicole felt like the white house says us president joe biden is not reconsidering his decision to run for another term in office by miss under increasing pressure to step aside after his poor performance and a head to head debate with donald trump. last week. the democrats have begun to openly express their concerns about vitamins ability to do the job following a series of public symbols. and recently i'm here is whitehouse spokesperson koreans on pier responding to a new york times report suggesting bible was waiting on whether to continue his run . as you say is the president is moving forward. he's moving forward as being
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president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the president's focus is, how does he continue to do that? work and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false. and i apologize for that. we seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties they're moving on now to the u. k or voters or do to deliver a verdict on the 14 years of government by the center, right? conservative party, all polls points to deep status. the satisfaction with the current government under prime minister research soon act and predict a strong wind for cure storm,
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resend her last labor party in tomorrow's parliamentary elections. the w started sell some pill reports. you see a new government will be the mission as a government, i the 5 prime ministry, a 14 years of conservative government, and now the u. k. appears to be heading for change. with the case tom is sent to left labor policy on costs for a historic victory. when we off, now, it humbly is the opportunity to change our country. a put you back in the service of working people just 5 years ago when divorce johnson, the concept of policy, were unbeatable. but a series of scandals and criticism over its handling of co it in the economy and seen as popularity plummet. where she's the next election campaign. plagues by missteps hasn't helped dante with this. now it's the question to choose. it's
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the probably minutes to quoting the election in the pouring rain or risk going back to square one with no. i know so it's due next policy is now 20 points behind stone . the latest policy the sure it's called slave is fighting to prove it has a credible plan and can be trusted with the economy and fewer excited by it is lita . take a look at the polls and you will see a country that's hungry for change, but speak to people here on the streets and you'll find the moods actually pretty bleak. trust in politics is low and dissatisfaction, running high, leaving many hed unconvinced that change will come. i don't think anyone's. got any real face. the, whichever party comes in next is gonna make a massive impact. it's a matter of pleasing the best amongst a bad bunch. i'm afraid politics and u. k. has been pretty badly served ever since we've made the bad decision for breaks it. i think looking. so if i've done a lot of things wrong,
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i don't think they're going to i don't think a lot people are going to give them the world is watching the reflection. the foreign policy is known to the center of the find more friends with the difference between the main policies on issues like the cranes posts or the economy migration and health care of people's top consents the u. k. is facing a cost of living crisis. migration tickets have hit record highs in recent years. and the health service is struggling under the pressure of mess of waiting lists. when the election results come in people's to be watching noise you for ongoing everybody, the architect breakfast and his anti immigration reform, u. k. perfect. they've seen search and supports which could shape the future of persons political landscape. the big question is whether they take a lot of votes of the conservatives to the point where brandon's oldest political party, the conservative is shrunk down to not even being the main opposition. whoever
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forms the next government faces a long list of difficult challenges, not least restoring the face of a weird republic or for their by charlotte chelsea and pill. and we asked her if labor is 20 point pulling advantage is because the country has suddenly swung to the left after 14 years of conservative rule. this is a really interesting question. as you say, if you look at the polls, indeed, if the poles to, to be believe the labor policy could be on costs for really historic election, when perhaps getting the biggest majority in the history and the concepts of policy for that hot stuff bring the biggest law in the history, this really could be a land mock. 9 minutes of birth is politics. does it mean that the country, as you say it's shifting to the last? well, i think that there are lots of reasons, not the labor policy is doing well here. and in fact, it's quite a big power adults that when you look at the polls that doing very well,
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but you speak to people on the streets as you heard in my report that and that it's use the athens for the labor party just doesn't seem to be coming through a lot of people. hey, we're looking back at the last time the labor policy did really, really well back in 1997 on the tony black. and i'm told that freedom of energy and excitement that was that then ease in that today. so a lot of people who i speak to say that they simply want to see the back of the conservative policy. that's why the, the putting giving that vote to labor. that's also a few years little a lot of people, a very just illusions there is of course, the fact that the party has been in power for 14 years, many people just looking for a change. but i think as i mentioned at the backend of my report, the people's i'd be looking at the right wing, anti immigration reform policy. a lot of those in that support such as the
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selection and how been cold or not isn't going to doesn't look like it's going to translate to a lot of seats in parliament. that certainly will be what the next government will be looking at to see why the support goes over the next few years. because reform will certainly be on the next election. starlight chosen pill in london, and a quick look now at some other stories making news around the world. and is really air strike has killed a senior, has the low commander in southern lebanon, the around back. milton group says it retaliated to the commanders killing a fire in scores of rockets is really military physicians near the israel lebanon border. israel's army says no one was injured in those strikes. russian president vladimir putin has told chinese leaders changing, paying that the relationship between their 2 countries is stronger than ever. the match on the sidelines of the to day sun high co operation organization summit in
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the cause that capital asana focused president ridge of type arrow on told food that on grove could help both sides reach a fair piece and the war in ukraine. the south african now where a new government has been sworn in the country's 1st coalition cabinet since the end of apartheid. 30 years ago, president 0 from a post as african national congress has decided to govern with 10 rival parties. after failing to achieve an outright majority in may's elections, 6 of them now hold cabinet positions alongside the amc this interest democratic alliance. formerly the main opposition party will run 6 ministry on the amc. we'll hold on to 20 tons of my office. conscientious of the democratic alliance is often characterized as the party of south africa's rich wife minority, long time critics of the amc. they are now their biggest coalition partner, so what's likely to cause the most problems between the long time,
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rivals cannibals on the phone. yea is a professor of african politics at the university of south africa in pretoria a degree this points are friction mostly in some aspects of domestic policy as well as for and policy looking at domestic policy. it would be um, obviously the issues around blake and base broad base to protect you couldn't be, can paul meant often which eviction which had the african national congress and even deposited yes. has often been pushing as one of these up. so some of these policies for address of many years of a pop age and result discrimination. so they're in lines. one of the forward lines we have by the 2 parties might flush, but there's also, this is around corruption and the opposition for multiple position one should say, the democratic airlines. and it has often been very vogue kind of around, you know, space corruption, corruption probably in the governments like ties on now the dreamy, you know,
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the african national congress in india, governmental, national unity. i'm expecting the spots to fly in the departments because now they will be inside, you know, those government departments and ministries with the ask and there's not confidence the other part that we have when i think they're quite likely to collections, especially in terms of funding policy is those things way by the 2nd, there's not congress being mostly left east m paci for that because you know, party and organization. it has awesome being line to watch those things that the democratic guidelines, you know, uh, not normally they support the, you know, things like it whereby they would like to go mostly softly to up to what stage such as in bob ways based such as cuba space such as the rush gains or, and then you know, we can look at that more, but those are the main ones that i foresee with, with that too. but these might have issues. yeah. to hurricane barrow continues along its destructive path through the caribbean. the category for storm has killed
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at least 9 people. so far, an official say the death toll will likely increase as communications come back online and affected areas in jamaica, high winds, up root of trees and ripped off roofs. well, heavy rains cause flash flooding, and then the cayman islands residents boarded up windows and preparation for the storm, which is expected to hit them next. breaking barrow is expected to slow down over the next day or 2, but remain ad or near hurricane strength. as cross over to me, urologist about who can put you in washington. matthew, good. see you again. the barrel has arrived in jamaica. how dangerous are the coming hours going to be there? well right now the, i'm all the entering opinions and scraping along the southern portion of the island likely contain waves over 150 to 170 kilometers per hour. any other issue to they're getting on shore winds. luckily, pushing a sure one to 3 meters of seawater, causing a danger service near the coastline. in addition to very heavy rains with between
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10 and 25 centimeters, causing inland fresh water flooding and mud slides to in the higher terrain. really all facets a very hazardous system and likely the 1st major hurricane to come this close to jamaica. since 1988, the landfall is usually causes a hurricane to the k quite quickly. does that mean we can expect barrel to slow down after hitting mexico's, you've been talking to us on friday? so yes, i think right now these next 36 hours, we'll see a gradual weakening trend ordinarily after hitting a place like jamaica with that high terrain to tear the circulation apart. we'd see more rapid weakening, especially with disruptive upper level wins right here. the system a part, but one thing is that the equipment is just so incredibly hot with water temperature is above average and really above 30 degrees celsius for which reason, even though the system is trying to weaken en route to the baton. it still has so much energy to drop upon from below. oh, now i think by the time it gets to you between next go sometime between thursday night and friday morning, near and south pen cube,
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and we'll likely see category one wins. maybe category 2 wins. guess either side of say, you know, 140150 kilometers per hour and a lesser search. but then the big wild card. what happens when the system gets to the gulf of mexico? there might be a subtle window for re intensification and perhaps wrap and intensification then areas from san pico, mexico all the way to brownsville, texas has to be on guard. we don't have much time, but i do want to ask you, you know, we talked about how barrel is record breaking and so many ways. what does it tell us about the hurricane season? ahead yeah, so this hurricane season, we have a couple of different factors of play. number one, water temperature is 2 to 4 celsius above average, your reference, some cases close to september norms rather than june or july. the other thing to think through an area of more upward moving air and a weaker upper level winds, meaning we won't hear storm systems apart. we're expecting more storm season and a more strong storm the season and more that are prone to rapidly intensify. once again. as may or ologist matthew cook food sheets,
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thank you so much. thank you. and with that, you're all up to date. thank you so much for your company. if it's the latest headlines you're looking for, there's always our website, the www dot com by the, the coming 0 same 6. 03 tons. paper base stories is kinda items are gonna feed us complex stores and some, some here. so efficient shipping possession of the church, 3 generations, one to any thoughts, july 7th, on dw, the in september 1961 to 17 year olds met on the blue wonder bridge into.


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