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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news coming to live from berlin election day in the u. k. prime minister refuse to not to call these elections 6 weeks ago, but with all pulling pointing to a heavy defeat for his conservatives, he might just be regretting, and also coming up on the show at joe biden to bounce through, stay in the race for the white house, the west president, trying to reassure tom democrats to use it for re election. as agents deny he's even considering pulling out pan hurricane barrow glasses, jamaica with fierce wins and heavy rain. the rep for breaking storm now headed for the cayman islands, where people are preparing for the worst the
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. i'm quite richardson, thank you so much for watching. today, voters in the united kingdom will deliver a verdict on 14 years of conservative rule, and all recent polling points too deep satisfaction with current prime minister wishes to knock. it protects a massive win for tear storm or is the center last labor party a voting on a brave face. prime minister ration so not lead and he sent a ride. the conservative party in the political fight that he himself called for and is likely to lose many people. they want to say the result of this election is a full grown confusion. the all i believe in my bones that it is not, and i think you do to we do not surrender to labor. we will fight for every vote.
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we will fight for all values and we will fight for our vision of person. but this time, it seems that this vision is all to stick with what the british people want of to 14 years. in paula, the conservative so know, facing a mess of defeat is thomas sent to leslie. the party is now 20 points ahead in the polls and isn't close for victory, changed labor policies. they box it up, moving forward to a guy with a lady backed up, but that is what we're fighting for. let's continue that fight. if you will change your hoc to vote for it. and this change is what the british population seems to want. service indicate both has a most consent fall, the cost of living as trained health care system and migration, which has increased in recent years. and this last issue placed into the hands of nigel thrush. and he's on to me,
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gratian reform you keep party. the party has seen this search in support. and while it's not likely to get the significant number of seats in parliament, it will still change regions. political, let's keep the but whoever gets to full the next bridge, the government will have to prove to the british public that this time, they made the right choice. was the latest from our correspondent, bear gets most in london, burkett's many watching this might be wondering why prime minister wishes and i even called this election just a month and a half ago. his polls are showing the tories at 20 points behind labor. do you think he made a mistake here? that's what many people were wondering why on an issue quoting this electron natalie could have waited until the end of the year. but he would have thought that maybe does a little bit of momentum with economy. britain is just coming down,
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the inflation is just coming down from the 41 year high and he would have maybe hope that this a slight primrose when it comes to this diagnosing economy, that, that might put him into more positive lights. however, he's of the opinion polls show that he is really behind his opponent kissed online . he has really be notes with that for quite some time. so it would have been, it's a big task to turn things around in any case, whether enough for nature on any yes. ok, are some are looking by all accounts, very likely to be burtons next prime minister to tell us a little bit more about the labor liter a yes. q salma. this is not an easy wants to characterize. i tried to engage vases in the streets and in the last weeks reporting on this election and quite often i had as high and they people said, well, that's just as bad as each other. so he's not somebody who's extremely popular with
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a british public. but his writings are not as bad as those of racist do not his backgrounds. interesting. he comes from over control his background, that's still something in the u. k. that's important. there's still some sort of clause system here or where are you coming from? is very important. so at every opportunity you mentioned that his dad was a to make a he studied little and he rose to the head to be the head of britons crowned prosecution service. was even knighted by then prince charles. so he's had a career before he came into politics, he's been an m p for 9 years, and his biographer says that he had to on, on really, as an mt to show is more human. sorry that he's very low in the and the way he goes about it very. so this diligently, he goes step by step and that also was clear when we've observed him do during 5 minutes. those questions this week to do will between the, the,
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the prime minister and the leader of the position kissed. i'm already at some point presented like texan and came, was like sheets of paper low. this is the evidence. so we had to kind of loan to, to, to be more, more leading figure. and this is what he's, he's trying to show that he has time the labor party around, and that he can leave the country. and at the moment, yes, he has definitely been reading the polls in the last weeks. so let's take a look at what exactly is at stake here? what is the labor promising? what would you say? the biggest challenges are for britain's next to government? the boss was really is change. so kids thelma is trying to in his own was not present a must apply. i'm not like something like a grand vision but he wants to go about it rather slowly really like uh like a lawyer diligently. he says that he will try and grow the stagnating british
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economy. this is really, that's on his age. his minds, the cost of living crisis is the biggest issue in this election during this time. suki is the most promising to on the some, not massive reforms, but small reforms. so for example, with the planning system you get who's trying to get house building back on track. he's really also reach out and his team have reached out a lot to business. so, so the business end and then towards labor is quite positive. he's promising in new industrial strategy and also an emphasis on, on green technology and green growth. and this is also what business has been quite complimentary about. so really trying to, to, to get the economy back on track and then follow all the reforms through the health systems. we have over 7000000 people waiting to be seen by doctors that sold. so really big thing and that's not something he can change of a night, but he's promised to tackle it and take people's concerns with them and really
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bring about this change in britain, dw correspondent brackets mass in london. thank you so much. i and we can turn to the united states now, where the white house, as president joe biden, is not reconsidering his decision to run for another term in office by the now under increasing pressure to step aside after his poor performance and a head to head debate. with donald trump last week, more top democrats have started to openly express their concerns about biden's ability to do the job. following a series of public stumbles and recent months. and here's a white house, both person creeds on pierre responding to the new york times report that suggested by them was waiting up whether to continue his run. and what i can say is the president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can,
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that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the present spoke is, is how does he continue to do that work? and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false. so that's the official line from the white house. earlier we spoke with rachel rizzo, but the atlantic counseling washington and we asked her how the united states allies feel about the possibility of bite and dropping out of the race. a look. i think anyone who watched that debate on thursday, certainly america's allies, were probably a little bit nervous. but the fact is that biden, as he has said before, he tells the truth, he didn't tell it well last week, but nonetheless, he did. he did tell the truth, and that is one thing that i think set him apart from donald trump. his, his debate was sort of spewed with with wise and false hoods. and um, you know,
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it's sort of a difficult sell to allies across the pond that the, you know, trump presidency would be good for them. i think it's clear that it wouldn't. the good news is that we have the 75th anniversary nato summit coming up next week. here in washington, it's going to be a massive stage of $32.00 leaders from nato countries. i think 37 world leaders and all so bite and really has a chance, i think, to show the world the, the president that he is. and i sort of ally concerns from, from people in, in europe that might be nervous at this point in time. is right. all right, so at the atlantic council in washington, and we can turn to the middle east. now, where has the law says that has fired more than a 100 rockets that is bravely positions on wednesday with no reports of casualties . they are run back to militant group because it's a salt was in retaliation for and this re lead from strike the killed one of the
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senior commanders in southern lebanon. take a look at these pictures posted on social media there, said to show the aftermath of the attack. there has been across the board or fighting between israel and has the law since the start of the war and gaza says the 2nd time in recent weeks, that is really air strike has killed a has or commander and date of use. there's a bureau chief mohammed, a straight, i talked us through the significance of that strike to what the situation is, escalating again on the the news is right in the front as belong lunged return the to the attacks on its way of following the coming off. it's seen the amenities to go home a lawsuit also known as a bu, now me and this is the, this was quite expected, this a retaliation. and this intensity given the significance and importance and higher rank of the killed military commander. and also it is the 3rd military figure
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senior military figure killed by his royal since the beginning of this confrontation 1st, we saw much to lean back in january and the toddler of delight in mid june. and now, mohammed, not a sudden, every assassination was followed by a big and violent escalation that lasted for weeks and seemed to reach the point of an all out war between the adversities. this has been prompting diplomatic efforts, particularly from an us friends and in germany. i've been so far successful in pressuring all parties to avoid the large scale war. so now we are anticipating the large and a in the intensity. and the a skate of this round of escalation between has bland. this was was deed healthy is mohammed tried to and they roots. now hurricane barrel continues along its destructive path through the caribbean. the category for storm has killed at least 9 people so far. and officials say the desktop will likely increase as
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communications come back online and affected areas. in jamaica, high winds up rooted trees and ripped off roofs, while heavy rain caused a flash flooding. and in the cayman islands residence boarded up windows and preparation for the storm, which is expected to hit them next. hurricane barrow is expected to slow down over the next day or 2, but remain at or near hurricane springs. us. the us meter ologist matthew complete . she has more on how dangerous the coming hours are going to be for those in the past of the hurricane. right now, these next 36 hours was in roswell, weakening trend. ordinarily, after getting a place like jamaica with that hydra ranges here, the circulation and part, we see more. we any, especially with disruptive upper level wins right here, the system a part. but one thing is that the crew is just so incredibly hot. water temperature is above average and really above 3 degrees celsius for which reason, even though the system is trying to weaken en route to the units,
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and it still has so much energy to draw on from alone. now i think by the time it gets to either 10 next go sometime between thursday night and friday morning here and 710 cube, and we'll legacy category one wins, maybe category to ins, gas either. so i have say, you know, 140150 kilometers per hour and a lesser search by then to the wild card. what happens when the system gets to the gulf of mexico? there might be a certain window for re intensification and perhaps a rapid investigation that areas from san pico mexico all the way to brownsville, texas has to be on the r as meter ologist matthews, separately for us. and just before we go, we can bring you a reminder of our top story. at this hour polling stations are open across the united kingdom voters to deliver a verdict on 14 years of conservative approval. all recent pulling points to dissatisfaction with current prime minister, which you soon act and projects a mass of with for cure stormers center. last labor party and value
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are up to date. stay with us mapped out coming up after a short break to take a look at how iran is projecting its power in the middle east. the of proxy, english. and it's more news to the come have a page of this out to the highlights new every week in your inbox. subscribe. now january 2021. the attack on the united states capital, thousands of people took pods and among them some of these manipulative voices. our former high ranking military leaders wanted us veterans, ton the backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within starts to lie 12 on the w.


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