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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw name is going to live from berlin. it is election day in the u. k. boeing stations are open and prime minister of rich, eastern atkins. his conservatives are facing a heavy defeats. after 14 years, voters are expected to deliver a change in form of laborers. here, storm are also coming up on the sho, joe biden, valves to stay in the race for the white house. the u. s. president tries to reassure top democrats. he has it for re election. his age denied since we've been considering pulling out and as the summer heat strikes, southern europe we'll join at the cold case heading north for something now known
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as a location. the i'm going to richardson welcome holes have opened and the u. k. is a general election, the opposition labor party, the overwhelming favorite to win, and, and 14 years of conservative rule. 5 minutes for wishes through not quite a surprise call for early elections. a decision that is now projected to backfire. recent polls the show voters are deeply dissatisfied with his government. and here's farmers center left the labor party is on course for a massive victory. the cost of living and the state of the health care system are among the key issues for voters. still so not as hoping that he can sway undecided folders at the very latest from london and are corresponded to be i've got
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mass buried yet. do you think prime minister really soon i could call this election just a month and a half ago is now regretting his decision to do so. are you what is the time to go the election as early as the end of the year? but he would have thought that inflation is just coming down from a 41 year. how i and there is a little bit of movement in the aging versus she calling me. so he would have hoped that this gives him some headwind bought from what we have seen and, and the last weeks the polls have been really consistent. the bad for the conservatives and for prime minister wishes to not, it would have been a really long shot. anyway, to, to narrow that gaps of labor policy, but it hasn't, it hasn't happened in the last week. so he might have regretted it. but now it's so late and we will see as early as tomorrow, with the next british prime minister will be. all right, so tell us a little bit more about labours liter. it's here a stormer of britons. likely next prime minister. yeah, i mean, and kids,
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thomas constituency in central london. and i've tried in the past weeks to talk to people the on the street to try and engage them and just find out what they think about kids. the how they would describe them. and they'll have to say it was very easy. a lot of people have said, well, the felt the or they, they found it very difficult to, to characterize them and boring as something that, that some people said about it to him. now he's telling me himself is trying to tell him that around and take this uh, well, slightly on charismatic image that he has and turn it into an advantage and say of to lots of time all that the country is phase to somebody. here i my who i, i'm going to buy to like lawyer, so quite diligently and we had spoken to, to, to some people on camera to, to try to and find out what the accused almost done so, so, so just that's of
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a lesson piece then. so we'll change that is key as thomas main message. and so sony send to left politics, stability tales, long term or by salt to an end to the desperate era of justice and gimmicks. and to return to the serious business of rebuilding, i'll come talk the private opinion, both show more persons have a negative view of him then does she think he's doing what the show fox is writing so faster than those of his opponent? it's just, i'm not remote, his stomach is the best type that we've got of getting things back on track. i don't know what he quite stands for, to be honest with you. and for me, i'm finding very hard to connect with him. i think he's a decent man. i think he's a good man. so i think he cares for this country. very thoughtful lawyer. he's a lawyer. stomach comes from the background, explains his biographer, born into
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a working class family in the south of england. stomach became the head of britain's chrome for institutions service funding him a knighthood. during the election campaign he had to learn to show this human side, for example, revealing his passion for political as a lawyer, you know, you don't express your feelings in cool. it's all facts and evidence and legal points, no box stories and visions, and so he's had to learn. these are all the different skills, political skills, and the last 9 years it's becoming, i'm putting his proposal for britain, not a grand master plan, not bold enough for me, say as critics. instead, a series of economic and planning reforms, for example, to enable will, house building will create. i do industrial strategy, a choice big note for 14 years. and we will bucket with a national wealth fund invested in clean steel, new polt,
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peak of factories during the breakfast referendum style my head for to stay in the, you know, he wants to align the u. k. close. so with the continental which is coming up cautiously without getting back into the single market from you, it's all about roberts out, the hot, nobody comes to mind. we typed up and running as a candidate to be prime minister, the candidate to run the circus. thank you very much, man. village into like lou. yeah, that's the way he wants to go about it. the big task of getting brutal, ailing economy background check. so very good. tell us a little bit more about what the biggest challenges are facing. the next government is really one of the biggest challenges icing is going to be really the trust with voters because that trust and politicians is at an all time low in the u. k. of the 14 years of, of conservative governments. and we have seen that there were lots of crises that
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were hitting not just the u. k, but other countries as well. ukraine will inflation for example, but i think here in the u. k. a, it was almost exacerbated by all the crises. there were a parties in downing street when there was cool reason people couldn't see their loved ones. see, there's a lot of anger on that. hesitate to basically build up with very to is with the conservative party, but also with politicians in general. and that will be a big, big one for, for the next government to, to tackle. but obviously the cost of living crisis is affecting a lots of people. the use of food, things is the high. there are more food, things done libraries. so the country is really hit economically and, and that's webcast, alma is, is promising. he will likely be the next 5 minutes that he's promising mostly to get the economy back on track. and that will uh, will be a. yeah, there will be very, very difficult for him, but he's from mr. troy. they've mentioned we could get results as soon as tomorrow
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. any other insights into when we might get an idea of the direction of the selection is heading yes, as early as the night that will be x and polls and they are usually quite reliable . so they give us a direction of trouble and then results will trickle in overnight and by tomorrow morning we should really know the next government of, of the united kingdom we've. we should also know whether some people would have even hold onto the seats or a speculation. that may be even reach you soon of might lose a seat. it's not very likely, but it could happen. so it will be a very tense election night here in the okay, that's one to watch. thank you so much for reporting that his biggest mass for us in london and in the united states, the white house says the president joe biden is not reconsidering his decision to run for another term, an office fight has been under increasing pressure to step aside after his poor performance and a head to head to base with donald trump. last week,
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more top democrats have begun to openly express their concerns about biden's ability to do the job following a series of public samples in recent months. here's whitehouse folks person a korean john pierre responding to the new york times report. the suggestive fighting was waking up whether to continue his broad what i can say is the president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to, and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the presence focus is how does he continue to do that? work and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false. i spoke earlier with rachel versa, with atlanta counseling, washington and asked her how is united states allies feel about the possibility of fighting dropping out of the race? a look, i think anyone who watched that debate on thursday,
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certainly america's allies, were probably a little bit nervous. but the fact is that biden, as he has said before, he tells the truth, he didn't tell it well last week. but nonetheless, he, he did, he did tell the truth, and that is one thing that i think set him apart from donald trump. his, his debate was sort of spewed with, with wise and false hoods. and um, you know, it's, it's sort of a difficult sell to allies across the pond that the, you know, trump presidency would be good for them. i think it's clear that it wouldn't. the good news is that we have the 75th anniversary nato summit coming up next week. here in washington, it's going to be a massive stage of $32.00 leaders from nato countries. i think 37 world leaders and all so bite and really has a chance, i think, to show the world the, the president that he is. and i sort of ally concerns from,
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from people in, in europe that might be nervous at this point in time. rachel rizzo at the atlantic council in washington there and we can bring you up to speed, but some other world news headlines at this hour. china has called on germany to provide fair businesses practices. ask for berlin locks. the sale of gas turbines are china for security reasons. economy administer, robert, how back set of technologies that are important for public order must be protected . decision comes with rising trade. tensions between the 2 countries. i mean a hurricane barrel is heading for mexico after battering jamaica, the category for storm has caused widespread destruction across the caribbean is projected to slow down over the coming days, but will remain at or near hurricane strength. the storm has kills at least 7 people so far. 6 and is really air strike has killed a senior hezbollah commander in southern lebanon. they are run back to militant
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groups as it retaliated the commanders killing by firing. scores of rockets at is really military positions here, the israel left on border. israel's army says no one was injured in those strikes and south africa's 1st coalition government, since the end of apartheid has been sworn in presidents throw around the post as african national congress was forced to joint with 10 rival parties. after failing to achieve an outright majority and election in may, the cabinet is made up of 6 parties. most positions are helped by the amc and it's a long time rifles as the centrist democratic alliance, conscientiously. what southern europe has long been a top destination for tourists, but record summer temperatures are leading many to rethink their travel plans somewhere now. swapping mediterranean beaches for northern fjords. here's a look at some of the cool locations that have become travel hot spots,
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rocky ice capped mountains on 12th 1st comes to mind from planning the summer holiday. but more and more tourists are choosing to avoid the sweltering temperatures in southern europe this summer. and i'm just heading north since the waiter got over here to escape the heat. norway caught our attention a long time ago. if it's green landscapes, mountains, and ice side. yeah. and on up as you put the to protect our planet. and that also has consequences on tourism and other of as the nation is that i would perhaps have like much more like america or other places. but it is too hot that but no way, it's wonderful, really not hard to do it for this. and that's suite and then way have seen in optic interest seeking a cool cation and alternative to heart of a crowded beaches. it is
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a boon for the local economy, but also poses a new challenge for small remote nordic villages w as opposed to a mess. we have most worried about is that too many people come here at once? the ship behind us has 6000 passengers in 2000 crew, one bald. this is a small village, around 300 people live here in winter. i mean, have you sent them all hands inside of the window? is that the man? this guy lent them as some a temperatures across europe. rise the around? yeah. the cool cation trend looks set to continue. just before we go, we can bring you a reminder of our top story of this. our polling stations are open across the united kingdom motors set to deliver a verdict on 14 years of conservative rule. all reason pulling points to deep dissatisfaction with current prime minister. but she's through not and predicts
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a massive twin for tier stars, the center of last labor party that you are up to date. i'm sorry, richard sent in for lynn for me in the whole find seems. thank you so much for watching the innovation green. the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the care is subscribe to those channels every friday, subscribe to plan. it's a me .


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