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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching, you know, the news coming to you live from berlin. it is election day in the u. k. polling stations are open, and prime minister refuse to knock on his conservatives are facing a heavy defeats. after 14 years, voters are expected to deliver a change in the form of labor's care storm are also coming up on the sho joe biden balance to stay in the race for the white house. the west president trying to reassure top the democrats that he isn't fit for re election. his age denied, he's even considering tensions continue on the streets of kenya after
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weeks of protests against the president. we will get the latest from nairobi and hurricane beryl lashes, jamaica with fierce winds and heavy rain. the rest were breaking storms now heading for the cayman islands. the i'm quite richardson. welcome holes are open in the u. k. as a general election, the opposition labor party is the overwhelming favorite to win ending 14 years of conservative rules. prime minister wishes to knock made a surprise call for early elections, a decision that is projected to backfire. recent polls show voters are deeply dissatisfied with his government and cure storm or central less labor party is on course for a massive victory. the cost of living and the state of the health care system are among the key issues for voters. still so not because hoping that he can still sway
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undecided voters and prime minister soon i called this election just a month and a half ago. now polls showing his tories 20 points behind labor. i asked it of use london correspondent brackets mass. if that was a mistake, it was a gamble off troll you. what is the time to go the election as early as the end of the year? but he would have thought that inflation is just coming down from a 41 year. how i and there is a little bit of movement in the aging versus you calling me. so he would have hoped that this gives him some headwind bought from what we have seen. and, and the last weeks, the polls have been really consistent. the bad for the conservatives and for prime minister research. so not it would have been a really long shot, any way to, to narrow that gaps of labor policy, but it hasn't. it hasn't happened in the last week. so he might have regretted it, but no. so late and we will see as early as tomorrow with the next,
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but his prime minister will be. all right, so tell us a little bit more about labours liter. it's here. a storm or a britain's likely next prime minister. yeah, i mean cues, thomas constituency in central london. and i've tried in the past weeks to talk to people here on the street to try and engage them and just find out what they think about, cuz they'll know how they would describe them. and they'll have to say it was very easy, a lot of people have said, well, the, just as bad as each other or they, they found it very difficult to, to characterize and boring is something that, that some people said about it to know who used all the himself is trying to tell him that the runs and take this uh, well, slightly on charismatic image that he has and turn it into an advantage and say of to lots of time. all that the country is face to somebody. here on my who i, i'm going to buy to like a lawyer, so quite diligently. and we have spoken to, to,
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to some people on camera to, to try to and find out what the accused almost done so, so, so just let's have a lesson piece then. so change that is, keeps the most main message. and so, so that of santa left politics stability tales long term opa schultz and to the desperate era of justice and gimmicks. and to return to the serious business of rebuilding outcome. frankly, the private opinion, both show more persons have a negative view of him. then those who think he's doing what the show fuck is writing so best within those. so his opponent resistance, i'm not remote, his stomach is the best type that we've got of getting things back on track. i don't know what he quite stands for. to be honest with you, and for me, i'm finding very hard to connect with him. i think he's a decent man. i think he's
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a good man. so i think he cares for this country. very thoughtful lawyer. he's a lawyer. stomach comes from the background, explains this by august that born into a working class family in the south of england stomach became the head of britain's crown prostitution service funding him a knighthood. during the election campaign, he had to learn to show this human side, for example, revealing his passion for political as a lawyer. you know, you don't express your feelings in cool. it's all facts and evidence and legal points, no box stories and visions. and so he's had to learn and these are all the different skills, political skills, and the last 9 years it's becoming, i'm putting his proposal for britain, not a grand master plan, not bold enough will say as critics, instead a series of economic and planning reforms for example to enable will, house building will create i do industrial strategy as
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a choice ignore for 14 years. we will bucket with our national wealth fund invested in clean steel, new polls speak of factories during the breakfast referendum style my head for to stay in the you. now he wants to align the u. k. close. so with the continental which is coming up cautiously without getting back into the single market from you, it's all about roberts out. the hot is all about come to mind. we typed up, i'm running as a candidate to be prime minister, the candidate to run the circus. thank you very much, man. village into like lou. yeah. that's the way he wants to go about it. the big task of getting a economy back on track. so very good. tell us a little bit more about what the biggest challenges are facing. the next government is really one of the biggest challenges icing is going to be really the trust with voters because that trust and politicians is that an all time low in the u. k. of
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the 14 years of, of conservative governments. and we have seen that there were lots of crises that were hitting not just the u. k, but other countries as well. ukraine will inflation for example, but i think here in the u. k. a, it was almost exacerbated by all the crises that were apologies in downing street when uh there was cool reason people couldn't see their loved ones. see, there's a lot of anger on that. hesitate to basically bills up with very to is with the conservative party, but also with politicians in general. and that will be a big, big one for, for the next government to, to tackle. but obviously the cost of living crisis is affecting lots of people. the use of food, things is a high, there are more food banks than libraries. so the country is really hit economically and, and that's with kids. the is, is promising. he will likely be the next 5 minutes that he's promising mostly to get the economy back on track. and that will uh, will be a. yeah,
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there will be very, very difficult for him, but he's from mr. troy. he's mentioned, we could get results as soon as tomorrow. any other insights and when we might get an idea of the direction of the selection is heading of the yes. as early as the night that will the exit polls. they are usually quite reliable. so they give us a direction of trouble and then the results will trickle in overnight and by tomorrow morning we should really know the next government of, of the united kingdom we've. we should also know where the some people would have even hold onto the seats or a speculation that maybe even reach you soon of might lose a seat. it's not very likely, but it could happen. so it will be a very tense election night here in the. okay. that's one to watch. thank you so much for reporting. that is vargas mass for us and london in the united states. the white house says the president of joe biden is not reconsidering his decision to
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run for another term, and office fighting has been under increasing pressure to step aside after his 4th performance and a head to head to bait. with donald trump last week, more top democrats have begun to openly express their concerns about violence ability to do the job. following a series of public stumbles and recent months. here's white house spokes person at carina g. as on pierre, responding to a new york times report, the suggest fighting was way not whether to continue his run. what i can say is the president is moving forward, he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the presence focus is how does he continue to do that? work and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false. w spoke earlier with rachel result with the atlanta council in washington. we asked her, how is united states allies feel about the possibility of fight and dropping out of
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the race to look, i think anyone who watched that debate on thursday, certainly america's allies were probably a little bit nervous. but the fact is that biden, as he has said before, he tells the truth, he didn't tell it well last week. but nonetheless, he, he did, he did tell the truth. and that is one thing that i think sets him apart from donald trump. his, his debate was sort of spewed with, with wise and false hoods. and um, you know, it's sort of a difficult sell to allies across the pond that the, you know, trump presidency would be good for them. i think it's clear that it wouldn't. the good news is that we have the 75th anniversary nato summit coming up next week here in washington. it's going to be a massive stage of $32.00 leaders from nato countries. i think 37 world leaders and all so bite and really has a chance, i think, to show the world the,
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the president that he is. and i sort of ally concerns from, from people in, in europe that might be nervous at this point in time. the price offers are there with the atlantic council in washington, wizards or canyon now where young people have been taking some of the streets again this week. many have vowed to continue until president william brutal resigns. they are angry about the government's response to last week's protest. according to the county of human rights commission, $39.00 demonstrators were killed and more than $360.00 injured. in a recent interview present, rudo defended the work of the police and said that they did nothing wrong. and that seems to have made protesters even more determined. as far as mid that reports from nairobi, it started off as an exciting day for david monkey. he arrived early at last week's protest, and only with a water bottle in the face. my mood was cheerful. he says,
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i don't what's why was taking self is with the police some challenging piece, but then the middle chang, we don't want to come to us and next to me with shots people's thoughts. i'm sure if you get to the ground, i started running, then i had to bug and i was hit. the bullet went right through his neck. now in the hospital, he's waiting for a 2nd operation. david one the accounts themselves lucky. protest and next to him, shot in the head and later died. he doesn't regret taking part in the protest. he says he's fed up with the government because of its corruption and nepotism. i think you're going to try and you have lots of problems with agitation system is broken. it's not what you know. but to, you know, look at me when i graduated from university and now i'd be reduced to driving taxes . and the police still have ross of me. he graduated with a geography degree 3 years ago, but hasn't been able to find a job. it's a fate shared by many,
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67 percent of 10 years young people are unemployed. he did temporary work until his mother took out a loan to buy him a motor bike. so he could work as a motor tax driver. call somebody to somebody we might, we just have to survive in this life. so even if you follow the rules of on find them, you still sofa? pardon? so i didn't really, really autumn, told me on the 19 year olds able to him come out attended the same demo as david, but he never returned home. his mother says he was about to start college and was known for standing up for the less privileged. i have an update you know, to fight for people's rights and when he couldn't stand seeing people being oppressed, they have fun. people to him to mouse family wanted to hold or remember and ceremony for him and other kids purchases were forced to change the location, police quote, and of the area of the in the morning feeling protest outside the hospital. this
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group of young people are also at risk of being disposed by the police. they spontaneously mobilized a crowd by a social media in support of the injured product is here to the lab, to help some of our fellow youth ways. and we had didn't know enough, i'm glad. so you have come to have purchased has changed for being about the cost of living prices and against the tax bill. demanding justice and accountability for those killed june. last week's deputy demonstrations, the protest as one president william brutal to resign. you, i know to you had an event that those one of us die a little bit more to come on, be much removed not to go from about the inside the hospital. david monkey is concerned about how he'll support his family if he can't work. but like the protest as he remains to time, don't do that and you know, to ride a motorbike, you need your legs. i'll just have to deal with it. i will get back. so i
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will get back to i asked each of these corresponded felix, my wrangle, why we're still seeing demonstrations continue to fight the withdrawal of the controversial tax hikes bill for the demonstrations have continued, because people feel that they needs to see much more than just the dropping of the control viceroy financing bill that had brought people initially to the street. so this week the people have been talking about the president needing to do the pharmacy and he's got blend. people have also been talking about the presidents, actually kitchen office. yes i did during discussion in can you as a send that assembly some of the centers of watch and the see the government's needs on hold on hold and they need a fresh start. so most of what people have been pushing for this week is that not fresh starts, they feel everything that has been happening. the government corruption,
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mismanage rental public funds and some, as i know, lead stacy's needs to be dealt with head building and they feel that they do not have confidence with these governments to deal with the issues that they are raising at the moment. that's sort of the fresh start that they're demanding. have we seen reach as government take any other measures to try to address these concerns. and so when president brutal talked to people last week, he said that i to government will be taking on some austerity. me says, now that salaries immunization commission in the country, how does it add new salaries for members of parliament? uh, members of the, the cabinet and members of the executive team. and yesterday, as a result of public pressure, the salaries and very new meters on committees on actually has to add because that's the idea, guys that's northeast and save that. they would not be doing salaries to the public office as as yet they do. the chevy was suppose to employ an 11 court of appeals. i
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just bought to they said we have to wait until the countries economics are in the right place for them to be able to employ of a new judges. so a few, uh, government organizations and government led institutions taking the lead. but people feel these needs to see so much more than just that are tardy cuz that, that, that is as big as it's not jesus. they needs to see people who are being this might need to move, mismanaging public funds, fiat and that's, i think we'll be village must test for william, brutal on the way that he's serious with those situations. or it was just another idea where he talks through the public and, and he thinks that it probably would forget. and next time he said something different. well, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is dw corresponding to phoenix. miranda and we can bring you some other stories making news around the worlds. china has calls on germany to provide fair businesses practices after
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berlin blocked the sale of gas turbines to china for security reasons. economy minister, robert, have excited technologies that are important for public order must be protected, the decision consummate rising trade tensions between the nations and, and there's something in china as president of cj, i'm paying, has called on members of a regional security club to resist external in interference at a summit and kazakhstan, russian president vladimir persian also announced the formation of a center to coordinate security responses. un secretary general antonio gutierrez, shes also attending the summit and on his really air strikes has killed a senior, has full of commander in southern lebanon on the run back to militant groups as it retaliated the commanders killing by firing scores of rockets. it is rarely military positions here, the israel left on the border. israel's army says no one was injured in those strikes. precious war on ukraine has raged on for well over 2 years. the cost
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to both sides has been immense. but one of the possible spoils of victory could also be what is in the soil. ukraine has huge deposits of wisdom, a key mineral for rapidly expanding fields like electric car batteries. finding new ukrainian village of coda hobo earlier this year. above the ground towns that have seemed dozens of tank battles since the war began. what you don't see is the hundreds of millions of dollars of lift the, the geologist say it's likely underground. ukraine has significant deposits of natural resources that could make rushes war financial a pay off, in addition to lithium and there are significant oil, gas, metal, oars, rivers, and precious metals buried beneath the soil potentially worth more than 20 trillion dollars. lithium is a key material for the future of electric cars and many smart technologies.
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ukraine's deposits are located in the queue of 400 and don't. yet regents care of that is still under ukrainian control while much of done yet is occupied by russia before the war. the european union had its eye on your cranes deposits, especially of lithium a currently in for it's almost all of the mineral from china. in 2021 to you and ukraine agreed to a strategic partnership for raw materials. there is a norm, us potential because street tacoma federal essential for the caught up on icing of all right, going on. this can be found in abundance in ukraine, according to the us to war. and ukraine has cost of rush or well over a trillion dollars in economic losses, as well as hundreds of billions and expenses on the war itself. but the trillions hiding under ukraine's fields and factories put far away that in a war this had such a mass of human cost. olivia was ours at geo political experts at carnegie.
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europe's you told me, that precludes invasion of ukraine, was as much about access to its resources as it was about establishing a new russian empire. yes, good morning and thanks for having me. restaurant has essentially a bunch of different names. one of them is obviously to recover control over ukraine. pulse of the ukraine attraction lies in the strategic materials that the world is now fully interested in for green transitions, but also also for the digital and defense transitions. especially i was looking to have access to a number of critical or raw materials for its own needs regarding defense, but also in terms of sustaining its partnership with china. is also vastly interested in making sure that the european union essentially fails and the promise of its green view. and particularly in its comment, little which requires the european union to de carbonized by at least 55 percent
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by 2013 as 3 for the carbon neutral by 2015. if it fails to do so, has democratic consequences that will have reparations, in terms of democratic fabrics coming and done within the european union. so you're saying that part of russia is calculation is the use goals. we've heard that use long hope that ukrainian resources would help them become less dependent on countries like china. is that, is that what you think russia's calculation is? and is that then also part of the incentive for the u back in ukraine as you has, as you mentioned in yours, that of catch you before it had struck a strategic partnership based on raw materials with ukraine in july 2021 to ensure the 6 months before the war and the innovation is the relationship between the you and ukraine regarding the future pipeline football materials, pre dates, the board. so there is no question essentially that it is part of the reasons that
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you wants to sustain. it's important to print, but it goes much further than this. you has understood essentially that there is something as a stake regarding the rule of law regarding democratic fabrics regarding essentially the future security of europe as a whole, not just ukraine. but if we look at the larger picture, the reason why argued that russia is particularly interested in ukrainian resources regarding political, raw materials is that russia is actually active, not just a new crane, but a number of different gifts. there's x by other means via does information by a political influence, a industrial influence thing as well, to try and make sure that it essentially becomes a g u. s. and i'll make power broker for o, energy and industrial and critical supply chains, including food for that matter, and potentially pools in the future, which will define essentially the future of security, not just from an industrial and economic perspective, but security in an age where there is essentially, a number of common disruptions coming our way. so russia has
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a very strong per you regarding a long term game. and that's where we need to understand ukraine as part of a larger chest game and part of a larger sort of arsenal of war that russia is waging against europe against ukraine, a porcelain supremacy in the future. it was a living lazar with carnegie. you're out now what had of been the earliest at atlantic storm to develop into a category 5 hurricane barrel as now? we can slightly but remains a destructive force. it's. i passed it just south the cayman islands overnight. and now as mexico and southern texas wait for the storm to arrive. the clean up has been done in many parts of the caribbean. batteries and sluggish jamaica is the latest car, would be a nation to suffer the damaging effects of barrel winds in excess of 200 kilometers
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per hour and heavy rain from cuba to venezuela. grenada and st. vincent done the granite deans, the deadly storm is leaving its mark. the cayman islands in mexico are no bracing for beryl. the hurricane is the earliest to reach category 5, a result of climate change according to some experts. its path is not certain, but it could eventually end up hitting the us state of texas. here in mexico, as you get time peninsula preparations were being made. some areas have been evacuated by the navy. the front home we were in a very vulnerable strip of land where we have to see on one side and the lagoon on the other. and the width of the community is about half a kilometer or a little less. i'm not sure exactly. so a hurricane, even a category to that causes the sea to rise,
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which has happened before with the sea merges within a good while it's very dangerous for people to stay here. then in nearby tourist resorts preparations are being made for barrels arrival, with many, also stalking up on provisions on the beach. though visitors enjoyed the last few hours of calm weather before the storm will be staying here because their flight. so do you will. and so when they and the thing will just take advice from the will tell in the that the, or the, or the we're not to scare the barrels. seeing here is it hit, jamaica is expected to make landfall and mexico late on thursday or early on friday . just, just before we go quick reminder of our top story. holding stations are open across the united kingdom, voters set to deliver a verdict on 14 years of conservative rule. all recent pulling points to deep
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dissatisfaction with current prime minister. she's soon act and protects a massive wind for care. stormers center, last labor party. how does your needs update after sour? i'm clear. richardson. thank you so much for watching the
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eco indian chelsea touch with the green, the grave wasteland. the kitchen gardens project female trash. but enters how to grow their own vegetables for women to eat better, improving their diet and income in the process. eco,
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india. next on d. w. turn to europe and for full time, pensive choice, where the germany is quit for an experience. overall national center, the focus on europe in 60 minutes on dw, the, the coming 0 seems excels. 3 tons. people have a stories kind items that feed us complex. stores
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translating some here. so if i should go possession of the chart 3 generations. one jenny dots july 7th on dw, the no but not as our main goal is for breakfast. no tomato was for solid. no one use i know morning coffee. what is the pro do is that we love and rely on just disappeared. hello and welcome. i'm finally got the body and you are watching equal india wireless still enough for whatever you want on the planet. food shortages are viewed appropriate in today is episode. let's take a look at the fact us causing this. i'm what can be done to save our food. climate
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change is a major threat to our food projection save.


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