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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from ballad. it's election day in the u. k. prime into service in sooner. ground is conservative, all facing a heavy defeats up to 14 years of tory rules. voters are expected to want change and descend, labors q a star into number 10 downing street. also coming up the salutes at the center of a diplomatic storm, germany and turkey, each psalm and the others. and both of those offered turkish football that makes this gesture of 02020 full sauce hurricane barrel lashes. jamaica with fis winds and heavy rain wrinkled brakes, and storm is not headed for mexico and the southern us.
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the gulf is welcome to the program. voters are going to the polls and the you k is general election. the opposition labor party is the overwhelming favorite to win, to end, to end 14 years of conservative route from in the service. as soon as may the surprise coal for early elections, a decision that is projected to back 5 recent polls. so voters are deeply dissatisfied with his government. and curious, thomas sent to left labor policy is own calls for lance logic to because of the cost of living, the state of a health care system among the key issues for britain's. so, so not is hoping that he can still sway on decided focus a voting on
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a brave face. prime minister ration, so not leading his son to ride the conservative party in the political fight that he himself called for and is likely to many people they want to say the result of this election is a full grown confusion. the all i believe in my bones that it is no, i think you do to we do not surrender to labor. we will fight for every vote. we will fight for all values and we will fight for our vision of person. but this time, it seems that this vision is all to stick with what the british people want of to 14 years. and paula, the conservative so know, facing a mess of defeat is thomas sent to leslie. the party is now 20 points ahead in the polls and isn't close for victory. changed labor policies they bought showed up moving forward to a guy with a lady picked up. but that is what we're fighting for. let's continue that fight.
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if you will change your hop to vote for it. and this change is what the british population seems to want. service indicate both has a most consent fall, the cost of living as trained health care system and migration, which has increased in recent years. and this last issue placed into the hands of nigel thrush. and he's on to me, gratian reform you keep party. the party has seen this search in support. and while it's not likely to get the significant number of seats in parliament, it will still change regions. political, let's keep the to, but whoever gets to full the next bridge, the government will have to prove to the british public the this time they made the right choice. i asked the political scientist, professor nicholas allan, for the finding moments of the british election campaign. have been quite a few from where she see not now the wedding announcement when he came out into
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down the street and said he was going to the country doors. that was, it was very long time ago now, but his side shoulders and then reducing like full size coding show of his attendance the day i can ration coupons as you can imagine street i now do for hours and now i'm seeing that he was gonna run off through i mean study, right? i mean, it's meetings that stand out to really been the negative aspects. i think keeping the pointed to the conservative things that, that really just sort of have a time that trouble recent years and office and now the labor is expected to win in a landslide if we're looking at the poles turning away from the concert of the conservatives. in huge numbers, why is that? i think the it's a new selection is curious in one way in so far as the last time breaks invited,
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there was an envelope being majority for the conservatives. but the scale of the conservative victory on the bar as johnston in 2019 was it's hot leave not largely driven by the wish to get breaks it down or just people to move on from vac surprises. but also widespread concern about what's the tendency of that is a labor government related to him to then does that lead to jeremy cool being cut off. so it wasn't necessarily huge. infuse yeah, some of the conservatives in 2019. rather, it was kind of drudging wished and divided to the the thing that's happened across it since 2019. we've had events. we've had custody of the crisis. we've also had conservatively to forest johnson who was embroiled in a large number of scandals. we also then briefly had the 75 minutes to ms. charles singleton blew up with the economy. so the relatively fitting supposedly
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conservative joy didn't in 2019, has just evaporated the consensus and the legal party rather, is now trusted to government. and i mean it as a saying that what positions don't with elections, governments leaves them. but of course, governments don't do selections. if there was an opposition to people are willing to fight for. and that is now the case. and now if a t s donald wakes up to them all on his way to down the street box on top of his to do list swell, he'll be brief about then usually the tyrants. that's one of the 1st thing that will probably be just as a told about. and he'll then get to really get on with the task performing a cabinet. and that'll be his priority to at least in the 1st day of point, the very so the top senior people around him, it remains to be seen how many of the current shadow cabinet move directly into the corresponding government jobs. but it's likely that probably most of them will
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certainly, i think might receives the current shot and challenge the exec. and she can probably be expected to move into a number 11 downing street. and it shouldn't be that relationship. the partnerships stone, the bridge waves really sort of be the defining the $75.00 and tow nothing for the conduct to the government as a whole. and you mentioned the brakes it earlier. now the you has not really features in any of the election campaign. campaigns bought a pound li, a growing majority of britons believes that breaks it was a mistake. what do you think gustavo will do about that? us stop. it has been very careful not to make any promises about joining you. i think you have to remember the traumatic effect of the brakes that process on by politically and voters in britain. no one wants to reopen those wounds in a hurry, no government. the british government is going to contemplate any kind of reverse
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of the brakes that until a number of years of elapsed and be there was a very, very significant majority in favor rejoining. i think the best it can be hope for, for those who are sort of minded, would be in favor person be joining would be essentially just place a partnership, perhaps a garage, whole shift versions of it, but anything to engage in dialogue with the you i think so i'm really enjoying the single market or anything like that is also a way of the agenda for the time being. it's not something that i think labor. we want to waste any political capital on. there was more than enough in having trying to be getting on with in terms of the economy in the public services, the political scientist, nicholas alaniz road, holloway university in london. thank you very much. thank you. very late. as of russia and china have hail the stability of that partnership at a a,
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you're raising the security summit and astonished cuz looks done. so to me, posing that she didn't thing with joined by representatives from several other countries including india, august on the wrong russian china launch the sun high corporation organization in 2001 to serve as a counsel wage to west and lead organizations back, which is 714 cold, the summit at key pillar of a multi pull out a joint declaration was signed 1st day by a participants of that summit of correspondence. emily, sherwin enrica told me more about this declaration to well, most of the declaration was very general. for example, the participants said that they wanted to develop a united and fair world. there is one point that i think is worth highlighting. and that's the fact that the participants called for a broad reform of the united nations, including to make it more representative. so essentially they were calling for it to be brought in for members, i guess,
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of the global south to also be able to join the united nations. and that's an interesting point because i think it shows what's the central message of this summit today, which is what you mentioned, the multi polar world order put in this opening statements to the summit mentioned that several times. he said that he hoped that the ceo of this organization would be one of the pillars of that multi polar world or other order, which he actually called a reality today. and of course, that is in opposition to what he calls the unit polar world order, which is the western dominated us dominated world order. so that's really the main message from china and russia today, questioning the dominance of the west. now the west has been tried to isolate russia over its in evasion, his invasion of ukraine as well. step talk at the summit about this war and about the future of this war. um, it was mentioned uh several times. it was, you know,
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the backdrop this week with the ukrainian president village music lensky who wasn't, of course, at the summit, it's talking about peace talks this week. yesterday, the turkish president, edge of tape arrow on, was also there a head of the summit and spoke to put it in. and he offered himself up as an intermediary for peace talks between ukraine and russia, which the kremlin then said was, would be impossible. the spokes person for the kremlin and today in his remarks put and also said that the 1st of all he blamed the west for the war and ukraine, even though he attacked ukraine himself, of course. and he also says that he would be open for ideas and initiatives from the participants at the summit to regulate this conflict. which is interesting because china has, in the past, offered itself up or said that it would be, you know, willing to be an intimate intermediary between russia and ukraine. so in the sense, watch that space, but we don't know whether it's just rhetoric from put in
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a briefly, if you can, how much weight does this blow cold? could really challenge the west initially? i think this has always been seen as kind of a regional organization. um yes, more and more countries are joining this organization. but i think the main thing is that it's symbolic of the deepening friendship, the deepening relations since the current war began between china and russia. that's one point. and some people are talking about this being an anti western block, even a block of authoritarian states, which of course has been highlighted today by beller ruse joining the participants . and of course, this is an opportunity for pollutant to just show that he has friends and that he's not as isolated as the west might think he is, emily serving them. thank you very much. how many of us have looked at some of the other stories and making headlines today in india, police have arrested 6 people following tuesdays, at least on p,
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those detained members of the organizing committee that has been granted permission for a gathering of 80000 best 250000 people turned up to listen to a preacher. 121. people died in the span fees. the sign is confronted. several of its citizens are dead or missing in an attack, and the democratic republic of congo, raging says, but it's in stock. is it a chinese funded company on wednesday? it's happened in the northeast. that's a region rich and mineral. please also is aware of the tax are coming. shanghai has issued its 2nd high seat way for load as temperature. the exceed 58 degrees celsius . the conditions are likely to persist throughout the weekend. china's weather bureau has won, the nation is facing halter and the longer heat waves due to tranecia china. it's cold and germany to provide fed business practices off to berlin block
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the sale of gas turbines to china. economy, minnesota, who was hobby, excited to security reasons. he said, technologies that are important for public or must be protected. the decision comes as trade to engines between the 2 nations are increasing. i'm just thinking of football players hands just so on. the page has sparked a diplomatic growl between germany and turkey. the german for an office is summit, the turkish ambassador. after anchor i did the same turkish defend on the mayor uh, demi rob made the sign known as the wolf salut. celebrating a goal at the european championships. here in germany, the hunter as to is associated with the turkish far right organization known as the gray walls, which germany correct rises as national as extra missed and to submit it and racist . and now took as president rise up top, otherwise waited in into it all because he'll be of the quote of final in berlin on
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such a day. let's talk about this with all turkey correspondence, julia han and just on board. and i'll, chief political correspondent, you know how that in building the, usually a 1st a tell us about this diplomatic desktop. what's behind to add on some decision to visit the ticket president ad one is someone who knows both football and politics very well. and he probably thinks this is his chance to score a goal. he wasn't actually planning to go to germany and watch the match. but today he canceled a trip to as a by john, he changed his very busy schedule, so he can be in berlin on saturday. and what i think he is trying to achieve is to demonstrate power in this diplomatic route with germany, while at the same time he wants to appease nationalist voters. here in turkey, who's been very unhappy with how ad one manages the academy and other issues, especially migration. so this of football crisis now seems to be playing into ad
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one's hands after durham and interior minister fees and other politicians had condemned. maybe they made as wolf salute the tickets for a ministry yesterday. some of the german invested are and they also put out a statement where they called you a fuzz investigation which has now been launched unacceptable. they said that the german authorities approach to a day, me ra, a, a can be considered as dental fully. and they also defend that they murals wolf gesture as a historical and cultural symbol. but didn't know target anyone in the moment when he was using it, celebrating his goal. if you now take this into account, i think ad one's visit to germany is not just a show of support for the turkish team, but a political move. and i wouldn't be surprised if he also would make this wolf gesture from the ip box in the, in, in the stadium on saturday. and you know, how important is it that the turkish ambassador was also some into the german for
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a ministry, as well as there is quite significant. i mean, in diplomatic terms, this is like using very strong language. and the foreign ministry was very tight lipped off to it. so and, and he said that the master was debated with the taxes and bass of the and, and then on x formerly towards her. they posted that as a host of those championships they of this tournament. they are hoping that sports can be a uniting fact to not with all of this in the context of summoning the attackers. and best of that, you have to keep in mind that there's a fact has re ignited the debates here in germany that's been going on for years. what do you do with a gray wells have existed in germany for several decades, who are under surveillance by the intelligence authorities, and several political groups including members from policies in the government. now calling for the gray wills and the symbols to be banned. here after this incident, in november 2020 the bonus tag, the german parliament already said that it would examine a possible band, but so far with no result. and the german government has not commented on ad one's
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upcoming visit. and of course, it is perfectly legitimate for the head of state to decide spontaneously to attend to football, match, to support the team. but because his community are in germany called on the german government, not to roll out the red carpet from his dad, one you to fill us in on these grey wolves interview ave. well, the gray wolves group was originally founded as the youth wing of the fall rights and nationalist movement. pato m h p here in turkey, which is currently in a political alliance with ad one's ruling a k p. and in the decade since its founding in the 19 sixty's, the grey wolves were often accused of involvement in acts of political violence. targeted mandy had left his or members of minority groups and ever since the grey wolf, a salute has been used by members of the mh b party and old for nationalists here in turkey. but we've also seen people come
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forward in recent days defending that symbol as a mythical symbol of tar kitchen is as a show of turkish identity and patriotism that has no fluoride coal notation or a new secret message. that is also very similar to what we heard from me. he gave me you're out of the attackers play. i will make the guest or after the game. but those who disagree really see it as an aggressive symbol of the far right and the social media use. us have specifically criticized that me every day. me or i made this gesture on the anniversary of the so called see of us massacre away and is a mist mall killed dozens of people, many members of the out of the minority here in turkey, so to years ago. so this bray wolf, a salute is very controversial here in turkey, but also abroad. nina has already mentioned that france has banned the gray wolves . austria has banned the use of its symbols and in germany,
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the group is under civilians. unit, you know how to the chief political correspondent in berlin and its double correspondent, julia hom, manufactures a rush as lord ukraine as rage for well over 2 years. the cost of both sides have been immense, but $1.00 of the possible spite of the victory could also be what's in the ground. ukraine, a huge deposits of lithium. that's an important mineral for batteries. powering electric cars or smartphones fighting near the ukrainian village of quota hobo earlier this year. above the ground towns that have seen dozens of tank battles since the war began. what you don't see is the hundreds of millions of dollars of lift sale essential for the kind of an icing of all right. going on. this can be found in abundance and you cry. according to the us to warn ukraine has cost russia
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. well, over a trillion dollars in economic losses, as well as hundreds of billions and expenses on the war itself. but the trillions hiding under ukraine's fields and factories put far away that in a war that's had such a mass of human cost. now how big of a role digital trends, natural resources play, and pollutants plans to invite to ukraine. i put this to the international energy and climate expert andre cover tower you. so of course, uh, video raw materials in general and in your train are not the main reason why russia is taking this. i'm justified word and you drain. but it could be, as you mentioned, a significant benefits in a positive military scenario for trembling. so a potential scenario in which rush, i will control some of these regions that are reached and then they're going to go to raw materials with basically reinforce the rush as role in the global and you
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commodities markets. so apart from being still relevant on the faucets, you uh, resources, side, it will also increase. it's great to go. uh, i mean their own support. sonya which is critical, as you mentioned, to the edge of the transition process globally right now. but what would it mean if russia was successful? for, let's say, the worldwide transition to green technology, if lots parts of the market and rushes hands. so it's important to understand from the beginning that's russia has also its own resources when it comes to critical role materials. when it comes to meeting with russia was never able to scale up the mining refining processes as well as the manufacturing. and that's uh these based on these so resources, but this barbara issue with china with a basically mean that together and the 2 countries, one to reinforce the security donors, through russia's fossil fuel reserves. and now through some additional video,
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raw materials and also through chinese mining refining and manufacturing experience . because trying to control this market, it's significantly. but i think it's also important to understand that in the scenario and as we're talking about, that was also affect the western world capacity and the pace. so the energy transition process, it was limited basically access to supply of the screen to go raw materials, which may lead to higher prices. and equally, i think it's important to understand that there was also affect ukraine's potential for reconstruction. because after the we're, we're the end ukraine will aim to build back its economy and political drama to use may play a significant role in that provided that connection. the benefits from that, the energy expert under a cover tower that the hurricane barrel is heading full mexico off to battering to make up a category for storm has caused
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a wide spread destruction across the caribbean is projected to slow down over the coming days. but will remain at on the power train strikes, stone has already killed at least 9 people. flattered and sluggish. jamaica is the latest car, a be a nation to so for the damaging effects of barrel swings in excess of 200 kilometers per hour and heavy rain from cuba to venezuela. grenada and st. vincent done the granite deans, the deadly storm is leaving its mark the cayman islands and mexico or no bracing for barrow. the hurricane is the earliest to reach category 5, a result of climate change according to some experts. its path is not certain, but it could eventually end up hitting the us state of texas. here in mx,
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it goes you good time. peninsula preparations were being made. some areas have been evacuated by the navy. the for a long time we were in a very vulnerable strip of land where we have to see on one side and the lagoon on the other. and the waste of the community is about half a kilometer or a little less. i'm not sure. exactly. so a hurricane, even a category to that causes the see to rise, which is happened before, where the c merges within the go when it's very dangerous for people to stay here. then in nearby tourist resorts preparations are being made for barrels arrival, with many, also starting up on provisions on the beach. though visitors enjoyed the last few hours of calm weather before the storm will be staying here because their flight. so do you will. and so when they and the thing will just take advice from the will tell and the that it, or the,
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or the for not to scare the barrels. seeing here is it hit jamaica is expected to make landfall and mexico late on thursday or early on friday, or that sits on the evidence team front off. thank you very much for the
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championship choice. the way the germany is quit for an experience. 2024 motor international fencing focus on, you know, on d. w into the conflicts own with tim sebastian in the early hours of february
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24th just over 2 years ago. you came in, jo, listed in care of the i mistake of both on the russian this i'll talk to you see see me up on the money and go, woke up, went out and began reporting in real time how to cranes at 6 falls on a daily basis complex, then 60 minutes on dw, the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital coming idea of what you said . we had power, we should have power. power is being taken away from us. and by any means necessary, we can get thousands of people to talk and among them. some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking military leaders. why did us veterans tended backs on
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democracy? and what does this mean for the upcoming next? the enemy within the july 12 on the w, the a sporty welcome to this week. focus on europe. my name is let's show it's great to have you with us. things are getting serious on the football pictures across germany. european championships are in full swing and now the german team have made it to the knockout stages. the energy among fans is a mix of euphoria and anticipation. what about the millions of football fans who traveled here? how do they like the.


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