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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2024 11:02pm-11:16pm CEST

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14th after parliament for the 1st time this election has been held against the backdrop of the cost of living crisis and the okay. people are concerned about the economy, the national health service, and other infrastructure. let's hear from some voters. i think my heart for the selection is for that to be more stability in the country. i'd like to see a strong victory think today so that the most certainty about what, what the future holds after selection like thing. nothing has gone on while in the last 14 years, and i think it's really important that the right result happens. i suspect my feeds in nicely this i'd like to i think it probably be more similar. no different enough for me. i try to change. we do change, i'm not going to pass judgment on the incumbent government, but i think we need change. ready to change?
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joining us now from london is dw corresponded charlotte shelton pill. so charlotte, any news about the exit pulling numbers? a yeah, big fan just behind me here in westminster, just times 10 pm, local time polls of closed and those exit numbers. the projections for how this election is expected to unfold have just come in. and what we're seeing is an absolute land slide for the sense a less conservative policy. and a shocking results for the governing center, right, named policy and show came results with a sense of right conservative policy. the results that we're seeing come in and showing full 110 seats for the late the policy that's best is a 131 seats full for the conservative policy reform, the, the anti immigration policy. it's showing the teen seats. that is, uh,
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a surprise result that uh, that is uh, not uh, wasn't expected among the lots of poles and it is showing a search in support for them. so big results, the absolute land slides for the labor policy. some projections have suggested that it could be the biggest majority of full the labor policy in that history. if this exit poll translates into the final results, that doesn't look like it will happen though, just full show. it's never little less than a sewing machine night. so it does sound like the voters in england got the change they were looking for. so what does this mean for the conservatives? how big of a defeat is it for them? a yeah, this is an enormous loss. costs your mind back just to the last election in 2019 on divorce johnson. and the conservative policy had a significant majority. now that's been old but decimated. this is looking like
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it could be the worst result in the history that will certainly be some soul searching for the conservative party. now it's not as bad as some of the polls have projected, but perhaps even some suggesting they could get below 3 figures according to this exit poll, that's not going to happen. it has them on a 131 sees never the less that a lot of people will be bearing that this could send them into an intellectual oblivion for some time. so what exactly are the numbers looking so good for labor and so bad for the conservatives? i mean, they were routing for some of one and a half decades just because i have to have been in the pals of 14 years that will some who say that to off to 14 years, people will be hungry for change. fox, the last parliament in particular, the last few years have seen the concept of policies, reputation plummet,
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that was scandals during coded, cool, so potty gates, where politicians were accused of flouncing some of the coated rules that we'll put in place. then of course, that was the dissolved stairs premier ship of lives, trusts, and the financial implications of that. all of that has combined to a test, a stroke quickly affects the popularity of the conservative policy. many people saying that selection is more about facing the conservative party out than the labor policy. in a lot of people that i have spoken to the, on the streets ahead of the selection, once particularly excited about the labor party. indeed, the policies need it's a keystone that doesn't have massively a huge favor, but popularity ratings. many people saying that this was more of a, it's about guessing the tories out. so the label policy will suddenly have a lot of challenges. despite the fact that these, these exit polls a showing
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a huge lance slide, that doesn't necessarily mean that the mood of the public, the excitement of the public is behind them. and that certainly is going to be something that they going to have to address the issue that these do, uh, these results all correct and they do full in the next government. all right, so what you're saying is correct. this is more of a protest void vote against the conservatives, but that kind of bangs the question where exactly is the reform party and all of this? they've been trying to gain seats and parliament at the cost of the can service from some time. now that's right, but it's the center of the liberal democrats and the anti immigration reform policy has both been taking votes from the conservative policy. the teen seats for them is significant. and there are a number of reasons for that festival. one of the architects of brag, sort of famous speak, a hearing versus politics. module fraud, changed his mind. and in a surprise, decision decided he was going to take charge of for phone policy,
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the reform policy just last month. he is a popular figure among, among some there is also the fact that it's a zebra that off to breakfast, as many was those going to control immigration? we've seen in recent years that migration as big as have hit record highs. so some the questioning whether or no breaks it delivered for them and now tending to this on to immigration reform policy. what is such and, and this will be a huge piece for them. and while it might just be 13 seats, what you have to look at, so that's projected what you'll have to look at is the percentage of debate the reform get how loans dash is because certainly knowledge of, for us and leaders that policy has been saying that they are not just looking at this selection, they're looking at the next one, perhaps a bringing in some disillusion conservatives. they are really hoping that this could be to stall into something for them. before we get at the take a look at it the next election. let's take a look back at the campaign. we just saw how exactly did labor promise to
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differentiate itself from the conservative. the one was relayed throughout the campaign and that was change. they wanted to set themselves apart from the conservative. they have this narrative with the concept of policy was one of tales. they tried to present themselves as a policy of stability and a policy of change. and it doesn't pay that that has been effective throughout the campaign. now this is a sense of last policy. some of the pledges that they've made throughout this is that they will address crumbling public services. the health service, particularly looking at waiting list, is under normal pressure at the moment. many people you'll speak to here will have a story about issues with health care. that is one of the top priorities. i promise not to raise taxes on issues like foreign policy. they've also pledged to scratch the controversial rwanda scheme, which was post for the conservative government to cost you mind back off through
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a lot of slicing that was uh, fort into legislation to see some asylum see cuz since 2 bewanda, that would be scraps under a labor government, these are the policies that they have been talking about addressing the top concerns of the public immigration, uh, the economy and the health service as well. and it's, it's for that reason that it appears that they have been successful in the selection. all right, quite an eventful night in the united kingdom that was due to the charlotte chosen pill in london reporting for us. thank you very much. i. so who is the man who will upset to become the u. k. is next prime minister here. storm or has one, had one of the top jobs and the legal profession before he switched to politics. and course the rooms through the ranks of the labor party. he stands for change, that is key as thomas main message. and so, so this center left politics debility over tails long time over schultz,
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an end to the desperate era of justice and gimmicks and to return to the serious business of rebuilding outcomes. fact, the private opinion, bold show more pretends have a negative view of him. then those who think he's doing what the show fuck is writing so best within those. so his opponent is i'm not remote, his stomach is the best type that we've got of getting things back on track. i don't know what he quite stands for. to be honest with you, and for me, i'm finding very hard to connect with him and i think he's a decent man. i think he's a good man. so i think he cares for this country. very thoughtful lawyer is a lawyer. stomach comes from a 100 background, explains this by august that born into a working class family in the south of england, selma became the head of britain's crown prostitution service funding him a knighthood. during the election campaign,
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he had to learn to show this human side, for example, revealing his passion for political as a lawyer. you know, you don't express your feelings in cool. it's all the facts and evidence and legal points, no box stories and visions. and so he's had to learn and these are all the different skills, political skills, and the last 9 years it's becoming, i'm putting his proposal for britain, not a grand master plan, not bold enough to say as critics. instead, a series of economic and planning reforms, for example, to enable will, house building will create i do industrial strategy of a choice ignore for 14 years. and we will bucket with our national wealth fund invested in clean steel, new polt, peak of factories during the breakfast referendum style my head for to stay in the you. now, he wants to align the u. k. close. so with the continental, which is coming up cautiously without getting back into the single markets and from
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you, it's all about rubbish out. uh huh. drove up, come to mind. we typed up and running as a candidate to be prime minister, the candidate to run the circus. thank you very much, man. village and he's like lou. yeah, that's the way he wants to go about it. the big task of getting brutal, ailing economy background check. and staying with our stop story now i'm joined by d. w's, reporter, craig crowther and the studio is so creek help us break us breakers down a little bit. we've just been seen are incredibly turbulent time for the u. k. in general, just thinking about breakfast at the coven pandemic can leave a really put an end to that from certainty. look, i think it's a mixed picture. one of the huge criticisms of the retail for the label had been given on the doorstep is that it's not radical enough. it's not revolutionary enough. but i think will they hopping promising the one with the keystone that has been power thing really throughout the election campaign is changed. they're promising to be the details policy and bring stability a back to government. so time makes almost everything perhaps not. they said they
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wouldn't put of taxes a company solve the issue of don't let and it looks like they wouldn't need to, given the fact that the scottish national policy have just at 10 seats. but i think the real change is going to be implemented. so it keeps on and gets in because at the moment these, all just a projection in exit polls is essential, stability and seriousness, which does appear to have been lacking in the u. k. of the parts past 5 or 6 years . or you said a word that i think is quite interesting. we've been hearing it time and time again, reporting change. why are the british people and the citizens and u. k. more broadly looking for change? so precise so i think there's a few things. firstly, i would say when any policy has been in government for 3 times, almost 15 years as a sense of fatigue with whoever has impala the public, i'm all likely switch to the opposition. however, i don't think that explains this. what looks like a huge long slide majority. you can do tony blair in 1997. i think that has come from a sense of under a sense of frustration with the public to just believe that there was an impala of
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not being behaving appropriately. it stopped with bars thompson, imposter gates, and continued on the lease trust, who was f, a just to shop months in cross the economy. and t is the wish you select simply did not have the political acumen all the political copied, sold to achieve a step, shift back in the right direction. where does this leave the reform party? i mean, some people are saying that they could actually use the conservatives long term, considering how little support that they're enjoying among the the voters. do you think that's an accurate statement? look, if you look at the sun exit poll reform predicts it's get 13 seats that will be a disappointment to nigel for raj on his policy. but the thing about nigel far ours is he's a great community to an always attracts a lot of attention up from the media. so do i think that'll be a huge political false? no, but will it be allowed false? absolutely. all right, and where does this exactly leave a, what is the new potential labor government actually leave the u. k. when a.


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