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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the news life from well in a landslide victory for the you care center left the labor party. that's the prediction from the old christian exit form, which puts cure damo formerly on track to be the next prime minister. she threw an ex conservatives offsets to stop for heavy losses with the anti immigration reform party septic as many as per diem seats, involvement the number such as well. thank you for joining us. for accounting,
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it's underway in the u. k. often or the general election expected to deliver the opposition day before the historic landslide victory. the official exit buller projects label would have been full 110 seats, which would give the party led by q as damo, a huge majority in parliament. the conservatives look set to lose around 200 and 45th, the liberal democrats thought to you really make some games. but the biggest surprise comes for the populace to reform u. k. 40 projected to take as many as per diem seats. the scottish slash football team, which has been the 3rd largest, spotty, a swift at westminster part a decade, looked set to lose as many as 30 feats suggesting that could be a laboring surgeons, north of the border. and let's get them all straight from london. be joined now by the w correspondence. charlotte chose some fed. it's all that big landslide in the making. it seems. what's the reaction that us absolutely. it is looking like a land slide when. so the center last labor policy and is lead to secure stomach is
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likely to become look set to become the next prime minister if this exit poll is to be believed. and of course we know it is incredibly accurate in the past. is there any really been out by a handful of seats? so we are expecting a seismic change in the u. k. is political landscape with the conservative policy? suffering, devastating losses. it may well if this exit poll, try uh, trans buys. it may well be the russ was the results that they have suffered in the history. we've heard from one c, a conservative member of parliament minister who is described this as disappointing . another is said that it is terrible results for the policy. i mean, let me give you some context, the last election back in 2019 that sold the conservative policy on the full prime minutes. devoris johnson with a significant majority the labor policy. on the other hand,
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it sorts was results since 1935 thoughtful, which is today and you've seen, you've seen the destination of the conservative policy. and as i say, what is a significant shift in the political landscape in 5 smith as your project seems to be by your appropriate way to describe that and be coming off of a convert of body to spending all 14 years. and that's quite a mass of flip port costs that a yes empower for 14 years. the last few years in particular has been very turbulent here. that has been a series of scandals including policy gate, which you might remember during the kobe pandemic uh, within the conservative policy accused of a breaking of flouncing k vid rules that members of the public were being off to follow that really. so as, as the policy suffer, no, most reputational damage trust, incredibly damaged by that. and then of course, uh,
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the very brief premiership of lives trust in the financial time world. but that cause that re damage the reputation of the conservative policy for being fiscally responsible. something that they really promoted to as a, as a policy, more importantly, it really caused people suffering for people here in the case of both of those things contributed to a norm. this amounts of, of damage for the conservative party. and they have seen the themselves lose a lot of ice to break the center as nipple democrat policy, which has done very well this evening. and of course, the anti immigration reform policy, which is also uh, will be heralding what are expected to be the results this evening. you mentioned the fact of the cost, the downfall of the conservative party, but how much is the land slight award for label? and especially if lidocaine, donnelly, is he that popular as well?
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it's going to be very interesting to look at the percentage breakdown as these results all coming in throughout the evening, just to see how much or how popular uh they are. when you look at this breakdown, people will also be looking at the potentially break down to the anti immigration reform policy as well to see how well they have done. you asked me about savior ability for a neighbor lead us a case dom a he polish say that he is not. so he doesn't raise very highly on these favorability ratings. and when i've spoken to people during the campaign, that hasn't been an enormous amount of excitement for the labor party is one of the paradoxes of this election given the landslide victory that they are projected to get just this. this lack of excitement been mentioned behind the labor party. a lot of people that i've spoken to had said the most important things to them. and this selection is to get rid of the conservative party. and what that means is that as
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prime ministers, the case um would face a huge challenge in getting the public behind him. he permits change a change from what he would call the title of the conservative government. but he is not going to have long to deliver on that because the trust from the public just isn't that dissatisfaction levels very high. they are going to want to see change quickly either. and it's, it's going to be a very big challenge for him to deliver that. so a landslide without excitement, it seems to have mentioned the populace. freeform bought to you a couple of times. are you surprised by those numbers that has been different polling ahead of this? most recently, as the polls were showing them on, on lower seats, that would make the projected outcome a wins for them. others though that were more negative about the number of seats of the conservative party we get showing them significantly higher in that indeed a one point. and that campaign, nigel, for us,
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was so up to mystic the leader of the policy was so well to mystic he was even saying that they've become the official physician perhaps even overtake the concept is that clearly hasn't transpired here. but what is clear is that they have done well in the selection. there are a number of reasons for that festival module for ours, the leader, he announced that he was coming back to making a return. very recently, he's on down to the given the policy a bit of a surge. there was also the fact that there are concerns among some the, for a fraction of the fraction of the public about the immigration days he by took breaks it done so that they found that in recent years that has impacts been the record levels of migration recorded at and see that for they will be turning to the anti immigration policy, so they will indeed be celebrating this evening. and they've made it very clear as well that they have their eyes on the future. and we'll be looking very closely at
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how the, the break down to the right guys these up here. so let's try some fairly in london . thank you so much for following all the sleep mode excites and photos. and keep up with that analysis i'm doing now in the studio by dw is create custom crate. so is this good news for the u. k? is this the image definitive? let's go ahead and do that. look, i think it's a really complicated picture. if you look at the retail offer, but later we're giving on the doorstep, it wasn't very revolutionary or re formative, and they have been criticized a lot for that. but the main was that they were talking about doing that campaign is change. and i think what the label positive if they get things a problem, because at the moment these are projections, it's an exit poll, but it does look likely if case tom and gets the keys to number 10. they are offering the different type of politics they talking about themselves as the on the tails policy of the boys, johnson and posit gates. and at least just as brief tenure crushing the economy.
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they are promising to come in and to really reform a sense of, of stability and calm. so is it revolutionary in terms of policy? no, not at this stage. could it be perhaps, the what will change is a sense of all of normality returning to the people who live in the country. so promise, what changes in a focus very much on what went wrong with the conservatives, but that story is going to feed at some point. do they have any category on what that change may actually look like? look, they have offered uh some policies they talking about coaching v t on private schools and launching a new company called great, great british and a j. a in terms of that. they've been very shy throughout the campaign. labor have been enough to what people call this mean vol. strategize, somebody walking across the room, just not wanting to drop the vase late. this whole campaign has been about trying not to turn off the votes and just making it the posting date because there was
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such discontent with the conservatives. the all eva had to do was not make any mistakes. so the simple way, but the fee from late from the labor party and the conservative body that does take up all of our time, of course, but we have seen a rise around by immigration parties across europe. do you feel like for you case following thoughts? a look is interesting. if you look at these exit polls, we have the refund policy on 13 seats, which is an a significant presence in the house of commons. however, we've only had 2 results. announce tonight on both those laid the have held onto them. but if you look at the policy that is coming 2nd, it's the reform policy. not the conservatives, the conservative conservatives of being in that place, so elect, hardly will. they make significant things know, but in terms of the folks at it looks like reform could be incredibly popular, but that's quite something. so how does the sports channel translate into actual seats? because we have what we call the 1st pass, the post system. so whoever wins the most,
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both automatically gets the seats and this is going to be a huge conversation in the wake of this election about possible elect total reform . should we go to a system which might be more familiar to people around the world, which is proportional representation? but i think another huge resistance to box from late, but because it secured them this majority. and also people will be afraid all, if they have this reform, it could enable policies like reform to gain most seats in the house of commons. yeah. first boss sports is definitely a problem for the with an end as well. um and last the how do you think the u. k is relationship with the you might change, given the new government keeps the alma said yesterday that the united kingdom would not return to the european union in his lifetime. so i think the prospect of as rejoining the blog is extremely unlikely. they have, however, stipulated that they would like a closer relationship with europe and also to open up trade because a lot of what labor promising is not tax wise, but to grow the economy and to grow the economy. many people argue they will have
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to become closer to the use of rejoining know a closer relationship. i think so. so promise for change, but we not to keep watching what exactly that would entail. thank you so much for doing that for us. do you got this great caught up a let's go to football. now we had an incident of talkies down to 16 cash at the your rose against austria has on least a diplomatic storm shield in germany. it comes off the talk is football of sparked outrage by using the so called work salute. the hand gestures associated with the talk is followed i'd organization, which will many categorizes as nationalist, extremist, and symmetric and racist. this is the gesture that's kicked off the roll over extremism and national pride in sports. the so called will salute symbol of the fall, right gray wolves movement shown by turkish defend the married they me, that was the german interior minister responded with a post on x. the symbols of took his right wing extremists have no place in our
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stadiums using the european football championship as a platform for racism is completely unacceptable. and costs are growing in germany for a ban on the ultra nationalist group. that's a good enough for this. i would include the organization, which is the largest right wing, the missed organizational network, a gemini, and amazon would have caused means of bending the most often surprising doesn't bully missed me. a good sized bed and cutting the middle of himself says the salute was nothing sinister, but just an expression of national pride is to call him a very proud to be tucked or shy, pointed out every occasion. well, that's why i made such a difference. and when i celebrated, the goal is quite wrong. i ignore my. unlike in france and austria, the salute smoke band in germany, but the ultra nationalist grey wolf's activities i'm on until it's by the to him and look forward to following the hoss criticism from the german interior minister on cutoff summons that you. i'm an investor. the and belinda has followed suit
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now took as president, richard, you've added the one has announced he'll be traveling to berlin to watch turkey's quotes, a final some fee. if you could further stir up nationalist sentiments, is the space to add the just add ones to right to come to the what's the top game slash and bunch of i'm. so showing one to add one is all on, but add on is also a publishing, just called a titian and she knows very well how do we know that the matches are and must mobilize them. so given the new medicine, so what we do see of them, they mean all said he hopes to use the gesture again for the meantime, you wait for says it's investigating so called inappropriate behavior. but with the control of a c growing over the middle section, the state seems such full potentially as much drama of the page as own and, but that's right up to date. but to stick around to can often be able to look at why germany has knocked out on the famous busts of never digits. don't forget,
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