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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2024 1:15am-1:31am CEST

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site i dw dot com and to follow us on social media, we have both on instagram and x and a handle. that is ad deed up your news. and you know where to find us on youtube. no. such as far as thank you so much for being with us. the do you know which of these free industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which is good. concrete, transforming business syllabus on to figure out what's the real new deal? just reimbursing the watch now the next a t t almost 50 centimeters tools, some 3400 years old with an estimation value of 400000000 euros. the bosses on
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display input in it and invested us that egypt i own with lots about this about the data because then i'm back to that entails at the dramatic exchange. so we send the 50 to, but have we to see if, for example, the crowd, all 3 of the girls or they think toward, i'll do that. i don't think we have if you send in a box of that one way is a hostage and pass it a hostage to does. and that's a t t actually belong to the the best of method tracy combines feminine chum and power. the egyptian queen, with possibly the most famous profile in the world, is a global icon, a role model in the symbol absolute beauty system, iron. these are the ups or what we have this absolute symmetry. hyatt, the slenderness of the face, long,
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the long neck. this incredibly well proportions miles in the morning. and then of course there's the in lead i any. and i that really looks at our has a special radiance. how can i get this onto the after being buried in the sands of egypt? the thousands of genius methods easy has been in germany for the past century. the queen holds calls at the noise museum burning and captivating hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. i live in berlin for 2 years and i find it very difficult. it's not the place. it's just such a shame. berlin has been making lots of money off. never see the. ready ready award at the boss, please egypt in the 1st place, the to understand this,
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we need to go back to 1912 when egypt was not yet to suffer in states and onto the british control. archaeologist from france, england and germany was scouring the land and search of the treasures to the museums this fight. it was common practice facts. and just as the children state didn't have the means of the resources, i was prepared to allow the excavation campaigns on the condition that half of the objects would ultimately remain in egypt by one such a contract was secured by jim and entrepreneur, jane seemed a wealthy patron of building museums, he used his fortune to finance excavations my german audiologist looked fixed boycotts on december 6th, 1912,
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the g mega sensational discovery until l. amana on the nile. the full part was over joyce, when it came time for them to produce department to design the funds. the boss went to germany and as compensation, a wind, ulta piece remained in egypt moving, advise after months that has been speculation that the boss may have been sprinkled with this was done so that the carla and beauty would not immediately apparent. so it can hardly be said that everything was done in the right way. so gun is goodman, come bout frigerator designed, freed, director of the egyptian museum in berlin, has examined the facts. there's a car from you. this theory that the object was smeared. i don't think anyone would ever have done that with an object like that. there's absolutely no evidence for it
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and had to pull that up for you. so could egypt have kept and if a t t in the country, egypt or under layer of colonialism, the ultimate colonialism, the british colonialism and the french, they took control of their and take what the service. so there was no addictions in control of them to put the service then the because that's it is i'm getting some dollars of the time were created under the conditions of empire. this is these, all those no country would accept today giving away hoff of the objects with some things egypt, a polish and just a few years later. so you from different t, t had been found a few years later, she would be in cairo today. in other words, the rules themselves and the letter that you timothy, need to be questioned. the get to me, teeth and egyptian icon who left the country
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a non of her name means the beautiful one has come. she came to room and shaken the for on a game plan together with her husband and hotel, the fools who later became i cannot and you send to the throne. in 1353, b. c. and in both his wife have just 15 in the business of ruling, like no king before him together and against the will of the priests. the couple of polished, almost old dieties paying homage only to ask for the sun god, it was the root of economics and f a t. t is considered one of the great culture revolutions the abolition of many gods to focus on a single day or 2. and a relatively abstract data to yeah, that's the, that's least it's a good place line really is the only creational force that exams, that's not. and so it was clear that all other gods with the sideline in this new constellation, this new c elegy, it plays an extremely important role in an empty water. was she a feminist pioneer?
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she is an icon, not just for the ancient egyptian within but also for modern women and each to because women in the process all fighting for women and quality. i actually look up at such women from history. in 1913 the boss left at the time of egypt for the name, a leading metropolis of the modern age to remain on the looking key for more than 10 years in the private possession of entrepreneur jane seemed one. then on the 1st of april, 1924, the bust was presented to the public for the 1st time and caused a sensation. fatigue enchanted the masters with a simple elegance that was in keeping with the dispute, should the more naij or she even shed the look of 19 twenty's feelings stopped as
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like malayna decrease and critic off of the notes. and then if it was 1st exhibited in the spring of 1924 and the opposite direction to mountains for have a ton with made in the forest, i'm doing the way we can speak of a century of the moans for the return of the buses. we've got the photo spiking off to egypt became itself in stage. they offered an exchange, the light side statue of the high priest running to the legendary post of nasa t t jane seymour and gave the green light a deep sleep archaeologist. an egyptologist consulted the language of the same opinion that this is why we should go ahead because he's been from an opt historical and egypt to logical point of view. the bust was not as valuable as they thoughts. i mean, critics walk would be a win win situation, but the public saw things differently and looked to the museum that was a string of all schools and the price against the decision,
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which was then with us. in the end, the opinion of the experts counted less than that of the general public. you guys, that's impressive, is probably going to the 1933, the national socialist seized power in germany and the bus to become a political point in the show of strength between nations, propaganda, ministry use of goods and saw an opportunity to capitalize on. it's written, the largest german 4 to use good, both in particular. so the return of an f, a t t, as a useful strategy to win egypt over to the side in the past. so against britain, it was hit the who stopped the hand of the in a way like so many of those. he was fascinated by the fast getting the even wanted
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to have a museum built in hit on. but how could encryption woman be an icon from nazi germany? the in this, during the nazi period, there was a series of appropriations of an f, a t t as a kind of area. and which of course does not seem immediately intuitive. but she was a woman who propagated a son called him, which was also integral for the nazis get to the, the fostering a didn't germany. even though now even jane seem on was arguing for its return when he donate the statue of an effort to, to, to the validity of them said that i give you enough of 50 on the condition that if it junctions would request the bus back, it must be to fit your to, but do, simon was george, and of course, a part of that. i thing that saves them in germany. his wishes will not be
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respected by the museum or by the 3rd by the 2nd world war devastation building and traces humans by the automatic will disclose to the students in panic. when i talk to you, and if it's interesting the nazis brought the precious of us to safety in an underground salt mine. the treasure tripe was filled with gold bars and thousands of works of us, including paintings by rembrandt, dura and fall to charley. shortly before the end of the war, american soldiers discovered the boston, the mine, and moved it to the central on collecting point in v spun the following year. and if a gc was back in the spotlight as fill in the district, i'll just take off the egg if there's any current. again up i said the guy that i think i, i found him definitely enough. in the postwar period, she became an icon of the early federal republic, said good germany,
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so to speak. when you see the pictures, it almost seems like a longing for a septic affection of the old, the dog he is. is it kind of reputed viewing of it? so that's how these pictures seem to some and sound. so come, i'm disappeared and keep the method tc essentially would turn to be lead since 2009. she's had her own room and the noise museum, the name, and is the on disputed stock as the chips in collections. she's a stick ahead of the c team long seen as part of jim and his cultural identity. she's also the cool, very successful marketing strategy. and people should have a c, p is supposedly a symbol for a multi cultural bell in a closed book products in germany. one could say that the need for tc has been part of the gym
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and cultural heritage for the past 100 years. they've been official demands for the return of the artifact from egypt. but the pressure on cultural heritage foundation says there was no reason to change the 19 searching division of funds. i don't use data so you know, to initial investment. our stance is, of course, that we 1st of all adhere to the legal situation laga and it provides a clear basis to provide the best of here on plaza. i want to push to here is a foundation based on regulations from the colonial era. over a 100 years ago, the nations are still holding on this imperial lift 5. this is all of our last start, but i think they also generation look at the different they have
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a different ethic and code, then they think museums need to catch up to the 21st century city. it's just a matter of when and who into enough coverage to correct the mistakes of the past. 2 dogs, and if a t t belong to germany or egypt. what do you think? let us know in the comments the the you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that spaces is a morally relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 2 2 humans are closer to a chimpanzee vanishing. pansy is even to
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a dog. but dr. series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube. d. w documentary, the in the early hours of february 24th just over 2 years ago. are you kidding you enjoy listing care hubby unmistakable sound? the rushing miss, i'll talk you soon. he says he really believe that he to be lying in a fit with a russian bullet in his head. but it didn't happen instead, any upon the money and co woke up went out and began reporting in real time, how you can use it for a full on a daily hourly basis. his new book cold, i will show you how it was found. the 1st 3 months of most goes invasion and his remarkable new love affair with his own country. here upon the modern co welcome to come fix on.