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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the dr. news, lar, from by then a landslide victory for the new care center, left label faulty. that's the prediction from the 1st select, the 4th, which was just almost firmly on track to be the next 5 minutes. so she still next gonzalez is all set to solve for heavy losses with the anti immigration reform party set to take as many as 30 and save in solomon the i'm number such as 12 items. the program counting is underway in the u. k. with
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some constituencies already declared, the only results showed the off position labor party heading for victory as predicted by the pre election for the $650.00 seats up for grabs. and the official exit for projects label would have been full $110.00, which would give the party led back to a storm, a huge majority empowerment. the conservatives look set to lose around $240.00 seats. the democratic party will make some games, but the biggest surprise comes from the populace reform u. k. 40 projected to take as many as 13 feet. the scottish stops football hockey, which has been the 3rd largest, bought us at westminster for a decade. look, set to lose as many as 30 seats suggesting that could be a label resurgence north of the border. as gets more on that developing story, you will see that restrict kado state. oh, joyfully. now in the studio. so great 1st reaction to these numbers. what do you think will i think we should stop by saying that we have to approach this with
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a little bit of caution because it is indeed an exit polling will have to wait to see across the evening if these projections are extrapolated into reality. however, parking that warning side, a warning sign to one side, this does look like a huge, a significant majority of fall key, a stomach, the late, the pots a. now this is not a huge surprise. it was projected in the polls. but what is quite a surprise is the size of the image. all right, so we're looking at $170.00 seats. now the conservatives us suffered a heavy losses down from $365.00 seats for $131.00. again, this was expected, but a real real significant moment. the live demons of also have a search, as you said in the beginning, up from 116 to 61, with reform on 13. so a real, a huge jacob, all the political landscape in the united kingdom. now whether this is set to be something which last thing to elections to come,
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i think it's impossible to say with the volatility of elections at the moment. but is this a historic and significant election folder? you can absolutely. so that shakeup that landslide comes off of 14 years off a conservative fought easily in the u. k. why such a master flip? i think there are a few things happening here. the 1st is to say, that's awesome when a policy has been in power fall several times, we've had almost 50 years of the conservative government. people do vote for the opposition because they feel tired with the policy impala. however, that doesn't explain the huge majority. i think that comes from a frustration with the conservative policy, but the consensus in the united kingdom is one of real and the way they have behaved particularly over the last 56 years and staffing, we've always drums and i'm positive gains and then let's trust and a brief premiership for just them to 2 months when she crushed the economy, costing regular households thousands of pounds and people tired of baths. and they
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decided it to p is if these projections are correct, to vote for labor and vote for a while they were offering to the public, which is a government which is about change. so 7 over here from the 2, big, big for a moment. another party making the headlines of the populace reform party, but it's only to team see if it's not a victim. this is really interesting. if you look at this projection of 13 c stops not going to make any a political title weighs in parliament. however, we've only had around 10 or $1160.00 class of fall, but if we look at the share of the votes, which we form a guessing bounce around 23 percent at the moment, which is a significant amount. the option, the 2nd 2 labor beating the conservative. so all of a going to make a big political, boston parliament. absolutely not. but we know nigel for raj and limping nigel for roger is excellent. top is making, making the headlines, making a noise,
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and making people pay attention to him. so i do think this is something to watch over the course of the evening. let me take you all the way over to scott's. and now the scottish national body is taking a big hit. what do you make of that? of the scottish national policy, you have had a terrible evening that projected to wind around 10 seas. that's down from a 48 to the last election. so a loss of 30 seats, look the scottish national pos. you've had a terrible 12 months with police investigation, several leaders, a resignation. so i think we confirmed that faithful. the next parliament, the idea of scottish independence is want you to going to be off the table. so again, one booming out of it and looking at the international see and reassuring the you, we've seen the fraction selection somebody that you can you on the conservative party is that all set to change on those of the neighbor government. i think that will be some change, one or t as thomas policies has been. so say that he will bring the u. k. bucket close that towards the european union. however, 2 days ago,
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he categorically ruled out rejoining within his lifetime. uh, one of the big campaign policies has been about growing the economy and they say to grow the economy, the u. k. needs to be closer to the european union, but they will not rejoin so yes, it's a hallway house. will that be an improved relationship? show rejoining i think, counselor belongs, and be in by coming out of the big picture with you and looking at the next i was looking to be expect. so waiting for them all seems to be declared which will happen in the next 2 to 3 hours. we will get really a whole slew hotel skate of the votes being announced, and then we have to wait for any policy. presumably the legal policy crossing that's really important. we become off at $326.00 seats. then we'll be sure who will be the next government in the morning. we can expect the concession speech contributions to not. and then we'll see t as tom a, a go to the promised to meet the king, who is the head of state where he'll be off the phone, the new government. and we will be following that with you over the coming out with
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us. well, thank you so much for that deduct district. awesome, that's the now to some of the other stories making news around the world. us president joe biden has again said he has no intention of bowing out of his re election. but as his campaign domains on depression or concerns about his age, the do you on your oldest or supporters at the white house that he is not going anywhere? he's face calls to step aside following his for debate performance against donald trump. sorry, i'll come back out to us and its value officials say prime minister benjamin nathan . yeah. who is sending a delegation to resume, store thoughts on a hostage truly, steve, a time us deal for sure as hell to significantly revise proposals by him. us as a breakthrough and said they were hopeful, it could lead to a permanency file. greek labor unions have full tested and assets
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that they're demanding, the withdrawal of a new law allowing the 60 working week it took effect on monday. the government says it's mainly applies to 24 hour businesses which shift systems and with both productivity bots. union see, it says order back of hot one will close, right? police in india have the rest of the 6 people following tuesdays, at least, and paid. those detained are members of the organizing committee. they will, they had been gone to for admission for gathering of 80000, but 250000 people turned up to listen to a preacher, a 121. people died in the sam feet. china has confirmed that several of its citizens are dead or missing and an attack in democratic republic of congo. beijing says militants to audited a chinese funded company on business days. it happened in the northeast region,
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bridge and member resources where the attacks are common. as starting out of football, red and incidents, and donkey zoned of 16 class of the your roles against austria has unleashed the diplomatic storm. here in germany, it comes off to the turkish football of sparked outrage by using the so called word salute the hand just as associated with the turkish fluoride organization, which will meet that rises as nationalist extremist and i submitted and recessed. this is the just to, that's kicked off the role of extremism and national pride in sports. the so called will salute symbol of the fall, right gray wolves movement shown by turkish defend the married they me, that was the german interior minister responded with a post on x. the symbols of turkish right wing extremists have no place in our stadiums using the european football championship as a platform for racism is completely unacceptable. and costs are growing in germany
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for a ban on the ultra nationalist group. that's a good enough for this. i would include the organization, which is the largest right wing, and so 3 missed organizational network. a gemini, as long would have caused, meaning that the binding of the most of the situation is important. mission bread, good sized bed and cutting. the middle of himself says the salute was nothing sinister, but just an expression of national pride is to come up on the very proud to be tucked or shy, pointed out every occasion. well, that's why i made such a difference. and when i send a break to the goal, it's quite wrong. i, norma, i'm like in france and australia, the salute smoke band in germany, but the ultra nationalist gray will securities. i'm on until it's by the 2. i'm and look forward to following the hoss criticism from the german interior minister on cutoff summons the drum and best of the. and belinda has followed suit now took as president, richard you out of the one has announced he'll be traveling to berlin to watch
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turkey's quotes. a final, some few secret, 4 of us threw up nationalist sentiments which uh, is this, the space to add the just add ones for right to comfortable. they know what's the tough game slash bunch of i'm. so showing one to add one is all on, but add on is also a publishing just called a titian and she knows very well how do we know that the masses of the land must mobilize them. so given the new medicine, so what we can see of them, they mean all the said he hopes to use the gesture again. for the meantime you, we've assessed it's investigating so called inappropriate behavior. but with the control of a c growing over the middle section, the state seems set to put potentially as much drama of the page as on. that's to now to is over millions of people across large parts of the continental facing sweltering temperatures that i expect to rise throughout the weekend. the 2nd biggest economy, china, wanda pato and longer heat waves across the country as a result of climate change,
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etc. how residents of shanghai of coping with the scorching heat some shooting themselves from the extreme heat. and others cooling off under a machine spring missed this event he to be continues to be china as commercial hub tells you the super hot, my sweat stripping. i'm switching like a peg all the time you had for me and it was boiling outside today. it's so hot that i feel like i'm suffering from a slight heat stroke. can we? we can insure and guide temporary, just jumped over to you celsius and all parties have declared an order in cheat to be allowed a child's bed. that agency expects extreme heat to persist across the country this summer. as climate change, which is global deputy jones hire nancy nancy its last year that was
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a shift from la nina to a new 10 seconds and the weather would be different from previous years. and it would be more extreme, no incentive, and incidental as intense heat grips much of asia and europe, the large saving you and secretary general antonio godaddy's guard for directions against climate emergencies. and speaking at the same guy, corporation organization and astonished cuz august on the stressed created ambition to slash emissions. 2020 city was the hop dispute on record. but this could be one of the coolest ears of the future. the gathering game facts of the could i is, is that already he think your company is hard for all melting glasses too badly. floods, storms, donalds, and extending the heats. unless we know this is just a taste of what these 2 come. china is like you would be, but not able to do the impacts of climate change, yet being the largest greenhouse gas image or in the world. it comes under pressure
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to contribute more to international climate action. and a quick reminder at the top story of your following for you, of the exit for in the general election indicates a lot of slides when for the central labor party and only as well. so when i seem to confirm that the government comes over to us, i predicted to suffer big losses, the liberal democrats look to have made some gains, and i am talk, man. the number suggests that new set of put it all just i'm tied. immigration reform party will take as many as co team the but a quick reminder for you about or after i forget you can always get more detailed. your name was on the goals, just download the app from will be placed on the app store. that's give you access to all the latest news from around the world, as well as pushed notifications for any breaking news. and there's lots of for businesses and understand the news too, as well as analysis and background from
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