tv The Day Deutsche Welle July 5, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST
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it's for bite and just seem less the elder statesman and much more the elderly states on this independence day in the united states. some problem added perhaps painful questions for patriotic americans, is now the time to stand by their president as he runs for a 2nd term. or is now the time for the president to say, there won't be a 2nd to her. i'm bring golf and berlin. this is the day the fish can be with dealing with every day we have to do is i really don't know what he says at the end of this, and i don't think he knows what he said. he didn't like a lot of people. i was pretty horrified, private debates. i think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode, or is this a condition?
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yes to for office. the president is clear eyed and he is staying in the race. joe biden is a nominee. we'd be trunk once and we're done to feed and like, i don't know how to tell the truth. also it coming up. it's not just territory, it's vague between russia and ukraine. it's also what lies beneath natural resources the kremlin may see as the spoils of war. need to understand the frame that's part of a larger chess game and part of a larger sort of arsenal of war that russia is waging against europe. but do all reviewers want you're going to be as in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day one week since the debate that punctuated a presidency last thursday. americans wondered, would the face all is between president joy bind and former president,
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donald trump, change anything about the race for the white house? this thursday, americans are wondering how much longer will bite and remain in the white house of this week by and has told his campaign team, democratic governors and major party donors that he is committed to winning a 2nd term in november. this, despite his disastrous debate performance, and the fall left, the latest polls show support provide the following support for donald trump rising . and donald trump did not deliver a stellar performance on stage. either fact checkers were busy following up on dozens of lies presented by trump. as fact. it may have been disturbing to viewers, but it was nothing new bite and seemingly inability to keep his thoughts together. that was also disturbing for many the doubts they had about by and before the debate were finally confirmed. during the debate. i think it was
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a very unfortunate thing. i think he should never have done that because uh, his inadequacies getting that he, he have been, i going to stop him being the president. what do you have public opinion, and you have people that have different opinions about the i think he could still do. what do you need to do as the president, steve, just not as cognizant as he used to be. 3, it was a of the mental alzheimer's the way he speaks is just not good at all right now for us when trump was president, everything was like settled a little bit and no one mess with us. now we just everything of all over the place . so yeah, now vote for trump, this here. if a more now enjoyed by you bremar, he's author and president of the geopolitical risk consultancy eurasia group. you and it's good to have you back on the show. i mean, it's been a week since that presidential debate that no one to start talking about, and i guess that includes president biden himself. i want you to take
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a listen to what the president said about that yesterday. i had a bad night and a bad night. the fact of the matter is that uh, you know, it was i, i should i screwed up. i made a mistake. and but i learned from my father and really getting knocked down. just get back up, get back up. you know, were going to do, we're going to win this election. really just be donald trump is like we did in 2020. we're going to beat them again. but we, but we need all of you to get this done. all of you look, i came back from the situation where the why and i, i didn't have a good today that's 90 minutes on stage. look what i've done to 3.5 years to and the president, they are saying, judge me by the past 3 and a half years. don't judge me by 90 minutes from last week. but the polls suggest that is not what people are doing. this has been the most significant
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concern of biden's campaign in potential re election as there is too old to sir. i've never seen an election campaign in any major democracy where a person running is clearly not going to be physically able to serve out the entire term. and there's nobody that thinks the buying would be able for 4 more years to actually act as president now. and that implies he really shouldn't have been running for re election a year ago. and a lot of people have been saying that and concerned about it and by that himself has not been. and so now we are where we are. it's not the binding got knocked down . we didn't get knocked down from trump's performance in the debate wasn't actually particularly strong. and i mean, he was loud and he was robust, but it's,
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it's not like he was fully co here and didn't all of his answers and he made a lot of stuff up as he always does. bite him just if i lost the debate, but came across as vigorous and strong and capable. i don't think we'd be having this challenge right now. the, the issue is that what everyone's been worried about quietly. everyone now is worried about in public, and that is the fact that biden's age and his physical capacity and to less of a degree perhaps his mental acuity. but it's really think about the ability to just serve in the role is a very, very depressing job. a very few people believe that he's up for that and that, that is the nature of the crisis that he and the democratic party democratic party today, station nonsense says at the bottom campaign, the president himself, what are they asking van of democrats in america a fall in line, even if you can't fall in love again with me,
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i don't think they're asking that i actually if you listen to what i buy and has been say and what a lot of his supporters and i mean senior supporters. i'm talking about people like nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house of water, well respected senators on the democratic side. they are saying that this is a problem and it needs to be addressed. and frankly, it needs to have been addressed a week ago that they shouldn't have waited until friday, the week after the debate to have a sit down no holds barred, taped interview with a friendly george stephanopoulos tends to be out there more immediately. um and uh, and, and more extensively but, but they know that over the next, you know, weeks, they're going to have to address this in a way that is seen as satisfactory by the bulk of buying supporters or buying is
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going to have to stand down and i, if you ask me what i expect at this point, and i'm not saying this on the basis of having spoken to by them. but i, i expect that button will not be the nominee. i think he is name will not be on the ballad in november. so then what are we going to see tomorrow when biting sits down with george stephanopoulos from abc new somebody that is, has been reported as it will be an extended interview. so we assumed the president plans to address, you know, the debate and it's fall. well, i mean, is there anything that you think that he can say to reverse the momentum against him a big it certainly try and remember, i mean the state of the union, which was a set piece but was over an hour and a by didn't, was coherency was robust, it was only a few months ago, did set aside a one quiet
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a lot of the concerns about his age. i think if he's able to give an interview that has that level of vibrancy, consistency, and also address the relevant points and set out how he's going to keep doing this going forward for the coming months. i think you'll quiet a lot of the concerns, but you won't. and i mean the new york times, which is the paper of record for the center establishment in the united states. in other words, if findings paper, mom came out and said with their auditorium or it's time for him to stand down, there are a lot of people around by the end that are not nearly as strong in their support for him as they should be. at this point of election, given that he has gotten the electors that he's gotten all of the the votes to
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become the nominee. and it's because these people are deeply concerned if it's a choice between environment trunk, the vast majority, but we'll still vote for biden. but is he going to win election with 2 very unpopular people and where every vote turn out really counts and these wednesdays? i think the answer is number one right now, if you had an election between biden's and trunk compared to combo a harris and trunk, the polls are telling you they are about the same. and over the last year that wasn't true. now if you told me that this is a bless and the biden is going forward, not going to have more of these moments, there won't be another crisis. the tension will go back to the trunk, sun fitness and the reasons for that are legion of the economy. the supreme court, abortion, the board or migration, and then i would say, why not stick with binding,
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but that is very unlike the very unlikely i have seen over the last week. they haven't been able to address this and it's because of by his 81. and he can, the black, the body of the spirit may be willing, but the body can only do so much. well, if he were, if he were to have a, a condition because i've heard the word condition said a lot, particularly from nancy pelosi that it, this is the addition that he's dealing with. right. can you imagine the white house going public with it? you know, we've had lots of doctors tell us off the record, what they think could be going on here. they, it's, they've given it a name and we don't want to report in here say, but they've talked about a possible condition here. if, if the winehouse where to come out and announce that the president does have a condition with that, that would be the case of death for re election direct which is fine again. i mean, if i, if i word vice a bite in, on his re election campaign right after the debate, i would have said neurological exams today. yeah. fully transparent and either it's
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great or it's all or, but you've gotta address this now and immediately get on the phone immediately with your top governors, your top senators, your top donors. talk to them, engage with them, you know, reassure the that didn't happen for days. so i mean, these were, there's something that we're not being told or staff is be incredibly cautious and conservative or bided has told staff for whatever reason he doesn't want to do it. but either way, the crisis management has not been what it needs to be. and so in that regard, i mean, your expectation is not only is this, not a for this issue is going to pursue, but it's likely over the next 4 months, which is, you know, the most amount of time for an election. it's likely to get worse. and if that's the case, it's not about the best buy, and there's going to be the candid about when he's going to stand down under what
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conditions. and i, i still think there's plenty of time to do that. but that's what they're wrestling with internally right now, and it is getting the attention of the entire world. this is not, you know, no longer just an american story. i want you to take a listen to what russian president vladimir putin said when he was asked this week about biting the debate. and donald trump taking this film. initially, in general, of course, i saw it is impossible to ignore this, especially since the united states remains a great power with known capabilities in the field of economy, security, and military affairs. on the right system. you know that mr. trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war and ukraine. we take this quite seriously, right, and we get them up with some so on your city with it. and this is going to
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feed into what you're hearing on both sides of the atlantic that a trump, when would it be a green light for you know, the likes of fruits and cheese and thing to do what they want to me. isn't that also what's at stake and all of this is or, or more attaining for little or less. yeah. go ahead. let's remember. i, because because you played that clip. yep. let's remember that. who was the one that just a few weeks ago was out there publicly. and when he was asked about the election and say well by his very experienced and i, i think he would be the better candidate, the better president. that was what, what bruton was saying, and it is because the problem is full of crap consistently. so we should not be put a, he's probably a propaganda see, provided for puts out this information and we should not be taking what he says at the sound. right. he wants to undermine american democracy. the us system, this chaos is music or the war criminal leader of the russian federation.
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that's just the reality. i just want to push back on that because of the noise and the, the, the headlines allow him to get away with this crap. but it is absolutely true that the g 7 meeting just a couple of weeks ago in italy. you know, the same issues were very much on the slight privately, but when biden was meeting in a scripted environment with his talk allies. and i've heard back from a number of those people, a number of those heads of state and attendees that were there who are deeply concerned that the us present it isn't going to be able to win in the election because of those vulnerabilities. it won't be able to effectively govern if he does . so this is not new. it's new because the american people just saw it in a particularly direct and dramatic fashion over 90 minutes. but everyone has been hearing this for a long time and the fact that it comes at
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a time when american democracy is in crisis. but the ability of the us to have a free and fair elections that is seen as legitimate by its people is very much open to questions. and the right is opponent should not be standing up as a convicted felon, as someone that has the capability and repeatedly on 5th br office. but because the support around trump in his own party, is so overwhelming irrespective of what he does and how he acts. and when says, i mean this is amanda, literally, in the last 24 hours just posted on his social media campaign, a something that said that liz cheney should be brought up for treason in military tribunal. yeah, he does that every day that that is absolutely on that for someone who could become the president of the democracy. and that tells you that the united states is not
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the democracy, that in many countries around the world wish. what that brings me to our final question for you before we run out of time today is independence day, july, 4th, a day to celebrate or is it a date that sees just another day? america is closer and closer to crisis and another crisis. it's the data, some of right, but it's also a data recognize the account ability of the american citizens to continue to work on that democracy. it is not a gift that comes without cost. it requires continuous effort. and you know, one of the things that makes me proud as to be an american is that when i sit here and i talk with you and your public about the things that i am worried about, about criticisms that i have for my government. that is not only something that is legal for me to do, but it is patriotic for me to do that. and, and that,
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that's what the us stands for. there are many countries, there are billions of people around the world. it would be in prison that they spoke honestly about their political system. the way i and my fellow citizens can speak about ours, and it is not clear that that will persist going forward unless americans continue to be committed to strengthening that reality. wise words, environmental nights and as always we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us and we will talk with you next time. thank you. thank you. brush is more and ukraine is now when it's 3rd year and shows no signs of ending soon. the cost of both sides have been a mint, but one major spoil of victory could be what lines beneath the battlefield, ukraine, his ships deposits of lithium, an important mineral used to make batteries that power, electric cars and smartphone. fighting near the ukrainian village of quota hobo
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earlier this year, above the ground towns that have seen dozens of tank battles since the war began. what you don't see is the hundreds of millions of dollars of lift the, the geologist say it's likely underground. the ukraine has significant deposits of natural resources that could make russians war financially pay off. in addition to lift cm and there are significant oil, gas, metal, oars, rivers, and precious metals buried beneath the soil potentially worth more than 20 trillion dollars. lithium is a key material for the future of electric cars and many smart technologies. ukraine's deposits are located in the queue of 400 and don't yet regions. care of that is still under ukrainian control, while much of done yet is occupied by russia. before the war, the european union had its eye on ukraine's deposits, especially of lithium, a currently and 4. it's almost all of the mineral from china. in 2021,
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the u and ukraine agreed to a strategic partnership for raw materials. there is a norm, us potential because it's great to go about that ill essential for the kind of an icing of all right, going on. these can be found in abundance in ukraine. according to the u. s. to war and ukraine has cost rusher. well, over a trillion dollars in economic losses, as well as hundreds of billions and expenses on the war itself. but the trillions hiding under ukraine's fields and factories put far away that in a war this had such a mass of human cost a little more. now i'm joined by arctic blue, he's a professor emeritus of economics and founder and ceo of the german lithium institute. he's also considered to be an expert on economic warfare. professor bloom is good to have you with this. do you think that's you? ukraine's mineral, which is especially, is lifting him deposit. do you think they were vladimir persians, main reason for invading ukraine?
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well, we don't know whether it's the main reason, but i think it's a very, very important reason because, and the also sense of a poor genes fossil fuels in the long run. what do they mean? and they means that his model, orthodontics financing, has stage, will collapse with context, was the climate transition. and was it called absolute climate transition? what does the resolve beach it is that he's financially a dog? and so i think getting the lead to and the other mineral resources where ukraine is, number 2, or 34, sometimes only one step behind a russia in exploration is this very, very rational way of trying to level i says his route and is as his system is all the project system do we know, has russia already been able to access the lithium that is input upon the deposit was there in the don't bass region us? and we don't know of any refinement and that's why,
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especially in richmond because the lithium you have in the, the area is a lithium which is by average below one percent. and you have to, in richard. it's the, in, in the specialize in these minerals. yes. and richard to 5.5 to 5.8 percent to sell it on the work world markets in order to process it in re refineries and converters to at least 2 hydroxide mono hydrate. and that's the battery great stuff. and this would take machinery that would take converters, and we don't know if any of these things are being employed deployed in russia. so what would russian control of the don't bass lithium? what would it mean for the world energy transition away from fossil fuels, or would it have any impact as well? and if russia gets the dunbar, especially in their controls, even more because in the central ukraine there is the adult bra block and looking deposit, which is much richer and much
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a much better and much more exploitable. and then of course, this situation for europe, it gets worse because europe could, could get most of the minerals necessary for energy transition from ukraine and ukraine by that's put to reconstruct a financial reconstruction of its country, which will cost as much, much more than the world bank estimates, so, and if we can drive $14.00 out of all these areas, it's a big, big benefit, not only for energy transition in europe, but also the can reconstruction of ukraine. and that is, of course what to do and doesn't go up. yeah. and add one word, and even if you own the controls, don't boss. all the rest of the reason is at risk. and do you want to invest if, if the region is at risk? no. well, it's all of this makes ukraine seem even that much more important to europe, right? when you consider that it has this with them even in the central part of the country, which is still in the ukrainian. and if the, if he wants to build
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a batteries industry, it needs to have a free democratic ukraine. that's part of the e, right? right, exactly. that's what i always say. and that's what was our people run, know that we send all just last year, and that's why we think we have to support them. because if we don't support them, it will cost much, much more than anything else. and as the you see the intent of 14 and because she doesn't, she wants the land, not the people. and they his strategy and his walk there is just emptying of the country just getting the the area. yeah. just if even the country and then thinking about those are to see what's beneath the ground, obviously he knows what he will find. yeah, he knows his all these things have all been explored on the soviet times. yeah. so of the deposits that we know our old kind of category is or from the soviet times or they know well. okay, mr. bloom? unfortunately we're out of time, but we certainly appreciate your time and your valuable analysis tonight. thank you
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. come back again. yeah. by well, the day continues online, you'll find us on x also known as twitter and youtube dw news. you can call them via brent dot tv. every member, whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day stay with dw news. our coverage of the results from the u. k. general election will be with you throughout the night. if you join us for that. let's see here the
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the view will tell you. we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d w. and for the conflicts own, with tim sebastian in the early hours of february 24th just over 2 years ago. are
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you currently in, jo? listen care of be, i'm mistaken, both on the russian with southside. this is the city cecilia upon the and co woke up went out and began reporting in real time. how you can use as follows. on a daily basis. conflict in 60 minutes on dw, the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital become an idea of what you said. we had power, we should have power. power is being taken away from us. and by any means necessary, we can get thousands of people to talk among them. some of these manipulative voices are former high ranking military leaders. why did us veterans
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tended backs on democracy? and what does this mean for the upcoming next? the enemy within dogs to lie 12 on the w. this is dw news africa coming up on the program. a police crack down on protest in kenya fails the end descent and instead of fuels beyond with thousands dad and many more injured. 10 deal stories re gain public trust, up to 3 weeks of wide spread outrage also coming up breaking barriers the story of so many women in uniform, taking the new roles in more conditions, fight for safety and an african milestone in cycling to discuss the airy trend champion making history of the total.
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