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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching data over your name is going to lie from for lyn, a landslide when for the u. k. 's labor party makes cure storm or the new prime minister. the full, the around the problem free helps fight on the ready for change. with over 2 thirds of the seats counted, the conservatives are on their way out for the 1st time in 14 years. and the center left on its way is also a head on the show is rails ultra orthodox jews are facing conscription for the 1st time. parking protests in the streets and in the right way governing coalition. the
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inquiry. richardson, welcome. a labor landslide. has swept the u. k is general elections ending 14 years of conservative rule care star mark will become the new prime minister later today . he has promised a decade of national renewal, as he replaces refuse to not cruise conservative party suffered a decisive defeat at the polls. so knock has conceded calling the result. 8 sobering verdicts. and let's have a listen to how care stammered victory speech went earlier this morning, as well as a student, ex concession to pull the on around the from 3 helps focus on the ready for change to end the politics of performance. a return to politics of public service, but change because right to you, because this is all democracy,
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your community as your future. you have folks here. it is now time for us to deliver. thank you very much. the labor policy has won this general election and i have quotes. okay, so i'm about to congratulate him on his victory today. power will change hands in a peaceful, an orderly manner with goodwill on all sides. that is something that should give us all confidence in our country, stupidity and future. the british people have delivered a sobering verdict tonight. there is much to learn and reflect on. no, i take responsibility for the loss. and we can take a closer look at with the results so far with all but a handful of seats counted labor. it received the lion's share with $411.00. the conservative party last at 250 seats to get only 100. 19 the lived ends are at
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71, and nigel fraud was right when populous reform party is in parliament for the 1st time with 4 seats and the scottish national party, the s and p 19 seats to and joining his live now from downing street in london, we have dw correspondents of bird gets most of the very latest bird gets a waiver. going to take power again after 14 years with a, a massive majority. how big of a sea change is this? it is going to be a very big change in that britain is going to return $0.02 left politics. however, it's not. it is a big majority for labor and seeds, but it's really important also to point out that the votes share o uh, only one up just above a little bit less than 2 percent. so actually what it tells you is there is not this massive monday by the british people folk used all my he does have a big majority in parliament so that will allow him to golf on. but i think there
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is some still some what to do for him in order to win the british people around because his vote chair only caught up by the very, very smooth motion and the fact that these will not many seats. it's mainly due to the conservatives being so unpopular and using so many seats to label to the liberal democrats and also to the new populace. right? policy reform party and not just rush. so it is a big win for labor. and yes, a change in policies. bossy, i don't think he has yet won the hearts and minds of the of the british people and the conservative prime minister. but she said that keith conceded defeat and do to speak of downing street in the next hour of how do you think he's going to try to frame this last given the scale of this it'd be interesting to see whether he takes much has no responsibility. i expect him to mention the crises that britain has faced like the ukraine will,
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and also the co with crisis. i don't think he will make much about brags it, but i might need this beam is taken of what we see. this is an issue that has divided the bridge country like new author really and that has been brought about by the conservative party. i'm not sure he's going to mention the other crises the conservative party has inflicted upon itself. like, for example, having had parties here behind me in downing street, well, the country wasn't locked down during covey, too old is contributed to the massive unpopularity of, of the conservative government. and, uh, we'll see you soon. that will be here. this stage i think will be put up in, in a very short was already quite a lot of movement here. so we'll see how he really friends it. or i guess mass reporting for us from london. thank you so much. and we can bring you up to speed now with some other stories making moves around the world's iranians are voting and run off presidential elections. supreme leader i told him in
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a task is valid into her on the reform is candidate my student has key on one of the most, both in the 1st round, but not enough to take the race is rival is hardliners. i usually an ultra conservative who oppose as reviving nuclear negotiations with the west. see, the german government has agreed on a budget proposal to plug a 40000000000 euro gaps projected for 2025. after months of impasse, the coalition partners have decided to stick to a controversial dead break, which forbids germany from borrowing more then it's point 35 percent. if it's economic output details of the proposal expected later today. it also in germany? well, it's given tesla permission to expand and electric vehicles factory outside for then that will allow you on most company to more than triple is output at the giga factory. but woodlands will be cleared for the project, which has faced the step for existence from both locals and environmental act vests
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. and a landmark decision. israel is a supreme court, has ruled that ultra orthodox jews must be conscripted into the military. that's ending annually. 80 year long exemption the popular decision in a country where almost every other jewish has rarely faces the draft, but it is stoking tensions of both in society and in the coalition. government dw, signing for char reports from jerusalem. when you turn 18 in ease, well you have to report here a conscription center military service is mandatory for most men and women in the country. most adults have to serve in the military for up to 30 months. they are various exemptions like for ultra orthodox jews who do not need to report here, but that's about to change. the supreme court has just ruled against a decades old exemption. most people like the way the majority of these really say it's time to use extensions. and for the ultra orthodox community to do
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more, they hope this would reduce the burden on everyone else. i may get them into making a m a reservist. i can't do 4 months of reserve service minimum. it's impossible and that's happening to mr. clark. i must've protests against the conscription of ultra orthodox jews, have been turning violent in jerusalem to them. enlistment means a secular way of life. contradicting their religious commitments. the supreme court ruling puts the governments in a dilemma. prime minister benyamin, nothing else. ultra orthodox coalition partners has threatened to quit his government if their community is conscripted and yet society at large, most voters and the opposition parties would endorse such a change. i have seen that there is good, i mean,
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everyone has to be recruited to the i mean yeah, if before it was a moral principle, now it is an extra spiritual. imperative is the recruitment bill is a great taste for the coalition. because if it continues to prioritize keeping the coalition together within the needs of the i'm a monkey room, so government may collect lots of kids of that. yeah. let me pull this is mia chevy? one of jim salems ultra orthodox neighborhood. it's rare to get permission to film here you'll be able to music. we are just a few kilometers from parliament, but a world away from that sex in our life. the days here are focused on closely following jewish religious law, traditions, and prayer. you tell more than a 1000000 is really slip around 13 percent of the population. does he or she wants to keep it that way?
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he's been an every protest against orthodox conscription. he says and reckons there's no way the government couldn't force it. so something that's the best that they can impose criminal sanctions on the people, but they are not going to go into neighborhoods. they don't have enough room and prisons now with 60000 just chiva students ready to go to jail. you can shut down the state. elizabeth and lena, that 60000 t mentioned are conscription, aged ultra orthodox meant 3000 of them should be drafted immediately, according to the attorney general. but will they be sag? is an academic with a focus on is riley military ethics. he says, nothing will happen during the current summer recess, but the government coalition won't be able to delay the issue much longer than that shall be moved. um this may lead sooner or later to elections. and we're at the
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cost of a total change of the societal balance of power in israel is what the, what used to be, who no longer be able to pass as my estimation on your bill. because it's rarely society got on its back feet. i'm said enough is enough. we cannot live this way. i must speak. you have certainly field hearing me or she already. you will hear says jewish religious law is incompatible with fighting for the secular israel state. he says men here will now do that. no matter what the consequences for them, for the country if a char fall, that report enjoyed to me earlier from jerusalem, i asked her why conscription for the ultra orthodox wasn't something solved long ago before it became such a major issue. that's because these exemptions have been pretty much part of one can say the political dna of each route alone can go back all the way to the 1st prime minister. ben gloria, who said these extensions are important so that the ultra orthodox jews can
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actually do both themselves to religious studies, making sure they protect the traditions that been nearly wiped out during the holo couse. so that's been the status quo during a time. nearly a decades ago when the what, what it is community was much smaller than it is now. we are no longer speaking about a few 100 students, but tens of thousands of or trouble with that of students off constriction corporate construction, age. and the voices of those people who want them to be listed have growing louder and louder with every where the israel space. and it says threaten especially since october 7th. now the bowl isn't the court. all the parliament of the connected, they need to come up with some bill that again complies with the ruling of the supreme court. but the question is, well, the ultra orthodox jews comply with that bill. if, if, if that's going to be really the case to enforce, we'll throw orthodox jews. and we don't speaking just about a few 100, a few 1000, but possibly about the 60000 that are of the construction construction age. and
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you've been speaking to many people as part of your reporting. do you think they'll comply? what kind of reaction might we say to it's really interesting going to this older orthodox neighborhood, really just a few 100 meters from a studio, but it's really a roles apart from so many other parts of the city and being there. and being able to film was very rare that allowed speaking as a woman to look for an orthodox man. and they told me likely a for the, for the protests at that that they rather go to jail. the rather even died and fighting palestinians. they say, because this is not the war that they have signed up for, and this is not the state that they except they do not accept as well as the state, the institutions that come with it. the bills and the rules that come with it. so what's expected to happen is obviously more protests, but if you go to jerusalem, go outside, you will see protest nearly every day against the government or orthodox jews, protesting the government because of the possible conscription bill is one thing
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people are taking to the street or to gather in a significant majority right now to make sure that this route comes to an end to the deer some choose. but also that the host of just being released and be a human goody, a cautious diplomatic assets. he has some sort of a revival x of diploma, the assets between us militants and eas. well, for the very 1st time again since december, then there was a long week of, of truth of possibly mediated by control in egypt trying to come to terms with the, to a framework of, of some choose. but that's not going to take away the overall sentiment is really and that is that to would have to continue defend themselves against how much many things against his bully, a militant, a possible multi front floor. and you wouldn't need more people as a result to sign up and serve. thank you so much for that. that is funny for char, for us in jerusalem, us. and just before we go, a quick reminder of our top story. the u. k,
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the center left the labor party is celebrating a landslide victory with 2 thirds of seeds counted in the general election. the governing conservatives suffered a big loss after 14 years and power and editor news updates. i'm clear, richardson, thank you so much for watching the the coming 0 strange excels 3 trans people. stories is kind items that feed us complex stores. sometimes some of the sort of additional chips in search of 3 generations. one jenny starts july 7th on dw, the in september 1961.


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