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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the labor party makes care some of the new prime minister. the notice all the seats counted labor wins a super majority in parliament. booting the conservatives from off the 14 year and the incoming prime minister is about to speak from his new residents down the street and will bring you that law. the
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gulf is welcome to the program. a label on slide has slept the you case, general elections ending 14 years of conservative room care stomach is on his way to visit king charles, who will point him. prime minister off to receive sooner has resigned sooner. also announced that he plans to resign his head of the conservative party offer itself. it's a self at a historic defeat. his star equipped her into labor will it seemed inconceivable. it's just a few years ago when labor suffered their worst defeats since the 19 thirty's. but here's time or turn. the party arrived, pulling it to the political center while capitalizing on the failings of 3
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conservative prime ministers. he says, the next governments brief is clear. the full, the on around the from 3 helps focus on the ready for change to the politics of performance. a return to politics as a public service change begins right here because this is your democracy, your community as your future. you have folks here. it is now time for us to deliver. thank you very much. ritchie. soon ack managed to retain his parliamentary seat, but resigned from the top spot to the country. i would like to say 1st and foremost. i am sorry. i have given this jolts my own. but you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change,
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and yours is the only judgment that matches. i have heard your anger, your disappointment, and i take responsibility for this loss. he then made his way to buckingham palace, to submit his resignation to the king. many are welcoming the new political landscape. i've seen the bunch of incense of job is also safe, so they'll be more of what they've shown in the country. i'm getting so excited for some reason because we need to often to think about it, the country needs it. others are skeptical of just how much change this new government can bring about. i think the change the government offices to fill out the route. why so? wow, it's a big jump for the gate. so the leader of the right wing populist reform party nigel thrush won his parliamentary
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seat, his 8th attempt to be elected. his supporters appear to it. i am relating the right wing vote contributing to the worst ever conservative defeat in modern times, and so you live trust that you will come. she pretends shortest serving prime minister became the 1st farmer, p. m to lose her seat in a century. number 10, along with its famous very residents, laurie, the cat now stands, paused to welcome britons and next prime minister and a new chapter in u. k. politics. now, let's take a closer look at the results so far with all the 2 seats counted. labor receives of a line save with $412.00 seats. the conservative party lost 250 seats to get only 120. want the liberal democrats that are at 71 the nodules for roger's
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right when populous reform policy enters, parliament was 4 seats and the scottish national party 19 seats flight comrey for the greens 4 and others 23. joining us now from down the street in london is w corresponding the big boss, a big labor will re enter pa, after 14 years, with a massive majority of how historic is this result. it's a good majority for labor to be able to govern. then we will see a return to send a less politics in britain. when you're talking about historic ad, i think it's more historic for the conservatives because it is a historic loss for them. they lost roughly 2 sides of the seats and formed upfront minutes the seats. well usually the safest seats in the country, all 4 of them for the, for the last before last 5 minutes,
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those have been lost to label for the liberal democrats. so for them, it really, really be a lot of soul searching. meanwhile, neva is going to get on with the trying to go by the country and ought to activism . families already lined up have an expectation of 5. so to a stop on who we are expecting to, to, to an up here and take over the reins and downing streets very, very soon. now the key is dom up a lot of the challenges he and his new labor government will face i think one of the biggest challenge will be to regain the trust of data. so versus trust in politics and politicians is at the historic know that is shown by opinion impulse, but not just that. it's also the country that's not the end of fantastic state. so inflation was on a 41 year high. it's just coming down from that public services,
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a crumbling millions of people are waiting for an appointment with dr. people are resorting to food things. i've spoken to one of the biggest provider of food things and they have doubled the number of the notes and see pulses. so they had to give to people in the last 5 years to really the country is not doing a good state. and you saw my has said that he was try and grow the economy and from there on he will try and also rebuild public services. however, that was probably a take some time. and now let's talk about the conservative vote. historic humiliation for them. and that leader, which is sooner, who is now resigned as prime minister, you listen to his resume resignation. a statement there in downing street a few moments ago. what did you have to say? what he said that he was going to resign as pots. you need us,
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we took full responsibility, apologize. but he also said, what, what i, what, what i find quite poignant, poignant, that he said the kids salma was a decent of somebody, public salva and, and somebody that to you respect to the other one, charles, to the election. the election campaign that they have for where they, for the what populous campaign, where they, for example, insinuated that labor would have an open door policies when it came to what they call illegals migration, rolling all the red carpet for migrants, whereas labor official policies actually to read, you reduce migration to many people would have thought some quite on fact a campaign tactics. however, a new signal from the research. so not that i'm saying that he respects case the big miles in a london, very posy big. going to come back to you
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a little later in the program. thank you very much. a sofa. but now that's bringing katerina bought a, she's a german social democrat and member of the european parliament where she's serving as one of its vice president value. not only a social democrat, the also have british. so i imagine this is a personal for you as well. i'd like to stop by giving your reaction to this election results but it was the expected outcome, and i'm really happy that's for our friends, the labor and for kissed alma especially. so that's, it became the big victory that's it was and that's to become and we're really looking forward very much working closely together on the, the relationship with which is to it was a lot better than it was with his predisposes. but still, um, him being very much in the hands of the pop to list members of his policy, it was not easy. and i hope with the with the pronounce or your p. and now it will
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be coming up easy on talking about soon us criticize us and the party that it was the positive, it pulls the u. k. out of the you and they have saw for the, the greatest a fee to move in 200 years. do you feel kind of indicated? no, this is not the right category. i'm very worried about the future of the tory policy because as i said um during the, during the time that far as johnson was in the lead, he actually kicked out most of the say no decent members of parliament of, of, of his party. so those were less of have, have radicalize the party and i'm quite worried. what will become of, of the tories now the treat you sooner because resigned. now, what do you think this outcome will mean for europe and the chaise relation with
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the you as well? i hope that's just alma, we look at the relation between the you and the united kingdom in a more pragmatic way, less with less audiology behind it. and it's very obvious that's a better corporation is for the better of, of both sides. so i think we will enter into. ready to a phase of close to corporation, which is just very sensible and should be normal. now, uh, would you go a step further and thinking about the u. k. i'm deciding to rejoin the you. what's your welcome back? well, as you said, i also hold the bridge now, citizenship and i have lots of ties to, to the u. k. and my impression is that even those who think it was a mistake to leave, even those who would like to rejoin just about nobody is willing to go into another
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. i would say traumatizing experience as it has been a the subjects at campaign. and it has divided, it has divided families, and i think, i think it's not the time to discuss this if ever, which one to to rejoin. we will be open for, for any talks. but my impression is that this is not the subjects for them. i'm not talking about traumatizing experience as you were the lead candidates for germany's social democrats in last month. you were feeling an extra, it's safe to say things did not quite go as a, as well for you as it did for le value upon to receive less than 14 percent of the vote is west performance ever in the u election. what did labor, essentially the social democrats of a you okay, good right. that you didn't as well. it's a completely different detection system. so it's very difficult to compare and it
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was national elections, not european ones, but what one can say is that's u k. so 14 years of tory government that everybody just about everybody also to worry about is, were completely fed up with and just on what was able to present himself as reliable as stable as, as sensible. and the one him this, this, the selection, and i think he's actually very in his, in his character and his mentality. very close to what i've shirts. so i hope those 2 will get along very well. so now if we're looking at the search and in the right wing, the populace parties across the u on now in britain data only the particularities of the british electro system, preventive, biggs and success of the right wing populace. um, well if you, if we look at the, the percentages they, they,
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it with the continental or german at least a system of voting. they would have had no seats. that's true. we see that in the u . k, the same thing is happening in just about all the other countries to also across the wells. if you, if you allow a, a, a narrative that's migration is the source of every problem. people have, then this is what you will get. so i think one of the challenges focused on the will now be to focus on the real problems of people. also controlling migration of course, but focusing as well. and what she does as what she says on, on the real problems on the and s s on social issues on housing. and i hope it's an, i'm pretty sure this is what people do. a vice president of the european parliament john and social democratic cut out in a body. thank you so much. very welcome. and
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a reminder, 4 of us curious dom of the new prime minister is due to speaker downing street. in a few minutes, we will bring you the whole thing live. when it happens, you're seeing pictures that from buckingham palace where she is. donna is county that having an audience with king charles who will appoint him prime minister of the united kingdom, refers to some of the other stories making headlines around the world. uranium voting and run of presidential election supreme data i, it's off. i'm in a cost is dollars into ron reform is kind of my suit, possess killed one. the most votes in the 1st round, but not enough to take the rice is rival, is hotline a sage, and really and also conservative poses reviving nuclear negotiations with the west
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in brazil, media reporting that full the president valuables and now has been indicted for money, laundry the indictment is connected with on the clouds, diamonds, from saudi arabia. jewelry was a 3 point. $2000000.00 was seized by customs in 2021. it's one of those several legal cases, both against both. and now you mexico's, you can tell on opinion, so that is preparing for the arrival of how it came barrels. as the storm regains strength, the powerful hurricane has left a trail of destruction across the eastern caribbean officer. coming down. it's now strengthening, again with winds of about 190 kilometers per a. as in a landmark decision, israel supreme court has rules that also all the adults of jews must be conscripted into the military ending and nearly a t here exemption. it's a popular decision in a country the almost every other jewish he's really faces the draft. but it's
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talking tensions both in society and the coalition. government still use funding for char reports from the chosen when you turn 18 and ease, well, you have to report here a conscription center military service is mandatory for most men and women in the country. most adults have to serve in the military for up to 30 months. there are various exemptions like for ultra orthodox jews who do not need to report here, but that's about to change. the supreme court has just ruled against a decades old exemption. most people likely the majority of these really say it's time to reduce extensions and for the ultra orthodox community to do more, they hope this would reduce the burden on everyone else. i may get them in. i mean, i mean i'm a reservist, i can't do 4 months or reserves service minimum, it's impossible and that's happening. they must go like
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a massive protest against the conscription of ultra orthodox jews have been turning violent in jerusalem to them. enlistment means a secular way of life contradicting their religious commitments. the supreme court ruling puts the governments in a dilemma problem and it's the venue, i mean, nothing else, ultra orthodox collision partners, has threatened to quit his government if their community is conscripted. and yet, society at large, most voters and the opposition parties would endorse such a change. i have seen that there is going on. everyone has to be recruited to the yeah. is before it was a moral principle. now it is an extra spiritual imperative is the recruitment bill is a great taste for the coalition because if it continues to prioritize keeping the coalition
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together open the needs of the army. lucky things the government may collect lots of gets of that. yeah, look for this is mia chevy? one of the reasons ultra orthodox neighborhood. it's rare to get permission to film here. we are just a few kilometers from parliament, but a world away from that sex in our life. the days here are focused on closely following jewish religious law, traditions and prayer. you tell more than a 1000000 is really slit around 13 percent of the population. does he or she wants to keep it that way? he's been an every protest against orthodox conscription. he says and reckons there's no way the government could enforce it in the thought that they can impose criminal sanctions on the people. but they are not going to go into neighborhood significant. they don't have enough room and prisons now. with 60000 just shiva
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students, ready to go to jail. you can shut down the state. let them do you know? that 60000 t mentioned are conscription, aged ultra orthodox meant 3000 of them should be drafted immediately, according to the attorney general. but will they be sag? is an academic with a focus on is riley military ethics. so he says, nothing will happen during the current summer recess, but the government coalition won't be able to delay the issue much longer than that . so they will be moved. um this may lead sooner or later to elections. and then we're at the cost of a total change of the societal balance of power in israel. i think what the, what used to be, who no longer be able to pass as my estimation. because it's rarely society got on its back feet and said enough is enough. we cannot live this way. i must speak. you
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have certainly fields go here in may i share with you here says jewish religious law is incompatible with fighting for the secular israel state. he says, men here will now do that no matter what the consequences for them for the country did germany. the government is finally agreed on a budget proposal for next year. off the months of impasse that brought the ruling coalition to the brink of collapse. the key sticking point was the multi 1000000000 gap they needed to fill the freeway. coalition will stick to the controversial debt break. that's a little that limits deficit spending. the budget on the table will slow investment in the german military below. what the defense ministry has off for proposal still needs to be approved by fall them into taking it off to the summer break. john, so it will have short stress. the importance of germany is the ability for europe,
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hudson, germany must now be in and killed stability in europe as a country at the heart of the continental within strategic importance, economic power and political wait. we must not turn our backs on the world and these times that the government has agreed on fiscal discipline. on the other hand, it wants to boost economic growth to w chief political correspondent need a house that has more on these difficult negotiations to well, the negotiations. what tests, there are 3 different political parties involved and there's government coalition and they have very different priorities. they've a very different ideas about where the money should come from. germany has a law that says that governments comp make excessive debt. so that's the circle debt break. some of quote for reform if the debt break or say that the current times us so extraordinary that that requires a suspension of this debt break because we just need must massively more investment
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. but those calls receive the big know from the business friend via ftp one is the coalition partners. so instead, we're now seeing a reform package that is aimed at stimulating economic growth. so some tricks involved here as well, and the government wants to get people into jobs more easily by getting rid of some of the bureaucratic high example. because that is one of the big titles economic growth at the moment in germany actually is political correspond, anita, how is it that i know we have some mold breaking news for you. hon. gary. hi, gary and prime minister of it to old on is meeting with russian lead up document putting in most count comes on the heels of old aunts trip to ukraine. the visit is being heavy, criticised by all the leaders of his arrival open said you cannot make peace from a comfortable armchair and brussels. he has been critical of the you for his reluctance to pressure you train into negotiations with russia. hungry, adjusts, took over that. you use rotating president,
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somebody and joining us now from budapest is our correspondence to see a show to tell us more about this visit. that was kept secret until now. what are you hearing? yeah, it's been inquired secretive indeed. so yesterday they have been rumors that this might be happening and these rooms where already met with the 3 bottles by the european union. and then in the meantime now we know that the meeting is taking place for getting the 1st reports of what is being said. apparently the vic doggone said to a sliding, uprooting that he came to listen to what he has to say. and at the same time i've p reported that for letting me put him was saying that he expects victo on to be there for europe. which is quite interesting, as we have seen, that the european union really does not want to see this visit a s and an official capacity by victo all button a,
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an official capacity of the european union. those who are hungry just took over the presidency. also you'll see in union, but the old on is nothing must go on. the official e u business is yeah, that's indeed the case. so randy's room was started to come up. we've seen from shaw, michelle, you could president saying that, victor, all one does not have a mandate. we have also heard today from was what i funded on you, commission president. that appeasement is not the way to, to deal this of flooding and putting, but that are determination is the rate. and also is your, is your zip around who's the use top diplomatic made very clear. there is no mandate for victo on for this visit or to talk for the european union. so there's really a very strong sense by the other leaders of the european union and european union member states that this is the last victo all been traveling for them. w
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correspondent, the csr. it's in that reporting from budapest, hungary, thank you very much. the c o n a. we were turning to our top story that we're following for you at this. i'll kiss tom and has been a buckingham palace to visit king charles o as officially appointed him as a britons new prime minister. he is on his way back to the dentist suite right now, and that he will address the nation. then this will comes off the origin sooner handed his resignation to the mall. not so not as also announced that the funds to resign this head of the conservative party after it's was the feed in the modern history and the seeing live pictures right now of cuba stomach in his car on his way to downing street where he will arrive in just a few moments big
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a mazda already is in donna's bridge right now waiting for the arrival of all the new prime minister that a bit we are way too focused on with that. uh, what can we expect from it? yes, it's. yeah. it's really a sense of expectation. we have of families. we have paul jags of is so founding, seriously, really lying on, on one side with the well, it's media, those cameras, all those photographers. i know that everyone wants to be have when kids, some of the new british prime minister takes to the stage. there is a podium which is right, right behind me and that's been already adjusted. so we had reasons to knock a little bit earlier, giving his good byes speech and now kids almost speech and dad will be it will be interesting. i think that he will have an emphasis on, on public service. that's already that what we saw in his acceptance speech. we
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threw it during his campaign, something he emphasized. although he wants to build a contrast to the conservative policy that was in the end of really not trusted by the rich people versus people. so it was not very comfortable, and so he wants to give an elf of competence of humiliation. i would say, i don't think he's going to problem is the well, in his past speeches, pregnant and stuff. but yes, of confidence and of diligence. and a we can see, and these live pictures of that, it appears that he is arriving in don't is not is the back entrance of done street. so we can expect him that soon. a to give his speech bigots at why the main policy areas installment is likely to tackle 1st of the summer has said time. and again,
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that is main name is the road of bridges she called to me, which he says is basically the roots of the problem we have is that a crumbling, that helps to the very dia, conditions with millions of people waiting for doctors, appointments, waiting for treatments we have problems with the railways, we have renters, rivers, and bridges. these being polluted by, by sewage, sewage. there are many different areas, but he needs to meet. you need to switch out. however, he says his biggest i'm is 1st of all to grow the economy because he has promised not to raise the most important texas the texas for, for watching people. and the question will be, how can you text through all these difficult areas where really needs assessment is needed when he needs to grow the economy from other to in order to raise the money to do all this, say he's problem is something that's more like a long term project and lots of revolution, but sort of building blocks,
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planning reforms, building more houses, investment also including technologies. but there is a sense of urgency, i think, in the british public that they want to see many of the public services really being tackled and quickly a bit of talk to us about this historic defeated of for the conservative party. that vision sooner took responsibility full, but in fact, he basically inherited all these problems from 2 or 3 predecessors. it has lots of problems to britain's economy, has basically been suffering since the financial crisis, about 2008. that's when it really started as been a problem with productivity and story. and as story expand, the bridges economy has been doing badly. but also if you compared to other economies.


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