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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the news live from ballot. a landslide victory for the u. k. is labor potty makes some of the new prime minister bow off. humphrey has voted decisively, full change for style ma, enter has number 10 downing street to applause. office supports us off the his sense of best policy takes the reins in poverty, split almost all seats counted. flavor now has a super majority. booting of the conservatives from power off the 14 year also on the program, hong gary and prime minister victor over and shakes hands. so it's not a bit pushing on what he calls
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a p submission to most scouts. the trip drove every criticism from fellow european leaders to refuse to talk the or the russian press tasks. germany is national team who owns up for what will likely be the toughest match. so if you explain to 24 football totem, and yet they're facing formidable space in the i'm the guy that is welcome to the program. the labor policy has won the u. k. elections with a landslide victory, despite taking only 34 percent of the popular vote, the center left ponti will govern with a super majority of $412.00 out of $650.00 seats in parliament. that's according to the latest count, incoming a prime minister t, as tom is said, his country was ready for change after 14 years of conservative party rule. a good
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afternoon. i have just returned from buckingham palace where i accepted the invitation from his majesty the king to pull the next couple months of this great nation to find out going 5 minutes to receive food on his achievements. as the 1st british ation prime minister of all countries, the extra effort that will have required should not be underestimated by any one of we pay tribute to that today. as we may so recognize the dedication on halt what he brought to his leadership. but now off country has voted decisively full change for national
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renewal, 100 ton of politics. it's a public service that is london correspondence biggest boss. what was ad downing street when kids donald, to live at that address. and she described the atmosphere that to really lots of happy faces. the whole street here, the whole dining street was lined with people. and they, they tried to come closer and closer to, to say a kid and he, i think hugs as many people as you could and kids the to read and support as i think he, he was just much more happy. uh then i seen him during the election campaign you see much more much most showing, allowing use the human side of my allowing his emotions to shine through he, during the election campaign, he could sometimes seem a little bit to do and then one didn't always get the feeling that he was able to read through to people, but in these agreements,
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he was as happy as ever i can imagine. now wanted some, a focus on, in his 1st speech to the nation. as prime minister he said he was going to put the country before policy and really emphasized the sense of service, of dedication to the country that he has nothing. he wants to build a culture all so the conservative party was ruled here for 14 years and who in the and really didn't have the trust of the bridge versus anymore bridge. but i just thought they were incompetent and they did not trust them. they were apologies. yeah, and downing street during look done during close it. other thing that really was what's how at the mood for, for bridges, people on the scope of the crumbling, which is public services on top of the problems with the economy. all of this was basically and kept sealed in and kissed on his speech when he said he wants to golf
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on for everyone. and he wants to basically try and build up the trust of british focus again. now what does the rest of the day look like? forced um, what do you begin to a point whose cabinet do you think that's what we're expecting. that would usually happen. so we would have ministers, future tell them is the cabinet ministers coming in to downing street one by one being appointed one by one personally by his stomach. also, he will be expected to talk to a lot of international leaders taking phone calls, congratulations from international leaders, but also actually, quite a sobering, he will have to write and that's what will happen in the case of the new tech or over the tech comes to suit the quite a lot of really important, mostly happy, but maybe also some. so bring moments here for him and dining streets, bigot mazda reporting from london, where to start i was just taken office as
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a prime minister. thank you very much. bigger the. hi, gary, i'm 5 minutes to victor alba on this meeting with russian president vladimir putin in law scout. it comes on the heels of old bond strip to ukraine, who didn't receive the old one at the kremlin and said he was ready to discuss with the so called north settle on fees, proposals to end. his war and ukraine. hungry just took over the use rotating presidency and the visit as being heavily criticized by all the new the businesses from say, old on has no mandate to speech for the blog. all bon has been critical being off the you for it's reluctance to pressure you train into negotiations with russia. it's pretty well hold on is an executive that on official e business. this is what the president putin said he expects from this. was it pretty much the pretty, but i understand that this time you have come not just as our long standing partner,
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but as our president of the european council should i expect you to tell me your position and that to the european partners on ukraine did have you correspond to terry shoals and processes following this story for us. terry puts in this says he expects old on to speak for the you on ukraine hungry just took over the rotating presidency of the you. can he do this? he absolutely can't do that in any way, even if he were a leader who agrees with the other members in the european union. and in this case, he very much is not that leader. and in fact, president putin is just saying this because he knows just how bad it will get under the skin of everybody in brussels. all the leaders, you leaders, individual member states and governments came out and vehemently against or bonds trip against the fact that he was going at all. but above all, against any impression that he would be speaking for the european union. so,
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i mean, you had ursula of underlying calling this trip, appeasement to speak to boot and other leaders. a one is tony and official says, the only reason victor or by should be in moscow is to hand over the indictment by the international criminal court of putin. as a potential work criminal and to take him to the hague. so very high emotions regarding victor or bus visit and he is not representing the european union in any way. know what exactly the opposite you lead is worried about well, it definitely indicates the situation that the united of the you nor nato hungry is a member of both are on the same page. because budapest has hung up, basically every large decision on aid for ukraine in the last a year or so. and has gotten an opt out of both on the you side. and on the nato side, those decisions will now be taken without hungry. now that's being held as
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a solution by, by both organizations because otherwise they would have to wait or perhaps not pass their aid packages for ukraine. so this is the way they seem to sort of continue doing business, continuing be able to get both military and financial assistance to ukraine. but they're worried that orb alonza. it's sort of a friendly attitude towards who may make it look like there's even less unity. now you attended a nato press conference just a short while ago. what was said there about this is that's right. i got to ask the secretary general's tolls and bring about his position on or bond. and we learned that i'm like on the use side or bon actually didn't notify nato that he was going to make this trip. but as i understand it, there was not any way to discuss it. it was just a notification and nato secretary general young, stolen berg hale and the fact that like the u. nato has been able to pass to basically pass strong statements against russia by letting hungry opt out. but he
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also said, of course, that or bond is not representing made of either w correspondent, terry shows that reporting from brussels. thank you, terry. now let's have a look at some of the other news of today. harvey kane burial has my land full on the mexico zuka confident. so as a category to store mexican authorities have extra to thousands of to us and residents, but many a stay to tough. it house, it began as a category 5 hurricane and has left a trail of destruction across the eastern caribbean. uranium voting and run of presidential elections. supreme data. it's all funding. they cost his balance into wrong reform is kinda that my suit, physics young one, the most votes in the 1st round, but not enough to take the race is rival, is hotline? a said genilini, ultra conservative,
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who oppose is reviving nuclear negotiations with west officials and more tiny as say they have recovered the bodies of $89.00. a migraines bound for europe, the coast guard rescued 9 people. dozens of still missing migrants died. when the fishing boat, they were travelling in capsized in the atlantic ocean on monday, germany's government has agreed on a budget proposal for next year of the month of impasse that brought the routing coalition to the brink of collapse. the key sticking point was the multi 1000000000 gap they needed to fill the 3 way correlation will stick to the controversial desk brakes that's a little limits deficit spending. the budget on the table will slow investment in the german military below what the defense ministry at aust full. the proposal still needs to be approved by parliament. after the summer break. it gets trusts,
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it will have shows stress, the importance of germany is stability for europe. the parts of germany must now be in the and coast ability in europe, as a country at the heart of the continent with its strategic importance, economic power and political wait. we must not turn our backs on the world and these times that on the one hand or the fellow's government has agreed on fiscal discipline. and the other hand, it wants to boost economic growth to w. a chief political correspondent, you know how that has more on these negotiations. while the negotiations were a task, there are 3 different political parties involved and there's government coalition, and they have very different priorities that will very different ideas about where the money should come from. germany has a law that says that governments comp make excessive debt. so that's the circle debt break. some of quote for reform if the debt break or say that the current in times of so extraordinary that that requires
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a suspension of this debt break because we just need must massively more investment . but those calls received the big note from the business friend via ftp one is the coalition partners. so instead, we're now seeing a reform package that is aimed at stimulating economic growth. so some tricks involved here as well, and the government wants to get people into jobs more easily by getting rid of some as a bureaucratic high example, because that is what is the big title. so it can only grows at the moment in germany. you know how so the reporting and a landmark decision, israel supreme court has no rules at all to orthodox jews, must be conscripted into the military and a nearly 80 year exemption. it's approximately decision in the country, but almost every other jewish is really face faces. the draft, but it's still contentions both in society and in the coalition. government did, i've used funding for some reports from jerusalem when you turn 18 in as
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well. you have to reports here. a conscription center military service is mandatory for most men and women in the country most out will have to serve in the military for up to 30 months. there are various exemptions like for ultra orthodox jews who do not need to report here. but that's about to change. the supreme court has just ruled against a decades old exemption. most people like the way the majority of these really say it's time to reduce extensions and for the ultra orthodox community to do more. they hope this would reduce the burden on everyone else. i may get them in . i mean, i'm a reservist. i can't do 4 months or reserves service minimum. it's impossible and that's happening. they must go like a massive protest against the conscription of ultra orthodox jews. have been turning violent in jerusalem to them. enlistment means
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a secular way of life. contradicting their religious commitments. the supreme court ruling puts the governments in a dilemma from and it's the venue, i mean, nothing else, ultra orthodox collision partners has threatened to quit his government if their community is conscripted. and yet society at large, most voters and the opposition parties would endorse such a change. i have seen that there is good um, everyone has to be recruited to the um, it yeah is before it was a moral principle. now it is an extra spiritual, imperative is the recruitment bill is a great taste for the coalition because if it continues to prioritize keeping the coalition together within the needs of the army. lucky boom. so the government may collect lots of gets, invest. yeah. let me pull. this is mia chevy? one of the jews,
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humans ultra orthodox neighborhood. it's rare to get permission to film. here. we are just a few kilometers from parliament, but a world away from that sex in our life. the days here are focused on closely following jewish religious law, traditions and prayer. you tell more than a 1000000 is really slit around 13 percent of the population. does he or she wants to keep it that way? he's been an every protest against orthodox conscription. he says in directions, there's no way the government could enforce it in the thought that they can impose criminal sanctions on the people. but they are not going to go into neighborhood significantly. they don't have enough room and prisons now with 60000 just chiva students ready to go to jail. you can shut down the state. let them do you know?
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that 60000 t mentioned are conscription, aged ultra orthodox meant 3000 of them should be drafted immediately, according to the attorney general. but will they be sag? is an academic with a focus on is riley military ethics. so he says, nothing will happen during the current summer recess, but the government coalition won't be able to delay the issue much longer than that shall be moved. um this may lead sooner or later to elections. and we're at the cost of a total change of the societal balance of power in israel. what used to be will no longer be able to pass as my estimation on your bill, because it's rarely society got on his back feet and said enough is enough. we cannot live this way. i must speak. you have certainly field hearing me or she are mean you don't hear says jewish religious law is incompatible with fighting for the
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secular israel state. he says men here will now do that. no matter the consequences for them. for the country, millions of people across the us across the face of uh, currently facing sweltering temperatures that i expected to rise throughout the weekend. the well 2nd biggest economy, china won't of halter and long heat waves across the country as the result of global warming. residents of sean hines, struggling to cope with a scorching heat. some shooting themselves from the extreme heat. and others are cooling off under a machine spring missed this event he to be continues to be china as commercial hub tells you to keep a hot my sweat stripping. i'm switching like a peg all the time. you have so many boiling outside today. it's so hot that i feel
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like i'm suffering from a slight heat stroke and we can insure and guy, 10 pages jumped over to you celsius and all parties have declared an order in cheat to be allowed. the child's fair that agency expects extreme heat to persist across the country this summer. as climate change, which is global deputy jones hire nancy nancy its last year that was a shift from la nina to a new kids again since the weather will be different from previous years and it would be more extreme. no shit. and that's of an incident or as intense heat clips, much of asia and europe, the live saving you and secretary general, antonio godaddy's guard for directions against climate emergencies. and 2 semester speaking at the st. guide corporation organization in us thought. because august on the stressed created ambition to slash emissions. 2020 city was the hop
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dispute on record. but this could be one of the coolest ears of the future. the gathering game facts of the can i is, is that already here thing your countries hard for all melting glasses to definitely floods. storms donalds, and extending the heat. unless we know this is just a taste of what these 2 come, china is acutely but not able to the impacts of climate change. yet being the largest greenhouse gas image or in the world. it comes under pressure to contribute more to international climate action. or if you have sold falls, governing body, us has issued a to game bad on turkey, defend mirror. i do me rob the school of both goals and turkeys, went over all 3 of the heroes on tuesday, but made an ultra nationalist conscious so known as the will salute the neurosis. he used to sign to celebrate his turkish identity. he will now mrs. themes quote,
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a final against the netherlands on saturday and to tonight's mattress into european football championship now, and they quote, a final match between germany and spain. for the host germany, the clash will be the toughest task of the tournament so far. the biggest advantage for the national coach, julia nuggets, months team might just be the support from the stats highly focused, but also relaxed yearly. and now those months, germany a hoping to continue the fine run in the euro. course the final again, spain, the last few results have given the team confidence as habits of can i suppose? i haven't broken out in a cold sweat yet and i don't think i will. we know what we can do because we're self confident, as we're trying to do it the other way around so that the spaniards might be a bit scared of us, and that wouldn't be bad on. so somebody's list full games for convincing victories,
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spain, and one of the top teams at the european championships, the 16 year old la, medium, all, and nico williams, in particular, i have impressed with the performances and a very difficult to keep on to control them. and you will need a special plan against these one to kids. the concepts become typically spain have 2 very good players, lemming your model in eco williams. and we definitely need to be wary of them. move on to 1st and foremost of course, it's up to our full backs with enough ones. ultimately we got to on the other hand, we also know that you have to defend against players with special qualities as a team from one foot hiding most upfront. nice top goals score jamal and lucy ala will be hoping to cause problems for the spanish defense mid field to tony. close, whoever tell are up to the european championships is the main man in mid field and could be a key to a possible gemini victory. isn't it's in uh we're now at a stage of the tournament where we really want it to be um,
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we can be satisfied with that. um, however, the teams own drive and the locker room is to go much further robina and we're very confident that we can do that. they'll start to try to, to come and i'm good and those able to take this has a shelf. i'm good. the last, when again, spain and the competitive match, was it the 1988 to european championships? now germany want to write a new chapter in the history books and continued to ride the wave of you for it in the country. the way feelings found to join in a sauce has returned to australia last week. after please your grandson, him him freedom from being jailed in the us. for years we can expect us to live stream of revelations about the us was enough. got us down in the rock, in particular at 2007 incident where a us helicopter crew attacked and killed civilians in back to the victims of that attack and sounds as legacy on all the focus of a new documentary by dw that as today, he has
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a sleep print or for many of his supporters, it was more than a 14 year battle for the release of juliet sanchez, who is also not freedom of the press. the revelations by the australian publisher in 2010 brought to light a legend war crimes committed by the us military. among other things, the video, collateral murder, which documented a us attack on civilians in iraq with familiar with groups whose abuse we expose, attempting to criticize the messenger to distract from the power of the message circus, journalist john and himself. persecuted for journalistic revelations. in the film, guardians of troops, julia massage, and the dark secrets of war. he and director sought on my book, focus on the message of the linked material. what crimes were committed under the cloak of war? what exactly happens on that day of 2007, in fact, that in an attack that only 2 children seriously injured,
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survived. the film crew sets off to interview 2 witnesses such on latasha was one of the 2 children who came under fire from us soldiers on and it took a little mixed on last. i was small, only 10 years old. i couldn't understand what was happening. i was so scared on that side from baghdad to kansas, john doing dar, 6 out another witness, eastern mccord, a us soldier, involved in the operation at the time. did you like this? like that was happening every day. and you can only block so much of it out before the effects you and that was just that was that day that it just broke for me. i couldn't me, i couldn't do it anymore to match both in their own way. victims of the war in iraq, they were looked at ally agreed when the filmmakers bring them together. after 17 years, you look the same as you did without the facial hair. when i pulled you out of the
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van, you look exactly the same. should a setup and why did you save me and my sister lives? how did you find us on your comrades who shot at us? your friends on those people showed no mercy on like, you know, many of them from the bottom of my heart. i apologize for the actions of the main and know those helicopters and it has changed my life forever as well in search of forgiveness in search of health. the film, guardians of truth, juliet songs and the dark secrets of war is a moving place for humanity. and you can watch the complete phone today from 6 pm button time onto the use documentary channel on youtube. as a reminder of the top story we're following for you. i guess tom has to come to you guys new prime and his doctor, lance ly. the election victory for a sense of left lay the policy, a government conservative stuff with
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a devastating law soft of 14 years and the message from me and the news team. i'll be back at the top of the all the,
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the co india today is super. she tomorrow, a huge problem is our fastest growing, extreme, billions of tons of clothing are thrown away every year. fashion labels have pledged to recycle part, what's actually happening up cycling for the function industry. eco, india. next on d, w to the point. strong opinions, clear position. international perspective. can germany's national football team
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united divided the country and list the nation spirit. germany host the euro 2024. kind of kick it's way out of the crisis. find out more on to the point to the point in 6 to minutes on d w. the dream of resolution in 1979, the hated dictates is the most i was forced out of nicaragua the people hoped for service society and received international solidarity. i imagined tweet would change the world and for 1000 republicans had to help with reconstruction. but the end
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the garage, a dream of revolution, july 20th on dw, the, sorry, one second. let me just finish this. hello and welcome. i'm sorry with everybody i'm, you're watching recording this. most of us do what i just did with that. we simply throw things away when we're done using b is a comp on or shot on or use factory like we can do or you don't. that's all that's find out how upside thing is a cooling concept like when we think of of sites is clothing. we don't really single anything.