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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin, the u. k. has a new prime minister here stormer, and his labor party are now in power. dow country has voted decisively phone shape. stormer entered 10 downing street on friday thinks of a landslide victory voters and bulk 14 years of conservative room to an end. also coming up tonight, it looks to stop by for a visit. and gary and prime minister, big to or bon shakes, hands with russian president vladimir putin on what he's calling a piece mission to moscow. and some european leaders are not new. and after months
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of debates, the german government has agreed on a new budget for 2025. it will not list the debt ceiling and some say that may keep the lid on economic growth. the high brent golf to our viewers watching on tv, as in the united states, into all of you around the world. welcome. we begin in the u. k, where the new prime minister is already getting down to business here. storm or begin announcing his new cabinet positions today. among them rachel reeves as finance minister, the 1st woman ever named to the jock stormer in his center left. the labor party won a landslide victory on thursday, paving the way for a major political reset. a new era has begun, then you people are takes, at least that's what gustavo is promising. after 14 years of conservative, rude,
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he entered number 10 downing street. as the u. k is new prime minister. i say to you directly, the mike government will serve you politics can be a false, but good. we will show that we change the labor policy, returned it to service, and that is how we woke up a country fast potty 2nd. after leading his guns, it'd be the body to. it was selection, defeat ever pharma prime minister richie so not resigned as its leader. he apologized to the british people and his body in his federal speech. i would like to say 1st and foremost, i am sorry. i have given this joke, miles, you have sent a clear signal that the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is
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the voter turnout and the election was the lowest in years. but it was enough to prepare labor to over $400.00 seats in parliament and leave the conservative, languishing, but around a $120.00. the conservatives lost both the populace reform parties gain. delita nigel for raj when a seat in parliament for the 1st time the it's not just disappointment with the conservative policy. there was a massive guy published sense of right of british politics. my job is to fit it and that's exactly what i'm going to do. many people in the u. k. r bank, i'm in the new political landscape, but others are skeptical of just how much change this new government can bring about. so it would be interesting to see how labor actually performs. if they don't,
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i think we get another change of government in the next election life in see what's going on. i think people are getting fed up buttons, new, private, assert, got down to work immediately. he began appointing members office new cabinet in order to fulfill what he sees. this is the goal for free building, put in use. big boss was on building street earlier and she told me about international reaction. secure storm are taking on the post bridge prime minister. we've had the jim and john slot all of shows, congratulating kids. thelma obviously the base uh social democrats and he said they were friends in europe. so quite what's also from because it done my cron of friends saying that he's looking forward to working together with kids. thelma and
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he mentions climate and artificial intelligence. and we know that q style or what have most likely spoken to many international leaders here. and it says i was in downing street where he's just started working this here, here behind where i am, this is what's up from ministers do on the 1st day, they speak to a lot of international leaders and, and for these new connections. and we understand that he's already begun working immediately, appointing a new cabinet. what do we know about that? a yes, this has a woman to be the finance minister. rachel reeves, she said in her acknowledging tweet that this should be sparing on girls other girls to for, to their impatient there's no limit to female ambition. and many other people have come out in social media and asking for more women to be given top dogs. so the
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labor party, for example, has never had a female party leaders. so there's more work to do. we see other appointments of the, the big cabinet jobs and lots of these people have actually been around and the shadow cabinet. so they will as being on this brief for quite a long time. and the hope i think by many and westminster is that there will be that they will be ex tubs already in the field. and that we will not see a quick turnaround of ministers as we have seen. and the, and the pause is where there was quite a lot of change and the big minutes to will pay send nothing. many people are investments, the hoping that this will not be the case this time around. yeah. perhaps we have an ending nail for those political musical chairs. they're at number 10 downing street. we will see big boss there in london. big. thank you. the question, what was he up to that question today? after hundreds of prime minister victor or bon pay to visit the russian president
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vladimir putin in moscow or bunches, that he was there to discuss a potential peace deal that could end russia's war and ukraine. hungary of soon to the 6 month rotating presidency of the european union on monday. but as you later say, or buttons trip was not approved. and they have harshly criticized. it is a self styled piece mission hungry has just taken over the presidency. and victor open the use most pro russian lead to sees himself as a potential mediator between russia and ukraine. hobbled legs that are so there are many steps needed for bringing the war to an end and creating peace deal. but in terms of restoring dialogue, i think the 1st important step has been taken today, and i will continue this work for to be pulled on my stomach a lot in the uprooting claims. ukraine doesn't want an end to hostile tease, because most are low means it's lee does,
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can hold on to power for what was left some weeks ago. but especially, in my opinion, the key regime does not allow the very idea of a sci fi. because then there won't be a pretext prolonging the martial law. relations between the you and russia have frozen eva since its invasion of ukraine. european council president shaw michelle was one of several leading e u. voices who condemned or band trip to moscow. wrote a nato chief in stoughton bug, also distance himself to tall scot this and that will be what is important. these thoughts allow us to also hungry the degrees. that's a, that's russia is the pressure on the originally so responsible for the war and up to uh, ukraine's territory integrity and 70 must be respected. who bonds visit to the
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kremlin comes to stays after a trip to keith, to meet president, fellow demand zalinski. despite tensions between the 2 of the old bands paused, attempts to block e u a to ukraine. the visit seems to have smoothed relations. is that alone? now there is a completely different relationship between ukraine and hungry. it's concrete and we acknowledge a mutual interest by for women. say, you mean to this? to hey vance, diplomatic efforts, improved ties to face ukraine and russia. but in doing so, he has rustled many feathers in brussels. well, victor or bon macy himself as a peacemaker, but not everyone sees them that way or correspond to jerry schultz and she gave me the view from brussels. the view here is that the only person here things or bond
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is a peace maker, is or bon himself. this trip was not coordinated with the european union. they were not informed on the you side that he was going. and there was a lot of anger that in the beginning of it or bonds, entourage was posting photos of him arriving in moscow with the european union logo on the left hand side of those boat photos being that hungry is the current rotating president. there was an uproar on x and i noticed that photos after that had it taken off because the use position was that oregon had no mandate whatsoever to speak about anything on the e u side on his visit there. nobody wanted him to go there. if he had asked him, he would have been advised as such. in fact, one is stony and official said, the only reason that the orbits should be visiting, putting is to hand over the indictment of the international criminal court and take him back to the hey. okay, so he didn't have, you know,
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a mandate to go and visit the kremlin, but he did so. so what are you leaders worried about? what are they worried about what may have happened as well? it certainly gave a russian president vladimir putin of public relations crew to have the current president of the european council, the council of the european union there visiting him and well, you know, what to put in for statements was we understand that you're visiting us. uh, you know, bringing you messages and that of course he knew wasn't true, but of course it gets under the skin of everyone here in brussel. so this was definitely, or bon handing, putting a p r. when yeah, and hungry. if people don't remember, is also a member of nato need or bunch part. some of the 2 vice president food in can it undermine the alliance is united front least in terms of the optics. well, once again, as hungry has done on the you side of town at nato. it has also asked for an opt
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out on supporting ukraine in any nato missions. it doesn't have to give any money. it doesn't have to give any personnel. you know, this was the deal, reach with the you as well. that hungry would just sit it out because it doesn't want to support ukraine. now, just like on the you side, um nato's mission is to help ukraine when this war. so there isn't a united front when you have hungry out in such a prominent position, saying that it, you know, believes there should be peace made between russia, evidently on russia's terms. so very, let's look at this. so consider this with a different pair of glasses here. is it possible that or bond is bringing a message from ukraine's president for russian president fulton and i'm talking about back channel communications here and there with speculation, but what if so it wouldn't be mis speculation. i don't think that anyone believes that or bon is the person you want, negotiating your future if you're in ukraine, he's way too close to moscow. he has shown himself time and again to be citing with
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the kremlin. that's not who ukraine wants negotiating on, on their behalf. so it would have to be a very back channel. and the administrator for an affairs of ukraine put out a statement today on or bonds trip saying, you know, there is no negotiating about ukraine without ukraine. and there certainly was no ukrainian in the room today with victor or mon, and platinum, or put in a corresponding period shows that the league is due like from brussels, is always terry. thank you. here's some of the other stories. now that i'm making headlines around the world, hurricane barrel has made landfall on mexico's, you can financial as a category to store mexican authorities if evacuated thousands of tourists and residents, but many are staying saying that they plan to top it out. the storm again is a category 5 hurricane and has left a trail of destruction across the eastern caribbean officials in martini, i have or say that they recovered the bodies of $89.00 migrants balance for europe . the coast guard rescued 9 people. dozens are still missing. the migraines died
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when the fishing boat that they were travelling in capsized in the atlantic ocean. on monday, the media outlets in brazil reporting that former president desirable scenario has been indicted for money laundering. the indictment is connected with undeclared diamonds, from saudi arabia, jewelry worth $3200000.00 was seized by customs in 2021. it's one of several legal cases brought against boston. our jersey iranians are voting and to run off the presidential election to replace the lead to abraham were easy, who was killed in a helicopter crash inmate voters have a choice between the reformers. a candidate must suit has issued con, who has called for improve relations with the us as well as for relaxing internet restrictions against the hard liner. so i usually use an old trick, conservative former nuclear negotiator,
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who has promised economic growth as well as restrictions on women's rights. first round turnouts was the lowest in the islamic republics. history been, i'm been kelley blue, is a senior fellow with the foundation for defense of democracies. a while ago i asked him how a relatively unknown reform is ended up leaving the race in a wrong. well, it's a pleasure to be with you. it's no secret that elections in your honor shall we change selection, so neither free nor fair. and they are highly orchestrated. and this special run off is reminding me a great deal of the 2005, the last time you had to run off the liberal hard line or into the presidency. and that's how i can manage. i've entered the presidency in 2005. the regime is hoping that the prospect of a contrast, admittedly a very, very, very minor a contrast because as you know, yesterday's insider is today's regime outside of the fact that so i'm like because there should be on could make it through all of these different qualifying rounds
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tells you that the supreme leader does have a fair amount of trust in him. and in this sense, i may try to use the prospect of agility candidacy to get a somewhat higher turnout admin at least still low, but get a somewhat higher turn out. and then pivot and still use that to orchestrate a jelly the engineering election anyway. yeah, i want to ask you about the turn out in the 1st round voting and hit the record low . and we know that the supreme leader, you know, he wanted the opposite of that to happen. have to renew it that they've given up on their political system. i mean, do they not see either of the candidates as being really legitimate? yeah, you certainly don't have to take it for me, you know, starting in 2018 and continuing to multiple rounds of nationwide protests and to the president. one slogan that you here is reform is principal. as the jigs off or reform is principle, as the game is over. so there's really pushing away from the ballot box and the embrace of street protests and the potential factor of not just change. what is the potential is accurate, accurate,
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it can test everything that the state is doing. so society is taking to the street rather than the ballot box. and that trend line isn't using one thing. meaning the more you have, the 3 protests grow in demographic and geographic diversity, the less and less and less turn out for housing. and you saw that with parliamentary elections, presidential elections. and you'll continue to see that. so what about the foreign policy here? um, how is this election likely to impact iran in the outer world? and i'm thinking about is real and also russia you know, certainly the board and security policy shall we say of the cycle public of ron is not controlled by the writing president at best. he will have a stylistic rather than substantive impact that are running for the security policy . but sometimes as you know, styles you know, the substance on its own. and what that may mean here is not for the post october 7, middle east, and the wrong and support the proxies in multiple jurisdictions that are complex.
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owns the data, that stuff i think will be allows equal. but in reality, the only place i could really see was having some kind of impact is if the supreme leader of iran, which is a title, meant to be taken rather literally wants to use the prospect of a slightly different person at the home to wink wink nudge nudge, do some kind of nuclear diplomacy with america, or use someone else to continue to contract the system and be much more over about the direction that wants to go in. but yeah, and then it totally be with the foundation for the defense of democracies. we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you. to france, malware, a critical run of food is taking place this weekend and snap problem entry elections the far right national rally. top the 1st round, last weekend. the outcome will determine differential legs. it's 1st the far right government since world war 2. the national rally has managed to gain ground across many rural areas, including those that used to be strong holds of the communist party dw,
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corresponded the salute reports denied from the commune of fits. so in central france of this forest used to be the heartland of the mac, is the french resistance movement during the nazi occupation in world war 2. and ever since the 1950s, the area had been a communist stronghold. that is until the 1st round of facing in last week's not parliamentary elections. when candidates from the far right, national riley or our end came 1st in all 3 constituencies. partly for economic reasons, industry and the re weighs used to be the biggest employers in this region, but those days are over. and some places unemployment is running at 3 times. the national average and many votes has half lost trust about traditional parties can provide solutions. side right,
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candidate bus joan join us has turned that situation into his advantage in one of the constituencies. the 22 year old came 1st head of the communist contend. on the 2010 news you had a new demo equity, we have a number of he cannot make measures such as tax rebates, to encourage companies to say top self in the area that will make our region competitive again. and so that with jobs will be created. well, let me pull this on to i do. this is not easy. but for the supporters, many of them young people, other arguments seem more crucial, i suppose because they were killed. they represent values and we'll make our country great again, i'm all for, or there's a whole bunch of different states then for french traditions. it's a problem that and the grants are coming here in massive numbers, refuse to work, and don't want to adopt so many that the national riley also has become an option. so based on what you use to vote for the establish policies,
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like these farmers who say public services are in bad shape or the wrong amount because people have had enough of working just to pay taxes. we'd like to the national riley to show you that we have filled out these on with the permit. so is there a no g? p is left in this area. the government has spending lots of money to construct a new bridge to accommodate the cycle lane for the lynn pick games not far away from here. well, i wrote it just sort of potholes. it's like having a political lead top that who decide what's good for us to know. but then we have to live with the decisions kids. yeah. if i don't mean the only problem to the communist may of nearby views on the election results came as a shock. a policy play 2nd, right after the our ends to an us develop, well, i believe in the value of solidarity, and it's unbearable to have one uncomfortable waste stoking the fear of others. on his part,
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he's trying to win back the life of hearts also by investing in improving infrastructure such as this kindergarten component. when we provide such high quality buildings, we hope people will understand that we care about them. and the communists might indeed still come out ahead on sunday. like in many other districts, place candidates has withdrawn from the race to stop the national raleigh from winning. but that kind of tactic might, in the future, no longer be enough to whichever these government, which is comprised of 3 political parties, has finally agreed on a national budget for 2025. it's a major breakthrough. that is weeks of difficult negotiations over the finances of europe's largest economy. now, under this agreement, party leaders have agreed into a bind by germany's type borrowing rules which prohibit budget deficits. but the deal also includes the package to help businesses and to boost anemic economic
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growth. it's a done deal. germany's 3 potty coalition says it finally has a bunch of land that sticks to the countries type. borrowing rules at the same time as boosting flag and growth and supporting business in europe, loctus economy. and we'll see if i'm stopping to germany must know be an increased ability in europe is continue as a country at the heart of the continent with the strategic importance, economic power and political wages. we must not turn our backs on the world in these times. the announcement ends months of squabbling, which threatened to tell the coalition to part you have finished. i'm not pleased that we have succeeded in drawing up a budget that provides the right time says to the questions of our time on which all 3 coalition partners see themselves reflected as well as the projects that for good reason are particularly important to them. the draft includes an increase in child's benefits funding for the 2 lives ation of schools and investments in
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reyland roads. it sticks to the cap on annual borrowing, known as the debt break, and includes what the coalition is causing a growth tubal package to boost the economy. you know, it's 5000 on citizens in 2025. we are planning a budget volume of 481000000000 euros of which 57000000000 euros will be investments invested. so in other words, a significant increase from what is already at a record level. they called me nibble. gemini, is foreign ministry is facing cuts, but part of the bunch of deal you much additional funding for the event of unforeseen tremendous terry and crises such as the quick that'd tucking in 2023. the defense budget is increasing that only by one point. 2000000000 euros 5 below what some head held for. is their goal is this are, these are the, let's knock to the big lose last night was the book this way out and disappointed is a chance less 20. $22.00 pledge to immediately make more than 2 percent of the ttp
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available for the bonus. val and a $100000000000.00 in special funds will once again, not be kept annoyed, missed on the hudson. the deal comes clearly as a relief to the government, but germany's budget isn't quite across the finishing line, yet. the cabinet is due to prove the draft on july 17 before it comes to parliament . that's where a whole new debate on the details of the deal is expected to begin with. words, new spain have knocked germany out of the early 2024 football championships, and a real thriller in the 1st quarter final match in stuttgart. after a score. this 1st half heavy weight to spain pulled ahead, donnie, although putting one away early in the 2nd half the germans equalized in the 89th minute. thanks to florrie on the it's the game going into extra time. been in the dining seconds. spain's mikhail marino headed in a beauty of a winner putting his team for him to this in my thoughts. our
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sports reporter done you advice alone. i followed the match from central berlin. here's her assess. i'm here right now in the fans or in front of the german television, as you can see behind me, where fan hole had been that in germany, by faith in extra time, the thousands of the things that were here went through roller coaster in the game . obviously very well he played this plus football in germany for harvey lives is absolutely crucial to st dictates. and i can't even go onto the next round where they will be a for to go against brand. alright, here's a reminder. now the top story we're following for you, new u. k. prime minister, a tier storm are and has been naming his new cabinet members among them. rachel reeds as finance minister of the 1st woman ever named to the job astronomer comes
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to power. after his central left, the labor party won a landslide victory in the general election. you want, you need to be there is after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day tonight, a retail giant in its prime, amazon turns 30 will be right back. the
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stepping into this building is an emotional experience. it used to be addressed in head causes of the g d. c. name. it stood from the the no, it's a space. so test or in 45 minutes on d w, the
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computer, do you do this? i'm trying to generate she survived the ocean bits. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor positions under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music in nazi germany, watching out one youtube dw documentary. becoming 0 sent excels 3 trans people. stories of my right trans matters. so she did a few napartine message into here, which i just kind of items are, feed us complex. doors to your 5 digit code would mean destroyed supplies. she business purposes just from sense of the sofa chip. no. because as far
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as overboard to technical shows, 3 generations, one jenny starts july 7th on d. w to the u. k. has a new prime minister here stormer, and his labor party came to power overnights in election landslide victory, voters sending 2 messages. after 14 years of conservatives and power, including 5 prime ministers battered by breaks it, they said enough is enough. the 2nd message is directed to storm or, and his labor party, nico, somewhat like this. you promised to fix what's broken and there's plenty to fix. now let's see how you do. i bring coughing, berlin. this is the day, the.


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