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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 6, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the depth of the news live from lynn. the here. k has a new prime minister kissed alma and he's live of potty and now in pal humphrey has decisive, full che, stomach painted 10 downing straight on friday thanks to a landslide victory. but as a broad, 14 years of conservative rule to an in tulsa, coming up, lucas stopped by for a visit on carrying prime minister victor o'bonham shakes hands with vladimir, taking on what he calls the peace mission to moscow. some of you are paying late is
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not amused. and the title of 2 cities tells the story of the day in football building. celebrate gemini, 0248 for was that again? fine. that was the spine fan to celebrate his last in barcelona. and right across the country, i imagine you were at 2475, the . i'm anthony out welcome. we begin in the u. k with the new prime minister has got straight down to business. guest um has already announced most of his new cabinet positions among them. rachel reeves, this finance minister, the 1st woman, if at 9 to to the job stomach comes to power updates, sent a lift, live a potty one, a landslide victory paving the way from major political braces. a new
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era has begun in you. people are takes, at least that's what gustavo is promising. after 14 years of conservative rules, he entered number 10 downing street. as the u. k is new prime minister. i say to you directly, mike government will serve you. politics can be a false for good. we will show that we change the labor policy, return it to service doctors, how we woke up a country 1st potty 2nd. after leading his guns, it'd be the body to. it was selection, defeat ever pharma prime minister richie so not resigned as its leader. he apologized to the british people and his body in this fabulous speech. i would like
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to say 1st and full nice. i am sorry. i have given miss jones mile for you to send a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is the will to turn out in the election was the lowest in years. but it was enough to prepare labor to over $400.00 seats in parliament and leave the conservative, languishing, but around a $120.00. the conservatives lost both the populace reform parties gain. deleda nigel for i want a seat in parliament for the 1st time. the . it's not just disappointment with the conservative policy. there was a massive guy published sense of right of british politics i, my job is to fit it. and that's exactly what i'm going to do. many people in the u . k. auto body coming didn't new political landscape. but other side of skeptical
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of just how much change this new government can bring about. it will be interesting to see how labor actually performs. if they don't, i think we've got another change of government in the next election life into what's going on. i think people are getting fed up buttons, new parameters, so got down to work immediately. he began pointing members office new cabinet in order to fulfill what he sees is the gold for free building for it. and what don't even now is maximilian has to fill it with the foreign policy braces institute and found us of the political risk consultancy in montana advisory. could that be with us? i want to now with live and now in power. maximilian, what do you think will change in the utilize foreign policy? well, uh, gesstavo really basis 3 key questions on his foreign policy. firstly,
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of course is the issue of continue relations with the european union. just are as spoken about normalizing tray a little bit, trying to remove some of that paperwork, but as ruled out a return to the custom zone or any kind of act direct your relationship with the you see of course basis questions and pressure from his left about the ongoing crisis and guys in the wider middle east don't expect to see too much change there . although of course he has said that his government aims to eventually recognize house and in the state. that is a change from the previous government but not something i expect. we'll see progress on the 3rd as far as managing the. ready last relationship, in particular, cooperation on the international front, around russia's invasion of ukraine. there's a good and a strong relationship there. now we're already exists with the vitamin ministration . and of course, as the us selection coming up and labor has to balance of potential for major change there as well. if we could just digging a little more on a you relationship, should we really reasonably expect a new approach here?
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i don't think we're going to see a drastically different approach. i do think there will be a long process of having talks around regular rising procedure, agricultural trade, some customs paper work, but there's not really a lot that he can get with the issue of rags. it's still very much one that the writing being bring pressure on. because of course that you will likely look for if there was a serious, deeper relationship to return to free movements. i was, frankly, is going to be a now starting with the government now because of the domestic pressure is around immigration at the moment. yeah. and just on that, um the us as in the midst of election season. but that's difficult not to look forward to what could happen if trump gets in a way that will leave the relationship between stomach and a trumpet ministration. well, david way, i'm even a new foreign secretary has recently been making quite a few trips to washington has been looking to build relationships on both sides of
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the aisle there. but of course you solve very fraught relationship between donald trump and teresa may. he's very much attracted to individual characters, much better relationship as far as johnson. that's something we haven't really seen . how storm are we managed yet when he was a $54.00 and spokes person for the labor party previously under jeremy corbin's leadership. frustrating regard and i was expelled from the parties, but he was far more critical than that. that will fit really be a potential difficult factors matter, but one more, regardless of how good the institutional relationships are. if it were to be a 2nd truck with ministration that it would flow from the top rather than the wider washington bind, which is a huge change to the traditional network and the special relationship you mentioned, frame movement in terms of the a, you, one of the most pressing issues for the british public, generally speaking, is migration to the u. k. with a stomach stand on that started and said he wants to bring migration numbers down. one of his 1st policy moves already been announced. a however,
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is ending the rolanda plan to reach you. so now i have been trying to bring in, never actually managed to bring him before, which was this policy. you're having illegal arrivals, then read forwarded, but uh for processing him. lawanda that has been dropped. he wants to increase the leasing, but it really will come down to individuals, a bilateral relationship with france, where there is, of course, a very important election beginning and just over 24 hours there as well. that will shape that relationship. i would have a hard time seeing any. ready major new agreement, however, coming out losing the channel, although there will be talks about it. next 1000000 has thank you so much. thank you very well, hunger as prime minister victor over and paid a visit to russian president vladimir putin in moscow. it's the 1st to, it's the 1st visit to russia by here pain latest since the early stages of russia's invasion of the crime will, bun says he was there to discuss
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a potential pace deal that could and rushes for india. crime. and gratian the a 6 month rotating presidency of the your opinion on monday. but the latest side of that whole bunch trip was not approved and have harshly criticized. this is a self styled piece mission hungry has just taken of the presidency and evict open the use. most pro russian leader sees himself as a potential mediator between russia and ukraine hospital as i so there are many steps needed for bringing the war to an end and creating peace the deal. but in terms of restoring dialogue, i think the 1st important step has been taken today, and i will continue this work for the people of my stomach, florida nip who tend claims ukraine doesn't want an end to hostilities because most are low means it's lee does. can hold on to power for live some weeks ago, but especially in my opinion, the key regime does not allow the very idea of
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a sci fi, because then there won't be a pretext prolonging the martial law. relations between the you and russia have phrase and eva since its invasion of ukraine. european council. president shaw michelle was one of several leading e. u. voices who condemned opens trip to moscow. wrote a nato chief in stoughton bug, also distance himself to tall scot. this and this will be what is important, these dots allow us to also hungry the degrees. that's a, that's a rush. i use the pressure on the originally. so it's possible for the war and up to uh, ukraine's territory integrity and 70 must be respected. full bonds visit to the kremlin comes just days after
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a trip to keith to meet president fellow demand zalinski. or despite tensions between the 2 of the old bands paused, attempts to block e u. a to ukraine. the visit seems to have smoothed relations. is that alone? now there is a completely different relationship between ukraine and hungry. it's comb, crazy and we acknowledge a mutual interest for women. say, you mean to this whole bonds diplomatic efforts and prove ties to face ukraine and russia. but in doing so, he is rustled many feathers in brussels, a correspondent emily. so when in riga has been following this story, she told us what the criminal and hopes to achieve from victor o'brien's visit. i mean, this visit is something that i think what he may uprooted and has been waiting a long time for he made sure as we heard him out sound by to portray or by not only
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as the leader of hungry, but also as an e. u. official, he pointed out that he has the rotating you presidency and you know, he's been waiting for western leaders to kind of come to him. he's been waiting in a way for western leaders to get tired of the war and ukraine. now that hasn't happened, but the optics of this visit of an e u official essentially coming on to mosque out even even when the you is distancing themselves or you leaders today were just things distancing themselves from oregon. that all those optics are very convenient for vladimir putin also symbolically. it's always very important for vladimir putin to portray himself as having friends and does not be as isolated as the west might think. and i think today that visit from oregon very much played into um pollutants hands both when it comes to both of those aspect aside from emulation in re gets his foot down in the
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quarter finals of the year 2020 for football championships, front steps of q a spot in the semi finals that we're all squared with portugal at mill mill often not he minutes and extra time. the guy with the penalties and the french helping of defend christiana, rinaldo. as portugal home from the tournament alias thing became the 1st theme through the 70s bicycle with this before germany, equalize very much to the joy that is watching the brand of the guys. the guy went into extra time. the with the slides looked at one 0, but it was fine who scored just before penalties were required because marino hated the witness ending fans in barcelona and right across spain into a frenzy. as they came into the last 4 data. police both take a slower as managed to catch the guy in the stadium instead. got and gave us his thoughts. germany's campaign of your 2024. it has come to an end after
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a heart breaking the feet of the hands of spain here and stood gods. the game that really had at all, and was a roller coaster of emotions for the fans here. what's being going up 1st at the beginning of the 2nd half, and then germany been pushed by the home fans finally biting and finding that equalizer in the very last minute of their regular time. taking the match into extra time when it looked like germany was about to get the better of spain. then came the 2nd goal from spain effectively ending the dream of germany listing the trophy on home. so picking a slower as interested got the now before we go over a reminder about top story, we're following for you. i just, i'm a, has become to you guys new prime minister for a landslide election. victory for his sense of the labor party governing conservative, suffered devastating loss after forcing musing power. national for arms as of right wing populist reform party is also state to take several seats in the and with that you're up to the coming up. the next step
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kasha risk types of look at the many and how b and w and a new generation of females. as honors, i'm working to keep this like comic con charts. now don't forget can always fun more on our website at www dot. com. and at the w news is the handle. we need for us socials, i'm anthony help. thanks for joining us. we'll talk soon. the why do humming? does not get drunk. why do grab a tasteful waves, squeeze all bodies. how much do we need a day? dry stops on praying for help find the offices get smaller on dw science and i'll take talk tenant now of the con, looks old drives like a mini, from affordable cost to everyone,
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to riley icons of the 19 sixty's speech to appeals to men and women alike.


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