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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 6, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news line from goodly damage limitation, exercise, pop chum offensive. who was president? so i brought in doubles down on his insistence that he is fit for another 4 years in the office. that's off of the 81 year old, poor performance in last week's debate against rival don't it will say coming up. britain's new prime minister kissed donald makes the king and immediately convenience. these new cabinets with 11 women ministers. it's the most female cabinets in the history. also coming up, the tyler to cities tells the story of the day in football. building civil rights germany 024, april laza again, spine. it was despite fancy,
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celebrated last barcelona, and run across the country is by night the you are 24 city the i'm anthony. how'd welcome. we stopped in the united states way. president joe biden has returned to prime time television after a disastrous performance and he's supposed to buy against donald trump. barton was in wisconsin as part of his campaign for re election, but was very much a man in damage control. several party members have called for him to step aside from the campaign in the face of growing pressure, he has steadfastly refused to do so. in an exclusive interview with a base, a news anchor george stephanopoulos barton insisted besides was no the reasons for
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his offering incoherent sewing during the device because my reception was feeling terrible. matter of fact, the doctor quickly asked completed a cobra test or you're trying to figure out what's wrong to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus. i didn't just had a really bad cold. earlier dw correspondent in washington dc. benjamin alvarez grew but told me how the president performed in his follow up interview. that's right. and there was so much expectation. also a v, a b c news chief a washington correspondent, donuts and a car. he said, and i quote, there was nothing in this interview, but it's called the nurse of jittery, a democrats. he also stated that this interview is raising new concerns over how unwilling or unaware of president vine is over the fact that he is in this sire a situation. and he also insisted a present binding this 22 minutes long interview that he was. and it for the most
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qualified to lead democrats to beat at donald trump and also rejected calls to take cognitive testing. and i quote, i have a cognitive test every single day. definitely something that will not a go away will not it go down well. so with those who are already asking him a to drop his re election bid, and it's important to highlight that the fact that a big part, almost all of this 22 minutes a long interview that aired on a b c was just about the question. if a president bond is too old to run for office again, and if he's too old to govern it for the next 4 years, benjamin is paid aside. the voters have been circling, not just republicans, but democrats as well as they pain, much in the way of a response to the seem to be so that still response is coming in from both sides, from the democrats, and also from the republicans. but even before this interview added was clear that the resistance within the democratic party is already growing with more and more
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also it coming out probably 3. let's remember that he had a meeting with the governors in the white house. now we have at least full house democrats that have called for bite, and it just stepped down as the nominee and in wisconsin with a sense of it was recorded earlier today. well, he also, at how the campaign events told reporters that he is completely rolling out, that he will not hold his campaign in that he's positive. that he could say for another 4 years. so probably many who wanted to see a more convincing interview by president biden the tonight were rather disappointed by this performance. again, the name and gets a sense that the damage done in the 1st debate can really be repaired from. from here to the 1st debate and the impressions. they will not go away not by downplaying. the debates saying it was a bad episode saying he was a bad night, is saying that he was not feeling well as prison. biden is said again,
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but also not by rejecting pulse. it was several questions. and by the a b. c. m. anchor also. where is that present binds that? i don't believe those polls so that will not go away. he will have a very hard to task, but also for the bite and campaign to see the pressure is growing. that more and more democrats are also a coming out saying that they should be another person and said, as we have only weeks before, the democratic national convention. and of course, the several names already a fault people that could possibly be a, the candidate of the democratic party. so a try for him. it to show that it was a bad debate indeed, but it was a test as debate the by the way, it present biden's that the he did not watch it, but also tried to show him more energetic, but he needs to convince it more people in many who would have loved to see a more convincing a president bite and a during this new debate? the 1st one says the debate would definitely also disappointed probably, and human our as squared the in washington dc. thank you so much.
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to the u. k. now with the new prime minister has go straight down to business, just um it has already announced most of his new cabinet positions among them. rachel reeves as finance minister, the 1st woman, if a 90 to the job stomach comes to power off the center list, live of potty one, a landslide victory having to buy for a magic political voice. a new era has begun in you people. it takes, at least that's what gustavo is promising. after 14 years of conservative, rude, he entered number 10 downing street as the u. k is new prime minister. i say to you directly a mike of but will so if you politics can be a false for good, we will show that we change the labor policy, return it to service,
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and that is how we woke up a country fast policy. second, after leading his guns, it'd be the body to it was selection, defeat ever pharma prime minister richie so not resigned as it's lead to he apologized to the british people and his body in his federal speech. i would like to say, 1st and foremost, i am sorry, i have given this joke, miles, actually a signal that the government of the united kingdom must change. and yours is the voter turnout in the election was the lowest in years. but it was enough to prepare labor to over $400.00 seats in parliament and leave the conservative, languishing, but around a $120.00. the conservatives lost both the populous reform parties gain. deleda
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nigel for i want a seat in parliament for the 1st time. the . it's not just disappointment with the conservative policy. there was a massive guy published sense of right of british politics. i, my job is to fit it. and that's exactly what i'm going to do. many people in the u . k. r, bank coming didn't new political landscape, but other side of skeptical of just how much change this new government can bring about. it will be interesting to see how labor actually performs. if they don't, i think we get another change of government in the next election. life in see what's going on. i think people are getting fed up buttons, new prime minister, got down to work immediately. he began appointing members office new cabinet in order to fulfill what he sees. this is the gold feel free building put in
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hardware as prime minister think to all bought and paid a visit to russian president vladimir to in moscow today is the 1st visit to russia by european later since the early stages of russ has invasion of the crime will bun says he was there to discuss a potential peace deal, but could and rushed as well. and you crank, but even late to say that old bond strip was not approved and have harshly criticized that it is a self styled piece mission hungry, has just taken over the presidency and evict, to open the use. most pro russian liter sees himself as a potential media to between russia and ukraine. hobbled legs that are so there are many steps needed for bringing the war to an end and creating peace deal. but in terms of restoring dialogue, i think the 1st important step has been taken today, and i will continue this work for to be pulled on my stomach a lot in the uprooting claims. ukraine doesn't want an end to hostilities because
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motion low means it's lee does, can hold on to power for what was live some weeks ago. but especially in my opinion, the key regime does not allow the very idea of a sci fi, because then there won't be a pretext prolonging the martial law. relations between the you and russia have frozen eva since it's invasion of ukraine. the european council president shall me show, was one of several leading a you voices who condemned all bands. trip to moscow wrote a nato chief in stoughton bug, also distance himself to tall scot this and that will be. so what is important is that uh, allow us to also hungry the degrees. that's a, that's a rush. i use the pressure on the originally so responsible for the war and up to
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uh, ukraine's territory integrity and 70 must be respected. who bonds visit to the kremlin comes to stays after a trip to keith, to meet president fellow demand zalinski. despite tensions between the 2 of the old bands paused attempts to block e u. a to ukraine. the visit seems to have smoothed relations. is that alone? now, there is a completely different relationship between ukraine and hungry. it's concrete and we acknowledge a mutual interest for women. say, you mean to this whole bonds diplomatic efforts, improved ties to face ukraine and russia. but in doing so, he is rustled many feathers in brussels right now to some of the other stories making news around the world. the sale and howard can barrow,
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has my land full on mexico as you get down peninsula, as a kind of category to still mexican authorities of evacuated thousands of tourists and residents, but many as thing to tough out the storm. it began as a category 5 hurricane and has left a trail of destruction across the eastern caribbean of the around selection authority says the reform is candidate my suit as ask in is naturally in the lead off to around run a presidential election according to early results is espn one most invites in the 1st round, but not enough to take the rice. he's rival hotline to cite jelly and ultra conservative, who opposes reviving nuclear negotiations with the, with the sport and the quarter finals of the euro. 2024 football championships front subsequent a spot in the semi finals. they were all square at the mill mill of to 90 minutes
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an extra time with portugal. the game with the penalties, but the front team held in a to st. christiano right now. this portugal home from the tournament spine, it really became the 1st time through to the euro. 24 sammy's web. i'll play fraud, spine scored 1st before germany equalized much to the joy of the guy. the guy went to the time with the sides locked one all but of a spine who's to just before penalty. square foot wide, marino headed the way to sending fans and boss alone and right across spine into a frenzy as they teen into the last 4 of the twin. now this is what germany national team football team players had to say after the hot breaking was for the moment. and the moment when you saw the bulls lie into the go, that was the closest step in the heart. it hurt it does according to every 2nd that
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you realize it's over now that tomorrow you have to pack your bags feels hotter and hotter. it's not nice. it's a very unsatisfying feeling and it definitely who it's a lot eating the food on them. yeah. to talk inside savvy, i guess i'm, is now we've played against one of the best teams in the world, and unfortunately we were knocked out. but fundamentally, i do believe that what germany is done with football, the way we performed here. we will and you know, i did as a team picks up one of the hard. i think you saw a mindset today that had been lost. yes. even just because of the late go, that's happened a lot late thing was why are we believing ourselves as a team? and i hope the team will believe in themselves in the future when i'm just a spect change that them. so all right, before we go, here's a reminder of the top story with following for you. this, you, as president obama has doubled down on his insistence that he is faithful and how the full he is in any money robes. poor performance in last week's devices. rival, don't,
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several potty members had co pay him to step aside from the can. right without the are up to date coming up. next is rid of that kasha looking at the brand many and how new generation of female design isn't working to keep it. cool. facing the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon about taking a loud noise would have been nosy de la. good. everyone to king, to check out the award winning called call. don't call back no other com dukes or drives like a mini from affordable costs to everyone, to riley icons of the 1960 space. the appeals to men and women alike anticipate
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winning for.