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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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on the business, dw news, life cumberland, ronnie lex, a new presidential, promises friendlier relations with the west. results from friday's run off show must suit possession with a convincing victory over his hard line rival. but it was the lowest turn out, and as long as the public's history also coming up, you as president joe biden insist in an interview that he is fit for another 4 years in the office. he's rejecting calls from members of his own party to abandon his re election effort after he appeared frail and confused in last week's debates and ecstasy in spain. as this national team wins a birth in the euro,
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2024 semi finals and agony in the host nation, germany a spans the their championship. dreams extinguished, the hi melissa chan, welcome voters in iran have chosen a new president. former health minister masoud possessed ken captured well over 2000000 votes over more than his hardline rival and fridays went off. he was the only candidate promising reform allowed to run, but his ability to deliver change in the shadow of a run supreme leader is limited. a new public face of the around leadership reform is low make and must have possessed and will now become the countries next president with his we announced by election authorities. i mean,
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i saw, you know, volume based on the numbers. mister masoud possess kia, honest, introduced as the elected president in the 14th presidential election of there is nomics republic, off the wrong a half to the announcement position, posted a statement on the social media platform ex, calling for unity and support from his countrymen. the people who appear on the elections are over and this is just the beginning of our past together. the difficult part ahead of us will not be paved except with your support, empathy and trust. i extend my hands to you and swear by my dignity that i will not leave you alone on this path. do not leave me alone. he can paint on premises of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal with western powers, saying he wants to. and he runs isolation with millions of, of radians, frustrated by the lack of real choice, slightly fewer than half of eligible voters cast ballots. well,
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some of his supporters took to the streets to celebrate. the moved into capital has been largely sober. the honestly speaking, i just hope the prices go down and jobs are easily found for young people and that's it. i do not have any other special feelings. i'm happy that mr. busier scan was elected with profess key on the sanctions will likely be lifted and that's very good amount of them unless it wasn't like i'm really not invested because these candidates only make slogans. and when they take power, they do nothing for the people. so i have no feelings for mr. possess can just, you know, the possessed. jen will be taking over a country facing internal divisions, deep economic problems, and growing international by solution with most of the power held by the supreme leader who is unlikely too old or iran scores. despite voters plea for
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change. h yelled, as our boss is the head of the doe, these persian service, i asked her how significant my suit possessions victory is for the country women. that's so there's actually only one significance. and the selection is that the romulans made the regime and make the world understand that they did not vote any of this candidates. they did not vote a president what they did for or actually is a kia, know to these allow me republic. let us not forget that over 60 percent of the population and these are official numbers, did not vote in the 1st round and even now, but we can assume that maybe only 15 percent of the population went towards and the machine is very aware of that. so they actually knew that this is kind of a referendum this election, and this is why it was so important to them to, to,
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to kind of, you know, gets people to vote. and i think actually it's very likely that the so called performance comes in that that's which is actually a very misleading term. but i come to the house later. that position has been wet to. it's actually only for dance to make people come to vote. but people who go on to not for, for that. um and i think also that the subpoenaed of how many actually position was history as choice. and i think they um, wanted to from the beginning um to have this so cuz the form is candidates as a president. i think that's a great point you make about the so called i also mentioned earlier, more reform minded, right in quotation like, oh so it sounds like there can, there won't be much of a difference with possession in charge or will there be a difference in terms of how he will lead, given the power of the supreme leader. you know,
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some domestically nothing will change and people know that you've audience have understood or have, let's say bitterly experienced for the last decade stuff. no matter what kind of so called performer or moderate candidates will become president. nothing will change, not only because they don't have the power to change a lot of things because the, the last, uh, willing decisions are by the supreme either. it's well how many, but only because reform is a parts of the system. they don't want a regina change, so let's maybe imagine it as a requirements and how hard line is being 2 wings of the system and both contribute to keep a, this system live. and so why? the only thing that's why we're, you know, they talking about maybe reformers is that's kind of making a or showing the west that there is some sort of a position which is not the case and runs have understood that right. but in the
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west we still think that there must be some sort of difference. so x turn away, how much of a difference will this make on some of the key questions that people are concerned about as well, there is one difference between position and jelly, at least from what he's said, is that he's more open to negotiations with the west where as jelly was saying that we only need russia and china and not the west. so i think that the right now for the economy, which is really not going well and you wrong. and as long as maybe for instance, find them is presidents or it is possible that trump will gets next president. they want kind of gets to negotiate. got it west in the hope of lifting sanctions. but we have to really not forget many people, anyone a very, it's that that's what actually leads a reformers, canada leads to you and the west,
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the u. s. for getting the people any wrong fighting for them and live freedom. i'm not, you know, paying to that anymore just to negotiate with this lemma. republic yelled as our bush, thank you so much for joining us. thank you. you as president joe biden has described his recent debate with donald trump as a quote, bad episode and is bound to stay in the presidential race calls were buying to step aside. have been growing since the debate with concerns about his health and fitness for office in an interview with us media binds said only a quote, the lord almighty as he put it could persuade him to drop out. but so far that isn't happening a for your for nancy paul joe biden as an damage control mode. in an exclusive interview with abc news and george stephanopoulos, he once again tries to explain away his poor performance and the debates with
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donald trump came. and you did have a tough my bad no, any keys, any serious condition. i was exhausted. i didn't listen to my instincts in terms of parents and as a bad night because i was sick and was feeling terrible. matter of fact, the docs with me as they did a cobra test to try to figure out what's wrong to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus, i didn't just had a really bad cold. and did you ever watched the debate afterwards? i don't think i did miss vitamin placed volumes performance in last week's debate with his rival. donald trump sent shock waves through the democratic comp more if we finally b, medicare taken president and president trump who is ready to be medicaid made it to death that is destroying medicare. d t one year old keeps trying to struggle for
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the criticism coming from his political opponents and his own party. andrews the despite shows of support like he enjoyed at this week's independent states and the patients concerns about biden's candidacy and sickness remain. at least 4 democrats in the house of representatives have called for by them to withdraw from the race high ranking party members are reportedly considering and by this condition behind the scenes, speculation surrounds a possible replacement vice president comma, the harris and california governor of gavin houston. are among those being considerate, both say they suppose biden's continued reelection efforts and finding himself says he is the most qualified person to be to donald trump november's election. you've got my man. i'm not going anywhere right now to some of the other stories making news around the world. you leaders have
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criticized a visit to moscow by hundreds prime minister victor oregon, where he met russian president vladimir putin, is the 1st visit to russia by a european liter. since the early stages of russia's invasion of ukraine, oregon says he was there to discuss a potential peace deal. he had recently visited ukraine. so lock is prime minister, robert fitz, so has made his 1st public appearance and surviving an assassination attempt. he was received with a standing ovation as he gave a speech marching a national holiday, fitz, or was seriously wounded in may after being shot 4 times at close range. the you case, new prime minister to your storm or has convene to the 1st cabinet meeting of his labor government sitting next to rachel reeds. britton's 1st woman to serve as finance minister stormer said to that quote, the work of change begins immediately. conservatives round the u. k for 14 years until their historic election last thursday. hurricane barrow has left mexico's,
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you could time peninsula mostly on skate after making land fall there as a category to storm. the hurricane is now headed for texas and is expected to pick up intensity in the gulf of mexico. merrill began as a category 5 hurricane and has left a trail of destruction across the eastern caribbean sports now and in the quarter finals of the year 2024 football championships. france has secured a spot in the semi finals. they were all square at nil now after 90 minutes, an extra time. the game then went to penalties and the french held their nerve to send christiano. rinaldo support to go home from the tournament. spain became the 1st team through to the semis. the spaniards scored 1st before germany equalized much to the joy. the game went into extra time with the sides locked at one all, but it was vain. who scored
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a just before penalties where it required. nicholas marino headed in the winter, sending fans in barcelona, and right across spain into a frenzy, as their team entered the last 4. this is what the germany national football team players had to say after their heartbreaking defeat. the moment the moment when you saw the boat fly into the go, that was of course, a step in the heart. it hurt. it does according to every 2nd that you realize it's over now that tomorrow you have to pack your bags feels hotter and hotter. it's not nice, it's a very unsatisfying feeling and it definitely hurts and not getting confused on how to talk in pleasantville. i guess i'm just now we've played against one of the best teams in the world and unfortunately we were knocked out. but fundamentally, i do believe that what germany is done with football, the way we performed here, we will, and you know, i did as a team picks up one of the hard. but i think you saw
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a mindset today that had been lost. yes. even just because of the late go that's happened a lot late thing was why are we believe in ourselves as a team? and i hope the team will believe in themselves in the future when i'm just a spect change that them. so to locate those in southern italy had been putting on a fearsome sho stromboli, a volcanic island north of sicily has been sending out clouds of hot gas and dust in recent days. and on sicily mount at now has also erupted spitting spectacular plumes of magma. after several months of dormancy eruptions have cause volcanic ash to fall on nearby villages and towns. on fridays, some flights were cancelled or delayed at the nearest airport in the city of cataneo. and with that, you're up to date up next, a documentary about hearing and how decisions we make in our youth can bring about hearing loss and even promot dementia. later in life, that's on doc film after a short break. don't forget you can always find more on our website at dw dot com
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and follow us at the w news. i'm alyssa chance. thanks for joining the january. 2021. the attack on the united states capital, thousands of people took pods and among them some of these manipulative voices. our former high ranking military leaders wanted us veterans 10 the backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within start to lie 12 on d, w here .