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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 6, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news life from berlin, a ron alexa, new president, who promised his friendly relations with the west. results from friday's run off show must you possess skin with a convincing victory over his hard lines, rivalled at voter turnout was the lowest. and as long as the public's history also coming up, turkey faced the netherlands in a year, 02024 quarter, final match over shadowed by a diplomatic route between the opera and berlin. a turkish player is banned after making a bar right gesture during the team's last match. we'll talk to our chief political editor, the
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i, melissa, gen, welcome, voters and iran has chosen a new president. former health minister must be possessed, can captured over well over 2000000 votes more than his hardline rival. in friday's run off, he was the only candidate promising reform allowed to run, but his ability to deliver change. and the shadow of a run supreme leader is limited. a new public face of the around the leadership reform is low make and most suited possessed to will now become the countries next president. with his we announced by election authorities. i mean, i saw several boy based on the numbers mister masoud possess pianist introduced as the elected president in the 14th presidential election of these nomics republic
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off the wrong the after the announcement possessed and posted a statement on the social media platform ex, calling for unity and support from his countrymen the people who appear on the elections are over and this is just the beginning of our pass together. the difficult part ahead of us will not be paved except with your support, empathy and trust. i extend my hands to you and swear by my dignity that i will not leave you alone on this path. do not leave me alone. he campaigned on promises of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal with western powers, saying he wants to and he runs isolation with millions of a radiance, frustrated by the lack of real choice, slightly fewer than half of eligible voters cast ballots. well, some of his supporters took to the streets to celebrate. the moved into capital has been largely sober. the honestly speaking,
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i just hope the prices go down and jobs are easily found for young people and that's it. i do not have any other special feelings. i'm happy that mr. busier scan was elected with sophisticated on the sanctions will likely be lifted and that's very good. one of them, unless it wasn't like i'm really not invested because these candidates only makes logan's and when they take power, they do nothing for the people. so i have no feelings for mr. possess. can just, you know, the possessed gen will be taken over a country facing internal divisions, deep economic problems and drawing international violation with most of the power held by the supreme leader who is unlikely too old or iran scores despite voters plea for change. yelled as our boss is the head of
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dw persian a service. i asked her how significant my suit possessions victory is for the country when the so there's actually only one significance. and the selection is that the romulans made the regime and make the world understand that they did not vote any of this candidates. they did not vote a president what they did for or actually is a tier no to these allow me republic. let us not forget that over 60 percent of to population and these are official numbers that did not vote in the 1st round and even now, but we can assume that maybe only 15 percent of the population went to wealth and the machine is very aware of that so they actually knew that this is kind of a referendum this election. and this is why it was so important to them to, to, to kind of, you know, gets people to vote. and i think actually it's very likely that the so called performance comes in that that's which is actually a very misleading term,
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but i come to the house later. that discount has been wet. it's actually only for dance to make people come to vote, but people need wanted not full for that. um and i think also that the supreme, the, the how many actually position was history as choice. and i think they wanted to from the beginning, um to have this so, cuz the form is candidates as a president. i think that's a great point you make about the so called i also mentioned earlier, more reform minded, right in quotation, right. so it sounds like there can, there won't be much of a difference with possession in charge or will there be a difference in terms of how he will lead, given the power of the supreme leader? you know, um, domestically nothing will change and people know that ivonya have understood or have lets say bitterly experienced for the last decade stuff no matter what kind of
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so called performer or moderate candidates will become president. nothing will change. not only because they don't have the power to change a lot of things because the, the last little decisions are by the supreme either. it's well how many, but only because reform is a parts of the system. they don't want a regina change. so let's maybe imagine it as a requirements hotline, as being 2 wings of the system and both contribute to keep this system alive. and so why? the only thing that's why we are, you know, they talking about maybe reformers is that's kind of making a or showing the west that there is some sort of opposition, which is not the case and runs have understood. that's right. but in the west we still think that's through must be some sort of difference. so x turn away. how much of a difference will this make on some of the key questions that people are concerned
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about as well, there is one difference between position and jelly, at least from what he's said, is that he's more open to negotiations with the west or as jelly was saying that we only need russia and china and not the west. so um, i think that the right now for the economy, which is really um, not going well. and you, ron, and as long as maybe for instance, find them is presidents or it is possible that trump will gets next president. they want kind of gets to negotiate. got it west in the hope of lifting sanctions, but we have to really not forget many people and you want a very it's that that's what actually leads a form is kind of that will lead to you and the west, the u. s. for getting the people any wrong fighting for them on life freedom, i'm not, you know,
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paying attention to that anymore. just to negotiate with this lemma. republic yelled as our bush, thank you so much for joining us. thank you. i to now to some of the other stories making news around the world. you as president joe biden has described last week's debate with donald trump as a quote bad episode and his vowing to keep running for re election calls providing to step aside have grown since he looked frail and confused after the debate in intel. in, in televised interviews, he said, only the lord almighty could and is big. tropical storm burial has left mexico's, you could 10 peninsula, mostly unscathed. after making landfall there as a category to hurricane. the storm is expected to regain hurricane at strings in the warm waters off of the gulf of mexico and for reaching southern texas. as soon as sunday night barrow has left a trail of destruction across the eastern caribbean. the lensky britons new prime
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minister care stormer has said that the former governments plan to deport language to wanda is quote, dead and buried on his 1st full day in the office storm recalls the conservative plant. a quote gimmick, he said is government's number one. focus will be economic growth too. so lucky as prime minister, robert fits so has made his 1st public appearance since surviving an assassination attempt. he was received with a standing ovation as he gave a speech marching a national holiday. fitz, though, was seriously wounded in a after being shot 4 times at close range, shut off listening seizures the turkish president read ship type or the one is visiting germany today to watch turkey's quarter final match against the netherlands. and the european football championship. airlines visit comes after triggers player maris demerell, made a hands gesture associated with a turkish far right group known as the gray wolves during
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a match against austria. the gray wolves and their salute are banned in some european countries. european football association usaa imposed a to match ban on demerell, including saturday's day joining me now. the studio is dw chief political editor, michela closer mckayla. there's been quite a diplomatic spat now between germany and turkey. can you tell us more? is not often the boss of as get some and after football match, but after this gray wolf symbol by the texas national fire at the terminal box that was summoned in tacky, which is highly unusual. you a fight imposed fine to too much fun. and somehow the tucker side sees that as a bilateral national issue was kind of also gives us an insight into how tucking sees its own state and how the legal rules should work. because the way for is removed from the power of the german government and, and now we've been so the boss of the,
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of turkey summit here in germany over the about very act also accusations of racism from the talker side. and we all seem quite an outrage debate in talking, but also fueled by political states that the statements by tuckers present at one himself being outrage saying, look, what's wrong with this after the german does. he has eagle honors, the french jersey has a control on this. we have our symbols and there's no big deal here. and it clearly at the talk is a political right wing of feels that this is political. the tuckers president does, and the talk is public is outraged. so this is a very toxic, nit match, not just for the stadium tonight, but also 5 for bilateral relations. so with air to one showing up in germany, could that mean more diplomatic implications for school? and what we expect to see tonight is
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a potentially very tons of the tense atmosphere inside that stadium here in berlin . we see the bite wings time groups quoting on fans here in germany, this 3000000 people living in germany with texas root. so many people will be torn in different directions here. anyway, they were called upon to show that very simple. it's not legally bond yet, i dare say here in germany. a but the interior minister of germany and nancy phase, the said it shouldn't be shown inside the stadium. so lies will be on tested for ad on the talks precedent with the he himself will use the symbol and the p's is own coalition partner, which is tied to the so called grade levels, organization back in tacky. so whatever happens the off the pitch says you will. so on the pitch has political implications tonight and was not only seen fans from turkey with over displays of controversial nationalism. we've seen it from other
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countries as well. is this something that's fairly new in, in sports, or is this something that's been happening for quite some time? was all completely new. but it's very notable that in this very climates where you've seen a shift to the vice in several european countries, also there's french selections taking place with the fall, right? is expected to make significant gains also in the 2nd round. and that's, this is also happening inside the stadium. also, on the other end of the spectrum, we saw a french national play, a be concerned that he might be able to wear the french jersey with pride basically in saying that if the fall wrong twins, that, that really is an issue for him. that's politics. him on, on the pits and he would now see of what could really be a very tense and dangerous situation tonight because it's also a safety issue. if you have this heated up atmosphere already inside the stadium,
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of course, everybody wants to win. but this will be an issue of pride and it will be an issue of political pride for the tuckers president himself, who allegedly is here on a so called private trip. but there's nothing private. the balance is focused president's being here into mckayla customer. thank you. so much for joining us. spain is not only celebrating advancing to the euro 2024 sun life finals. a major party has just got underway in pamplona. the sand framing festival kicked off with the ceremonial firing of a rocket from the balcony of city hall. this eskoville, famous for the running of the bulls, is dedicated to pencil and his patron saints and dates back to the end of the 16th century. it attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from spain and abroad. and with that, you're up to date coming up. we accompany a top athlete trying to balance for competitive life with being
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a mother that's next on sports life. don't forget, you can always find more on our website at the w. com and follow us at dw news. i'm also chance, thanks for joining us. the each tells my story of the people who planned me build dedicated van lines to me. i am not too dumb, depending on the offline may in the centuries they billed me, they created something and had to watch as i work destroyed. i have month to my cities days for centuries and accompanied my country.