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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from bell in your rom elect to a new president who promises friendly relations with the west. results from friday's run off. so my suit possess kilten with a convincing victory over his hotline rival. but both to turn out what's the lowest in the islam include public system. also coming on us presidential byte and rejects calls from members of his own party to abandon his re election efforts. he insists that he is fit for another for he has an office despite this poor performance in last week's dependence on turkey face benevolence in the euro, 2020 full bought
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a final match box. it is overshadowed by a diplomatic route between aka and ballot off to europe and footballs governing body bounds the turkish class for making a file right. just doing the teams last night. the gulf is welcome to the program boats us any ron? i've chosen a new president, the former health minister i'm a suit possess can received well over 2000000 volts more than his hotline rival. in friday's run of election, he was the only reformed candidate allowed to run about his ability to deliver change. and the shadow of a ron supreme leader is limited. a new public face of the around leadership reform is low, make him a so does says 10 will now become the country's next president with his we
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announced by election authorities. i mean, i saw, you know, volume based on the numbers mister muscle possess key ernest introduced as the elected president in the 14th presidential election of there is nomics republic, off the wrong after the announcement position posted a statement on the social media platform ex, calling for unity and support from his country. man. the people who appear on the elections are over and this is just the beginning of our past together. the difficult part ahead of us will not be paved except with your support, empathy and trust. i extend my hands to you and swear by my dignity that i will not leave you alone on this path. do not leave me alone. he can paint on premises of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal with western powers, saying he wants to. and he runs isolation with millions of a radiance,
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frustrated by the lack of real choice, slightly fewer than half of eligible voters cast ballots. well, some of his supporters took to the streets to celebrate the moved into the capital has been largely sober. of the honestly speaking, i just hope the prices go down and jobs are easily found for young people and that's it. i do not have any other special feelings. i'm happy that mr. busier scan was elected with success key on the sanctions will likely be lifted and that's very good. one of them, unless it wasn't like i'm really not invested because these candidates only make slogans. and when they take power, they do nothing for the people. so i have no feelings for mr. possess can just, you know, the possessed gen will be taking over a country facing internal divisions, deep economic problems and growing international violation with
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most of the power held by the supreme leader who is unlikely too old to iran scores despite voters plea for change. denny, it's a trend of it is a research fellow at the institute and national security and tell a v financing whether my suit possess k on has given any indication of how he will handle the conflict with the as well as well. uh, so you got the one beach still priority, that's for sure. and then we have to remember that decision is so this decision regarding these rallies being taken by the supreme either or not, the presence itself. so i don't think there will be a drastic change. but it is important to say that now we have a moderate president, that the secret, the national security council, they'll be wrong. actually if the body is ethical, made disagreement or want to do in advance like escalation with these well. so i think despite the fact that won't be a dramatic change,
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it's in soon or later. it's running a run was final stuff in the class. i think the fact that we have moderate presidents, we take it stolen, we have an effect on the one decision making process. so how much influence then will possess can really have, where can we see, where else can we see or expect a real difference? well, i think that's to me with the question, as we all know, yes, this, this'll be neither calls the shots or the holes the did you get? the decisions will be wrong, but it is important to say that the president has, and that's what it would be the case. we already mentioned the fact that the taking the national security council will be wrong. he's a point, the capital cost. it needs to be a cool particular point, his deputies. and so that's the reason i think it was the 2 main things. first, even though it was right to be as the lead time, a little personal in your mind. and 1st and foremost of both assets that you want to try to reach a deal with it with nothing you run,
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you can program because you mentioned amy's presidential campaign. now we'll have to wait and see who will be elected in us presidents the elections last week. once weather trampled by the next event, one c position. i'm fine. the hottest together with comments or even the sort from is from used to over you run the goals with trying to reach an agreement that when you use the print, the comic pressure on a run by these think the sanctions a thank you very much, dennis, to turn events to have from the institute, soul, national, security and television. thank you very much. us president joe biden has described his recent debate with donald trump as a quote that episode at is value to stay in the presidential race calls for binding to step aside, have been growing since the debate with concerns about his health and fitness for office in an interview with you as media by the said,
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only the little mighty as you put it could persuade him to drop off your finance people. joe biden is in damage control moment in an exclusive interview with abc news, and george stephanopoulos, he once again tries to explain away his poor performance and the debates with donald trump came and you did have a tough mine, is bad. so no, any keys, any serious condition. i was exhausted. i do listen to my instincts in terms of parents and as a bad night because my reception was feeling terrible. matter of fact, the docs with me asking they did a cobra test to trying to figure out what's wrong to do the test to see whether or not i had some infection. you know, a virus, i didn't just had a really bad cold. and did you ever watched the debate afterwards? i don't think i did it by and placed biden's performance in last week's debate with his rival. donald trump sent shock waves through the democratic comp
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if we finally b, medicare taken president by the president, trump? of course, right. he did beat medicaid beat it to death that is destroying medicare. the 81 year old keeps trying to strike off the criticism coming from his political opponents and his own party andrews day. despite shows of support like he enjoyed this week's independence day celebrations, concerns about biden's candidacy and sickness remain. at least 4 democrats in the house of representatives have called for by them to withdraw from the res high ranking party members are reportedly considering. and by this condition behind the scenes, speculation surrounds it possible replacement, vice president, common a harris and california governor given use and are among those being considerate. both say they suppose biden's continued reelection efforts. and finding himself says he is the most qualified person to beach donald trump, november's election,
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your job, my man. i'm not going anywhere right now . let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. tropical storm barrel has left mexico's, you can jump into a mostly on scale off to making land full. that as a category to hurricane a storm is expected to re gain full heart of can strengthen the will more to the gulf of mexico. before reaching southern texas soonest, sunday nights barrow has left the trail of destruction across the east and kindly be the 11th richard. is new prime minister, secure stop on the asset that the former government's plan to the port migrants to rwanda is quote, dead and buried on his 1st full day in office stomach hold the conservative supply and a gimmick. he said his government's number one focus will be economic wrote to come out with what was the problem, but it's of actually has prime minister what would fits so has made his 1st public
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appearance and surviving an assassination attempt. peebles received with a standing ovation as he gave a speech mocking a national holiday fits. it was seriously wounded in may, after being shop full times of close way. turkeys president resit 5 ad on is visiting germany today to watch trophies, quote, a final match against benevolence. and the european football championship adeline's visit comes off to a turkish play. i married demerol, made a hunters to associated with the turkish file ride group. the grey wolves during a match against old strip the repeated football association. you, if i'm imposing too much band on the new all, including saturdays game, fell in police, stopped the turkish friends parade into the stadium ahead of the game for making the adjust to almost the match has been overshadowed by diplomatic route, between 1000000000 and non correct. regarding that suggestion,
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dw is down to about sedona is that the olympic stadium in the berlin with turkey are taking on benevolence to night. but much of the focus has been on non football issues. he has more the yeah, definitely the matches been a little bit overshadowed by what has been going on off the page. so the last game against austria, turkish for many demi dogs in goal celebration, he made a wolf tester with his hands that has often been associated with the far right. so you a side, they opened up an investigation into this gesture and they ended up suspending him for 2 games that sparked a little bit of political outcry between turkey and germany and turkish officials saying that they feel that they've been treated unfairly. of course, it gets a little bit trickier here because i've talked to a lot of hands on actually in front of the stadium right now. and they told me that this is a gesture that trips who have been using for thousands of years as a normal greeting. and they feel that their right has kind of hijacked this symbol
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from them. so there's been a lot of calls to use the gesture today in the stadium. we don't know for what reasons it is, but there's a lot of tension heading into this match. now we've, we've seen the adjust to being displayed, that'd be a behind behind you. as we would tool, okay. you outside buttons, olympic stadium that tell us what the app is. he is like yeah, so this euro is, is very much also a home euros for turkey as well. we know there's a large target they ask for in germany, a lot of turkish people in berlin and there's been great support honestly for turkey throughout the tournament. from a fan perspective, the atmosphere has been great. each game i've been to a few of turkey games are ready. there's really strong fan support and that really helps the players now today, for example, we've seen nothing so violent. they were expecting a little bit of tension. there is a lot of police here more than other games for sure. that's police perfectly and german police, but so far as here it's are good. and a lot of the fans i talked to,
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they said, you know, they want to support their team and they want to push them into tournament a spouse and what can we expect from the match? it says, well coming in to this match. turkey is definitely the underdog. i mean, netherlands is a strong side on paper. they haven't really been so spectacular. and then they started to click in their last game against romania. of course. both sides are sides like to attack. the netherlands of course, has quoted geico, who is in the running to be one of the top scores of this tournament. now defensively the netherlands definitely has a little bit of a edge in this one, of course, places like virtual van dyke, but tech. he does have that fighting spirit. we saw that against us here. they're not afraid of being the under dogs. and hopefully it will be a fantastic match because both of these teams have given us some of the most exciting gays we've seen this tournament. so whatever the outcome, it will be a fantastic match either way. the best of the dw sports enjoy the match and thank
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you. of the things and spain is also celebrating not only advancing to the euro 2024 semi finals image the potty as just go to the underway in pump luna. the sun firm in festival kicked off with his ceremonial firing of a rocket from the balcony of city. a whole festival is famous for the running of the bulls. it is dedicated to components passions. saint dates back to the end of the 16th century, attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists votes from spain and from watching dw news, he is a reminder of the top story we have following for you anywhere on the phone. the health minister must suit possess account has been elected president, results from friday's run of election show the reform is candidates with a convincing victory over his pipeline. right. bosses was the lowest,
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turn out in the us while making the public system. and that's it from me on the new hosting for now, i'll have a world news update for you with the top of the out of next social reports. i don't miss that, that office in billing for me and the whole team. thanks for watching the, the untold story. i just want to point to the find it here. repos every weekend on d w. you cream was like a sticking points. it's you know, time what you into that warranty wants to be finished your studies. now you have a certificate from the train, you can just go back to somewhere else currently more people than ever on the move
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