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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CEST

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the, the business, the views live from ballot iran elect to a new president's who promises friendly relations with the west. results from friday's ron of show him a suit possessed him with a convincing victory over his hotline rival. the voter turnout was the lowest in the assignment's. republics is also coming to us authorities, issue stove and hurricane warnings. as tropical storm barrow, we gain strength in the gulf of mexico is expected to make land full in texas. on monday morning foss starkey vice benevolence and the euro 2020 full quarter
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final match. bob that is overshadowed by a diplomatic route between acura and bullying over a tractor supply and making it far right just to join the team. last, the i'm gonna hold off is welcome to the program, the voters in iran. i've chosen a new president's the full, the health minister. my thoughts possess gail and receive well over 2000000 votes more than his hotline rival. in friday's runoff elections, he was the only reform candidate that allowed to run, bought his ability to deliver change, and the shadow of around supreme leader is limited. a new public face of the around leadership reform is low make and most suited possessed and will now become the countries next president with his we announced by election
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authorities. i mean, i saw several volume based on the numbers mister masoud possess key ernest introduced as the elected president in the 14th presidential election of there is nomic republic. i'll be wrong. after the announcement position posted a statement on the social media platform ex, calling for unity and support from his countrymen. the people who appear on the elections are over and this is just the beginning of our path together. the difficult part off ahead of us will not be paved except with your support, empathy and trust. i extend my hands to you and swear by my dignity that i will not leave you alone on this path. do not leave me alone. he campaigned on promises of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal with western powers, saying he wants to and he runs isolation with millions of a radiance,
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frustrated by the lack of real choice, slightly fewer than half of eligible voters cast ballots. well, some of his supporters took to the streets to celebrate. the moved into capital has been largely sober. the honestly speaking, i just hope the prices go down and jobs are easily found for young people and that's it. i mean, i do not have any other special feelings. i'm happy that mr. busier ski on was elected with profess key on the sanctions will likely be lifted. and that's very good. one of them, unless it was like, i'm really not invested because these candidates only make slogans. and when they take power, they do nothing for the people. so i have no feelings for mr. possess can just, you know, the position will be taken over a country facing internal divisions, deep economic problems and growing international by solution with
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most of the power held by the supreme leader who is unlikely too old to iran scores despite voters plea for change just in france voters are about to head to the polls for a 2nd round of voting for the national assembly on sunday. final opinion polls suggest that follow right. lead them a really depends. national riley policy may fall shows of a majority, but president obama mccall could end with his central's alliance. losing nearly half of its seats. mccaul will stay in office until the presidential elections in april 2027. but he now faces the possibility of sherry pile with his political arrivals of far, right government, or political deadlock, french voters face a tough choice. many are worried that the country is heading into the political unknown to, to come on because we find ourselves with a big question mark of,
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of what could happen if this was whatever political brand could possibly be. piazza, whether it's the left is the new popular front. well, the far right national rally model. so i think like many, we simply ask ourselves questions about the future. marine depends far, right. national riley took a strong lead in the 1st round, a voting of victory in the 2nd round, could lead to an absolute majority in parliament and the pens for the j. jordan by adela, who is also the parties, president could become fonts as new prime minister. but in order to stop the far right, left between parties have put together a coalition called the new popular front of the in the 1st round of voting. they came in seconds. since then, the coalition has ost candidates who have little chance of winning to support
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stronger candidates, opposed to the national riley. and the latest pose suggests this strategy just might work. like i also have seen the viking map of friends and it's scary. it looks like the majority is with the far right. so obviously i don't feel very well . i think there are many of us who have this feeling many who are afraid for from, for the future. for the, the political campaigning has been marked by tensions and growing violence. more than 50 candidate and competing activists have reported being physically assaulted during the campaign. and the climate is so tens that authorities are deploying $30000.00 extra police for the vote. whatever the outcome of sundays run off, as it's not expected to bring good news for french president and monroe ma cron, his centrist alliance came in subs in the 1st round and pulse suggest it is headed
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for defeat. leaving many wondering how he will manage to hold on to the range of the country. now to some of the other stories making headlines today. the military leaders of these ad molly, unforeseen, a fossil, have ruled out the possibility of returning to the west african regional block, equal west the country. it's on the school. the rejection of the block at a regional summit where they signed a confederation treat to equal west has been urging the 3 countries to return to democratic for in bangladesh. thousands of people have does it now that in the capital doc. com to protest against the decades old quotes a system for government jobs. most of the students a job seekers demanding a reform of the quotes of policy that guarantees at least 56 percent of jobs go to set in types of classes. everybody's just president joe biden is described last
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week's debates with donald trump as a bad episode. case of this volume to keep running for re election. so calls for binding to step aside, have drones and c looked frail and confused. a debate in a telephone interview. he said, only the load, old mighty could and he's been in the us. authorities have issued a storm surge and hurricane warnings for months of the texas coast as tropical stone barrel moves across the gulf of mexico. viral hate mexico. so you could turn that into that as a category to hurricane on friday. then weekends to a tropical storm. mitchell metrology as expect the storm to re gain hurricane strength and they will mode as of the gulf of mexico before reaching southern texas as early as sunday nights in preparation for land folks acting. texas, governor. den patrick has issued a preemptive, does also the ration for 40 counties. now let's talk to mass. you can put
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cheese there. let me draw it just as atmospheric scientist and joe, let's see, joins me now from washington. d. c. a matthew a barrel. has been devastating. a very dangerous storm so far. what is expected for the next land full and when it is, is it expected? oh yeah, most definitely. we're expecting land falls sometime into sunday night into monday morning timeframe into a subject that you might notice. i'm at the airport right now and route to texas as we speak. now, you're correct. it has week into a tropical storm. it kind of encountered lander with an influx and week and a little bit haven't been removed from those one waters of the caribbean and eventually the gulf. but we think that will change eventually. we'll start to intensify once again. right now, which kind of inner intercourse is a bit lopsided, but i think by tomorrow morning, once that becomes reorganized, it'll start tapping into those warm golf mexican waters over 3 celsius and take advantage of influence for spreading a lot more. spreading upstairs,
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we get some more one woods here below, and i do think there are, we'll make the high end category one, perhaps the category to store somewhere near at corpus kristie, texas. now you explained why barrel is regaining springs in the how, but is this a normal development it is. we find that most of the time when we have higher and higher teams, it doesn't tend to be a gradual increase in strength to increase a little stair step 1st, might have a plateau, a faltering, then suddenly something will have been in this room alerts considerably in strength and so get a quick periods of strengthening in 6 years a weakening. what's interesting about this storm is that right now he's struggling to organize, but there will be an 18 to 24 hour window tomorrow in the very early monday, during which an intensified and around that point might be strengthened right up until the coastline. so i think tomorrow morning folks will look at the map, though it's not that bad. it will look very different on monday, having intensified me now apparently never before has such a strong stormed. we quoted so early in the atlantic hurricane season. what's
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behind this? of the records in back to 1851 satellites. go back to the early 19 seventies. that said, we've never seen a category 5 so early in the year, nor a storm this wrong in the atlantic during the month of july. part of the reason favorable new logical conditions just for when students with all the perfect were the readings overlapping that made a hurricane. but what supercharged this record one waters re 4 degrees celsius above average. in fact, records for this time of year and the oceans are just red hot, and the oceans look more like late august, early september and then the june july. and for that reason i think we're able to take ordinary storm, give it a big turbo boost and so it does bear a bit of a fingerprint use climate change. thank you very much, matthew. put you that. thank you. football. now bands england have been switzerland's in the 1st of 2 cold finals
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after your pin championship to the match proved to be another nearby to and then one all in regular time with no goals and extra time. the match went down to penalty, shoots out, trying to like send donald converse at the final spot, k 2 when that shoots out for england, 5 to 3. and the 2nd match of the evening has just started. turkey is taking all the netherlands in berlin county. that much is mill now. the match has been overshadowed by some controversy. one of turkey's most important players, various them are, all was banned by you a 5 after he made a half gesture that is associated with the turkish far right. group of great goals and protests, surface fans with pieces projects on most during the fun. moscow fell in today
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until police stopped the parade and dw is done about the loan is the big stadium in berlin. shortly before kickoff she told us more about the contractors. yeah, definitely. the matches been a little bit overshadowed by what has been going on off the page. so the last game against us too, at texas for many denby dogs in gold celebration, he made a wolf gesture with his hands. that's often been associated with the far right. so he way side, they opened up an investigation into this gesture and they ended up suspending him for 2 games that sparked a little bit of political outcry between turkey and germany. and turkish officials saying that they feel that they've been treated unfairly. of course, it gets a little bit trickier here because i've talked to a lot of hands on actually in front of the stadium right now. and they told me that this is a gesture that's actually who i've been using for thousands of years as a normal greeting. and they feel that the right has kind of hijacked the symbol
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from them. so there's been a lot of calls to use the gesture today in the stadium. we don't know for what reasons it is, but there's a lot of tension heading into this match. that was done about the loaner report, an audio from outside the olympic stadium in berlin are now spain is nobody celebrating advancing to the euro, semi finals. and i just policy is also just good underway and pump luna. the sun firm and festival kicked off with the ceremonial firing of a rocket and the balcony of cities. the festival famous for the running of the boys is dedicated to pump bonus. patron, saint dates back to the end of the 16th century, detract thousands of tourists from spain and from the you watching dw names here is a reminder of the top story we're following for you. any around the form of health
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minister masula pacific hill has been elected president, results from friday's run of. so the reform is candidates with a convincing victory over his hotline rival bought it was the lowest turn out in the islamic republics. and that's it from me on the new scene. thanks for watching the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital thousands of people took pods and among them some of these manipulative voices. our former high ranking military leaders wanted us veterans 10 the backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within start to lie 12 on d, w. the in september 1961. to 17 year olds met on the blue wonder bridge and dressed in.