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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2024 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the news life from berlin is on unless the new president who promises friendly relations with the west results from the lord show my thoughts as best can work on this thing. we see over his hard line driver. but most of the and out was the lowest. and these tom, it's republics. 5th street, also coming up french waters. go to the pools again on sunday and the on off of parliamentary elections. marie la pens, national valley is hoping to create the fullest, followed by the government in modern from president by calling centers to lions is expected to lose many seats in the national assembly and us a party. official storm and hottest in warning. such tropical storm better regains
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fenced in the gospels, mexico is expected to make land phone in texas on monday morning. the number such as to why was locked into the program or to send it on have chosen a new president. farmer has been a stem of food, but fish can just see when over 2000000 roots more than his hotline dry. well inside is drawn off. he was the only reformed candidate allowed to run, but his ability to deliver change and the shadow of it on supreme leader is limited on new public face of iran leadership, reformist law maker, masood position has become the country's next president with his when announced by election authorities, i mean, i saw
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a single volume based on the numbers mister masoud possess, key on his, introduced as the elected president in the 14th presidential election of there is nomics republic off the wrong and is for speeches, president, position thing to supporters. congratulations to the knowledgeable and the people up there on on the victory you have completed the work and taking a great step forward, he campaigned on promises of reviving the 2015 nuclear deal with western powers, saying he wants to end rounds isolation, with millions of arabians frustrated by the lack of real choice, slightly fewer than half of eligible voters cast ballots. while some of his supporters took to the streets to celebrate the mood and the capital has been largely sober. the honestly speaking,
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i just hope the prices go down and jobs are easily found for young people and that's it. i do not have any other special feelings. i'm happy that mr. bizarre scan was elected with success key on the sanctions will likely be lifted and that's very good. one of them and that's what i'm really not invested because these candidates only make slogans. and when they take power, they do nothing for the people. so i have no feelings for mr. possess can just, you know, the position will be taking over a country, facing internal divisions, deep economic problems and growing international isolation with most of the power held by the supreme leader who is unlikely to alter around this course despite voters. please for change of the that's good is good. let's skip more. victoria borderline. she is the executive director of the
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washington bist a border him on board of mine center for human rights in his on that's good to have you with us. i want to start by asking you, what does the reformist actually mean in practice in his on, i mean, can we expect reforms when it comes to human rights or the rights of women as well? not really because the reform is always in the confines of the sloane with republic and the confines of this lonely public. the law under the constitution exclude the majority of your audience, from participating in the politics of the country, or from the highest decision making. positions of the state. so naturally he has the new president has very limited margin of demand over because the leader hasn't changed and the concept of board yet and hasn't changed. so they are, they have the last word on any law that to reform,
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to talk to big change. but he, him positioning himself if you listen to him like a couple of years ago. and when you go back and he, he believes that the violence in the beginning of the revolution was appropriate, justified, not living women in the hospital without debate, even though there was no law manager to make the big mandatory is okay. and he thinks that, and he says that teaches critics should be able to come, you know, proof is there's where he slept. but critics of the stomach, you probably know the critics should be able to call and let's talk. but in the confines with the songs about the meeting, i'm excluding you, right? yes, we live in religion and state and they are in lots of the wrong hands. believing that in the separation of the regions and state, that means a meeting minorities, that means
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a meeting women because in the confines of based on what you thought the women have in the limited space to to participate. right? so then minutes when he's maybe call them a reform list, what exactly i'd be referring to. is it something like what you said the critics can speak out, but within the confines of the steps as well. you know, in order to do reforms, you'll have to bring people in, in the parliament, in the government who wants reform and who are willing to push to change the laws of this law. me public, which is impossible based on the constitution and the set off of the council council for this. i am the leader so, so that's, that's the reform the way it is understood in the wrong is a faction pools. reform is a they want a more open and society in the sense that they want maybe
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more use papers. they want, you know, less police precinct of women. but i've been doing this before is that the control, the control has had never been lifted as the new one. none of these factions quotes, reform use, right? have called for, you know, a change in the political system, the freedom of for the to go to the part of that 1st story. i've heard of them on the executive director of the washington based. i put them on board of on center for human rights and it on thank you. thank are now on farms waters but head to the boys for a 2nd. found a voting for the national assembly on sunday and finally opened in full suggest that followed. i'd lead to marine depends national value may force sort of a majority, but to present a matter of my call centers to lions. good. lose nearly hall for seats, macro,
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all the state and office on the presidential elections. the may 1st 2027 by t. now faces the possibility of sharing follow with this political drive of a fall, right? government or political deadlock, french voters face a tough choice. many are worried that the country is heading into the political unknown to, to come on because we find ourselves with a big question mark of, of what could happen if this was whatever political brand could possibly be, either, whether it's the left just new popular front. well, the far right national rally model. so i think like many we simply ask ourselves questions about the future. but really depends power, right. national riley took a strong lead in the 1st round of voting. a victory in the 2nd round could lead to an absolute majority in parliament and the pens for the j. jordan by adela,
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who is also the parties president, could become francis new prime ministry. but in order to stop the far right left when parties have put together a coalition called the new popular front in the 1st round of voting, they came in 2nd. since then, the coalition has ost candidates who have little chance of winning to support stronger candidates, opposed to the national riley. and the latest pose suggests this strategy just might work. like up to that false scene, devising my performance and it's scary. it looks like the majority is with the far right. so obviously i don't feel very well. i think there are many of us who have this feeling many who are afraid for from, for the future is full as in yellow. the political campaigning
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has been marked by tensions and growing violence more than 50 candidate and comparing not to this have reported being physically assaulted during the campaign . and the climate is so tens that authorities are deploying $30000.00 extra police for the vote. whatever the outcome of sunday's run of is, it's not expected to bring good news for french president and monroe ma cron. his centrist alliance came in search in the 1st round and pulse suggest it is headed for defeat. leaving many wondering how he will manage to hold on to the reins of power. stetsco to the us. now that policies have issue a storm surge and hotter can warnings for much of the texas coast as tropical storm . better moves across the gulf of mexico, better hips, mexico superintendents allows a category to how to stay in on friday. then we can store tropical storm region all just expect the storm to regain heart of can strengthen the warm waters of the gulf
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of mexico before reaching southern texas as early as sunday nights in preparation for land phone acting, texas. calvin, up then. patrick has a showed a preemptive disaster. the declaration for 40 counties matthew support, you joins me now. he is lemetre the largest most sprague, scientist and journalist. that's you're welcome to dw, we know that, but it has been devastating and it's a very dangerous storm. so far, what is expected for the next 10 fold? yeah, most definitely. we're getting ready for 3rd and final land phone back on the chicago's airport right now on my way down, texas, where you guys taking that land instead of 41 for low and category to what's happening right now is from the battle to 2 different number 10 is kind of rag if you have a lot of structure and there's right here wrapping around it. all those factors are trying, we can, but the same time water temperatures are very one over 30 degrees celsius. and
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moreover, i think tomorrow evening, sunday, monday morning will last upper level winds will last the which we are preparing for hurricane storm surge. but in the rain and a lot of wind as well. so does that mean the conditions you describe are eating better to begin strength or i think so. so how things like 2 different things like warm water and those water temperatures are some are what do you see and say, early to mid on the switch races, there's a lot of the top ocean, a key concept kind of really cool off was moving air and videos, showers and storms getting large become a pretty nasty storm. the other thing, too, we need more or less upper level wins if the winds upstairs are too strong. here to fall apart and knocked off kilter. that was an issue, but i think it would be less of an issue tomorrow night. so with those warm waters and palmer full of a wind in only about 12 hours time, the truck just go into a higher category one or you know, low. i'm going to just in time because there seems to be pretty only for such
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a strong storm in vietnam to kotik and seeds and isn't that what's behind that? yeah, so on tuesday we saw this. these are the category 5 status fairly or any other store . we served in back in like 1851, and more over the strongest form of all time in the month of july, in the atlanta. so what's possible? well, we do occasionally get hurricane during the month of july. in fact, the conditions, the atmosphere of this kind of fearful for hurricane to form what super charges were incredibly more modest. and here's the atlantic as a red hot records more lately your large parts, if you need these furniture. so all the extra on all the extra fee will really push this thing. you just talked to your territory, and i do think the remainder of the hurricane season to be pretty nasty as well. that was actually about to be by next question. do we have a sense of how bad things can go given that's 6 months or less than the hurricane season? you know, a long way to go. water temperatures are still record warm. and the other thing to
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we, the pattern falls in the use your wires and most make it easier for me to form and weaker upper level with when you have call me or upstairs and it's easier for someone to get organized. i do think this will be a long season, and fortunately to be formally active, or what we call in this year, the federalist mass. you can switch the beginning of the latest on hard of getting better. thank you so much, matthew. thank you. and the best updates you are up to date, but to stick around if you can, because up next i shall sports slice. take the look at the challenges facing an app for you to was now also a new month motto. of course, don't forget you can always get more news on our website. that's d, w dot com and to follow us on social media. hands is on board instagram and on x is at dw news. and you do know that you can always find that on youtube as well, which is also where you can find the live stream of the show. you're just watching . i'm number such as well. thank you so much for being with us.
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the prices got any issues or thoughts say, well crazy. the amount was i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport task. thanks. trace amount.