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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, french voters are a casting ballots and a poem entry runoff election that's expected to change francis political landscape . voters could put some original appends for right national reality in charge or game power and an easy collaboration between left is and a we can president emmanuel and back hall. also coming up. it was orange you for you in berlin as the netherlands knocked turkey out of the european championship porter finals, leaving germany's sizable turkish diaspora downcast. the
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. and welcome to you, our viewers around the world on michael local france is voting in the 2nd and final round of snap problem entry. elections. we're showing you live pictures now is french citizens filed their ballots at polls, which have been open now for roughly 2 hours. the result could produce the country's 1st far right government since world war 2. reading the pens, anti immigration, national rally stands a chance of winning a majority for the 1st time, but the outcome remains uncertain. the rise of the far right national rally has been the main talking point in this campaign. let's see how we got here and what's at stake for french and the rest of the world to today's votes started with a crushing defeat for president a manual and crawls renaissance party at the hands of the far right in europe and
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elections. to clarify the political situation, he dissolved parliament and called a snap legislative pull a gamble that the country was not ready to vote in a far right government. a gamble that seemed increasingly risky after the far right national rally easily took the lead in the 1st round of voting last sunday. the question now is whether they'll win an outright majority in the run off enough to rule without forming a coalition. that possibility frightens many and inspired more than 200 centrist and left wing candidates to pull out of the 2nd round earlier this week. to avoid splitting the anti national rally vote. the mood in paris has been both anxious and angry. the 16, this is your decision by my call isn't thought through. it's immature, he shot himself and a foot shot and the feet of all the french just put everyone into this impossible
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situation. i'm plunged everyone into a deep mess. were all on the same mess on it was don't i'm getting, i'm supposed to be now. how about items people are just really fed up and deeply frustrated. given that under president mccord's 2 terms, we've seen an explosion of the far right. even though one of the promises of the president in 20172022 was to set up a barrage against the far right of the call for his nap elections was meant to help the governing centrist against the far right. but had the unintended side effect of revitalizing the french left was formed the new coalition overcoming decades of bickering and disagreements. the left green coalition called the new popular front, pulled behind the national riley in the 1st round, but still well ahead of maxwell's party. on the far right campaigns, largely on an anti immigration platform and on pocket book issues, pledging to lower energy taxes for instance. but if it comes to power,
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it's historic animosity to the european union. and it's a nato could have major international effects in france for the far right to arrive in power and such a major. this is the 2nd biggest economy within, within the european union. and this is one of the world's biggest ministry powers. it's gotten involved in ukraine is involved in africa. it's, uh, it is country that, that, that really, you know, projects itself will be on this board. no matter what happens macro and will still be president. his term runs until 2027. but in the event of a right wing victory for a hung parliament where no party or coalition gets a majority, his powers will be diminished. and he'll be stuck with a new government for at least a year. the minimum before he can see a radically dissolved parliament and call new elections again. now earlier i spoke to dw correspondence showing you've found that card in paris.
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and i asked her about the likelihood of the national rally winning an absolute majority as well. this is an absolute, pivotal deal floating today in france with the hot right and i should ready, really and an unpleasant president position of strength going into the 2nd and final round or 14. but we have seen and we some days frantic efforts by the left wing a line so new popular front and my call center. so lines to really block the far right to this strategy has been just kind of withdrawal candidates from 3 wave on offs and uniting behind the remaining container that has the best chance to block to defeat the the far right. and i shall candidates, and the seems to be paying off so far. the opinion polls show that the natural gravity may get just above 200 seats and parliaments. that's the wind short of the $289.00 seats required for an absolute majority. but that's still a lot of unknowns today. one big concern is that not all of my call centers. allies have united behind the strategy to block the far right. we've heard from lawmakers
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who don't equate to the left with the fault, right? in terms of extremes, policies that are concerns that this could prevent some central assault us today from voting for the left and run off against the far right. and so i think a lot today depends on where the voters would heat the school. i mean, 3 bodies to block the fall, right? really whole that noises. i'm multiple candidates. what really far removed from their initial choice in the 1st one. so now we're hearing the campaigns been marked by threats and even some physical violence. what can you tell us? or that's right, i've been discomfort and has been you know, really kind of shocked it. intense and really polarizing we've heard from interior minister general demo says 51 candidates or the deputies in part. the active as have been physically attacked so far by people of wearing backgrounds. the french media have been reporting a lot of spike in heat speech and waste of incidence across bronze during this campaign. to give you just a couple of examples that are reports of pamphlets targeting black people that have
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appeared in mailboxes in a virus. some of recently in the southern city of, of you know, um there is a local bakery that report to the hired an apprentice from the ivory coast that we can even started with the recent slogans and set on fire. i makes lots of really expressed concerns that the so just, you know, support for the fall right now seems to be making some people comfortable with using races and veto feed for big language openly in public life. we've also seen a few candidates of the far right, and i shall gladly being engulfed and controlled vesee some of them boasting hate messages, reese, of speech and social media post. and to add to all of this, the fields of violence tonight and fire with some of the cities, regardless of the outcome of the world security here has already been tied to the olympics. it's been based up for the tonight with more than $30000.00 offices on the ground. so the 2nd wonderful thing is certainly taking place in a very charged atmosphere. it again dw corresponded sonya found out there in paris. now to some of the other stories making news around the world as we speak,
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the military leaders of new share molly and but conf also have ruled out the possibility of returning to the west. african regional block echo was the country's underscore, the rejection of the block at a regional summit, where they signed a confederation treaty echo was, has been urging the 3 countries to return to democratic rule. a nasa project to test how humans could live on morris has concluded for volunteers spend over a year living inside a window list structure, which was designed to recreate the conditions on the red planet. the mission is the 1st and a series of projects that nasa hopes will prepare people to live on the moon and march. nearly 3000 people have rallied against mass tourism in barcelona. the popular travel destination in spain's ne, demonstrators say the number of visitors is forcing shops and businesses serving local people to close. local authorities, say housing costs in the city have sort,
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almost 70 percent in the last decade. the city band towards the apartment rentals last month. at least 16 people have been killed in and then is really air strike on . are you in school in gaza? according to the homeless run health ministry. the school in under through rod was reporting the sheltering displays. palestinians, these really military says it's aircraft quote struck several terrorist operating instructors located in the area of andrea's l. johnny school to football. now and england have beaten switzerland in the 1st of 2 quarter finals at the european championship. the match, remove proved to be another nail biter ending one all in regular time with no goals and extra time the match went down to a penalty shoot out. trent alexander arnold converted the final spot, kicked a window, shoot out for england, 53. and in the 2nd matter of the evening,
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the netherlands be turkey too advanced to the semi finals. the turkish team took the lead early on in the 1st half and fiercely defended it into the 2nd. but in the 76 minute, the ducks turn the game around, scoring wants to draw even then again, 5 minutes later with an own goal by a turkish player. the final score to one to let's bring in danielle barcelona, some d, w. sports done. there you are at the olympic stadium in berlin that last night for the netherlands. tricky match. i imagine it was electric. yeah, it was absolutely thunderous. it was passed. oh, there's thousands of people there, the stadium holes over 70000 people. and it was totally full. now the majority of those fans or turkish fans actually because we talked to it before this tournament is almost like a home tournament for turkey. and there's a large turkish population in germany,
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especially in berlin. and they bring some of the most fantastic atmospheres leading up to games. now also the novel is one of the fan groups that bring a lot of, you know, the orange fans going lasting going, right. we saw everything last night now leading up so much those a little bit more tension. and there's a lot more police presence that i've seen at other matches, especially because there's a lot of political tensions going on. off the pitch air. the gun was in attendance, so they were tardies police. that's police and german police, but to be honest, the atmosphere was pretty peaceful, and the fans were just wanting to have a lot of fun and celebrate football. me. in the 1st semi final, spain will take on french. what can we expect there? well, spain so far is the only thing. that's one, all of their games in the tournament and they've been in terms of performance and consistency. the most impressive side, i think they really oh good. yeah, definitely. so they're very good. obviously we know at possession they can possess the ball,
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but what the font that has added to his team. i think we talked to us before as well. is that he added verticality and directness, they can get the wall fast out wide to their plays like nika, williams. you mean a lot more like these players can hurt you one be want to now they possess with the intent to score goals and that makes them very dangerous. that being said, they're coming up against friends who although have been criticized for being lack luster. have so much quality in their side. now the quite can is, can they start to click at the right moment because against, when it's going to be the hardest test they've had? do they have the players, can they get the results? yes, i mean, they need to be a little bit better in their attack. you know, they haven't even score and a goal from open play in the tournament to own goals and one penalty shot. so hopefully for us can start to click and we see a very good game. and of course it's the brits and the dodge in the 2nd bedroom. so it's, i mean, in glenn is another one of those sizes that we've talked about. um, you know, a lot of quality favorites come in to the tournament,
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but questions about why they're curious southgate can really get the most out of his players. they play a little bit pragmatically, now we can say whatever we want. but under southgate and for tournaments they've gotten to the semi finals 3 times. so the results speak for themselves and they have those layers like a jew, bellingham, for capable of coming in and really changing the game in an instant, even if they're playing. maybe not so well. now the netherlands, it's kind of an outside or they've always had good squads, but they've kind of under achieved. and this, this time they have a very solid team. and what's happened is they run into the turn of it. so now they're really starting to click at the right time. we saw them yesterday, you know, fight from behind to get a wind in a very difficult stadium where their, their friends were definitely not the majority. so they've shown that have the character to overcome the difficulties, and they have the talent both in attack and in defense to potentially have an upset . so listen, i lost my bragging rights into the very beginning. i was predicting
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a germany france final. that clearly is not going to happen, so i'm going to put you on the spot. okay. when the absolute last whistle sounds, who walks away a winner? i think spain just because they play the best football, they have a balance side and they have experience. but that mix of use players who can come in and change the game because we still have that excitement as i think in this one span. but honestly, i wouldn't be surprised of english scripts through you're not saying spain because your last name is barcelona by any chance? no, i use a daniel barcelona, dw sports. many, many thanks is always as well. spain is not only celebrating advancing to the u. 202470 finals. a major party has just got underway in pamplona. the stand for nene festival kicked off with the ceremonial firing of a rocket from the balcony of city hall. the festival,
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same is for the running of the bulls is dedicated to pamplona. his patron saint, and dates back to the end of the 16th century is a trans, hundreds of thousands of tours from spain and abroad. and will ended there more news at the beginning of the next stage. innovation green, the green revolution global sold listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to the subscribe to plan. it's a me .


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